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  1. Wait until you get a taste of my FLAMING KEYHOLE LASERBEAM!
  2. Synopsis: "...Athena...the Goddess, of Love...Ares...the God, of Hate...two separate yet similar superpowers that have been at war with each other since the dawning of time itself...ever since the big bang of the universe, the two powers have been constantly battling one another, to decide which of their powers is more..."powerful"...to decide both once and for all time, just recently, the two deities both younger sister Athena and older brother Ares have decided to host a "Tournament" of sorts, one that will decide the fates, of every single living thing within all of the selected parallel universes/alternate dimensions that have "willingly" been chosen to participate. This clash of powers, this "Tournament" will be known...as..."Interval Inbetween", the names refer to the fact that the balance between all two halves of everything: Love/Hate Good/Evil Light/Darkness White/Black Yang/Yin so on, so forth... shall be put on hold in order to decide which is the superior side of them all equally, Athena and Ares have both agreed that the rules will be the following: I. The two deities are not allowed to fight against the other directly and instead will summon warriors/fighters from other worlds to fight in their places. II. Each chosen participant for which deity they are summoned on which of their two sides can choose however they fight, meaning in other-words that cheating to an extent is allowed depending on the chosen ones. finally, III. The side with the most victories will not determine the victor but rather, the side with the chosen warriors/fighters that have been selected to fight their mortal enemy also summoned from the same worlds, as them but are fighting both on and/or for the other side, upon confronting and defeating their respective arch-nemesis in battle, the victor will be gifted with "certain items" that hold memories most very dear to the victors themselves personally and lastly, once all the certain items have been gathered and brought to their respective deity from which they were crafted by the powers both of and from... Will the winning side finally be declared of the Interval Inbetween, whether it be Athena the younger sister of the love of harmony or Ares the elder brother of the hate of discord... Athena has chosen her champions, they are: "Kenshiro", "Son Goku", "Pegasus Seiya", "Jotaro Kujo", "Yusuke Urameshi", "Himura Kenshin", "Monkey D. Luffy", "Gon Freecss", "Yoh Asakura", "Naruto Uzumaki", "Train Heartnet", "Ichigo Kurosaki", "Kazuki Muto", "Tsunayoshi Sawada", "Allen Walker", "Rikuo Nura", "Toriko", "Izuku "Deku" Midoriya" and "Asta". Together, these 19 chosen heroes will set out, either in groups or by themselves and discover what it truly is, that they hold most very dear to all of their individual and respective hearts, to discover what truly makes them, the heroes that they are...along the way... Prologue: Kenshiro-The Beginning of Battle: Kenshiro-"...Huh? where...am, I?" Kenshiro awoke, to find that he was not in a very familiar setting, instead, it was though that he was transported to Valhalla, the Norse Heaven home of the gods, in fact, although it was not the TRUE Valhalla, it was nevertheless A Valhalla, for Kenshiro had been transported to the home of the Goddess of Love, Athena... Athena-"Chosen Hero" Kenshiro-"Who said that!?" Kenshiro was startled, he did not expect to hear a voice all the way out in a barren wasteland like place such, as this, filled with naught but only pure blank white coloured ruins, some of them statues, depicting ancient heroes of olden yore. Athena-"You have been chosen, to participate, in the battle of the deities, to decide once and for all who is the true creator god of all..." Kenshiro-"...What if I refuse?" Athena-"You may not, if you ever wish to see home, family and friends again, you must listen to the creed of our wills and fight in our steads..." Kenshiro-"...Home...family...and friends, huh...fine, let's just get this over with, I have no time to waste here." Athena-"...Very good, Kenshiro of the Northern Star..." A bright light suddenly envelops both Kenshiro and the whole scenery, transporting Kenshiro to who knows elsewhere, it is here that he finds a shadow of himself, standing right in front of him. Kenshiro-"Hey, is this a joke? what's this imitation in front of me?" Athena-"That...is your shadow, it was crafted from your memories and now it serves, only...to fight YOU." Kenshiro-"...A test huh? fine, i will end this..."You are already dead"." In a binding flash, Kenshiro had already used his pecs and muscles to rip open apart his shirt, perform martial arts like movements that made him look like a both complete and utter superhuman and upon using a finishing move on the replica that resembled him specifically, Kenshiro uttered his famous catchphrase and with that, the copy was instantly destroyed, shattering into glass, leaving behind a white ooze like substance that Kenshiro proceeded to investigate. Athena-"DO NOT TOUCH IT!" Kenshiro-"!? What?" Athena-"That ooze...it was made from your memories, if you touch it, you will become a being of memory in name alone, in other-words..." Kenshiro-"...I only become a shell and my physical body no longer exists, is that it? huh, sounds...just about like me anyways...what is there left both of and for me if only just memories? i've lost...everything...Yulia...i lost Yulia...the only thing now that I can remember her by, is our shared treasured memories together, if it means being with Yulia, if i can just see her once more, I don't care if I die, i don't care if I do become a shell, i'll...accept that!" Athena-"DON'T!" Kenshiro proceeded to ignore the voice's warnings and try to touch the ooze, only to fail short however, as somebody stops him just in the nick of time. Asta-"Don't you overgrown muscles!" Kenshiro-"WHA-!?" Asta-"Ta!" Kenshiro-"A...kid!? what are you doing here!?" Asta-"Yeah, thanks to me too, "your welcome" is what I was expecting, seriously man, why were you trying to do something, as stupid, as that!? didn't you hear the voice? it said-not to!" Kenshiro-"...Don't get in my way." Kenshiro readied his battle posture against the young white haired youth, of whom merely sighed and had rubbed the back of his head. Asta-"Really? well...okay then, if this is how your going to float your boat, bring it old man!" the white haired youth had summoned a pair of black swords and had proceeded to fight Kenshiro with them, during the fight, Kenshiro had uttered his famous catchphrase, believing that he had won the fight, however, he was greatly proven wrong, as the white haired youth proved that there was more to him then had met the eye and eventually, the fight had reached a draw with both combatants plum tuckered out. Asta-"Huff...huff...huff...huff...ready...to call it quit yet pops?" Kenshiro-"...Who are you? what's your name?" Asta-"...Me? i'm Asta, Asta of the Black Bulls, the pleasure's both all mine...and yours, seriously, you pack one whale of a punch old dude, i'd bet you give even captain Yami a run for his money if you two ever met and fought, though if the captain ever heard me saying that..."shivers"...just thinking about it gives me the willies..." Kenshiro-"...This kid, he's unlike anyone i have ever met before, the way that he fights too...its not a form of fighting that i have ever seen before..." Kenshiro thought to himself whilst Asta was talking on before suddenly- Athena-"He is just like you." Asta-"!?" Kenshiro-"You again!" Athena-"He is a warrior chosen from another world, to compete in the war that will decide the ruler god over all living things." Kenshiro-"...Another world? tell me...just who, are you?" Athena-"...We will meet soon, for now, journey with the boy to my sanctum, there you will meet all the others just like you both and together, your destinies, shall be united, as one." Kenshiro-"! Wait!" Asta-"Welp, you heard the lady, not sure what this is all about but if anything, i'm sure i can say its exciting to some extent at least, don't you agree old geezer?" Kenshiro-"...Stop calling me old, weren't you ever taught manners brat?" Asta-"Hey! don't call me brat either! as a matter of fact, I WAS taught manners! by none other, then Sister herself!" Kenshiro-"...Sister?" Asta-"Yeah! Sister! one day, I intend to marry Sister and become the Magic Emperor! once I do that, i'll have everyone respect me, even that big head Yuno for starters." Kenshiro-"..." Kenshiro didn't know what to make of the boy, Asta was...different and unique to say the least, what he was saying all at once seemed to ensure Kenshiro that Asta was most definitely from another world and that just like Kenshiro himself, Asta is trying to find answers so that he can eventually return back to his own world. Kenshiro-"...Hey kid." Asta-"I'm not a kid! i told you my name already, its-" Kenshiro-"Asta." Asta-"!? y-yeah! that's right! Asta! and don't you forget it!" Kenshiro-"..."Sigh", look, Asta, there's something that's bugging me, about that voice from before, tell me, do you know who it belongs to?" Asta-"Nope, not a clue, all i was told was that I was a chosen champion of sorts and that I needed to prove myself before meeting up with others just like me, in the sense that we all have the very same kind of predicament, if you know what I mean." Kenshiro-"...I see, so, like me, you've been taken from another world and are now forced to fight in this pandemonium, fighting against lookalikes and even other people." Asta-"...I wouldn't say "forced" ya know, actually, in a way, its kind of, fun." Kenshiro-"! Fun!?" Asta-"I mean, yeah, of course, i've found that through fighting, i can better understand people and learn what they are like, what their goals are and what comes afterward upon fulfilling those goals, because i have my dream of being Magic Emperor one day, i know what its like for others to have if not just dreams then aspirations, as well, a certain goal they are aiming towards..." Kenshiro-"...A certain, goal..."sigh", fine, I get it, i guess that I have no choice but to listen to that voice and strive onward, its not like I had a choice anyways." Asta-"There! you see!? there you go! that's the spirit! ...more or less I think, a-anyways, want to travel together? its better then wandering all by yourself with nowhere to go and not knowing where to go, if, you know what I mean? ..." Kenshiro-"Actually, i've done a fair bit of wandering all by myself up to now...though...I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a companion by my side, to be honest, i'm used to that, as well." Asta-"Awesome! now then, if we can just figure out where to go...? !?" suddenly, a binding bright light engulfs both Kenshiro and Asta and the two find themselves once more in a place very unfamiliar to them, it was known, as the "Goddess' Respite" and it was here that they finally met the others that the voice spoke of, some seemed and were friendly whilst certain others were not, one of them went up to both Kenshiro and Asta and had greeted them. Kenshin-"Domo." Asta-"...? D-Domo?" Kenshiro-"..." Kenshin-"...Oh, forgive me, I am still not used to not saying that around these here parts, as they were...ahem: my name is Kenshin, Himura Kenshin, welcome fellow warriors." Kenshiro-"..." Asta-"Oh! your one of us then? cool! name's Asta! nice to meet you Kenshin! ...you know, your name sounds an awful lot like my captain's, are you by any chance?" Jotaro-"Enough." Kenshin-"!" Asta-"!?" Kenshiro-"?" Jotaro-"..."Sigh", Yare Yare Daze, we're not here to make friends, if anything, we're here to find out why we are here in the first place, stop doing pointless actions like that Samurai." Asta-"!? What you say!?" Kenshiro-"...Samurai?" Kenshin-"Now now Asta, calm down, don't let him bug you, that's just the way he is." Asta-"Yeah well...I say he's nothing but a jerk! you hear that tall lanky muscles!?!?" Jotaro-"..."Sigh", why don't you take a look in a mirror, you've got muscles yourself for a midget." Asta-"!? that's it! game on! come on! you and me! right here, right now! let's bring it-" Athena-"SILENCE." Everyone-"!?!?" Athena-"...I will...not have any of my warriors address each other that way." Everyone-"!?!?" Kenshiro-"You...your the one who called us here." Asta-"Your, the voice, the lovely sounding lady's voice." Athena-"...I am...Athena." Seiya-"!?!? A-ATHENA!?!?" Athena-"...I am Athena, Goddess...of Love, of all things pure in the worlds..." Seiya-"!?!? A-aah..." Yusuke-"...So tell me lady, why is it you gathered all us ruffians here huh? I would very much like to know, considering I was dragged from my world and all." Luffy-"Meat..." Gon-"L-Luffy..." Naruto-"Yeah, I want to know too, please, tell us why you brought us here, its not right to keep us in the dark and expect us to fight for you like that Dattebayo." Tsuna-"D-Dattebayo?" Athena-"...Very well...I shall tell you...all that you need to know." Ichigo-"Bout time." Toriko-"Finally." Allen-"At last." Kenshiro-"..." ...Meanwhile... On the far edges of the distant corners of this very strange yet unique world, forces of darkness were gathering and were being united under one banner, under one leadership, a leader shrouded in the dark, he lastly said the words: Ares-"...Now then...my champions...let us excite...that which is the beginning...of battle." Chapter I: Jotaro Kujo-Yare Yare Daze: Opening Theme Song-https://youtu.be/E8n7zt4D-0Y. Ichigo-"So come on, tell us, why were we all brought here? why do you want us to fight? what do we have to gain from all that?" Everything started off with a interrogating question by Ichigo Kurosaki, one of the heroic champions summoned by Athena towards the deity herself, wanting to know just why he and all of the other heroes were summoned at Athena's "beck and call", she now starts revealing the truth to her chosen fighters, saying in the following words: Athena-"...I have chosen all of you, to be the heroic individuals i know that you are, to fight for me, in a tournament of power..." Goku-"Tournament of power, that sounds very familiar, not to mention exciting, as well!" Athena-"Don't interrupt!" Goku-"! "Gulp"!" Train-"...Guy got told." Yoh-"...Yup." Athena-"...Ahem, as i was saying, long ago, long, LONG ago, as it so happens...me and my brother, Ares, the God of Hate have been..."debating" over which of our respective powers is ever more the stronger one? is it my Love? or his Hate? to finally decide that issue once and for all, we decided to host a tournament of power that we call the "Interval Inbetween", you see, we would summon warriors and/or fighters from distant worlds very different yet also similar in some senses to one another to fight for us and upon whichever side would win, would that half of reality be dubbed "ruler over all creation" and would have access to not just mine or my beloved elder brother's power but instead both of powers, united, as one..." Kazuki-"...You lost me." Naruto-"...Umm..." Seiya-"...Goddess...Athena...you've lost us for words, what do you mean by "half of reality"? and "ruler over all creation"? we don't understand..." Athena-"Sorry, my pardons, what i mean is is that i rule over all that is pure whilst my older brother rules over all that is corrupt, to put it simply, we are trying to decide the power balance of balance itself and in order to do just that, we had summoned at least 19 warriors on each side to fight for us in order to represent us, as we deities ourselves are forbidden to take part in any and all forms of conflict ordained by "God" himself." Everyone-"!?!?" Allen-"G-God!? surely, you don't mean!?" Athena-"Yes, i do, young Allen Walker, God, the very first being to ever exist and both mine and Ares' father, some may know him, as Zeus, others Odin but to us, his real name, the name he gave himself upon the creation of all of existence is God, he appeared right when reality gave birth to itself and it had created him to represent reality, creation, whichever term you prefer to use, as the representative of all things both living and non, when father, as i prefer to call him, created the two powers known, as light and darkness, he decided to create both me and my brother from light and dark respectively and watch over the very powers that gave us life, to see what else those powers would create, over the millenniums we have been alive, we have seen countless counterparts of light and darkness, such, as both good and evil being a if not the prime example, however, the dichotomy of good and evil is so strong that now neither me nor my brother alone can handle all of the two great powers, thus, we sought father for answers despite not being allowed where he exists, that is, God's realm, where only God and God himself alone may sit..." Rikuo-"W-Whoa..." Luffy-"Meat..." Gon-"Luffy please, we're in front of a Goddess!" Athena-"...Hehe, i do not mind, young Gon Freecss, your new friend, young Monkey D. Luffy is a prime example of what purity and light has created, as are all of you, you are the prime examples, the upholders and lifters of justice itself incarnate, even though you bare different origins and even have ties to darkness, that does not make any less of you then what i know and especially what you yourselves know to be but before i digress, as i mentioned, we sought father's council and he could only offer us a message from his realm from which we could not enter on what to do and that was that we had to decide for ourselves on what must be done, thus, to resolve the ever growing dichotomy, my brother and i both agreed that there could only be one ruler, one who could balance the light and darkness, the good and the evil and remake it whole anew, to become, as near strong and all mighty powerful next to our father himself, we decided that we would go join our father in his realm and restart the dichotomy before it proceeded to get further out of hand or at least take control of some parts if restarting it was not a clear viable option, to settle the issue once and for all time...we decided...to erase one another from existence, for only one deity could possibly be allowed to enter God's realm, baring all the powers of light and darkness, however, because we had to follow father's rules and principles, we ourselves could not do the fighting, so instead we had to summon champions in our stead from 19 different worlds that would fight for us and answer our calls and pleas for help." Yusuke-"Question: how did you even think that after hearing all of this we would even accept such a ridiculous-" Athena-"It was in your hearts." Yusuke-"W-Wha!?" Athena-"Even if you had said no outright with your minds, with your hearts you had already decided to answer mine and my brother's beck and call, based upon gut feelings you all had, surely, you all know that i speak the truth?" Everyone-"..." Naruto-"Be that, as it may, this battle of reshaping balance, it sounds like, you intend to remake our entire worlds all at once and if that happens, both we and our loved ones will no longer exist or maybe