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Found 6 results

  1. Hiya guys, it's me. It's been awhile. Thought it would be a good idea to post some drawings in here again.
  2. HeroTheKeeper

    KH Mob Designs 2

    Second set of Kingdom Hearts Mobs! This time around, I drew the brother and sister duo of Flood and his big sister Spirit! Although the Dream Eaters were featured in 3DS and the Unversed have been around since BBS, I have a theory that the Unversed are actually a mutation upon the Dream Eaters themselves who take physical form through Vantius. This isn't supported by a lot of sound evidence, but I figured it would be a nice theory regardless. Either way, Dream Eaters have been around longer in the Kingdom Hearts world than the Unversed. I believe that the Dream Eaters would be an entity that has always been around a lot like the pure-blood heartless that exist in the world of KH. I believe I have one more final picture to draw featuring the evil versions of all four of the Mobs. Keep an eye out for it in the coming month!
  3. Taking place during the time between Kingdom Hearts II and Dream Drop Distance, Sora and Riku and Kairi are summoned to Yen Sid's tower to recieve some exciting news! An entire new cluster of worlds and an entire GALAXY all to itself have been discovered! This would be where any OCs would be introduced as well! Either at the Mysterious Tower or in the future at any worlds you wish! I myself will play Kairi and one OC, so that leaves Riku and Sora open! Fandoms Appearing: - Star Wars - Oliver and Company - Atlantis: The Lost Empire - Treasure Planet -Various other Disney worlds - Various Animes And Many MORE! Always open to suggestions!
  4. Warrior World Summary: In a far away world, where no mention of Sora exists, the lives of many, keyblade-wielder or not, are shrouded in mystery. There, the knowledge of all that is and can be is limited. People die, people are reborn, they love, and sometimes find themselves not being able to. Yet no one knows what everything means. The only thing that Anasztaz knows and holds true are the virtues in life. Anasztaz, a keyblade-wielder once tempted by darkness, finds that a person important to him is gone. After searching far and wide on that world, he loses hope, but continues on to wherever his heart leads him. That is when he stumbles across a sea-side town, desolate and devoid of life. TL;DR: adventure, love, friendship comic story revolving around a couple people who are left in the darkness about their own existance. ... This is a little something I came up with a month or two ago. Currently I've drawn and sketched out about 13 pages. I've got a lot of plans for the story and I wanted to post a little teaser for anyone who's interested! I'm sadly left without a scanner or a PC, but I should have them in about a week. Until then I can only work on the comic traditional style. So far I don't have anyone to ask for feedback or impressions, so there might be many issues in the plot and in the drawing. Please feel free to criticize and comment on anything! Attached is the thumbnail of the current cover.
  5. So I wrote this thing last night dealing with two of my OC's from my Kuroshitsuji roleplay that you can read here: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/93771-kuroshitsuji-book-of-roses/ It may contain spoilers but ya whatever. Everything ended with a gunshot. It was a gunshot from Aya’s hands, and a gunshot she has been waiting to make for her entire life. It was a gunshot that told her tale as it echoed through the walls of St. James Palace. She stood there with a horrifying grin on her face as she watched her uncle fall back, dead in an instant. Her face was bloodied and cut, her contract gleaming in the light of the candles that were still left untouched. Her hair was a tangled mess, nothing like it was from the beginning of that day. Her dress torn, and her image ruined. She had achieved her goal...revenge against her uncle and the ones who did everything to her parents and everything to her...and revenge against the Queen for what she did to Samael. St. James Palace was destroyed, and nothing stood in her way...except one thing. A shadow loomed over her. That is right--she had obtained her revenge...she had completed her contract. Why was it in such a short time though? There was a hungry demon yet to claim his meal. A hand crept up on her shoulder, it as inhuman as ever. “Aren’t you forgetting one thing...Everus?” a death defying whisper made itself into Aya’s ears. She dropped her gun, turning around. Veran looked like something straight from a horror novel. His fangs sharp, his nails long, black, clawed tendons surrounding him, appearing like dark smoke. His eyes were pointed and glowing red, more candles blowing out across the room as the tendons reached out into a pair of wings that were bat like, light shining on the right side of his face to reveal it was consumed into nothing but a skull, the left side of his face uneffected. This was the demon’s true form. “I believe you owe me something now.” Veran’s voice was nothing like before, it actually sounded like a demon straight from hell. She couldn’t speak, she was shocked, yet could not help it at all. This was her fate-- and she had to face it. Aya turned to look at Veran with