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  1. (KHIII Spoilers) The Keyblade Graveyard: such an unnerving world. This is a land of dead Keyblades, crazy black robed cults, and a very raged-induced suit of armor. Join our Guardians of Light as they encounter shocking to unimaginable moments they’d rather not come across again. (Parody)(Has some language)
  2. "Xehanort. Oh how smart he was. I mean, he had us all fooled. From the constant games of cat and mouse, to the twists and turns he had us in. That light, Oh boy that Light. False, Fake, Lost, Imaginary, Unreal, Untrue. But we used it. God, Everyone used it. It brought us power to defend, and now, we don't have it. That Light we fought to protect, was false, a lie. It was our doom. We weren't even prepped for it. We fed into the hands of Xehanort and he handed us over to Lucifer. You see, you thought that Light was innocent. Well, you have another thing coming. You were just tickling Lucifer's power, and he wants it back." Lucifer was resurrected through the people Who were called Light Bearers. This Light was Lucifer's power. Many years Xehanort stumbled upon this Light, And grasped at it's True Form but what he saw, was a force unspeakable. Lucifer's Soul, Mind, and Body was in the presence of Xehanort. Xehanort with power in mind, struck a deal with the Celestial being. Power for freedom. To rule in exchange for Lucifer's unshacklement. Xehanort flocked at the opportunity, it brought him great joy. So for many years, Xehanort planned to free the light. Through all of the people who used it. He would turn their very power against them. He caused The Second Keyblade War. Through years of scheming. He learned from history to remake, to redo the war But this time, finish it. His second attempt at The X-blade was a success. In this war, The X-blade forged and with it Lucifer brought an unruly wrath upon The Worlds. "Everyone fell into my hand. Like playing cards. *Laughs maniacally*" Xehanort and Lucifer. The Duo of doom had brought the fate of the Worlds to pass. Lucifer left Xehanort with the gift of being King of The Worlds. While he moved on to a much more intimate task. It Tantalized him, Vector Heaven where he discarded many lives of The Angels And cast the weak to Mortality for Xehanort to rule over. Many Angels tortured and Scorned but others came to realize. They bore the True Light of Heaven, Divine, And Hope. With the efforts of Heart in Mind, many were able to forge The True Keyblades. Become The True Light Bearers, and Succeed The Worlds. Their goal far in reach, Their powers weak,and their bodies , shelled. They stand ready. It's time Angels. Show Lucifer The True Gift of Flight. The True Gift of Light. This Is Metatron. Scribe of God. Wishing you luck on this Journey. I no longer have the Strength to see heaven. Godspeed, Brothers and Sisters. *cough cough* Please- - do not ... fail... (This Spoiler Contains Cinematic Pictures) Thesis: You are an angel cast from heaven and has discovered gods true light called "The Loyce". It brings power to your weapon(s). it is limited Source since the ruling of Xehanort. Find what angel you are and model your power. Rejoice and fight Xehanort. Then bring wrath to Lucifer. The task at hand is important. Heaven is important. Lucifer can't be met with his body, more importantly he can't take the throne of god. there are many place everyone can be but i would like everyone to start in a Distopia/Post apocalyptic Twilight town. The clock tower is still standing but the world around is in dismay. Demonic heartless are the main creatures that roam around. They are defined by a major sin (Lust, Wrath, Greed, Sloth, Pride, Envy, and Gluttony some are combinations) I will control the major bosses in the story like Lucifer, Xehanort, The Many Amped up Heartlesses, and Other Canon characters from many Franchises. Rules: One - Two Character per person. Limited Space Only be accepting 4 to 8 Rper's unless you think you are very active. PG13 Basic KH13 Rules Apply. At least 4 sentences each post. Mid - Advanced lit. Accepted. Add favorite eye color if you read the rules. only Original characters no Canon. Please try and be active, Tell me if you can not post or if in need of a break. Just cause you are an angel, doesn't mean you can God Mod. Leave it to The G-man. Be wary and warned you character might die same as my characters. But that's MIGHT and if so you have a second character. I will of cource talk to you about it before doing so. If you say no, you say no i'll understand.