even we will no longer exist, as who we are now, i'm not going to join a battle that will put my friends and family at stake, in fact, if you intend to erase the who we are now and destroy what we know now, i'll...stop you myself! believe it!" Naruto said based from what he took of Athena's words, some were in agreement with him, believing that from what Athena had just told them basically, she was the enemy standing right in front of them, however, just before they could do anything- Seiya-"Wait!" Naruto-"Huh?" Seiya-"...I...I want to trust the Goddess! i don't think, that is what she meant, when she said that she would remake the universe, am i right? ...Athena? ..." Athena-"...I only want to stop the balance from growing out of control, i am sorry if i had phrased myself incorrectly, i did not mean that i would reshape the entire universe, what i only meant was that both light and darkness must remain in sync with one another and the only way to do that is that either me or my brother must be erased from existence, leaving only one watcher to guide both light and darkness, i myself intend to keep things exactly the way they currently are after the Interval Inbetween had finished, however, my brother...i am not so sure of..." Deku-"What do you mean? if you don't mind me asking." Athena-"Young Izuku Midoriya...my brother, my brother has always wanted more out of life and he believes that by reshaping the universe would he achieve just that, i am afraid...that the darkness and corruption that he has watched over all this time has started to influence him down a more sinister route and if both he and his warriors are not stopped and they win the tournament..." Ichigo-"All hell will break loose, that about sums it up, right?" Athena-"...Yes...to protect the balance and the worlds...i implore you...no, i beg of you! please! fight in my stead and win the tournament for if not-" Asta-"Don't worry, we're on it, right guys?" said Asta, trying to assure Athena, as he looked towards everyone else, some held the same opinion, as him, however- Jotaro-"This is stupid." Everyone-"!?!?" Jotaro-"Yare Yare Daze, fight all you want, you'll get nowhere, thinking like that, think about it, what if she is just trying to egg us on? huh? forget it, i'm leaving, if she won't grant us a passageway out of this world then i'll find one myself and i don't want anyone chasing after me, got it? laters." Deku-"H-Hey! wait!" Athena-"Leave him be." Deku-"But!" Athena-"It is understandable, that i will not gain his trust so easily, nor anyone else here and that is why, i will work, to earn your trust, place your faith in me and, as your deity, i will not, absolutely WILL NOT fail you!" Everyone-"..." Jotaro Kujo had left everyone behind, determined to seek out his own answers and mission, why would he believe the words of a woman who claims to be a Goddess? clearly she could be just suffering from delusions of grandeur and is merely using everyone who she had summoned through whatever means to fight for her, as a sickening way of entertainment, all this stuff about deities and balance meant nothing to Jotaro, it was nothing but just one big pain to him, all that really mattered to him was... Jotaro-"..."Sigh", Yare Yare Daze, i don't have time for this, all of that was a waste of time, i don't know who back there would actually buy in to all that c*** nor frankly do i really care, all that matters is that i get back, i must get back, the old man and everyone else...they're waiting for me...gramps, Avdol, Kakyoin, Polnareff, Iggy...i got to get back, i must!" suddenly, Jotaro saw a doppelganger of himself standing right in front, knowing that it was an enemy that he must defeat, Jotaro confronts the enemy head on. Jotaro-"Star Platinum!" Jotaro summoned his Stand and with it, he instantaneously crushed the shadowy doppelganger alongside its shadowy stand, shattering into glass, Jotaro dissumoned Star Platinum before proceeding onward, as he traveled, he began having memory recalls of his comrades back on his world, there was himself, his grandfather Joseph Joestar, Noriaki Kakyoin, Muhammad Avdol, Jean Pierre Polnareff and the dog simply known, as Iggy, together, all six of them went on a journey across the globe in search of something, or rather, SOMEONE, their destination: the country of Egypt, their target: Brando, D-I-O, Dio Brando, a man who has lived longer then most and who had ties to Jotaro's parental heritage of the Joestars... Jotaro-"? ! !?!? This! this is!?" suddenly, Jotaro found himself wandering into an unknown area and both very shockingly and surprisingly, it was rather very familiar to him, in truth, it was actually: the streets of Cairo, the capital of Egypt, where Dio's base of operations was located primarily at. Jotaro-"...Cairo!?!? but that's-that's not possible! how can Cairo be!?" Dio-"Shall i enlighten you? JOJO?" Jotaro-"!? that voice...! IT-IT CAN'T BE!?!?" Just then, standing before Jotaro was none other then- Dio-"You expected someone else but no, it was i! DIO!" Jotaro-"...DIO! Star Platinum!" Dio-"...Heh, The World!" As Jotaro immediately tried to attack Dio upon seeing him, Dio used his Stand, The World's unique power to freeze time itself for about a few seconds, it was during this "time" that Dio took the opportunity to talk with Jotaro. Dio-"Hmph, same, as ever i see, aren't you? Jotaro? upon gazing at my amazing sculpture, you instantly try to attack me, not unlike a dog who bites someone when they sense something is off about that person, honestly, you Joestars...you infuriate me to no end but i digress, i am assuming that you already know that both you and i were brought here not of our own free wills but rather by the makings of some delusional folk that claim themselves to be gods, am i right? Jotaro? however, surely they must know, just, as both you and i know that there is no god other then i, Dio, born fit to sit upon the throne that governs and rules over all-" Jotaro-"Shut up." Dio-"Oh?" Jotaro-"HUMPH!" Dio-"Oh-toh!" Time had resumed moving and Jotaro had tried to attack Dio, only for him to narrowly dodge and jump backwards, Jotaro then questions Dio. Jotaro-"Dio! tell me! what do you know of all this!?" Dio-"Why would you want to know, unless, you weren't told what there was to know me thinks?" Jotaro-"Answer me!" Dio-"..."Sigh", very well, seeing, as how i have just about a few seconds to spare until my The World reactivates, i'll indulge you, Joestar...you see, like you, i too was summoned by the will of a pretender god, however, unlike the one who summoned you, the one called Athena, i was summoned by a man named Ares, who begged me over time and time again that i lend my support to his cause, such feebleness if you ask me but i, Dio, was no fool to true power when i see it, i saw it, i saw it within him, he commanded power beyond absoluteness, the likes of which i have never seen before and thus, i figured, if i played my part in this bigger scheme of events, that power would eventually become mine, all i have to do is play the role of "sigh" a follower and then, once all is said and done, i shall kill Ares and take the power that he possesses, i will become more then just Dio, i shall become, GOD! now then, THE WORLD!" Dio caught Jotaro off-guard once more with The World's time freezing ability and Dio had then revealed his throwing knives. Dio-"Tell me, Jotaro, what would it feel like, if i were to take this knife and use it to stab you directly into the heart? very slowly and painfully? if you ask me, its not unlike a vampire taking a stake to the heart by a hunter, as seen in those what are they called again? television specials? at any rate, now i'll be finally rid of you accursed Joestars and your putrid bloodline, i, Dio, will finally have the last laugh, now...DIE! JOTARO!" Dio then tries to thrust his throwing knife directly into Jotaro's heart, however, just then, both very shockingly and surprisingly, an apparition appeared, using its bare hands to block the knife from piercing Jotaro's heart, Dio was taken aback by this. Dio-"WHAT!? WHAT SORCERY IS THIS!?!?" Jotaro saw the apparition's face, as time started to move forwards again. Athena-"...You mustn't...give...up." Jotaro-"...Y-you." Jotaro saw that it was none other then Goddess Athena herself, saying to the young man the words: Athena-"You...are a crusader...who follows stardust...follow the stars...and...find your way...back...to your friends...i have given you...some of my strength...to help aid you...in battle...please...for the sake...of everyone...of those...that you cherish most...most especially...for the sake...of...yourself...do...do not lose!" Jotaro heard Athena's words and had realized that just before he left previously, Athena secretly placed some of her light powers within Jotaro in order to aid him in his dire hour of need, that time is now, Jotaro thinks back about how he treated Athena. Jotaro-"...Yare Yare Daze...what a pain, your just like, her..." said Jotaro, as he thought of his loving mother Holy, comparing Athena's selfless actions to how Holy would have reacted if she saw Jotaro in danger, as time was now moving again, it was time for it to halt again. Jotaro-"Star Platinum! The World!" Jotaro uses Star Platinum's own The World's time powers to freeze time, keeping Dio in check, it was now Jotaro's turn to talk with Dio. Jotaro-"..."Sigh", okay, Dio, now let's back things up a notch, shall we? first, i already knew that we were summoned to fight for the pretender gods, as you call them and that they have amazing powers to be able to summon 19 different warriors from 19 different worlds, what i really want to know is, what do we have to do in order to get back to our own worlds, where there, i can finally finish you off once and for all, well? i'm waiting for your answer, Dio." Jotaro grabbed Dio's hand and started snapping his fingers slowly one by one, as Dio though trapped in time could still feel the pain. Jotaro-"Tell me, who are the other 18 warriors summoned by Ares? does he plan to remake the universe? go on, tell me Dio, i'm still waiting for your answer." Jotaro still continued to snap Dio's fingers, as Dio's mouth started to move in slow motion. Dio-"You b******" Jotaro-"...Time's up, your free now." Jotaro backed up and jumped away from Dio, knowing that Dio was now free, Dio was fully enraged, as he could feel the pain of all his fingers having been snapped by Jotaro one by one all at once. Dio-"GAAAAHHHHH!!!! YOU B****** JOTARO! I'LL KILL YOU! I, DIO, WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS!" Jotaro-"Answer me Dio, tell me, who are the other 18? go on, tell me!" Dio-"...Hmph, why don't you figure it out...FOR YOURSELF! THE WORLD!" Jotaro-"STAR PLATINUM!" Dio tried to catch Jotaro off-guard once more with a surprise attack but Jotaro had already anticpated Dio's next move and thus had proceeded to counter him. Jotaro-"ORA!" Dio-"MUDA!" Jotaro-"..." Dio-"..." Jotaro-"...ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA!" Dio-"...MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA!" Dio-"MUDA!" Jotaro-"ORA!" Jotaro and Dio were evenly matched with the fast flowing punches of their respective Stands, Star Platinum and The World, the two decided to back off from one another, as Jotaro taunts Dio. Jotaro-"Come on! Dio! we're not done yet!" Dio-"...Hmph, i have decided...to retreat, for now." Jotaro-"What!?" Dio-"Don't get me wrong, Jotaro, this is far from the last you'll be seeing of me, however, instead of letting myself have all the fun, i think it will be fun to stand on the sidelines and watch the other hounds of Ares have their fun with both you and your new friends, trust me, i will kill you soon Jotaro, mark my words on that but for now, i will rest up, enjoy yourself whilst you may for soon, very soon, i, Dio, will become...GOD." Dio disappears from Jotaro's sight. Jotaro-"DIO! WAIT!" Jotaro started to feel the effects of using Star Platinum The World and from his short clash with Dio just a few moments ago, however, suddenly appearing in front of him was a both very shocking and surprising item that was also very familiar to him. Jotaro-"...This is..." Train-"That would be your relic." Appearing before Jotaro was Train Heartnet, Yoh Asakura and Toriko. Jotaro-"...My...what?" Yoh-"A relic, its Athena's power that was given to you, she told us after you went stomping off that these relics are what will give us powers of light and will help shield us from the beings of darkness that will attack us both wherever and whenever, pretty sweet huh?" Toriko-"Relics appear in the forms of memories that we hold most precious to us and that we cherish with all our hearts, i guess what we're seeing now is your relic right in front of you." Jotaro-"...My...relic..." Train-"Athena said that we could only obtain the relics if we defeated in battle those that were our worst and most very personal enemies to us, that come from the very same worlds, as us." Jotaro-"...I see, that would explain Dio." Yoh-"...Athena wanted us to pass on a message to you, in case if we were able to catch up to you." Jotaro-"...Oh yeah?" Toriko-"...She said-" Jotaro-"No need, i already got the message." Everyone-"?" Jotaro-"...Thanks, i guess..."Sigh", Yare Yare Daze." Jotaro took hold of his relic before standing up and moving his hat to cover his face, grateful for Athena's previous help and that he now shows signs of trusting her. meanwhile, to where Dio was... Dio-"BAH! how could i, Dio, run not unlike a dog cowering and whimpering in fear of its master, i am no dog! certainly no dog to anyone else! not Ares! especially not Jotaro! and most of all, not his accursed bloodline, the Joestars! i'll have their heads for this, i'll have ALL their heads! just you watch and see, so help me i'll-" suddenly, a sword was thrown in front of the weakened Dio. Dio-"!?" Sasuke-"A dog barking when its actually whimpering? what a loser." Dio-"Y-YOU! ...Sasuke, Uchiha!" stood before Dio whilst picking up his sword and sheathing it was seen none other then the arch-rival of Naruto Uzumaki himself: Sasuke Uchiha, the last surviving member of the Uchiha clan. Ending Theme Song-https://youtu.be/G65pvuTFR_A. Chapter II: Naruto Uzumaki-A Promise to be Kept: Opening Theme Song-https://youtu.be/YFW5HdKEkU8. Naruto-"...Why do i have this, again?" said Naruto, as he was seen holding Sasuke's scratched forehead protector from the deadly fight that they had when they younger before Sasuke had left both his friends and home behind in order to seek power for vengeance. Ichigo-"What you got there?" Naruto-"Huh? oh, Ichigo, nothing, really, just...a memento." Ichigo-"A memento? a memento of what?" Naruto-"...Sorry but if it's alright with you-" Ichigo-"Okay, i won't ask if your that sensitive about it." Naruto-"Thanks and sorry." Ichigo-"No worries, just think of it, as not budding into the affairs of other people from other worlds, right? at any rate, we've got find our relics if we want to win the tournament, our whole worlds are at stake, no time to mess around..."sigh", unlike some certain others that will go unmentioned..." Luffy-"MEAT!" Goku-"FOOD!" Goku and Luffy-"WE'RE STARVING!" Ichigo-"...Idiots." Naruto-"..."Awkward laugh"..."sigh"..." Naruto was travelling in the company of Goku, Luffy and Ichigo, all of them on their search for the relics, ancient mystical items that can copy the appearances of items that are most precious to the ones that find and obtain the relics, Athena had previously told the heroes of what the relics are and what they can do within a flashback: Flashback: Athena-"If you wish to return to your worlds, you must gather all of the 19 relics that exist within the world before the villains do and once all 19 have been gathered, will the tournament be declared over and their combined power will be able to send each and every single one of you back to your respective worlds." Rikuo-"...So, killing two birds with one stone eh?" Yusuke-"..."Sigh", guess we have no choice then, huh." Seiya-"Goddess Athena, what should we do? how can we obtain these relics?" Athena-"...To obtain the relics, you must-" Flashback ends. Naruto is seen walking whilst thinking to himself. Naruto-"...We must defeat the enemy that lurks within our heart and obtain the relic from the light that is covered by the darkness that that certain enemy possesses...my certain enemy...him..." Naruto stops walking, which Goku notices. Goku-"Hmm? yo! something up?" Naruto-"...Something like that." Goku-"...Hmm...is what the Goddess said bothering you?" Naruto-"...To obtain the relics, we each have to battle the enemy that lurks within our hearts...tell me something, Goku, who is your enemy?" Goku-"...Hmm...you know that's a good question, i've made lots of enemies over the years." Naruto-"...Is that something to be proud of?" Goku-"Heh heh, at least i get to fight strong opponents, speaking of which, how about we have a sparring match, me and you, right here, right now!" Naruto-"...H-Huh!? wha!? wait-wait a second!" Goku-"Heh, here i come, let's do this! Naruto!" Naruto-"...Tch!" Naruto was forced into a sparring match with Goku, the two fought on an equal level, however, Goku soon began to cheat during the fight by using Instant Transmission, in order to double his efforts against the technique, Naruto summoned Shadow Clones of himself with two clones backing both his left and right sides, all 3 Narutos worked together to perform an encirclement on Goku and strike him from three different corners, making the final attack look, as though Goku was caught in the middle of three triangles standing on-top of one another, Goku decided to end the fight abruptly by using his signature Kamehameha, although Naruto countered with a quick signature Rasengan, he was knocked back by Goku's blast attack and was sent flying into a nearby wall, it was then that both Ichigo and Luffy had noticed the fight that was quickly going on right behind them and Ichigo had decided to end the fight. Ichigo-"Hey, that's enough!" Goku-"...Whoops, sorry Naruto, i got a little carried away there." Naruto-"..." Ichigo-"Naruto, can you stand?" Naruto-"..." Ichigo-"...Naruto?" Naruto-"...Dammit!" Naruto slams his fist into the ground, smacking it, as hard, as he can, catching both Ichigo and Goku off-guard with the sudden shock. Ichigo-"Naruto!" Goku-"Hey, if this is about the fight..." Naruto-"...Don't worry about it, Goku, i'm not angry at you, its just...i'm frustrated..." Goku-"Huh?" Ichigo-"..." Naruto got up whilst wiping the dust off his clothes. Naruto-"See? good, as new." Ichigo-"..." Goku-"Well, if you say so." Luffy-"MEAT!" Ichigo-"We better go, Luffy is getting impatient." Naruto-"Yeah." the group continued onward, as though, nothing happened, Naruto however, was still left pondering to himself... meanwhile... Dio-"What are YOU doing here!?" Sasuke-"...I was going to provide backup against that tall guy you were fighting." Dio-"HMPH! i need no luxury of assistance from others! furthermore, you dare lay your hands on Jotaro and i will kill you myself personally, make no mistake of that, boy, only i, Dio, am allowed to