open eyes, no fear, revenge, or hesitation in them. She was ready. Veran slowly walked closer and closer to her, the dark smog around him disappearing as he stood tall in front of the small human. “There was a time that demons took human souls for granted...but as soon as I learned how demons take souls...I understood why.” He looked down at Aya, his wings folding behind him and him transforming back into his human appearance. He looked at Aya and gave a long sigh, suddenly wrapping his arms around her small body. “They also took souls for granted...because they didn’t want to get attached to their human counterpart.” Veran admit. “I have done so many things and have gone through so much with you, Aya. I’ve wrestled alligators, joined a circus, and just so much more...I have grown attached to my master, and have learned many things.” he smiled, leaning down to face level with Aya. “This was all my choice. I knew this day would come, but I never imagined so soon. I have killed many and even caused the death of the love of my life...and the things I have done can never be changed, even with the help of a demon. It is according to the rules of the contract that you must take my soul...and I am ready Veran. I don’t care what happens to me. I am happy...and it is the right time.” Aya kept her eyes focused on Veran’s. “I’ve always admired how brave you are.” Veran commented. There was a slight pause as a pair of cold lips pressed against the warm, slightly bloody lips of Aya’s. This was the way demons took souls. Aya had the urge to fight Veran at first, but her strength slowly started declining. Aya started sinking to the ground on her own, Veran keeping his cold lips on her the entire time, she was on her knees and Veran lifting her face up. This lasted for a good amount of time, Veran having control his demonic tendencies the best he could, but it was apparent that he was trying to hold his true form back from Aya. He very, very slowly lifted his lips from Aya's, her falling imminently to the ground, Veran kind of leaning there dumbfounded. It was truly worth the wait. It was the most delicious soul he had ever consumed. He didn't even notice the fact that his contact seal on his right palm was not gone, he was enjoying the moment with every ounce of his being. The soul was everything he dreamed it would be. Simply amazing...no, more than amazing. He could live in this moment forever...and be full for at least another 300 years. His satisfaction quickly fade as soon as he did find the fact the seal was no longer there, as he then imminently dropped every ounce of happiness and fell straight to his knees with a thud. What had he done? Aya lay there on her back, a smile on her face as two blue eyes met his. Her eyes were blue again, both of them were. There was no contact seal to be seen. "A-Aya..." he looked down at her, shocked. He did not know this would happen. He took Aya's soul...meaning Aya would die any second now. "You did it...." she smiled at him, reaching up to him. Veran grabbed her hand. "I-I didn't know it would kill you..." his voice was that of a whisper, shocked to the core. Aya laughed softly. "It’s alright Veran...I'll be okay. I'll be somewhere in the afterlife." Aya muttered. Veran shook his head. She was soulless. She would not pass onto the afterlife, but her body left here, her only chance to the afterlife fueling Veran's hunger. "I-I'm sorry Aya...." Veran managed to mutter out. "Veran...thank you for being there with me even if I didn't order you to be. T-Thank you so much..." Aya let her hand fall back onto the ground. "G-Good Night Veran..." she said in a whisper, beginning to fade away into death, her closing her eyes. "G-Good night...Aya....sweet dreams..." he could barely get it out, a soft 'I love you' left on his lips. What had he done? About 72 hours later, a knock echoed on the Everus mansions door. There was no answer right away like there used to be, and it took a maid a little bit to get to the door. It was the London Police looking for either Aya or Veran. The maid handed the police a letter Veran had written. It read as this: "To whom it may concern, Aya Elizabeth Everus is dead, along with her uncle. The Everus clothing line will no longer be produced. The title of "The Queen's Watchdog" shall no longer ever be handed to anyone unable of holding the title. It was I who once burnt St. James Palace, along with the remains of Aya Everus and her uncle. -Sincerely, Veran Sterben Butler of Aya Everus, and the demon she had a contract with. " Many people came to visit St. James Palace, as it was burnt to the ground, many Everus stores closed, and the tale of a demon in the city never died down. Veran did not return back to hell. He would blend into the city crowds easier than before, his appearance change drastically, and he always wore pitch black. He left London and England all together after a while, traveling from country to country, wearing pitch black with a single white medical eye-patch in his pocket. So ya that's it, I don't know if anyone will read this but ya. It was fun to write.
  6. 1x1 between Nortanort and Myself~ Please do not post if you are not either one of the two or with out explicit permission~ May contain spoilers so please be adviced~
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