(No one is invincible) Character sheet: Name: (A name you want to go by, can also go by the angel name) Angel: Arch form: (Transformation you can go into) Gender: weapon: (Any type of weapon with a keyblade twist to it) Abilities: (Pick an ability and Build of it: Two abilities that Differ from each other tops) Personality: Appearance: Quirks of your character: (Like if he has amnesia, or does he has a connection with another character:Romantic, Platonic, Sibling, Fraternal) Reserved Angels: |!| Characters |!| That I will be playing. Name: Ezekiel Lau Angel: Ezekiel "Angel of Dictation" Arch form: Gender: Male weapon: Mercer (A mace that has a spike that extends at the top of it and blades that can grow and shrink into a crested axe blade around the perimeter of it.) Abilities: Symatix (The ability to cause and control pressures, Especially Sizemic forces.) He controls the force out Put with how many fingers He puts up. Personality: Strong-hearted, Very calm, Driven by Duty, Hates Family Conflict between angels. Think lucifer is entirely wrong. He will die for his friends and family but is also easy to forgive. If an angel misbehaves he will Scorn them, Until they decide to change their ways. Appearance: Quirks of your character: He Developed Smoking While be mortal, not addicted but he tries to understand that heart of cancerous things much like how he believes lucifer to be, a self-penance for him not being strong enough to fight Lucifer. He'll take on the Suffering of Heaven For however long lucifer stands Crowned. Name: Castiel Carver Angel: Cassiel "Angel Of Thursday" Arch form: Gender: male weapon: None Abilities: Testamandments - Uses Emotion to construct weapons that have different Effects, Hatred - Throwing Daggers - Explodes Hope - Shield - Protection Joy - Heals None Severe Wounds - Health Sorrow - Creates Small illusions - illusionary Fear - Creates Weapon That can Break Over time Or with Obsessive use - Weak Creations Personality: Jokester, He can be very nimble in conversation with him being a cherub that got his wings and became an archangel he knows little about how to behave himself. He is tamed around good company but when he let's lose he more than Deviant. He likes to play little tricks and he Doesn't know how to conserve His Power. But he good For Saving People. He once saved a kid, with his cat, from a tree which he is very proud of. Appearance: "Y'got'et as Foretold." Quirks of your character: Has a Distinct accent. British And he Is vegan For what it's worth. Has Catchphrase " Y'got'et " and he uses it very loosely. No one knows what that means to him.. he laughs and smile a lot. Name: Hael Mozette Angel: Hael "The Angel Of Kindness" Arch form: Gender: Female weapon: Yo-yo And various Children Toys Abilities: Dream Taking - Uses Child Like innocence To Do things Only thought in Imagination. Making Balls Bounce against the wall that feels Like Punches from Mike Tyson, or Making Yo-yos Zig-zag through the Air Effortlessly. turning Children games into Real Applicable abilities. For example Turning Freeze tag to actually cause Paralysis. Personality: See is really kind and sweet. She Is Afraid of people who yell but stands up to evil doers. She never can say no to people who have helped her and feel like she has to pay them back by helping them always. Appearance: Quirks of your character: She Is 4"10', And Acts 12 years of age. She barely got her wings so she is wonky on flying. She loves sweet. She has a lot of Dumb luck, And no one knows how she survived this long.