wipe the blood that is the Joestar lineage from the face of this world, of all worlds..." Sasuke-"No need to go on a tirade, i was just saying i was going to provide backup or was that too much for you to hear, your highness?" Dio-"Why you!!!!" Doflamingo-"Ah, ah, ah, i wouldn't do that if i were you, heh heh heh." Sasuke-"...?" Dio-"...Donquixote Doflamingo." Doflamingo-"Aww, what's the matter? are you really that bummed to see my face? "evil snigger"." Sasuke-"Doflamingo, did you follow me?" Doflamingo-"But of course, i wanted to see how all this would play out, especially after golden boy lost to the kid with the chain on his coat." Dio-"Tch!" Doflamingo-"So tell me, Uchiha, what's on YOUR agenda?" Sasuke-"...Mine? let's see..." Naruto and the others decided to stop for a moment and rest up. Naruto-"..." Naruto was once again looking at Sasuke's scratched forehead protector before noticing Goku approaching him and deciding to put it away, Goku was nervously rubbing the back of his head before saying to Naruto: Goku-"Hey Naruto? sorry for goading you into that fight, i didn't mean to-" Naruto-"No, its okay Goku, i needed to vent." Goku-"...I'm guessing you have a lot on your mind." Naruto-"Yeah, at first when i heard about what Athena was talking about, i thought that she was the enemy but now i realize that there is someone else that is the enemy and that if we fail to stop that enemy, our reality, all of our worlds will be remade, i...i don't want that more then anything else, there's too much, too much that needs to be said...and be settled..." Goku-"...You know, you shouldn't have such a chip on your shoulders." Naruto-"Huh?" Goku-"What's that saying? if life gives you lemons, you give it radishes? no, that's not it." Naruto-"...Pfff, ha ha." Luffy-"Did someone say Meat!?" Ichigo-"Honestly, is that all you ever think about?" Luffy-"But Meat's good for the body!" Ichigo-"Yeah yeah, anyways, sounds like you've cheered up Naruto." Naruto-"...Yeah, thanks guys, your the best." Ichigo-"We're always here for each other, never forget that." Naruto-"Don't worry, i won't." Luffy-"! i smell...MEAT! its in that direction! come on guys! hurry up! MEAT!" Luffy ran on ahead of everyone, as they gave different expressions to Luffy's antics, eventually, they found the "Meat" that Luffy spoke of, Ichigo was taken aback by this. Ichigo-"S-SERIOUSLY!?!? he actually found food in this world!? to top it of, Meat of all things!?!?" Goku-"Heh heh, never underestimate a glutton's nose for food." Ichigo-"...I don't think that's quite how it works." as Ichigo and Goku proceeded to exchange words with one another whilst Luffy went on to try and eat the mysterious Meat, Naruto examined it, noting that there was something very strange about it, just then, he realized something but before he could stop Luffy: Naruto-"!? Luffy wait! that's-" as Luffy dug his teeth into the "Meat", he was sent transported elsewhere, leaving everyone else behind, flabbergasted, as Naruto tried to find Luffy but to no avail. Naruto-"LUFFY!" Ichigo-"Where did he go!?!?" just then, two people had appeared. Hao-"Looks like the monkey fell right into your trap." Aizen-"Indeed he did, my dear Hao." appearing before Naruto, Ichigo and Goku were both Hao Asakura and Sosuke Aizen, the latter being Ichigo's mortal nemesis. Ichigo-"A-AIZEN!" Aizen-"Its so good to see you again, Ichigo Kurosaki, i take it...these are your new friends, very interesting individuals indeed." Ichigo-"Aizen! what did you do with Luffy!?" Aizen-"The monkey? let's see here, i do believe i sent him to enemy territory, where there awaiting him will be full of lookalikes just waiting, to crush him." Ichigo-"Why you!" just then, Naruto tried to strike Aizen, only to be blocked by the sword of Hao. Hao-"Now now, that isn't very polite now is it? fox boy." Naruto-"!?!? what you say!?" Aizen-"Away with you." Naruto falls for the same technique that teleported Luffy away, leaving both Ichigo and Goku behind but not before the former tries to call out to Naruto: Ichigo-"NARUTO!" Naruto found himself in enemy territory, he didn't recognize it for the life of him. Naruto-"...Huh? where-where am i?" Sasuke-"Its been a while." Naruto-"!?!? ...!?!?" Sasuke-"...Naruto." Naruto-"Sa...sa..." Sasuke-"What's the matter? cat got your tongue?" Naruto-"SASUKE!" Sasuke-"So you do remember me, funny, i could never forget you, even if i tried to." Naruto-"Huh? what do you mean!?" Sasuke-"...I see, so then, you DON'T remember, that's a shame and here i was wanting to settle our old score." Naruto-"Sasuke, what are you talking about!? are you...are you in league, with Ares!?" Sasuke-"...Really Naruto? is that all you can even think about? even care about?" Naruto-"What do you...mean?" Sasuke turns his back, facing away from Naruto. "...Come and find me, then you'll get all the answers that you want to know." Sasuke then disappears, vanishing into naught. Naruto-"Wait! SASUKE!" Naruto tries to reach out where Sasuke once stood only to fail, he looks at his hand and clutches a fist. Naruto-"...Sasuke...what did you mean, that i don't...remember?" Naruto took out Sasuke's scratched forehead protector and clutched it deep within his hand before racing off to who knows where. Naruto-"...Never-mind that! got to find Luffy!" Naruto continued onward, fighting multiple lookalikes, as he journeyed forwards, eventually, he came upon a very familiar sight, one he would have bet he would have not encountered ever again whilst in the current world, it was...the Final Valley, the place where Naruto and Sasuke had settled everything previously, Naruto was seen standing on-top of the Hashirama Senju statue, as he gazed out, to see standing on-top of the Madara Uchiha statue none other then Sasuke, who has been awaiting Naruto... Sasuke-"...I knew, i just knew that you would appear here, you could never stay away from me, could you? Naruto." Naruto-"Sasuke! how is this! why are you! WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Sasuke-"...You really want to know? fine, i'll tell you, since its you Naruto, you see, you've been led here, all apart of my scheme." Naruto-"HUH!?!?" Sasuke-"I asked both Aizen and Asakura for their assistance in order to lure you here of all places and in order to do so, we used your new friend, the monkey, as bait, after that, you know the rest." Naruto-"...Then tell me! where is Luffy? what did you guys do to him!?" Sasuke-"Who knows? i don't really care about him, the one i'm after...is YOU, Naruto." Naruto-"Why!?" Sasuke-"...Because every time, every time i see you...i can't get rid, of that stupid happy face you're always wearing! have you been this lax, ever since we defeated Kaguya!?!?" Naruto-"...Ka...guya?" Sasuke-"Hmph, i knew it, Ares was right all along, you've lost your true memories and with them, the way to your relic, not that you were ever going to obtain it in the first place, being the loser that you so rightfully are!" Naruto-"! Take that back! i haven't...i haven't lost anything! i'll prove it, i'll obtain my relic and then, then..." Sasuke-"Then what? what a loser, you don't even know what to say next, unlike when you used to back in the past...before you lost your arm that is..." Naruto-"H-HUH!? lost...my ARM!?!?" Sasuke-"...Let's end this, its time...to fulfill the promise." Naruto-"Huh?" Sasuke-"...I'm taking back, my forehead protector! time to cough it up! Naruto!" Sasuke started to slowly draw his sword, as Naruto clutched the former's forehead protector within his hand, looking at it with unease. Naruto-"...I...I..." Hinata-"Don't give up." Naruto-"!? H-huh!?!?" Hinata-"Never surrender." Naruto-"...Who?" Hinata-"Don't you remember? that's who you are, Naruto, it's your Nindo, your Ninja Way, your way of life, you would never give up, you would always find a way, even when others believed that there was no way to be found, but now...you've started to doubt yourself, upon learning of your insecurities, you lost the right path towards your true memories and with them, your relic, surely you know this, right? Naruto?" Naruto-"Ah..." Hinata-"...I'll never give up." Naruto-"What?" Hinata-"That's my Nindo, i'll never give up, no matter what, even when the odds...are against me, i'll fight, until the very end, even when i'm drawing my last breath, until i succeed, i won't stop, i won't falter, ...Neji didn't and i won't either...but...what about you? Naruto? are you just going to let your insecurities eat away at you and stop you from moving forwards? think Naruto and remember, with all your heart, think how you came this far and why it is you started journeying in the first place? what was your reason? what was your goal at the end? what is...your dream?" Naruto-"...My...dream...H...Ho...kage..." Hinata-"That's it! keep it up Naruto! and then, you'll be able to hear his voice." Naruto-"...Hokage..." Kurama-"...to...Naruto...NARUTO!" Naruto-"HOKAGE! that's my dream-GEH!?!?" just then, Naruto narrowly avoided getting beheaded by Sasuke, as Naruto proceeded to jump away from the latter of whom taunted Naruto: Sasuke-"NARUTO! STAND AND FIGHT! OR ARE YOU RUNNING!? ARE YOU FINALLY RUNNING AWAY AFTER ALL THIS TIME!?!?" Naruto-"...i'm not running." Sasuke-"...What?" Naruto-"Nor have i forgotten, i've just remembered, it took me a while but thanks to you Sasuke, i finally remember, i finally remember who it is that i truly am, i am...Naruto Uzumaki of the Hidden Leaf Village! i am one of its proud Shinobi! never seeking fame or glory, only to protect from within the shadows, i am he who must endure, if i ever want to achieve my one and only dream!" Sasuke-"...And that is?" Naruto-"Heh, you should know, better then anyone else i know and that is...to become the Leaf's Orange Hokage! right Kurama!?" Sasuke-"!?" Kurama-"Quit talking, start fighting, you've got a promise to keep remember?" Naruto-"...Yeah, i hear ya!" Sasuke-"...You ready for real now?" Naruto-"...Let's do this, Sasuke." Sasuke-"...Heh." Sasuke jumped back on-top of Madara's statue with Naruto jumping back on-top of Hashirama's, as Naruto and Sasuke both proceeded to have a stare-off, looking at one another dead straight within the other's eyes vice versa respectively, in Naruto's left eye could be seen a symbol of the moon and in Sasuke's right eye a symbol of the sun, in Naruto's right eye could also be seen Hinata Hyuga, his love interest and in the left eye of Sasuke, Sakura Haruno, his own love interest, Naruto and Sasuke could both see what makes them very similar to one another yet also very different, they were the perfect example of the word "Rival" and now, just, as time has predicted over and over again, it is here, now, at the fated place of the Final Valley, that these two youths meet, determined to engage one another in battle and decide yet again once more, just who is the more skilled Ninja? who has the both better and right opinion? either and any way you look at it, it was just a chance for them to let loose and show one another just how the other truly feels, about everything for not only were they rivals, they are also, the very best of friends, the closest set of brother like figures there could possibly be and finally, the two top greatest Shinobi in their world to have ever existed, past, present and future alike, it was now time for the promise that they made during their last encounter to be kept, the promise...of a rematch. After having their stare-off, Naruto and Sasuke both jump head towards one another with Naruto activating his Six Paths Chakra Mode and Sasuke his Rinne Sharingan and proceed to have a standoff in midair before backing away from one another and landing on-top of the other's respective starting points, Naruto on-top of Madara's statue and Sasuke on-top of Hashirama's, Sasuke proceeded to use his clan's signature Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu against Naruto only for him to summon a giant arm of Kurama's from Naruto's Six Paths Chakra Mode cloak to block the Fireball Jutsu, however, Sasuke used a timed reaction technique in that, as the Fireballs started to disintegrate in Naruto's Kurama's palm, they suddenly lit black aflame, it was a timed Kagutsuchi Sasuke had planned ahead, the Kagutsuchi would use its Amaterasu black flames to burn on Kurama's palm, leading back directly into Naruto's own arm, Naruto had to act quickly before the Kagutsuchi had reached his real arm, he used another Kurama palm to slice off the arm of the first one, that way Naruto halted the Kagutsuchi, however, it was all a diversion, Sasuke had thrown his sword all the way over to Naruto whilst he was preoccupied, giving Sasuke the chance to charge up a Kagutsuchi powered Chidori in the meantime before finally using his Rinne Sharingan's special ability of time-space teleportation, allowing Sasuke to switch places with his sword and then try to jab Naruto right in the chest, Naruto quickly reacted by creating three more Kurama palms in addition to the second one he had already created, using the four palms to grab Sasuke's arm and stop him from jabbing Naruto, knowing that getting hit by the Kagutsuchi powered Chidori would cost Naruto the battle entirely, using his own hands, he created two Shadow Clones of himself, already in Sage Mode, the two clones proceeded to go on to create more clones whilst Sasuke was being held in check by the real Naruto until finally, all the clones had unleashed two Wind Style: Rasenshurikens big enough that they could blow the whole area away, as the two blasts converged upon where Naruto and Sasuke were, joining together, as one whole, seemingly blowing them both up whilst devastating the entire area that was around them previously, it was then shown that both Naruto and Sasuke had jumped up into the air before the explosion impacted and finally, deciding to end the battle and make it quick and short, the two decided to infuse their fists with Chakra and whoever landed the first hit would win, Naruto was aiming for Sasuke's chest whilst Sasuke was aiming for Naruto's head, knowing he could instantly knockout Naruto with just a one blow concussion to the head, Sasuke had then recalled all of their previous battles up to now and had decided that this one, was the worst, that it just wasn't up to snuff compared to the previous ones and thus, deciding that he wanted a future rematch with Naruto that had proved more worthy, one where they weren't trapped in a world ruled by deities and fighting at a fake recreation of the Final Valley, Sasuke forfeited the fight, stopping just before hitting Naruto's head and allowing Naruto to give Sasuke a straight punch to the chest that sent him flying into the river, where he laid floating amidst the water. Naruto-"SASUKE!" After winning the fight, Naruto dived in and had helped Sasuke out of the water, the two were seen breathless, laying next to one another by the river's high ground, Naruto instantly knew that Sasuke gave up the match at the last second and was angry, wanting to know why: Naruto-"WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT!? HUH!? why!? why you just suddenly give up like that!? that's not like you at all! believe it!" Sasuke-"...Shut up, loser, if i wanted to win, don't you think THAT wouldn't have appeared?" Naruto-"Huh? whoa!" it was Naruto's own personal relic, a testament to his victory against Sasuke, however: Naruto-"...I don't want it, that wasn't, that wasn't a proper fight, not on our true levels anyways, we're high class Shinobi and yet-" Sasuke-"Naruto, your forgetting one thing in this world and that is: Ninja don't exist, we don't have dreams or goals here, the only thing that is similar is that we are tools to be used by those that want our powers for themselves, that's all, no more, no less..." Naruto-"Sasuke...still...i want, i want to fight you seriously! like we promised before you left the village!" Sasuke-"...Naruto, you still haven't fully recovered your memories...of being here, in this world." Naruto-"...What? what are you talking about? Sasuke?" Sasuke proceeded to stand up. Sasuke-"That's something...you're going to have to figure out for yourself, go, just take the relic, i promise you, we will meet again." Naruto-"But!" Sasuke-"...Are you still, going to remain a loser for the rest of your life? have you forgotten already what you just remembered?" Naruto-"...Ah! Kurama! you there!?" Kurama-"Yep, loud and clear, look, just take the Uchiha brat up on his offer will ya? we still need to know more about this world and the powers that rule it, not to mention, what Sasuke mentioned, about-" Naruto-"About me being here previously..." Sasuke-"..." Naruto stood up and gave himself a pat on the chest. Naruto-"Alright, i'll take it, i don't really like how this all turned out but i guess a victory is still a victory, huh." Sasuke-"...Pledge your Ninja Way once more." Sasuke begins to walk away. Naruto-"Huh?" Sasuke-"...I'll be back, for my forehead protector, until then, keep on to it and never lose it, otherwise, our destined rematch will have no meaning." Naruto-"...Yeah, you got it, Sasuke, we may be on opposing sides, but..." Sasuke-"...Heh." Sasuke vanishes from sight. Naruto-"...I'll never give up, that's my Ninja Way, Kurama...sorry, about, you know..." Kurama-"Oh shut up already, look, one of your new friends is approaching." Naruto-"Huh? ! AH! Goku!" Goku-"Huff...huff...huff...huff...YAAA! finally found you! all the way out here in the boonies!" Naruto-"Goku! what happened!? where are Ichigo and Luffy!?" Goku-"...About that..." Naruto-"...!?" meanwhile... Athena-"...My heroes...they are slowly starting...to remember." Ending Theme Song-https://youtu.be/PEmVVHPEPJA. Chapter III: Ichigo Kurosaki-Black: Opening Theme Song-https://youtu.be/EOKAnomhHRg. Returning to the point in time just after Naruto was teleported by Aizen to Sasuke's location, Ichigo and Goku confronted both Aizen and Hao. Ichigo-"NARUTO!" Ichigo reached out his hand to where Naruto once stood. Ichigo-"...Tch! DAMN-YOU!" Ichigo drew his large Human sized sword from upon his back, the Zanpakuto known, as Zangetsu and had proceeded to unsheathe it from its bandage wrappings whilst trying to strike Aizen down with Zangetsu, only to be blocked by Hao who previously blocked Naruto's attack upon Aizen. Hao-"Sheesh, are all you heroes THIS impatient?" Ichigo-"OUT OF THE WAY!" Hao-"Not happening, hero." Aizen-"...I see, very well then, i'll be seeing you soon, Ichigo Kurosaki." Aizen began teleporting both Ichigo and Hao elsewhere but not before Ichigo shouts out towards Aizen: Ichigo-"AIZEN!" Ichigo and Hao end up elsewhere, as Ichigo backs away from Hao who swipes through his hair and starts talking to Ichigo: Hao-"Now then, since its just the two of us, care to show me, your swordsmanship skills i've heard about?" Ichigo-"B******!" Ichigo began to duel with Hao, as Hao used his Spirit of Fire sword to clash with Ichigo's Zangetsu, during the fight, Hao was able to switch the elemental properties of his sword from Fire to Water, giving Ichigo a tricky situation to more or less deal with, however, using an all out Getsuga Tensho blast attack, Ichigo was able to