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Found 5 results

  1. It's Talk Like a Pirate Day Aye! Ahoy! Arr! Ach nooouuu
  2. In honor of Talk Like A Pirate Day, what's your favorite pirate film? Tis always harrrrrrd to choose just one, says I. But so long as ye watch any pirate movie, all is right in the world, aye?
  3. Hey guys! So, I’ve been wanting to do a review like this for a while now, and I decided that now would be a good time, for whatever reason. Hope you guys like it! Also, there will be NO MAJOR SPOILERS for the anime nor the manga of One Piece. The only things that will be spoiled are the names of certain locations and characters. No major plot points will be brought up. Overview: One Piece Pirate Warriors 3, released in August 2015 in North America and Europe for PS3, PS4, PSVita & Windows PCs, is an action game published by Namco Bandai and developed by Omega Force. It is, clearly, the third in the Pirate Warriors series, which is a series of One Piece games made in the same way games like Dynasty Warriors and Hyrule Warriors are. Now, Warriors games in of themselves are very subjective. Several people love them, and several people hate them. It really is just a case of, “Will you get bored with this in 15 minutes?”. With that being said, let’s get on with the show! Presentation: Pirate Warriors 3 looks very good. The environments have nice and fun details to them, and all the visual effects for the characters’ attacks are fun to look at, too. The character models themselves are just alright for the PS4, but considering they look pretty much identical to the PS3 version, it’s not that big of a deal. And of course, the number of enemies that can be on screen is truly amazing. There can be hundreds of enemies on-screen at once without any slow-down. Though this number of enemies really is only limited to the PS4 version, as the PS3, Vita, & strangely even the PC versions cannot have that many enemies on-screen at once. This is really the only reason to get either the PS4 version over any of the others if you can. The voice acting is, sadly, completely Japanese. There’s no way to change the voices to English. Which is a shame, because the voice acting in the English dub of the One Piece anime is great, and having all the voice actors come back for their roles would be great. However, in the end, it’s not that big of a deal. Story: The story is...well, pretty much how it’s followed in the anime/manga. Though for anybody curious, without any major spoilers, here’s a basic run-down: Monkey D. Luffy, a young man with a straw hat that can stretch his body out to insane lengths, journeys out to sea so he can find the One Piece and become the king of the pirates. Along the way, he meets several characters that join him in his crew, including Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and Sanji. Together, they adventure through the East Blue, the Grand Line, and the New World, helping others along the way and defeating powerful foes, both other pirates and Government officials included. That’s a basic summary of the plot. If it sounds interesting to you, I recommend that you check out the anime or manga. The game itself only follows the most important parts of the story, and you’d get a much better experience of the story with either of those. With that being said, there is one part of the story, the final chapter specifically, that is considered non-canon to the actual story of One Piece. Gameplay: This is the biggest, and best, part of Pirate Warriors 3. Gameplay in this game has you mowing down thousands of enemies per stage, pressing buttons to perform ridiculous combos that give you a great sense of power. And of course, each character is unique in play style. As you play as a character, you can level him/her up, and use coins to upgrade your character. The game also has several modes for you to play through. Legend Log is the basic story mode. You play through important locales throughout the series on a stage-by-stage basis. Doing certain things within these stages, such as getting an S rank on them or doing in-stage missions, will get you coins that you can use to upgrade your characters’ stats, or unlock new costumes/special moves. Also, naturally playing through all of Legend Log unlocks most of the characters in the game, as well as several costumes. Free Log lets you play through any stage in Legend Log with any character and any costume. Most of the same things in Legend Log apply here, except you may need to play some stages in Free Log to unlock some things, like costumes. Dream Log is one of the more unique modes in the game. This mode has you walking from island to island on a world map. Each island is a new stage for you to play through, and several islands have powerful foes for you to fight against. The first time you play through it, each powerful foe that you defeat adds him to your roster of playable characters. And of course, awaiting at the end of it all is Red-Haired Shanks himself! Nightmare Log is the same thing as Dream Log, except all of the islands you go to are Level 100; 50 levels above your typical maximum. You need to unlock certain coins to make it so that your characters can break the level 50 level cap. And even then, good luck trying to beat all the islands. Nightmare Log is a huge challenge, and you’ll be lucky to die only a dozen handfuls of times. With all of that out of the way, I do have a couple of problems with the gameplay. First, the camera can be bad at times, though this isn’t too often. Second, and this really is just a small and personal bias, I feel like several characters that should have been playable in the game just weren’t. Hody, Arlong, and Kuro just to name a few. Though neither of those are massive problems. Rating: One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 is a fantastic game, not just for One Piece fans but also for fans of either high-action games or the Warriors games. While it does have a few minor problems, the game is still amazing. I give Pirate Warriors 3 a rating of… 9/10!
  4. Avast, me harties! Today (September 19th) be Talk Like a Pirate Day. To help ye scurvy dogs, I be sharing a video of me favourite comedy troupe: Tis a fine day to sail the seas!
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