  3. -Epilogue- http://a.tumblr.com/tumblr_kzsmfqWdwQ1qbngsko1.mp3 The Year: 2015 A study was conducted called Lazericabyss, On April 2nd At 3:01 pm. Doctor Skeevik developed an Antibody that was nearly able to cure every disease known to Man. Aggressive, Agile, Intelligent, The Antibody could learn inside The Host, Adapting, Reacting, Organizing itself. Here were his Audio notes: 4:52 pm "Patient 001 died Immediately after injection. Cardiac Arrest was expected. Moving on to Patient 002." 9:23 am. "Patient 014.Died Several Minutes after injection. Severe hemorrhaging from Eyes, Ears, Nose, And Mouth." 12:00 am "Gosh Damn it, Patient 073, Bit me. Showing Signs of Intense Aggravation, Going to the medical room to sanitize." 2:00 am Whispering "I came back from the medical room and the door to Patient 073 was open. There's signs of struggle, and forced entry. There's blood marks on the ceiling. Leading to th- Oh god. He's heading for the main laboratory. (Incoherent Audio). (Rustling noises) That was the last of Dr. Skeevik's Audio Notes. Before long, not even 24 hours...The Virus Spread. It was more aggressive, It was smarter.Patient 073, now dubbed Apex, was loose in the laboratory, attacking high ranking scientists those who may have been smart enough to create a cure, are being wasted one by one in the halls they worked in. Nothing they could do to defend themselves. Apex was smarter, faster, stronger. They died, mainly with their backs turned. Eaten alive. The ones who were left unmangled rose back up and for the ones who tried to help them were eaten by the ones who had gotten back up. The Virus carried through contagious bite but if you were lucky enough, you would have gotten it airborne. Some changed through the virus airborne version and didn't show any symptoms until their heart rate reached that of someone going through fight or flight responses. Then...they'll change. Soon it was out of the laboratory and out in the streets. It found it's way to our Schools where our children were. First, mayhem broke out. People were dying. The news called it 'cannibalism'. The church called it 'Apocalypse'. Second, Riots broke out. Man were turning against man. Killing each other. 'Survival of the Fittest' they said. 'Strongest must survived, They willed' Capturing Women and Children. The Surface was no place for a human anymore. There's no place for a human anymore. All that remains now, is Monster. Third, The World went quiet. Countries were no longer communicating with each other. First China, Africa, and Europe ceased all actions with America. Then they began to see The Virus blossom in their own countries. There was nothing they could do. It seemed like vegetation was unaffected by The Virus. And Fourth but not least, It mutated. The Human Husks hosting The Virus became 'Humanoid' More like Beast than Man. More like Demons than Beast. More like Devils than Daemons. The ranks of the dead out rank the living. Now, they were able to hunt. To lurk. To savor. They want your flesh. The Humans that survived lived day by day for Self benefit. Pathetic. And Now, here we are....The year is 2016, January 13th, Wednesday 5:15 am Sharp. You are waking up. You are one of the many that we given The Virus a new form to evolve it. You , The Olympian, has been adapted to handle The Virus. You are immune. You can smell, and sense The carriers of the Virus. You're stronger, Faster. You are The Rival to this Virus. And you will see to it that it burns. I, Camiliana Zoeyline, A scientist in Rest Assured Pharmaceuticals, Assistant to Dr. Skeevik. have released you from your prison. Now Go my Super Soldiers...Save Humanity. Now, as you wake up and open your eyes to look at the monitor infront of you, You see a Scientist woman putting a Revolver with tears in her eyes and the screen goes to static. A glass vault door opens right infront of you, and The restrains like a straight jacket releases you. And you are freed. You pull out a tube out of your throat and stumble out of the glass vault to a white table with clothing and food. Rules Standard KH13 Rules Apply No Godmodding Keep it PG13 with A little Gore If graphic please put NSFW warning before your post No God Characters, You will get hurt No one can dodge everything No Magic only limited to skills I am Lina Vickers, The Mind Miester, I control a number of NPCs and what they do in the world Gretti Kyla is World Master that can control time and space in the world like events and time of day KuriKye is Co World Master , Inventory, and Advisor so, If you have problems, Please Pm KuriKye Post The name of The Study to let me know you read The Rules ~Character Skeleton~ Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Atomics: Bio: Skills: (Up to one Archtype) Abilities: (Up to two) New abilities can be learned over the course of the RP. And Remember...