completely destroy the area, causing Hao to decide to end their battle. Hao-"...Hmph, what ridicule you represent." Ichigo-"What are you talking about!?" Hao-"I'm saying that for all the power you possess, you still cling to the "Light", honestly, your not even worth a warm-up, given what you are." Ichigo-"I cling to...the "Light"? what's that mean!? enough! just tell me where Luffy and Naruto are!" Hao-"Really? and what would you do then? how can you possibly help them? given...you have a monster lurking inside you." Ichigo-"!?!? H-how!?!?" Hao-"Forget it, this was a complete waste of my time, i think i'll go back and see how Aizen is doing with that meat-head friend of yours, until we meet again, which may be never." Ichigo-"!? No! STOP!" Hao disappears from sight. Ichigo-"...Dammit, Luffy, Naruto, Goku...tch, i've got, to find them!" Ichigo headed onward, now alone without Naruto, Goku and Luffy by his side, as he journeyed, he fought multiple lookalikes that proceeded to stand in his way, eventually, he came across a lookalike of himself standing in his way. Ichigo-"...Looking at you...P***** ME OFF!!!!" Ichigo sliced in half the white coloured lookalike of himself in rage, remembering who it reminds him of, suddenly- Hollow Ichigo-"What's wrong? PARTNER?" Ichigo-"!?!?" just then, standing right in front of Ichigo was his shadowy self, the Hollow that lurks inside of him, Hollow Ichigo. Ichigo-"YOU!?!? ...no, it can't be, your just another lookalike, the real you can't be standing right here in front of me, that's impossible." Hollow Ichigo-"..."Sigh", its a stupid thing like that that makes me wonder, are you even fit to still be the king?" Ichigo-"...What?" Hollow Ichigo-"Idiot, look around you! this world is full of the unimaginable! if anything can happen here, why can't I be here? think about it, or actually, maybe you HAVE thought about it but are too scared to admit it!" Ichigo-"Damn you! i am not, scared! i'll prove it! i'll strike you down, here and now!" Hollow Ichigo-"Fine, that's just what i was expecting anyways...ICHIGO." Ichigo and Hollow Ichigo took their stances and shouted out: Ichigo and Hollow Ichigo-"BAN-KAI!" they both activated their shared Bankai, Tensa Zangetsu, they then immediately proceeded to clash swords. Hollow Ichigo-"I can see what that Hao guy meant when he said that you still "cling to the Light", honestly Ichigo, your going to go nowhere if this keeps up! how can you possibly help save those so called friends of yours!?" Ichigo-"You too!? what are you all...TALKING ABOUT!?!? GUAH!!!!" Ichigo gave a loud roar out to raise his Spirit Energy, Hollow Ichigo backed up, knowing Ichigo was preparing for a devastating attack, he says to his counterpart: Hollow Ichigo-"YEAH! that's the spirit Ichigo! more! i want to see more! show me more of that Spirit Energy! and then...I CAN TAKE YOU OVER COMPLETELY." said Hollow Ichigo, Ichigo, without realizing it until it was too late was starting to produce his Hollow Vizard Mask without having commanding summoning it, it started taking him over and at a very fast rate, transform him into his Hollow state/form, as Ichigo started going berserk with Hollow Ichigo nowhere to be found, it was then that unexpected allies came to Ichigo's aid, it was the travelling group of Allen Walker, Izuku Midoriya and Yusuke Urameshi. Yusuke-"WHOA! what is that thing!?!?" Izuku-"I don't know but, if we let it rampage, it will destroy the whole area! guys! we got to stop it!" Allen-"...? ! wait! Yusuke! Izuku!" Yusuke and Izuku-"Huh?" Allen-Don't you see? that sword its carrying, in its hand, doesn't it remind you of-" Yusuke-"...! ICHIGO!? wait, wasn't he travelling with the three gluttons before? what's he doing here! why has he become that monster all of a sudden!?" Izuku-"Let's save the questions for later, for now, he needs our help, i'm going in!" Yusuke-"Ah Deku! wait up! geez louise, this sure is-A PAIN!" Allen-"Guys! you hold him down whilst i work on helping reverse his transformation process!" Yusuke-"Yeah, easy for you to say! WHOA! hey! watch where you swing that tail!" Izuku-"Okay, let's do this! Yusuke! Ichigo!" Yusuke-"Right!" Izuku and Yusuke proceeded to battle the Hollow transformed Ichigo, as Allen was preparing some sort of incantation with his "Innocence" activated, Izuku and Yusuke both knew that in order to help Ichigo, they had to first pin down his body before Allen's incantation was fully ready, to do this, during the fight where Izuku and Yusuke paired up, they both used their signature attacks, Izuku used his Smash to knock Ichigo down straight into the ground from up above and then, just, as Ichigo tried to regain steadiness from being dizzy from the impact, Yusuke finally charged up his Spirit Gun within his finger and shot it straight at Ichigo's hollow hole in the center of his chest. Yusuke-"This is for you pal, from one Spirit Detective to another! SPIRIT GUN!" Yusuke fires the fully charged Spirit Gun, knocked Ichigo straight back into a wall where Izuku proceeded to pin him down. Izuku-"Allen! whatever it is your doing, you better do it now, i can't hold him for long!" Allen-"Right! Innocence...ACTIVATE!" Allen used the power of his Innocence to "purify" Ichigo, causing his Hollow state to revert back to his normal Human self, as Ichigo slowly awoke back in his Shikai state, he was startled by who was surrounding him. Ichigo-"...Huh? wha? ! GA!? you-you guys!?!? what are you doing here!?!?" Yusuke-"Funny, same thing could be said about you." Allen-We were wondering how you ended up here, weren't you travelling with Goku, Luffy and Naruto?" Yusuke-"Yeah, the three gluttons." Allen-"I'd wish you'd stop calling them that." Yusuke-"What? its true." Izuku-"Ichigo, you don't have to answer right away, your still recuperating, take your time and-" Ichigo-"No, its fine, rather, you need to hear this..." Yusuke, Izuku and Allen-"?" After a short but lengthy nevertheless explanation, Ichigo had explained his circumstances in ending up here where Yusuke's travelling group was... Yusuke-"...So lemme get this straight, you saw the guy you were supposed to fight but didn't, failed to obtain your relic and worst of all, let you and your companions get separated from one another? not to mention transforming into THAT THING?" Izuku-"Yusuke!" Yusuke-"Look guys, mollycoddle him all you want, it is what it looks like, exactly how i told it, Ichigo, you failed, BIG TIME." Ichigo-"!?" Allen-"Yusuke that's enough!" Yusuke-"...Hmph." Allen-"..."Sigh", despite Yusuke's brashness, he does have a point, Ichigo, what do you intend to do now?" Ichigo-"...What does it look like? i'm going to find everyone." Izuku-"Yeah but Ichigo, what if, what if that monster takes hold of you again? how will you-" Ichigo-"...I won't say relax Izuku since that's the wrong choice of words but, i fought the monster before and i beat it, if i can do it once, i can do it again, next time, i won't fail." Yusuke-"Yes but how can we be certain?" Ichigo-"...If i fail, i want you guys to-" Yusuke-"Forget it." Ichigo-"Wha?" Yusuke-"I don't do THAT kind of thing, ..."sigh", Deku, Allen, looks like, i'm going to have to leave you guys for a while, got to keep an eye on this idiot Substitute Soul Reaper before he might do something rash." Ichigo-"H-HEY!" Yusuke-"Forget it, i'm coming with you and that's that, us Spirit Detectives have got to look out for one another right?" Allen-"Heh." Ichigo-"...Alright, fine, i guess it wouldn't hurt to have backup." Yusuke-"So there you have it, i'll be seeing you guys soon?" Izuku-"Yeah, count on it!" Allen-"Don't be late you guys." Yusuke-"Yeah, same to you two, Ichigo, let's go." Ichigo-"Ah hey! wait up!" Izuku-"...Do you think, they'll be okay Allen?" Allen-"...Honestly, i don't know Izuku, those two have similar personalities to one another, its hard to judge whether they will be able to get along or not, "sigh"...anyways, let's not focus on the negatives, we've got to find our relics, you with me?" Izuku-"Yeah! let's go!" Izuku and Allen proceeded to leave before the former stopped to take one last glance back at both Ichigo and Yusuke before moving onward. Ichigo. now paired up with Yusuke fought against many lookalikes before the two decided to rest a bit. Yusuke-"PHEW! that last battle took it way out of me, hey, let's stop for a mo, kay Ichigo?" Ichigo-"Uh, sure." Ichigo and Yusuke sat around a fire. Ichigo-"..."Sigh"..." Yusuke-"You still worrying?" Ichigo-"Well, yeah, wouldn't you?" Yusuke-"No sweat, i know both Deku and Walker can take care of themselves, speaking of which, what about you? Ichigo?" Ichigo-"H-Huh?" Yusuke-"What are you going to do? about that monster that lurks inside you?" Ichigo-"...You mean, my Hollow?" Yusuke-"Yeah that, i mean, you can't leave it just lying there forever, eventually its going to come back out again and when it does-" Ichigo-"Don't worry, i'll stop it, i was doubting myself before but thanks to you Yusuke, i think i'll be fine, before, i asked you to destroy me in case if things went south but because you refused to give up, i feel like i can become stronger just like you, i promise, i won't give in the next time it confronts me, next time...i'll be the king..." Yusuke-"...Huh? king? what's that about?" After resting up, Ichigo and Yusuke proceeded to move onward once more, until finally- Aizen-"Hello again, Ichigo Kurosaki." Aizen appears before both Ichigo and Yusuke with the latter preparing a Spirit Gun just in case. Aizen-"...I see that you have a new travelling companion." Ichigo-"...And i see that you don't have anymore of your flunkies around, tell me, Aizen, what is it? what do you...want from me?" Aizen-"...To see you grow stronger, to see if you are strong enough...to end the cycle." Ichigo-"...Cycle? what are you talking about?" Aizen-"...It became clear when i saw your friend, the fox boy having completely almost no sense of the memories that he had lurking about inside his head, surely, you must be the same, are you not? Ichigo Kurosaki?" Ichigo-"Cut the games! answer me!" Aizen-"...Hmph, if you want to know the truth, follow where your soul will lead you and you'll find me there, all connected ties start off disconnecting from one another until eventually...they rejoin, as one." Aizen disappears. Ichigo-"..." Yusuke-"...You gonna go after him?" Ichigo-"That goes without saying, i have to make up for my mistake of not obtaining the relic when i previously had the chance to, Yusuke, i'm sorry but, can you wait for me here? i need to do this, on my own, i think, i think i finally understand what it is, about what they were talking about, about...clinging to the Light, if anything, i think its time, i corrected, that mistake." Yusuke-"...Just remember-" Ichigo-"Its like you keep saying." Yusuke-"W-wha?" Ichigo-"Us fellow Spirit Detectives have got to look out for one another, don't worry, i'll be back soon." Yusuke-"Okay but don't take too long, remember! we still got to find your missing friends!" Ichigo-"...That's right, Luffy, Naruto, Goku...i'm...i'm coming back to you guys, just...one last stop i need to make before that." Ichigo battles all the lookalikes that stand in his way before eventually reaching a very familiar settlement, it was the outskirts of the Real Karakura Town, where he last fought Aizen before with the Final Getsuga Tensho in hand. Ichigo-"...This place, huh?" Tensa Zangetsu-"Have you made your decision?" Ichigo-"Unh!?!?" Ichigo found himself in the world that his Zanpakuto's Bankai resides in, Tensa Zangetsu. Ichigo-"...Zangetsu." Tensa Zangetsu-"Before, Ichigo, you let it rain and you let the Hollow within you take control once more, tell me, what will you do if that happens again? will you-" Ichigo-"I figured it out." Tensa Zangetsu-"What?" Ichigo-"...It wasn't, it wasn't my Hollow that took control of me...it was, myself, clinging...to the Light." Tensa Zangetsu-"What do you mean?" Ichigo-"...Before, upon entering this world, i was scared, so scared mentally that i thought my Hollow powers would go wild because of the effects of this world, so, i decided that i would cling to just only half of my powers without using the entirety of them, in other-words, i didn't use my Hollow powers but now, now i'm ready, to accept the Hollow within me once more, this time, i won't go berserk and have others help me like last time, this time, i'm going to settle things...all on my own! you okay with that? Zangetsu?" Tensa Zangetsu-"...Heh, just...don't die on me, okay Ichigo? HE wouldn't like that either." Ichigo turned around and had noticed the masked Hollow Ichigo before finally saying: Ichigo-"...Yeah, i know." the masked Hollow Ichigo lifted up his mask, giving a evil snigger towards Ichigo's response before he then returned back to the real world, it was here, that Aizen was already awaiting him. Aizen-"...Have you finally found your answer?" Ichigo-"...Yeah, i have, Aizen." Aizen-"...Then let us see, if...you are, truly worthy...of obtaining...your...RELIC!" Aizen transformed thanks to the power of the Hogyoku embedded in his chest, Ichigo drew his Zangetsu and immediately went into Bankai mode, prepared to fight Aizen once more. "Let's do this, Aizen!" said Ichigo, as both he and Aizen clashed swords, Aizen teleported himself behind Ichigo and had tried to cut his head off, however, Ichigo had managed to use Shunpo, the Flash Step to evade Aizen's attack before then summoning his Hollow Vizard Mask, Ichigo having now fully accepted the "Darkness" within him, Ichigo unleashes a Black Getsuga Tensho upon Aizen who takes the full brunt of the attack, however, thanks to the Hogyoku, Aizen uses Instant Regeneration to heal himself, Ichigo was moving at very fast speeds, trying to avoid the Hado Number 90: Kurohitsugi that Aizen was casting to trap Ichigo in, eventually he manages to catch the orange haired youth but just like their last fight from before, Ichigo taps into the full power of his Spirit Energy and easily breaks the Black Box containing him with just a swift move from his hand, Aizen was shocked by this. Aizen-"...No, it can't be! that power, THAT'S!?" upon emerging from the Black Box, Ichigo's appearance had changed, he now looked, exactly, as he did when he obtained the Final Getsuga Tensho. Ichigo-"...? !? This...is?" Aizen-"...It seems this world has granted your innermost desire." Ichigo-"...Innermost, desire? Aizen-"That's right, POWER." Ichigo-"...I see, then-" Ichigo immediately went and had grabbed Aizen's sword, saying to him the words: Ichigo-"...Aizen, you know, what comes next? don't you?" Aizen-"..." Aizen backed away from Ichigo, jumping on-top a high cliff and started preparing a Gran Rey Cero attack, big enough to envelop the whole area and destroy it all in one blow. Aizen-"...Let's see if you can take this! the power of the Gran Rey Cero i wasn't able to unleash before! behold! Ichigo Kurosaki! this is...MY GRAN REY CERO!!!!" Aizen shot the white coloured Gran Rey Cero directly from the tip of his sword arm straight at Ichigo, however, by then, it was...too late, Ichigo...had already entered, his Final Getsuga Tensho form, Mugetsu. Ichigo-"...Normally, this would mean the end of my Soul Reaper powers, but, thanks to the effects of this world, mostly, thanks to the Goddess, her powers are what keep me from losing my Soul Reaper powers whilst i use Mugetsu, meaning...i can still be the Substitute Soul Reaper, Ichigo, Kurosaki, now then..." Ichigo in his Mugetsu form lifted his jet black sword upwards, as Aizen, having already experienced this beforehand, closes his eyes and accepts his fate, Ichigo swings the sword down upon Aizen. Ichigo-"...Everything turns to black...MUGETSU!" shouted out Ichigo, using the Mugetsu, the sky completely turns pitch black and Aizen is completely enveloped inside of it, after all is said and done, Ichigo, though greatly weakened by the effects of the Final Getsuga Tensho, still retains his Soul Reaper powers, thanks to the powers of Goddess Athena. Ichigo-"...Goddess...thank you." Aizen-"You should be thanking yourself, it was your own power that won you the relic." Aizen reappeared in his normal Human form, as though he was completely unscathed, as though the battle had never even happened to begin with. Ichigo-"Aizen! ...ah!" Ichigo noticed in his hand his relic, having won it from the battle with Aizen. Aizen-"It seems you truly do have the power...to end the cycle." Ichigo-"Aizen...you mentioned cycle before...what did you mean by that?" Aizen-"...When all 19 relics are collected and gathered...then you will know the truth, the truth...of the Interval Inbetween." Aizen disappears, leaving Ichigo behind to ponder on Aizen's words, just then, approaching Ichigo was Yusuke. Yusuke-"HEEEY!" Ichigo was happy to see Yusuke approaching him, as he looked up towards the sky, to see it nice and blue again before lastly smiling, thinking to himself the words: "...Everything turns to black...and then, fades...into white." meanwhile... Aizen-"I take it the fox boy obtained his relic, as well?" Sasuke-"Yeah, but the outcome wasn't to either of our likings..." Aizen-"...Did you tell him about the cycle?" Sasuke-"...I told him to pledge his Ninja Way once more, that's all that mattered at the time." Aizen-"...I see, meanwhile, i suppose Doflamingo is enacting his web of shadows i take it?" Sasuke-"..." Ending Theme Song-https://youtu.be/7r-MF7Cm4YI. Chapter IV: Monkey D. Luffy-MEAT: Opening Theme Song-https://youtu.be/PGWzIlW0Jm0. Moments after Luffy was teleported upon trying to eat the mysterious "Meat", he found himself in enemy territory, not knowing where he was and, to be perfectly honest...not really caring. Luffy-"BLEGH! that Meat tasted HORRIBLE! seriously, it tasted like someone was eating a rotten rice-ball or something, that's it! i've decided! i'm going to go find that relic or whatever it is and get back home, Sanji can make me something decent that way! now then, hup! let's go!" Luffy was not deterred in the slightest in having been transported elsewhere, in fact, he was more motivated, Luffy was now actually motivated at last to seek out the relics and bring them to Athena, the question was, how would Luffy go about it? Luffy-"I hope Goku, Naruto and Ichigo are doing fine, they'll be okay without me, for now, all i have to do is beat up whoever it is that's from the same world, as me and then obtain that relic lady whatever her name was talked about, still, can't help but feel worried about those guys, i wonder if they'll be okay without me? AHH! this is annoying!" Doflamingo-"Well, well, well, long time, no see, little hypocrite, "evil snigger"." Luffy-"Huh? who said that? why is that voice so familiar?" Doflamingo-"What? forgotten me already? that's sad, REALLY sad." Doflamingo appeared in front of Luffy. Luffy-"AHH! MINGO!" Doflamingo-"Hello again, Monkey D. Luffy, "evil snigger"." Luffy-"So your the guy i have to beat up? okay then, that's no problem for me, i hate your guts anyways!" Doflamingo-"Heh heh, just try and defeat me, if you can that is!" Luffy and Doflamingo proceed to fight one another, Doflamingo tries to use his Overheat technique against Luffy of whom using his quick reflexes manages to dodge and then jump up into the air and unleash a barrage of Gum Gum Gatling attacks upon Doflamingo, eventually during midway through the fight, shockingly, Doflamingo breaks apart into a million pieces of string, greatly shocking Luffy comically: Luffy-"GAAAHH!!!! I KILLED MINGO BY ACCIDENT!" Doflamingo-"Don't be too sure, runt." Luffy-"Huh? GWAH! ANOTHER MINGO!?!?" Doflamingo-"Stupid monkey, don't you remember? i can create multiple copies of myself using my String String powers." Luffy-"...Oh, right, GAH! right! bring it Doflamingo! i'm going to get my relic and then i'll-" Doflamingo-"You'll what? go back home? just like that? without giving, as so much a thought to your other new "friends" here? heh heh, how cruel, how simply cruel of you!" Luffy-"WHAT!?" Doflamingo-"Face it punk, you'll never obtain your relic from me, not now, NOT EVER! STRING BULLET!" Using his String Bullet technique, Doflamingo attacks Luffy in the torso before disappearing, leaving Luffy behind. Luffy-"OI! get back here Mingo! OI! ...he's not coming back, what's he mean about me not caring about my new friends? hmm...!? WAIT! does he mean...!? i-i got to find them, NOW!" Luffy decided to abandon his search for his relic upon realizing that Doflamingo intends to threaten the other heroes summoned by Athena, Luffy battles multiple lookalikes until eventually, he finds Doflamingo harassing both Tsunayoshi Sawada and Gon Freecss, Tsuna is seen both kneeling and weakened whilst Gon is trying desperately to protect Tsuna. Gon-"...Huff...huff...T-Tsuna, you-you alright?" Tsuna-"...Huff...huff...huff...i'm-i'm fine, don't worry about me, just run! Gon!" Gon-"No! i won't abandon, my friends!" Doflamingo-"A pity, then you will die then." As Doflamingo prepared to use his String Bullet technique against both Tsuna and Gon- Luffy-"MINGO!!!!" Luffy using a Gum Gum Pistol tries to hit Doflamingo, only for him to evade Luffy's attack and jump back a bit. Tsuna and Gon-"LUFFY!" Luffy-"Mingo! leave my friends alone!" Doflamingo-"...Friends? you consider these weaklings friends? heh, what a fool, fine, you catch up being buddy buddies with these little twerps, meanwhile..." Doflamingo disappears yet again, leaving Luffy behind to check up on both Gon and Tsuna. Luffy-"...Are you guys okay? Gong and Tsunow was it?" Tsuna-"...Its-its Tsuna." Gon-"And i'm Gon without a G at the end! seriously Luffy, how can you forget our names like that!?" Luffy-"Sorry, sorry, anyways, are you guys okay? nothing broken?" Gon-"We'll live but Train..." Luffy-"Train?" Tsuna-"Yeah, Train Heartnet, we got separated from each other earlier and now we're looking for him, only for that guy using string to appear from out of nowhere and suddenly attack us." Luffy-"...So you guys are missing someone too...alright, i'll help!" Tsuna-"Really!?" Luffy-"Sure, its the least i can do because to be quite honest, that guy Mingo is from my world, i feel like i owe you guys one." Gon-"...Mingo?" Tsuna-"Thanks, we can really use all the help we can get, just let us rest up first..." said Tsuna, lying down, completely exhausted, as Gon follows the former's example, Luffy decides that he will keep watch and guard over both Tsuna and Gon until they have regained their both strength and energy. meanwhile... Raoh-"You take an awful risk in letting the brats live Doflamingo, is this just your way of entertainment?" Doflamingo-"Like a drunk on fighting machine like YOU needs to understand what i'm doing, i'm just trying to follow Ares' will and make sure that the children do not obtain their relics, simple-as-that." Raoh-"...Hmph, you underestimate those so called "children", especially the monkey, your opponent, didn't i hear he once bested you in battle?" Doflamingo-"!?" after a while of resting, both Tsuna and Gon got back up on their feet and continued journeying forth with Luffy now in tow with them, Gon asks how Luffy ended up where they are and Luffy explains more or less from what he can remember: Luffy-"...And that's how it is, i'm hoping the guys are okay, i was actually going to go look for them until i saw Mingo attacking you guys." Tsuna-"...We were travelling with Train who separated from his own group due to personal circumstances regarding his relic and then, Train's enemy had suddenly appeared and lured him away, leaving us to deal with the bird guy." Gon-"We've got to find Train and quick! i think something terrible might be happening to him!" Luffy-"Right, got it! who knows? maybe we'll find some of the others, AND MEAT ALONG THE WAY, AS WELL!" just then, Tsuna suddenly stopped. Gon-"Tsuna? what's wrong?" Tsuna-"..." Luffy-"...Something on your mind? !? do you need to fill your stomach!?" Tsuna-"Just stop already!" Gon and Luffy-"!?!?" Luffy-"H-Huh!?" Tsuna-"All you care about, all you even think about, is FOOD! why can't you give thought to anyone else!? its because your mind was solely focused on food that you got separated from your group and now, they might be hurt because of such negligence! i'm sick of it!" Gon-"Tsuna!" Luffy-"...So, you want to go a few rounds?" Tsuna-"Huh?" Luffy-"Sounds to me your just nagging, let's fight, then we'll see who is right." Gon-"Luffy no!" Tsuna-"...Tch! fine! you asked for it!" Luffy and Tsuna thus began fighting one another, Tsuna had dawned his Vongola Decimo gloves and had proceeded to enter his Hyper Dying Will Mode, noticing the potential within Tsuna's strength, Luffy decides not to hold back either and proceeds to use his Gear Second technique against Tsuna, the two are equally matched in speed, trading punches with one another at what almost look liked mach speed, Luffy uses Gum Gum Jet Pistol against Tsuna, forcing him into a corner, it is then that Tsuna decides to unleash in a hasty gamble his ultimate X Burner attack, Gon tries to talk him out of it but Tsuna is unable to hear Gon, instead he launches the X Burner directly at Luffy, seeing the immense power behind the X Burner attack, Luffy ultimately decides to quickly use Gear Third and use his enlarged arm to block the heat exhaustion of the attack being thrown at him, after managing to block the attack with the palm of his enlarged hand, Luffy comically reacts to being "burned", as it were upon his enlarged hand reverting back to normal and Tsuna runs completely dry out of energy, exiting Hyper Dying Will Mode and at this point, has effectively lost the battle against Luffy. Tsuna-"GAH!" Tsuna falls from the air towards the ground, landing on his backside before saying to himself: Tsuna-"...No!" Luffy saw Tsuna after cooling his hand down, just looking on at him sternly. Tsuna-"...No, not-again! URGH!!!!" Gon-"Tsuna! calm down! that's enough!" Tsuna-"!? ...Gon..."sigh"...sorry...i-" Luffy-"Something happened?" Tsuna-"Ah!" Luffy raised his hand towards Tsuna, offering to help him up. Luffy-"Here." Tsuna-"...T-thanks...and...sorry-" Luffy-"Backup." Tsuna-"H-huh!?" Luffy-"...Look, you weren't wrong about earlier, about me and Meat, in fact, its because of you i now see that, but...i can't change who i am, its just the way i am, to be honest, i use Meat after coming to this World more or less...to hide my own fears." Gon and Luffy-"!?!?" Gon-"You have...fears Luffy!? but! you look and act exactly, as if you don't have any fear whatsoever!" Luffy-"That's not true, to be honest, i'm...scared, i'm scared, of a lot of things happening and that's not just from coming to this world only, i was also scared more or less back in my own world, i was...afraid, scared terrified that i would lose the things most very important and precious to me, my friends...one day, i lost someone i hold very dear to me standing right in front of me...he...he died in my arms, as i just watched on, helpless, to do anything...i, i failed...i failed, to protect him and because of that, i vowed, i vowed that i would never again lose those that i cherish and would protect them, no matter what the costs were, even...if i had to give up my own life in exchange, being separated from my friends...is more painful then anything else to bare, that's what i truly believe..." Gon-"Luffy..." Tsuna-"...I'm-i'm sorry, to be honest, i...i didn't have a very high opinion of you, Luffy, i thought, that you didn't take anything seriously and that you only care about food but, now i see, the truth, please, forgive me, Luffy-OW!" Luffy flicked Tsuna on his forehead. Luffy-"Didn't i tell you to stop with the apologies already!? sheesh! its like listening to a broken record! look! i'm fine! a-okay! okay? OKAY!?" Luffy gave a comedic frightening face, as Tsuna showed a comedic sweat drop behind his head, saying towards Luffy: Tsuna-"R-right..." Luffy-"...Thanks, Tsunow." Tsuna-"...Its Tsuna but, what exactly for? we just fought didn't we? and you won." Luffy-"Yeah i won but i don't really care about that, what i care about is just making sure my friends are okay, you included, like i said before, you helped me open my eyes a little bit and i guess, well, i'm going to have to put Meat aside for the moment, i can eat it all i want once i find the others! sound good? hey, i'm even feeling in a sharing mood, maybe, JUST maybe, i'll let you have one piece of my Meat." Tsuna-"N-no thanks, i'm good." Luffy-"WHAT!?!? YOU'RE SAYING...YOU DON'T LIKE MEAT!?!?" Tsuna-"H-HUH!? NO! THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT AT ALL!" Gon-"Ha ha ha!" Luffy and Tsuna noticed Gon laughing before then laughing themselves, afterwards... Luffy-"Shi! Shi! Shi! ...right! time to go find the others...and bust up Mingo while i'm at it!" Gon-"Mind if we help too? we've got a score to settle with that bird guy!" Tsuna-"...Yeah." Luffy-"Sure! the more the merrier! who knows? we might be able to obtain ALL our relics that way! here's hoping." Tsuna-"...Luffy?" Luffy-"Yup?" Tsuna-"...Thanks, thank you, you helped me too, to come up, with an answer." Luffy-"Huh?" despite what Tsuna lastly said, Luffy decided not to ponder on it, as he, Gon and Tsuna all together continued journeying forth, attempting to find lost friends. The three battle together against many lookalikes along the way until eventually reaching a certain checkpoint that was all too very familiar to Luffy, it was none other then the Corrida Coliseum of Dressrosa in which he fought in, as the old man "Lucy" once previously. Luffy-"AHHH!!!!" Tsuna-"What!? what is it Luffy!?" Luffy-"This place! i remember this place! yeah! no doubt about it!" Doflamingo-"Of course you should, it was here, that you thought that you could trick me...and you did." Doflamingo appears. Luffy, Gon and Tsuna-"!?" Luffy-"Mingo!" Doflamingo-"...Hmph, that Raoh, i'll show him!" suddenly, joining Doflamingo was a shocking partner in crime. Byakuran-"Mind if i join in? Dofy?" Tsuna-"!?!? B-BYAKURAN!" Byakuran-"Why, hello again, 10th boss of the Vongola Famiglia." Luffy-"Huh? HUUUH!? OI! THAT GUY! HE'S AN ANGEL! THERE'S AN ANGEL RIGHT IN FRONT OF US!" Gon-"...Trust me Luffy, that's no angel." Luffy-"Huh?" Gon-"His name is Byakuran, he's Tsuna's..." Luffy then looked at Tsuna, as he showed a very angry and determined look upon his face, clutching a fist. Luffy-"...Gotcha, hey Tsuna, you go on ahead, you too Gon." Tsuna-"Huh?" Gon-"What!?" Luffy-"Sorry, i know i promised i'd let you in on the Mingo bashing but, it looks like, you guys are going to have trouble with that guy, since he's here to help Doflamingo, plus..." Tsuna-"...You mean?" Luffy-"Yep, go on ahead Tsuna, Gon, i'll catch up with you, first-things-first!" Gon-"No way! i want to take on Doflamingo too! i also want to take on Byakuran for what he did earlier but!" Tsuna-"Gon, let Luffy settle things." Gon-"Huh?" Tsuna-"Byakuran...i've finally come up, with an answer..." Byakuran-"Oh really? i see, i'm very curious to see it, hey Dofy, mind if i take these two with me? i'm sure you wouldn't mind." Doflamingo-"Suit yourself, i have no interest in cannon fodder." Byakuran-"Yippee! now then, shall we? Tsunayoshi Sawada?" Byakuran flies away with Tsuna immediately chasing after him. Gon-"Ah Tsuna!" Luffy-"Go Gon!" Gon-"But!" Luffy-"Don't worry, i'll be fine, just let me take care of Mingo, please." Gon-"...Tch! fine! alright! slug him one for me okay!?" Gon chases after Tsuna after leaving Luffy behind to deal with Doflamingo. Luffy-"Yeah, you got it! for you guys and for everyone else too! MINGO! I'M GONNA BEAT THE C*** OUT OF YOU!" Doflamingo-"...You? defeat ME? "evil snigger", "evil cackling laugh", HA! NOW THAT'S A GOOD ONE! AS IF YOU CAN ACTUALLY DEFEAT ME!" Luffy-"I did once." Doflamingo-"!?!?" Luffy-"I beat you up and i moved on forwards, just like i promised that i would and now, i'm gonna promise you this-I WILL defeat you and i WILL get my relic! if i can't then i have no right, to call myself...the future King of the Pirates!" Doflamingo-"...Everyone, constantly, CONSTANTLY reminding me of how i lost to this brat! now listen up you sheer amateur! you only won last time because of the support you gained from Trafalgar Law and those other losers of Dressrosa but not this time! this time, we are in a world ruled by gods and here, anything-CAN HAPPEN! BIRDCAGE!!!!" Doflamingo uses his Birdcage technique and casts it around the entirety of the coliseum, slowly its iron bars of cutting string are quickly closing in to the center of the coliseum, destroying everything, as it makes its way to the stage in the center with Luffy and Doflamingo on-top of the watery platform. Doflamingo-"You or me, boy, let's see just who out of which one of us will survive being cut into a million pieces by the Birdcage, this time, you have no one to help you, absolutely no one, not Trafalgar Law...even not your brother, the 2nd in command of the Revolutionary Army Sabo, which reminds me..." Luffy-"Huh?" Doflamingo-"You had, another brother once, did you not? the one, who ate the Flame Flame Fruit." Luffy-"!?!?" Doflamingo-"What was his name again?" Luffy-"Shut up." Doflamingo-"Ah yes." Luffy-"I said SHUT UP!" Doflamingo-"Portgas D. Ace, the son, of the devil himself, as i recall, he died at the Battle of Marineford at the hands of now Fleet Admiral Sakazuki or, as he was known then, Akainu, using his Magma Magma Fruit to..."evil snigger"...Portgas D. Ace, you know, he could have lived, if, YOU hadn't arrived and had tried to save him, instead, he ended up saving YOU instead of himself and then, what happened? oh that's right! he died! right in your very-" Luffy shot an air pistol past Doflamingo's head using his fist, as Luffy was already seen in Gear Second, lastly saying to Doflamingo before engaging him in battle: Luffy-"...I told you...to SHUT-UP...MINGO...YOU...YOU ARE...GONNA PAY!!!!" Luffy flicked away his sandals before then blowing into his arm, as Doflamingo, smiling evilly, as ever, knew what was coming and had activated his Busoshoku No Haki, in preparation to fight Luffy at his maximum strength. "...Sigh...Gear...Fourth! Boundman version!" Luffy made his signature Gear Fourth pose, as he took on its variation known, as Boundman, preparing to quickly deal Doflamingo a swift and utter defeat with the Birdcage slowly closing in on the two. Doflamingo-"Now then, shall we begin? Monkey D. Luffy!!!!" Luffy-"DOFLAMINGO!!!!" the two cried out each other's names, as Doflamingo unleashed his rainbow coloured strings from both of his hands, his Five Color Strings technique, he tried to slash Luffy across the chest with a X shaped attack, only for Luffy to move at fast speeds thanks to flying around in Gear Fourth and then unleash upon Doflamingo Luffy's Gum Gum Leo Bazooka, Doflamingo took a heavy hit from the attack before then using his Sora No Michi technique to fly up into the air just below under the top of the Birdcage, followed by both his Itonoko and Athlete techniques combined, trying to slice Luffy's head off from behind with a surprise attack, Luffy, using Kenbunshoku No Haki had sensed Doflamingo's threat and had managed to dodge his surprise attack from behind, he then used his Python technique to give Doflamingo a smash to both his chin and jaw from below straight upwards, causing Doflamingo to spit out a broken tooth from his mouth, which irritates him, his blood veins start to grow inside his head and Doflamingo prepares to end Luffy's life once and for all, he uses God Thread against Luffy in an attempt to finally settle the fight before the suddenly very approaching Birdcage had sliced up everything in its path, Luffy, seeing the sixteen God Thread strings approaching him finally used his Haoshoku No Haki to break apart the strings, the sheer will emanating from Luffy's Haki showing that it is superior to Doflamingo's own Haki, as Doflamingo could not even fathom the idea of not only being defeated not just once by twice in a row by the same man no less, he could not fathom the idea that Luffy's Haoshoku No Haki was superior in all categories to Doflamingo's, Doflamingo failed to notice that Luffy had fully charged a Gum Gum King Kong Gun within his arm and had unleashed it with all of the full force of its fury behind it aimed directly at Doflamingo, Doflamingo tries to protect himself with his Spider's Web technique, only to get straight smacked in the face by the King Kong Gun, as it breaks through the Spider's Web and sends Doflamingo flying, as soon, as he was hit in the face and was sent flying, just before getting cut by the Birdcage strings, they suddenly automatically disappeared into smaller thinner strings that faded away along inside of the carrying wind and Doflamingo was seen flying crashing straight into a wall behind him, breaking it upon impact with it, Doflamingo was instantly KO'ed and Luffy let out a roar in victory. Raoh watched not too far away from behind the scenes, smirking, seeing Doflamingo defeated and Luffy having become victorious. Raoh-"...And so "god" falls from the throne and the Monkey climbs the tree to obtain the treasure that he has been seeking all this time...huh...amusing little fellow, perhaps one day, i might get the chance to fight him." Raoh walks away, pleased with the outcome of the fight, Doflamingo is seen laying on the ground, knocked out entirely from his fight with Luffy and having once again suffered an utterly humiliating defeat at his hands, Luffy however, upon finishing his victory roar suddenly collapses and falls backwards towards the ground, saying to Doflamingo still unconscious before falling unconscious himself: Luffy-"...Huff...huff...how...huff...do you...huff...like that...huff...huff...you b******!? ugh...i'm...hungry..." Frieza-"Oh ho ho hoooh! how amusing! a monkey bests "god" himself in battle, how utterly delicious! it almost makes me...want to spare the little chimpanzee but alas, HOW I LOATHE MONKEYS...off with your head i say." Frieza suddenly appears and prepares to try and shoot Luffy with a death beam right in his forehead, however, he is then also suddenly given a warning shot by someone not too far away, saying to Frieza the words: Train-"Back off, unless you want a bullet inside your own head." Frieza-"Oh? a fair marksman you make, however, you nearly dirtied me with rubble laying around