~Feel Free to Rp~ ~UPDATE~ Here's The Rp Once you have been Accepted: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/85789-live-rp/ And If there's ANY confusion if whether or not you can make your own Npc, You can. You can have Only One Npc. Of Course All Of these Rules Also Apply to Npcs. If your Character dies you can create Another one, there are unlimited submissions when your Character dies. So you can keep trying to your hearts content to see what you could have done different and try mix and match between Skills and Abilities to see what works best for you for your character to survive. Difficulty Of Surviving Is guaranteed which is why what you pick doesn't affect the story because in the end we want you to be immersed and for you to pick the best method for your character to survive. Here Are The Npcs: My Character: Name: Zaria Yuichi Xipil Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: Atomics: Cyborg (Skeletal system) Bio: She was in The Military when the first outbreak started, in order to lower the death rate the military went through extreme measures to lower the death count of soldiers. They implanted parts of soldiers body parts with indestructible cybiotic technology. She is naturally adept in stealth and combat. She sticks close to her duty and believes that humanity will find the cure. Skills: Shadow Dancer Abilities: Skilled Fighter & Parkour
  4. -Epilogue- http://a.tumblr.com/tumblr_kzsmfqWdwQ1qbngsko1.mp3 The Year: 2015 A study was conducted called Lazericabyss, On April 2nd At 3:01 pm. Doctor Skeevik developed an Antibody that was nearly able to cure every disease known to Man. Aggressive, Agile, Intelligent, The Antibody could learn inside The Host, Adapting, Reacting, Organizing itself. Here were his Audio notes: 4:52 pm "Patient 001 died Immediately after injection. Cardiac Arrest was expected. Moving on to Patient 002." 9:23 am. "Patient 014.Died Several Minutes after injection. Severe hemorrhaging from Eyes, Ears, Nose, And Mouth." 12:00 am "Gosh Damn it, Patient 073, Bit me. Showing Signs of Intense Aggravation, Going to the medical room to sanitize." 2:00 am Whispering "I came back from the medical room and the door to Patient 073 was open. There's signs of struggle, and forced entry. There's blood marks on the ceiling. Leading to th- Oh god. He's heading for the main laboratory. (Incoherent Audio). (Rustling noises) That was the last of Dr. Skeevik's Audio Notes. Before long, not even 24 hours...The Virus Spread. It was more aggressive, It was smarter.Patient 073, now dubbed Apex, was loose in the laboratory, attacking high ranking scientists those who may have been smart enough to create a cure, are being wasted one by one in the halls they worked in. Nothing they could do to defend themselves. Apex was smarter, faster, stronger. They died, mainly with their backs turned. Eaten alive. The ones who were left unmangled rose back up and for the ones who tried to help them were eaten by the ones who had gotten back up. The Virus carried through contagious bite but if you were lucky enough, you would have gotten it airborne. Some changed through the virus airborne version and didn't show any symptoms until their heart rate reached that of someone going through fight or flight responses. Then...they'll change. Soon it was out of the laboratory and out in the streets. It found it's way to our Schools where our children were. First, mayhem broke out. People were dying. The news called it 'cannibalism'. The church called it 'Apocalypse'. Second, Riots broke out. Man were turning against man. Killing each other. 'Survival of the Fittest' they said. 'Strongest must survived, They willed' Capturing Women and Children. The Surface was no place for a human anymore. There's no place for a human anymore. All that remains now, is Monster. Third, The World went quiet. Countries were no longer communicating with each other. First China, Africa, and Europe ceased all actions with America. Then they began to see The Virus blossom in their own countries. There was nothing they could do. It seemed like vegetation was unaffected by The Virus. And Fourth but not least, It mutated. The Human Husks hosting The Virus became 'Humanoid' More like Beast than Man. More like Demons than Beast. More like Devils than Daemons. The ranks of the dead out rank the living. Now, they were able to hunt. To lurk. To savor. They want your flesh. The Humans that survived lived day by day for Self benefit. Pathetic. And Now, here we are....The year is 2016, January 13th, Wednesday 5:15 am Sharp. You are waking up. You are one of the many that we given The Virus a new form to evolve it. You , The Olympian, has been adapted to handle The Virus. You are immune. You can smell, and sense The carriers of the Virus. You're stronger, Faster. You are The Rival to this Virus. And you will see to it that it burns. I, Camiliana Zoeyline, A scientist in Rest Assured Pharmaceuticals, Assistant to Dr. Skeevik. have released you from your prison. Now Go my Super Soldiers...Save Humanity. Now, as you wake up and open your eyes to look at the monitor infront of you, You see a Scientist woman putting a Revolver with tears in her eyes and the screen goes to static. A glass vault door opens right infront of you, and The restrains like a straight jacket releases you. And you are freed. You pull out a tube out of your throat and stumble out of the glass vault to a white table with clothing and food.
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