everywhere, I WILL NOT LET THAT SLIDE." Frieza tries to prepare aiming his death beam towards Train, however, time suddenly stops, as Jotaro is the next one to appear. Jotaro-"Star Platinum, The World, Yare Yare Daze, what a pain, get out of here before you make enemies of even more bigger ones, the kid won this fight, he deserves a rest, if you want to take a shot at him, come find him again when he's all prepped again, got it snake?" the time stopping ability wears off upon Jotaro's command, allowing Frieza to move again, he replies to Jotaro: Frieza-"Hmph, so you are the one that Brando was talking about, Jotaro Kujo eh? very well, i shall leave the monkey in peace, besides, there is another monkey whose head i want more more then anything else this world of "gods" has to offer, i shall take the "god" that's laying about here and retreat for now, until then, adieu." saying Frieza in a sarcastic polite manner, using his tail to carry Doflamingo before mockingly bowing towards both Jotaro and Train and then jumping off to who knows elsewhere, as both Jotaro and Train tend to Luffy. Not too very long afterwards Luffy wakes up. Luffy-"...M-Meat...h-huh? where-where am i? huh? ...AH! MINGO!" Jotaro-"Relax." Luffy-"H-huh!?" Jotaro-"You beat that tall and obnoxious flamingo already, just rest up." Train-"Yeah, besides, these two were worried sick about you, so much, that while you were resting, they got themselves plum tuckered from all the worrying they did for ya." Luffy wonders who Train means until suddenly he sees both Tsuna and Gon sleeping by Luffy's side both safe and sound from their previous encounter with Byakuran. Luffy-"Gon! Tsuna!" Jotaro-"You sure all got yourselves into one hell of a mess, that's for sure." Train-"Yeah no kidding." Jotaro-"That includes you too." Train-"Oh, dang it, i was hoping you wouldn't have noticed that, heh, a-anyways, glad to see your finally awake." Jotaro-"Yeah." Luffy-"...What happened? were these two injured in any way? tell me, what happened to the angel guy they were fighting?" Train-"Well...hey! wait a minute! before that, the relic! what about your relic!? that guy you fought, you know the flamingo, wasn't he your enemy? shouldn't your relic have appeared by now?" Luffy-"...Uh, HEY YOUR RIGHT! huh? "GASP"!" suddenly, a shining light appeared in front of Luffy and it was his relic, along with it however was a very surprising gift to award Luffy for his victory over Doflamingo, it was...MEAT!!!! Luffy-"M-M-M-MEAT!!!!" Luffy dug his teeth inside of the Meat instantly despite Train trying to both warn him and stop him, as Jotaro was shocked by the sudden late appearance of his relic, what did this mean? meanwhile... Shishio-"Heh heh, one by one, the "gods" are all falling, even the pretenders, Dio and now Doflamingo, at any rate, what's the point of being a god? the only way i see it is that instead of serving, as a "god" for the old world, we should burn it and create a new one entirely in its place from its ashes, don't you agree? ...Katsuki Bakugo?" Katsuki-"...Tch!" Ending Theme Song-https://youtu.be/_XUPVyzZXRM. Chapter V: Izuku "Deku" Midoriya-One for All Might: Opening Theme Song-https://youtu.be/yiVbEZ7Da74. Going back in time to before when Athena had given all of her heroes their individual yet shared task to fulfill, Izuku "Deku" Midoriya was seen muttering to himself about what to do, as Allen Walker then approached him, saying to Izuku the words: Allen-"Your an interesting character, aren't you?" Izuku-"H-huh? oh, you heard all that huh? sorry about that." Allen-"No worries, you are who you are, am i right?" Izuku-"Y-yeah, my name's Izuku, Izuku Midoriya." Allen-"Allen, Allen Walker, its a pleasure to meet you Izuku." Izuku-"Yeah, likewise." Yusuke-"Sup! i'm Yusuke! Yusuke Urameshi!" Izuku and Allen-"Huh!?" Yusuke-"You guys look like you'd be fun to travel with, come on, let's go!" Allen-"Huh!? hey! wait! just wait a second!" after that, Izuku and Allen were both forced into a travelling group alongside Yusuke, the three traveled together with one another for some time, as along the way, they got to acquaint themselves with one another. Allen-"...So your a Spirit Detective Yusuke? that's amazing! it sounds just like Exorcists of the Black Order more or less, we use our special abilities called Innocence to help others." Yusuke-"Yeah, pretty cool right? also, your stuff ain't so bad either, Exorcists huh? man, if we had them back in my world, things would be a lot easier for me and the guys there, don't you think Izuku? ...err...Izuku? hello? moss-head! yo! seaweed!" Izuku-"H-huh!? oh, sorry about that." Yusuke-"Sigh...you were muttering to yourself again weren't you? about why we were chosen and why we must obtain all these relics, is that correct or what?" Izuku-"Y-yeah..." Allen-"Its best not to dwell on it too much Izuku, otherwise it may hurt your brain, trust me and i don't say this in humor, we don't know what kind of effects this world will have on both us and our powers, its best we remain vigilant." Yusuke-"Speaking of which, what's your power Izuku? where did you come from? if you don't mind me asking of course." Izuku-"Me? i...i come from a world not too very different from yours Yusuke but unlike yours, mine is a bit shall we say, Quirky?" Yusuke-"...Quirky? what do you mean Quirky? what, like everybody has got superpowers there or something?" Izuku-"...About most of the world's population do, yeah." Yusuke-"Come on! your pulling my leg!" Izuku-"No, as a matter of fact i'm quite serious, here i'll show you, care to spar with me Allen?" Allen-"A demonstration of each other's powers? sure, why not? it will be a good chance to measure all of our respective levels." Izuku-"...Okay then, hup! here...i come!" Izuku and Allen both proceeded to battle one another, as they both showcase their respective abilities, Izuku's Quirk One for All and Allen's Innocence, Yusuke watches from the sidelines, seeing his travelling companions' methods of fighting and tactics, eventually the fight reaches its near end with Izuku finishing off the fight by using his signature Smash attack by flicking one of his fingers towards Allen in order to create an air pressure bullet attack the size of an entire house, Allen fortunately uses his Innocence to protect himself from Izuku's attack but decides to end the spar upon seeing the damage Izuku has sustained from using his Smash abilities. Allen-"!? Izuku, your hurt!" Izuku-"Y-yeah, sorry...i forgot to mention, that my power, One for All...takes a huge toll on my body, so much, that i end up with a broken limb every time because i can't contain the whole extent of my powers that very well..." Yusuke-"If you ask me, that's a major serious drawback." Allen-"Yusuke!" Yusuke-"That supposed Goddess said that she summoned all of us from our respective different worlds in order to fight the same enemies from those very same worlds, in order to win this tournament of her's and her brother's and collect the 19 relics that are scattered across the world, however, Izuku, from what i have seen, i think i can make a fair judgement and say, are you really up to the task? what if you get stuck in a really tight pinch and both me and Allen here won't be able to help you bail out? what will happen then? also, your enemy, he might be really super strong and could have an advantage against you with his own "Quirk" like you call them, i'll ask you now, Izuku, can you really be ready? for the fights...that are just up ahead?" Izuku-"...I've got to be, i've got to obtain my relic, otherwise, i won't be able to prove myself, as a true hero, if we can help save all our worlds, that's good enough for me, don't worry, i'll take care of myself when i can and retreat if i desperately have to, i won't rely on both you and Allen to come to my rescue..." Allen-"Izuku..." Yusuke-"...Hmm...if you say so, well, we better press on forwards, relics don't wait for time and time surely doesn't wait for us!" Allen-"Agreed, let us march forth, to the relics and to our destinies..." Izuku-"...All Might, what would, what would YOU do?" Izuku said that last question to himself before following after both Allen and Yusuke, as the three journeyed on, fighting multiple lookalikes along the way they encountered a very shocking individual Izuku thought that he would never meet in this world... Katsuki-"WELL! WELL! WELL! if it isn't little Deku! how ya been!? ya s*******!" Yusuke-WHOA! language much!?" Allen-"Deku? Izuku, you know this person?" Izuku-"...Yeah...he's...my best friend since childhood, his name is Kachan-" Katsuki-"DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME THAT! DEKU! tch, should have known, no matter where we go, it will always be the same, you'll still always be nothing but a little weakling who can't help but depend on others, am i right or what!? DEKU!?!?" suddenly, using his Quirk: Explosion, Katsuki propelled himself to where Izuku was with his left hand and had intended to blow him up right in the face with his right hand, only for Yusuke to stop Bakugo's attempted attack on Midoriya by charging a small Spirit Gun and shoot it right at Bakugo, causing him to back away. Yusuke-"Hey, you want to pick on someone? try someone who would stoop to your level!" Katsuki-"WHAT was THAT!?!?" Izuku-"Yusuke!" Yusuke-"Izuku, i know now that this guy is your personal enemy and all and that you've got to defeat him in order to obtain your relic but, as far, as i'm concerned, he's rubbing me the wrong way, that's why...i'm gonna have a crack at him first! sorry Izuku but i've made my decision, so come on then! bring it! unless...your too scared and chicken to fight me? BA-CAW!" Katsuki-"HEH! a challenge is it? FINE! i'll take you on! at least you'll make it more interesting then Deku, COME ON! LET'S FIGHT!" Yusuke-"Tch, you stole...MY WORDS!" Yusuke and Katsuki proceeded to fight one another, as both Izuku and Allen watched on with the former wondering what to do about the fight. Izuku-"Kachan...Yusuke..." during the fight both Yusuke and Katsuki are evenly matched, until suddenly, a tower of flame comes between the two just when they were going to unleash their all out blows against one another, it was revealed to be the working of Shishio Makoto, Himura Kenshin's enemy, Shishio takes Bakugo away, as he says towards the latter the words: Shishio-"Heh, getting all fired up are we, eh? Bakugo?" Katsuki-"SHUT UP! this is MY fight! go find someone else to bother!" Shishio-"I'm sorry, did i just hear you say that this was "YOUR fight"? sadly, you are mistaken, boy, in this world, ruled by gods, no one can fight anyone in just one on one duels, if that were the case, our plans would go running amiss, this is a world ruled by both conflict and war, should this world perish simply because of the whims and desires of both the gods and their champions, why, we wouldn't be able to inflict hell both wherever and whenever we want to, now tell me, do you really think that fighting the enemy that you are will bring you that which you desire? no, it will not, the only way that you'll achieve what you want...is to burn everything else that stands in your way down first, after all, this IS why i chose you to be my apprentice, heh heh." Katsuki-"SHUT UP! i don't recall ever becoming YOUR apprentice! ...tch, fine, i'll back off...for now at least, HEY! DEKU!" Izuku-"!?" Katsuki-"YOU HEARING THIS!? next time we meet, your DEAD-MEAT, UNDERSTAND!? S**** WHAT ANYONE ELSE SAYS! ONE OF THESE DAYS, I'M GOING TO SHOW YOU WHOSE TRULY SUPERIOR BETWEEN THE TWO OF US! COUNT ON IT!" Bakugo disappears amidst a circle of flame engulfing him entirely, shocking Izuku, as afterwards, the flame circle disappears and Katsuki is nowhere to be found. Izuku-"K-KACHAN!" Shishio-"Oh? i see a "fire" burns strongly within you too, shall we test that flame and see if it burns?" Izuku-"Tch! DAMN YOU!" Izuku activated the 5% percentage of his Quirk One for All's powers and proceeded to go after Makoto and fight him whilst both Yusuke and Allen tried to stop Izuku but were stopped dead in their tracks but multiple lookalikes. Izuku-"FULL-COWL! STOP!" Shishio-"Finally caught up have we?" Izuku-"B******! what did you do with Kachan!?" Shishio-"Nothing, i merely sent him away to swat some flies getting too close to obtaining their relics, speaking of which, what about you?" Izuku-"Huh?" Shishio-"How will YOU obtain YOUR relic if you don't have it in your heart to fight Bakugo? hmm?" Izuku-"S-shut up! i'll find a way! i have to! first things first, i'm going to beat the c*** out of you! BRING IT!" Shishio-"...Indeed, a fire DOES burn strongly within your soul!" Izuku proceeded to fight Shishio who was holding back some of his power against the youth, using Full Cowl, Izuku moved at max speeds to try and gain an understanding of how Shishio fights, as Shishio himself then unleashed his sword that can create fire, Izuku smashes his way through the flames but they still hurt like hell from the aftereffects, it is only thanks to the Full Cowl that Izuku was not burned completely, Shishio sends waves of flames from his sword one after another straight at Izuku, causing him to end the fight both short and abruptly by hitting his fist into the ground, creating a small earthquake that shakes Shishio off his steady posture and allowing Izuku to hit him dead straight on within his face, forcing Shishio backwards on his feet despite tightly holding himself to the ground, as to not be forced back so much that he would end up flying into a nearby wall. Shishio-"...HEH! not bad for a kid! so it is true, even though Bakugo won't admit it...you hold a strength mightier then one might or might not believe at first, tell me, where does this source of strength come from? how did you obtain it?" Izuku-"None of that matters! i don't care what your talking about! just tell me where Kachan is! RIGHT-NOW!" Shishio-"Why? so you can FIGHT him?" Izuku-"NO! i want-i want to know something, i want, to find a way to obtain my relic, WITHOUT fighting Kachan! that way-" Shishio-"That way what? you'll think things will end peacefully that way? ...what foolish naivety." Izuku-"! What was that!?" Allen-"Izuku!" Izuku-"!?" Shishio-"One day you'll see, that for all the heroics you bluster about, there will be nothing...nothing but ashes and cinder awaiting you...soon, VERY soon...a glorious hell-fire will engulf this world and when it does...just be grateful, that you won't live long enough to see that happening, heh heh heh...HA! HA! HA! ..." Shishio disappears into flames themselves, as Izuku ponders on just what Makoto had meant by his words before disappearing the way he did whilst regrouping with both Allen and Yusuke, at the very same time this all happens, worrying for Katsuki's safety, of whom is who knows elsewhere... meanwhile... Papillon-"UGH...seriously, must you agree with that madman's plans? he is nothing but a hell-spawn, destined to return the world back into flames from supposedly whence they came, you know, you don't strike me, as the type that would obey orders, tell me something...WHAT exactly do you intend, to do about it?" Katsuki-"SHUT UP! that's none of your damn business! you damn butterfly! ...damn it." Izuku's group continued onward, only to find Ichigo, leading to a certain chain of events that causes Yusuke to leave both Izuku and Allen's party in order to help Ichigo with his own problems, as the two continued onward... Izuku-"...Sigh..." Allen-"...I'm guessing you can't take your mind off both Yusuke and Ichigo huh?" Izuku-"What? oh no its not them, its...something...else." Allen-"...Your "explosive" friend, correct?" Izuku-"! ...Yeah, i just...don't understand...how? how did Kachan get summoned to this world when he himself isn't a bad person? i mean yeah there's his attitude but still, that doesn't make him evil or anything, i just, don't know...and what's worse is that i'm supposed to both fight and defeat Kachan in order to obtain my relic, even if i don't want to, this-this sucks..." Allen-"...Izuku, what do you believe in your heart?" Izuku-"Huh?" Allen-"I can't say that i'm just like you because i'm not, however, what i want to say to you is that when you see "Kachan" again, what do you intend to do when you confront him? you said before to that masked bandaged guy that you would obtain your relic without having to both fight and defeat your friend so tell me, what is your plan? if there is anyway i can help, please let me know, my Innocence is here to support you Izuku, after all, we're friends, right?" Izuku-"!? ...Y-yeah..." Allen-"Come on, be more confident! say it more positively!" Izuku-"...Yeah!" Allen-"That's the spirit, now come on! let's keep moving, don't want the enemy to surprise attack us." Izuku-"Yeah, i hear ya Allen...still...Kachan..." Izuku muttered to himself that last bit, as both he and Allen continue on their journey and face off against a few lookalikes until eventually finding someone standing in their way. Starjun-"...Are you friends of Toriko?" Allen-"Toriko? does he mean-ah! Izuku!" Izuku-"Even if we are or we aren't, what's that to you? what do you want with this Toriko!?" Starjun-"...Judging from your harsh tone, it seems you are friends with the gluttonous beast after all, if so...fight me, let me see, just how strong you both are..." Izuku-"Allen, let me take of this guy!" Allen-"But Izuku!" Izuku-"Trust me, it will all be over...IN A FLASH!" Izuku charges straight towards Starjun who prepares his defensive position against Izuku, the two have a short bout which ends in Izuku's defeat. Izuku-"GAH!!!!" Allen-"Izuku!" Starjun-"...Hmm...it seems this world saps one of their former strength before entering the world itself, this could pose...a problem..." Starjun proceeds to turn away, leaving Izuku and Allen behind but not before Allen shouts out to Starjun whilst activating his Innocence the words: Allen-"Hey! how dare you hurt my friend! your going to regret that!" Starjun-"...Tell me something, do you recall having any memories? any at all whatsoever of being in this world?" Allen-"H-huh!? what's that about!? are you trying to confuse me because it won't work!" Starjun-"...I see...forget i said anything, now then, pardon me, as i have other matters to attend to." Starjun disappears, leaving both Izuku and Allen behind. Allen-"STOP!" Izuku-"Oww..." Allen-"Ah! Izuku! you alright?" Izuku-"...Not really but, that guy, he was...strong, to say the least." Allen-"Huh?" Izuku-"His strength, his determination to get things done...it almost reminded me of Kachan's behavior if only just a little." Allen-"Izuku..." Izuku-"...I think, that guy, although he's sided with the enemy...he was, trying to help me, trying to help me with my problem with Kachan but the question is...why?" Allen-"...Sometimes when people are fighting one another in battle, they want to fight the other person at the peak of their strength, they don't want to see any forms of weakness whatsoever, that guy in the black mask...he must of sensed that something was off about you Izuku, no offence..." Izuku-"...Heh, none taken, at any rate, i'm...grateful, he...he actually helped me with my problem." Allen-"Huh?" Izuku-"Allen, i know it's asking a lot but please! let's go find Kachan! there's-there's something i want to tell him, more then anything...is that, no good?" Allen-"...Sigh...honestly, you two." Izuku-"Thanks, Allen, i promise, i'll pay you back for this." Allen-"Yeah, yeah, let's just go find your friend, that's all that matters, right?" Izuku-"...YEAH!" meanwhile... Shishio-"Getting in the way of my plans are we? Starjun?" Starjun-"...I just don't like how you run things, Shishio Makoto, that's all, this is those two boys' fight, stay out of it." Shishio-"...And? if i...REFUSE?" Starjun-"..." Izuku and Allen continued journeying on, as they battled lookalikes once more along the way, finally, Izuku found himself in a very familiar setting. Izuku-"! T-this-this is!?" Allen-"Huh? what is this place? looks like a giant tournament arena if you ask me." Izuku-"...It is, this is where...we held our Quirk sports festival competition tournament...it was here that-" Katsuki-"IT WAS HERE THAT I DAMN WON, THAT'S WHAT!" Allen-"!?" Izuku-"Ka-Kachan!" Katsuki-"..." Izuku-"...I've-i've come here, to tell you something, but, i know that, words alone, won't make a difference, so...fight me! Kachan!" Katsuki-"...What?" Izuku-"You-you heard me! i said, fight me! i want, to know something! and i also want, to tell you something, as well! before...i would have gladly found another way to avoid fighting you altogether but...now i realize, that this is a world, where fighting is unavoidable and so, i want...to prove myself to you Kachan! i don't...i don't want to always keep chasing after you! i want to stand on my own two feet-" Katsuki-"...Shut up, you little t***." Izuku-"Huh?" Katsuki-"...I said...SHUT UP YOU LITTLE MAGGOT! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANYMORE OF YOUR B*******! ...always...over...over and over...OVER and OVER and OVER!!!! ....i'm sick of it, YOU'VE ALWAYS GOT TO PLAY THE ROLE OF THE HERO, DON'T YOU!? DEKU!?" Izuku-"...Kachan..." Allen-"Izuku-" Izuku-"Relax Allen, i'll be fine...this-this is Kachan we're talking about after all, i know, that for a fact, he won't, kill me, after all, just like me, he too...aims to be a true hero one day, just like, HIM..." Allen-"H-huh?" Izuku-"Can you take care of the lookalikes approaching here? they might try to stop me from obtaining my relic from my fight with Kachan, please Allen? this is one final request that i will ask of you..." Allen-"...Honestly, Yusuke's selfishness has rubbed off on you Izuku...oh well, you settle things with your friend, i'll handle the messy crowd control." Izuku-"...Thanks Allen, i won't forget this." Allen-"Heh." Allen goes on ahead to fight the lookalikes. Izuku-"...Sorry to keep you waiting, Kachan, you ready?" Katsuki-"Deku...i'm going to enjoy this, i'll finally get to blow up that face of yours...THAT DARES TO DEFY ME! WE'RE NOT EVEN ON THE SAME LEVEL YOU WORTHLESS EXCUSE OF A HERO! GO BACK TO WHERE YOU BELONG! IN THE GUTTER YOU QUIRKLESS HALF-PINT! DEKU!!!!" Izuku-"...Tch! KA-CHAN!!!!" Izuku and Bakugo proceed to battle one another, as the latter jet propels himself around the arena using his Explosion Quirk, causing Izuku to have a hard time trying to hit Bakugo with his Smash attack head on, finally, using the ignition gloves that Bakugo is wearing on both his arms, Bakugo unleashes the pin on one of the gloves, causing a devastating explosion to ensnare the whole arena, Izuku is caught within the blast, as Bakugo believes that he has eliminated Izuku, however, to Bakugo's shock and surprise, Izuku emerges from the smoke of the explosion and grabs Bakugo by the arm, twisting and turning before throwing him right on his backside, this stops Bakugo for a moment, as Izuku backs away, activating his Full Cowl 5% percent of his One for All powers, as Bakugo reemerges to settle things once and for all with Izuku, preparing to unleash the other pin on his other ignition glove, Izuku finally prepares his Smash attack with his fingers, ultimately in the end, the two unleash their most devastating attacks against one another, causing the whole arena to be enveloped by the attacks, Izuku and Bakugo are both knocked back to the near outer premises of the stage they are standing within but thankfully, due to their strong determination, neither of the two are willing to let themselves exit the arena stage and allow the respective other to be declared the victor, just when it seems that Izuku had fallen to his knees and Bakugo had won, Bakugo, having lost all of his energy to stand up from the fight immediately falls outside of the stage, allowing Izuku to officially win the fight, as his relic appears before him. Izuku-"...Yoh...YOHSHAA!!!!" Katsuki-"Tch! damn it! DAMN IT! DAMN IT, DAMN IT, DAMN IT!!!!" Izuku-"! Ka-Kachan..." Katsuki-"...Damn it, i lost, again, to YOU!? DAMN...DAMN IT! DAMN IT ALL...TO HELL!!!!" Izuku-"...Kachan, i need to know something...why? why were you working with that masked guy from before? did he brainwash you or?" Katsuki-"SHUT UP! that's none of your damn business, YOU HEAR ME!? you got your relic so go on! get out of here! i don't want to see your goddamn face for another second any longer!!!!" Izuku-"...I get it, Kachan...but, before i go, i just want to say something, something...to remind you of, do you still...want to be a hero?" Katsuki-"!?!? ....just go, Deku, if you want to learn anything about this stupid world, go talk to that so called goddess of yours, i'm sure she has the answers..." Izuku-"Kachan!" Katsuki-"But mark my words Deku, this isn't over yet! not by a long shot! i'll come back and take back that relic you earned from this fight, that relic is proof, of me, ME of all people, losing...to YOU, until i shatter that thing, i won't live in peace, so be warned Deku! one of these days...we're gonna settle the score! just me and you! GOT IT!?!?" Izuku-"...Yeah, got it!" Katsuki-"...Of course i remember..." Izuku-"Huh?" Katsuki-"Nothing, forget it! later, p******!" Katsuki disappears by stomping his palm into the ground, creating an explosion that engulfs him completely, as he leaves Izuku behind, pondering on what Katsuki meant by that he remembers... Izuku-"...Kachan...heh...so, this is the relic...huh? WHOA!" suddenly, a bright light emits from the relic, sending Izuku into a flashback of this world's timeline, here he encounters some of the heroes that he knows that were also summoned by Athena and other warriors that were summoned by her that he has never seen before, not even whilst on his journey with both Allen and Yusuke, as Izuku tried to make sense of this, suddenly the flashback ended, as he was called out by Allen. Allen-"...Ku...Izuku...IZUKU! HEY! WAKE UP!" Izuku-"...Huh? wha?" Allen-..."Sigh"...man, you had me worried there for a moment, what's wrong? you alright?" Izuku-"Y-Yeah, i'm...fine...a-anyways, look!" Allen-"? ...! I see, looks like, you finally obtained your relic, huh." Izuku-"Yeah! and it was all thanks to Kachan!" Allen-"What do you mean?" Izuku-"Turns out, i really didn't have to fight him at all, in one sense anyways..." Allen-"...You've lost me, i'm not following, didn't you have to defeat him in battle in order to obtain the relic?" Izuku-"Yeah, that part is true but then i realized, the relic, my relic anyways wouldn't have appeared unless both me and Kachan sort of came to an understanding with one another, even when the relic did appear in my hand afterwards when the fighting had ended, if me and Kachan were still fighting, i think, i think my relic would have disappeared both then and there...meaning, i wouldn't have been able to obtain it, know what i mean?" Allen-"...But if that's true, that means we don't have to go through all this pointless fighting, so why?" Izuku-"I don't know but for now, we should find Yusuke, Ichigo and all the others, after that, we'll ask Athena about this, this doesn't make any sense, this tournament, Athena herself and her brother Ares, this world...everything, in order to finally know the truth both once and for all, we need to seek it out with our hands and grasp it within our fists, at least, that's what i believe..." Allen-"...Heh, i see, Izuku, you sure have grown from mumbling, though, you still do the occasional mumble." Izuku-"..."Awkward laugh"...heh, heh heh, do i? sorry about that, but, that's just who i am, thanks to you guys and my mentor, i realize that part about me..." Allen-"Oh? you have a mentor? huh, same, as me more or less, tell me, if you don't mind me asking, what's his name?" Izuku-"His name? let's see now...heh, yeah, its-" meanwhile... Raoh-"The fighting escalates and the relics are being obtained one by one, it seems your ultimate plan will become flawed in the end, Dio Brando, just like Doflamingo's was." Dio-"SILENCE! do not compare me, Dio, to the likes of that bird headed buffoon! no, i SHALL obtain both the powers of Athena and Ares and when i do, even YOU will bow down before my sheer awesome might, Raoh..." Raoh-"...Unlikely, i bow to no one, not you, not anyone else, especially not him..." Dio-"...Hmph, fine, do, as you please, until the promised time comes and i shall prove to you what it means to be a god that can rewrite everything, just you wait, for the time that will soon become...the greatest and highest feeling known to man possible!" Ending Theme Song-https://youtu.be/ni2uij7PynU.
  3. Here are the Heroes, Anti-Heroes, you name it :], ahem: Kenshiro. Son Goku. Pegasus Seiya. Jonathan Joestar. Yusuke Urameshi. Himura Kenshin. Monkey D. Luffy. Gon Freecss. Yoh Asakura. Naruto Uzumaki. Train Heartnet. Ichigo Kurosaki. Kazuki Muto. Tsunayoshi Sawada. Allen Walker. Rikuo Nura. Toriko. Izuku Midoriya. Asta. Natsu Dragneel. Haru Glory. Edward Elric. Maka Albarn. Rin Okumura. Eren Yeager. Spike Spiegel. Vash the Stampede. Motoko Kusanagi. Deunan Knute. Amuro Ray. Lelouch Lamperouge. Ganta Igarashi. Ushio Aotsuki. Ippo Makunouchi. Kenichi Shirahama. Renton Thurston. Simon. Ash Ketchum. Tai Kamiya. Tyson Granger. Yugi Mutou. JP. Kenji Koiso. Kenichi. Astro Boy. Saitama. Moritaka Mashiro. Ranma Saotome. Tohru Honda. Tetsuya Kuroko. Joseph Carter "Joey" Jones. Tatsumi Oga. Sena Kobayakawa. Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo. Light Yagami. Medaka Kurokami. Raku Ichijo. Want to try the naming other Main/Primary Protagonists quiz :]?
  4. Anybody fancy doing a Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts Role-Play :]? note: the Role-Play is based on the events of the films, not the books and the play. The title of the Role-Play is called "Harry Potter and the Dark", it is set during the years Harry and everyone else's children are attending Hogwarts and the Role-Play will explore not only the United Kingdom part of the Wizarding world but also other locations like both America and Japan for examples, the former example having already been seen in the Fantastic Beasts film. The Role-Play is set in a parallel universe where the events of the Cursed Child do not occur and instead, the story follows directly after the events of the Deathly Hallows-Part II, where everyone see off their children heading out to start their school terms at Hogwarts' School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. The makeup of the Role-Play's story universe is meant to be similar in theme to the Manga/Anime Naruto's Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, where the story universe focuses on the children of the previous heroes who saved the world, as well, as other new Characters who would interact with these children, old Characters would return in supporting roles and they would help guide the children, as they learn about life itself, what it means to grow up and what both dreams and goals that they wish to obtain in the future, its basically a Slice of Life Role-Play story with the central theme being about Magic at its heart being a added twist. In the story of the universe for the Role-Play we will see not only Magic be involved but also Science and Machinery too, we will see how both Science and Machinery become combined with Magic to form the latest advancements and achievements for the Wizarding world, how much it has evolved over the years since Harry finally lastly defeated Voldemort, to say basically, we will be seeing how Wizards use a Smartphone App using Magic instead of a normal phone, know what i mean? The premise of the Role-Play is to see how the Wizarding world is advancing alongside technology and how they are incorporating the latter into their society, we will also see political talks and meetings about how the world of Muggles and the Wizarding world are finally starting to open up to one another and how they are going to proceed onward from this point on knowing that such magic, such powerful and dangerous magic exists, how are the Muggles going to cope with the Wizarding world? things like that. I'll explain more later on, to be continued but so far, what does everyone think of the premise :]? Right then, continuing from where i left off, ahem :]. Although the story has Harry's name in it, he does not star, as the primary protagonist of the Role-Play and instead serves, as its major supporting Character, also, besides regular Characters from the Harry Potter franchise making an appearance there will also be guest Characters from other franchises with magical properties making an appearance, for example, Ardyn Izunia, the primary antagonist of Final Fantasy XV will appear, as a major antagonist in this Role-Play, as i think he would be a good guest Character to appear in the world of Harry Potter, his motives primarily being the reason why, he could serve, as either the primary antagonist of the Role-Play overall or just a major supporting antagonist, i'll put up a poll for voters to decide which either option should i go with. Since i may be taking too much control of the stories of the Role-Plays i make and this could be the reason why people don't sign up, this time i'm going to make this Role-Play in particular open world if you know what i mean, it will have a story but that doesn't mean people have to strictly follow it and can do whatever else in the Role-Play they feel like doing, there will be major events that will be announced later on in the story like Quidditch, Halloween and Christmas for examples but overall, the Role-Play will be free and accessible in the sense that it would play out like it was a real open world based setting video game like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, as a primary example, Role-Players can do whatever they feel like doing, making up original story-lines and creating new magical creatures and spells for everyone to enjoy, its a free and creative Role-Play world :]. For those interested in a strict story-line based experience, Harry Potter and the Dark will focus on a world where Voldemort is no more and Wizards no longer have to live in hiding in fear of He Who Must Not Be Named now that he is no longer among the living and his spirit is forever trapped in Limbo, however, even though the Death Eaters have no master, they still work in his memory to cleanse the world of Mudbloods and make it a world where only the "strong" and the "elite" are allowed to live, Harry and the Aurors over the years have been cleaning up Voldemort's remnants and now, they are finally nearing the end of clean up duty and are about to round up the last group of Death Eaters still fanatically loyal to both Voldemort and his cause even after his death, this is where the Role-Play starts off with Harry and the Aurors battling the Death Eaters on a old island in Ireland at a sea cliff at an abandoned mansion, said to have once belonged to Salazar Slytherin of ancient times and where Voldemort once lived and had used, as a secret base during his supreme reign of darkness and evil, known only to his top ranking officers in his army of followers, the mansion is currently preoccupied by Voldemort's last remaining fanatic servant named "Bivilbosk Grivilback" who was not present at the Battle of Hogwarts and instead was on standby awaiting Voldemort's orders after his "victory" at Hogwarts was to be "assured", only to ultimately fail in the end and now Bivilbosk and a group of small time Wizarding criminals that just call themselves Death Eaters for the sake of it are now on the run by Harry and the Aurors with Harry having been chasing the Death Eaters for a long time, Bivilbosk is outraged at Potter's constant pursuing of them and also when one of his henchmen speaks out of line, Bivilbosk uses a unique killing curse of his very own to silence them and dares any other of his henchmen to speak out against him should they want to suffer the same fate, as the previous henchman beforehand, now the showdown between the Aurors and the Death Eaters, Harry and Bivilbosk is about to begin! what will happen? following up are the Rules and Character Sheets for the Role-Play. Rules: No Godmodding. No Romance above Age 12. No Swearing above Age 15. Please stay true to the mythology and timeline events presented within the Harry Potter chain of films, this Role-Play is the Sequel to the films, not the books. You can create new spells and new magical creatures if you want but you must describe what they look like, how they live in both the Wizarding world and in secret among the Muggles in their world, also what peculiar quirks do they have? The Role-Play is set in the year 2018, on January the 1st, the Role-Play will start off with Harry and the Aurors fighting both Bivilbosk and his group of "Death Eaters" at an abandoned mansion located somewhere near the Irish Sea, straight afterwards, the Role-Play will time-skip to Hogwarts and focus on the children of the original Harry Potter Characters whilst also introducing new Characters, Hogwarts is the primary hub setting for the Role-Play's world but other locations will be introduced and world exploration will appear in the Role-Play, as well. Guest Characters from other franchises like Ardyn Izunia from Final Fantasy XV can appear, as long, as you can explain their appearance in the story-line, how did they appear in the world of Harry Potter? why did they appear there? what are their motives? also, you have to decide how much of an importance they will have to the story-line of the Role-Play since its still Harry Potter after all. Please message me if you want to use a Character like Neville Longbottom for example from the original Harry Potter films. You can have, as many Characters, as you can portray up to, either new Characters created exclusively for the Role-Play or original Harry Potter film Characters. This is my 1st time making a Harry Potter Role-Play so if i am missing important crucial details that need correcting please may someone help me since the world of Harry Potter is vast and i don't want to miss out any crucial details. To show that you read the Rules, please put down the name of your favourite J.K. Rowling work at the end of your Character Sheets. Character Sheets: Name: Age: School Year: History: Personality: Appearance: Alignment: (Good, Evil, Neutral.). Occupation: (Student, Teacher, Auror, Death Eater, Ministry of Magic.). School: (Hogwarts, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Durmstrang Institute for Magical Learning.). Hogwarts Houses: (Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw.). Species: (Wizards, Muggles.). That's everything, does anything need changing? please tell me what can i do to make this Role-Play appealing for people to join. Here's the Theme Song for the Role-Play by the way: https://youtu.be/Htaj3o3JD8I.
  5. Its basically The Last: NARUTO The Movie but with Sonic The Hedgehog Characters instead, the plot is the following: " ...At last...at last, he has finally done it: Sonic The Hedgehog has finally bested his Archnemesis: Doctor Eggman in combat, after a both tough and grueling battle with the good Doctor, Eggman, along with his two henchman, Orbot and Cubot had vanished into darkness, seemingly never to be seen again, all of the people of the planet Mobius had rejoiced at this both latest and seemingly final victory of Sonic's and thus, to celebrate this victory and honour the Blue Hedgehog, the people of Mobius had decided to hold a world wide festival that they call "The Mobius Festival", besides celebrating the final defeat of Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik, the Festival also celebrates the truths that are Courage, the Guts to never, ever give up, Friendship and especially above all else: True Love, the Festival is a special time where Couples declare their undying Love for one another and actually become Couples, always standing by one another and holding each other's hands till the day they die, the Festival is about Love never dying out and that Hope can always be found, even in the darkest, most deepest of blackest of days...it has been 10 years since Eggman's defeat and the Festival has been occurring annually ever since, always being held in the capital city of Mobotropolis, the center of the world... ...Amy Rose...a young Hedgehog who has loved Sonic The Hedgehog since the very day they first met, now intends to profess her undying Love for the Blue Blur, having grown beyond the days when they were younger and having become more mature, however...there is one problem: ever since Sonic had defeated Eggman, just like the latter, the former had also disappeared from the eyes of the public, taking along with him the 7 Chaos Emeralds and ever since his final victory against the mad scientist, Sonic, the world renowned hero, has never once made an appearance again...his best friend Miles "Tails" Prower had promised to go after and find Sonic, wherever he may be, however, after 5 whole years of searching...Tails could not find even a single trace of Sonic, not even a single Chaos Emerald, upon hearing this the day of the announcement, Amy cried unlike any other time she did before and she would never stop crying, even, as of today when she has learned to hold back her tears in front of others, shedding tears to herself about where Sonic might be and especially why hasn't he returned? although everyone has given up on searching for Sonic, even Tails...Amy has not and has vowed to herself that she never ever will until she finds her one true Love and offer him a pure crimson coloured Rose, a declaration of Amy's undying Love for Sonic... It is during this time that Knuckles has a fateful encounter with a both strange and mysterious person appearing from out of nowhere, brandishing a jet pitch black coloured Chaos Emerald, this person...is a Blue coloured Hedgehog! who resembles Sonic!! right down to the very shoes they wear!!! although there are some noticeable differences between the two, this Doppelganger Hedgehog has three scars running across his chest, a straight line scar running across his left eye and a crescent moon scar running next to his right eye, his quills and fingers are all tipped with spikes and he has red coloured eyes whilst wearing both black and Blue coloured shoes...this Doppelganger Hedgehog calls himself "Stark", "Stark The Hedgehog" and that he has come for a certain someone using his "Dark Emerald", a complete opposite to the Chaos Emeralds that it resembles in shape, Knuckles, having a bad feeling about this Hedgehog who looks like Sonic, without warning, engages him in combat by throwing the first punch, however, Stark easily evades Knuckles' punch by grabbing Knuckles' fist and sends him flying, saying to the Red coloured Echidna that he does not have time to deal with the last of a dying breed and that Stark proceeds to touch the Master Emerald that Knuckles always guards, despite the latter telling him to get away from the giant Emerald, Stark refuses and instead transforms the colour of the Master Emerald jet pitch black just like Stark's Dark Emerald, this causes thunderstorms and clouds to appear, the sky to turn jet pitch black and the Angel Island where Knuckles lives to fall rapidly towards the sea below... The Master Emerald cracks, seemingly beyond repair after the Angel Island falls and Stark proceeds to transport himself away but not before leaving behind in his place both very shockingly and surprisingly: a brown coloured version of Chaos! with Red coloured eyes called "Mud Chaos", Mud Chaos proceeds to attack Knuckles with the result of their battle being unknown, meanwhile, the G.U.N Commander named "Nelson Tykes" summons his most trusted secret agent: Shadow The Hedgehog, now spotting a brown coloured cloak with tears and holes on it and informs him of the occurrence that had just happened with Angel Island elsewhere, Shadow is surprised by this turn of events, wondering what has had happened to both Knuckles and the Master Emerald there whilst Commander Nelson informs Shadow that they had caught surveillance footage of what had just occurred there moments ago, he shows Shadow the footage of the Hedgehog that looks just like Sonic, Shadow's former Arch-Rival and that he identified himself, as Stark The Hedgehog, the Commander asks Shadow has he ever met this Hedgehog during his world wide travels during missions and Shadow says that he has not, the only Hedgehogs that Shadow says he knows of are himself, Silver The Hedgehog, who had returned to the future 10 years ago when Sonic defeated Eggman...Sonic himself...Shadow took it upon himself during that time to find Sonic using Chaos Control when Tails couldn't find Sonic along with the others, even when Shadow didn't have one of the 7 Chaos Emeralds on person to help amplify his powers and help continue his search for the Blue Hedgehog and lastly, Amy Rose, the Hedgehog who has loved Sonic from since when Shadow first knew the two and about their relationship, these are all the only known Hedgehogs that Shadow knows of, not counting Metal Sonic, Sonic's evil robotic Doppelganger created by Doctor Eggman, Shadow has a hunch that he believes that this Stark Hedgehog might be trying to hunt down one of the Hedgehogs he has mentioned, including himself, if that's the case...suddenly, G.U.N main headquarters comes under attack by a both strange and mysterious enemy, everyone goes to see who it is and it is revealed to be a white skinned coloured and red mask coloured version of a former enemy of Shadow's, Infinite! this version of him being called "Endless Infinite", Endless Infinite remains silent, as he attacks everyone using black coloured Phantom Ruby like gems and warps everyone's perception of space, making everything go Topsy-Turvy for them, Shadow, using Chaos Control engages in a aerial battle with Endless Infinite, not asking about if he was truly Infinite or not, instead only seeing him, as a enemy that threatened G.U.N and thus needed to be defeated, the results of their battle like the one between both Knuckles and Mud Chaos go unseen... In the future meanwhile, Silver, now spotting arm bracelets and a choker around his neck is seen being pushed back by a unseen enemy, wondering how this certain enemy had appeared in Silver's time 200 years into the future? this certain enemy is then revealed to be Zavok! a version of him called "Revived Zavok" and he alongside the other members of the group that he leads, the Deadly Six are seen appearing before Silver, giving him a hard time, not much has changed in appearance for all of the members of the Six, only that they have swapped colour palettes with one another, Zavok with Master Zik, Zeena with Zazz and Zor with Zomom, altogether they are known, as "The Undead Six", Silver tries to fight back against all Six but finds himself underwhelmed by them, it is not until that a ally appears to help back Silver up to fight against the Six, it is revealed to be Blaze, the fiery princess from another dimension, she had used her Sol Emeralds that she is charge of protecting to travel through time to where Silver's time is, sensing that he was in grave danger, Blaze was now seen with her hair longer and not kept in a ponytail, she was now wearing indigo coloured clothing instead of purple coloured and she bore a small ember styled emblem across the back of her clothing, she had decided to use the full powers of the 7 Sol Emeralds and become Burning Blaze, to engage the Six head on all at once and Silver, not intending to back down either, unleashed the full fury of his Psychokinesis powers, he and Blaze were last seen charging against the Six, just like the other two battles back in time, the outcome being unknown... Seen riding across a desert were the Babylon Rogues, now spotting more Arabic attire, Jet, the leader of the Rogues saw a shooting star falling down above in the skies and noted to himself and the other Rogues that it was signing a bad omen, the three Rogues nevertheless proceeded to hover onward on-board their Extreme Gear, trying to not let things bother them...elsewhere it was the time of the Mobius Festival and everyone was getting ready to attend, Amy was seen at her house, cutting her hair short, she had promised to herself that until the day that both she and Sonic meet again, would she keep her hair short, as a reminder of the vow she made to herself to find Sonic, no matter what the cost, she left to go and meet up with both Tails and Cream of whom she recently had just discovered that the two have feelings for one another and that they intend to declare their feelings to each other on the eve of the Festival, as everything goes on elsewhere, Amy and friends remain oblivious of the dark, looming threat that was approaching them, just who is this Stark The Hedgehog? why does he resemble Sonic? all answers would be revealed... " This story is called "Sonic The Hedgehog (2018)", otherwise known, as "Sonic Rosé", what does everyone think of the premise :]? I'm going to continue the story from here onward: At the Mobius Festival, Amy meets up with both Tails and Cream, the former is seen wearing a Blue coloured ribbon on his left wrist, in memory of Sonic to honour him and the latter is seen with her two ears tied up in a ponytail, Amy wonders if the two were really going to confess their feelings to the other on the eve of the Festival, as she ponders about this, Cream then notes to everyone that she sees the Chaotix Detective Agency working three respective Festival stands, Vector is seen working a games stand, Espio a foods stand and Charmy a type of stand that sells kids' masks, the masks bearing the faces of lost Sonic Characters like Mighty the Armadillo for example, Espio, using his sharp Ninja skills is seen grilling Fish and flipping them up and down on both sides, Vector is charging people for the highly expensive games to play at his stand, in secret the reason he is charging them all is because the Chaotix have recently gotten into a slump and are very low on budget, thus for Vector he is trying to do everything he can to keep the Detective Agency from going bankrupt, Charmy lastly isn't doing very well with selling masks, as the kids find them unpopular and uncool to wear, all in all, it seems Espio's business seems to be the only one doing good, however, for comedic effect, a stroke of bad luck comes his way, as the heater for the food he's grilling behind him suddenly sets on fire and that burns down his and both Vector and Charmy's stands, the three find themselves now without work to help their respective businesses, they are fired by their respective bosses and they sadly walk away in shame, Cream goes to try and cheer them up whilst Amy and Tails decide to sit down and talk about the past, of how they first met Sonic during their respective 1st meetings with him, Tails joined Sonic after finding his plane, the Tornado and had decided to give it both a paint job and a fine tuneup, Sonic was impressed by Tails' skills and allowing the young Fox to tag along with him at the time to defeat Doctor Robotnik, as the Doctor was known then, Sonic and Tails then became the best of friends and close, as brothers, it was during that time that Sonic first learned how to transform into his Super state using the 7 Chaos Emeralds, Super Sonic, as for Amy, she remembered meeting Sonic when she was first kidnapped by Doctor Eggman to use, as bait, to draw Sonic to the floating Little Planet and test his mettle against Metal Sonic, fortunately in the end, Sonic both saved Amy and destroyed Metal, foiling Eggman's plans for the Little Planet and sending it back into space where its home was, free from all of the damage that Eggman had done to its natural ecosystem, ever since then Amy has been smitten with Sonic, at the time she just had a strong fascination and obsession with Sonic but now...in the 10 years that have since passed, Amy's feelings for him have grown beyond the point where they can be simply called just fascination and obsession and instead she has developed pure, genuine and sincere feelings for the Blue Hedgehog that has disappeared, her only wish now is to find Sonic and relay these feelings to him but wonders when she does find Sonic, what will his reaction be? will it be the same, as it was back in the past all those years ago? will Sonic not have the same feelings for Amy that she does for him? she is scared...although she is determined to find Sonic no matter what, she is scared of what his response might be but nevertheless, she is determined to see her confession through to the end, tightly grasping the Rose Amy intends to offer Sonic when they finally meet again, Tails now realizes how strong Amy's feelings are for Sonic and wonders if his feelings for Cream can be the same just like how strong Amy's dedication towards Sonic is and if Cream is the same towards Tails? Finally, the highlight of the Mobius Festival had begun, it was the Ring Race, whoever collected more Rings then the other person would be declared the official winner and the person who would offer up all of their Rings to the Sonic The Hedgehog statue in the very central plaza of Mobotropolis, Amy decides to compete alongside Tails, Cream and the Chaotix after the latter three were cheered up by the former and convinced to participate and have fun during the Festival, it is during the start of the Ring Race that Amy and the others meet Rouge, now renowned across all of Mobius everywhere, as a expert in all types of jewels, she can tell if they are fakes or not and if they are rare or not, Rouge had decided to give up her job at G.U.N, as a special secret agent, as she had developed feelings for Shadow during their time together, however, because they were both agents who weren't allowed to fraternized at their job and because of Shadow's personality, always putting business before pleasure, Rouge decided to leave, accompanying her was E-123 Omega, as her personal and loyal bodyguard, Omega calculated that being with Rouge for the time being was the best option, although Rouge wonders about that, if Omega is simply along for the ride or is genuinely concerned about his fellow Team Dark member, at any rate, Rouge is not particularly fond of all the lovey-dovey that goes into the Mobius Festival and instead just sticks around for events like the Ring Race, hoping that she would get at least prize money from them kind of events, she hopes that by entering herself and Omega into the race would they both have a better chance of winning, not willing to let themselves be outclassed and outdone by both the Bat and the Robot, Amy intends to win no matter what, she, Tails, Cream and the Chaotix all race together against both Rouge and Omega, intending to beat the two with more experience then any of them, as the Ring Race starts, Espio appears in 1st place, followed by Rouge then Omega, then Charmy, then Vector, then Tails, then Amy and then lastly Cream, everyone races fiercely until finally, Omega decides to cheat by shooting his weapons at both Vector and Tails, only to end up disqualifying him from the race, in the end, the race is settled: Rouge comes in 1st place, followed by Espio in 2nd and then lastly Amy in 3rd, Amy is frustrated with the outcome but accepts defeat, Rouge says to Amy that she can be the one to offer up thanks to the Sonic statue, as Rouge was only in the competition to win prize money, over 10,000 Rings in currency, Amy, deciding to use this chance plans to offer her thanks to the Sonic statue whilst taking the Chaotix with her, leaving Tails to be alone with Cream in order to confess their feelings, not wanting anyone to interrupt their special moment at midnight, at the statue Amy thanks Sonic for all that he did in the past and puts her hands together whilst closing her eyes, the Chaotix wondering what Amy is doing... Tails and Cream are seen ontop of a small hill, staring up at the crescent shaped moon of Mobius, as the two are nervous sitting next to one another, they stutter at what it is they say should say before Cream changes the topic and acts naturally, she talks about being a caretaker for Chao at a Chao Garden, she wants to help bring together all of the Chao around the world and unite them, as one big happy family, Tails, upon seeing the dedication within Cream's eyes and hearing her speech further falls in love with her, he gulps and proceeds to ask her the question, meanwhile, Amy prays in silence to the Sonic statue, thinking of the real person, wondering where he is, what is he doing and will he ever return, just, as Amy was about to open her eyes and stare at the face of the Sonic statue whilst Tails simultaneously was about to confess his love for Cream, suddenly...an explosion occurs! everyone wonders what just happened all of a sudden and then, also suddenly...the Sonic statue is blown into pieces! Amy stares on horrified at this sudden turn of events, as she sees floating above in front of her the both strange and mysterious Hedgehog from Angel Island: Stark The Hedgehog! saying that he has found who he was looking for: Amy! as the Chaotix jump in to protect Amy, Stark with just a swipe of a single hand blows them away, leaving only Amy standing, Stark approaches her and just when it seems he was about to threaten her, kicking Stark in the face was Rouge! Stark felt no pain from being kicked by Rouge and instead just grabbed her leg before spinning around and then letting go of her leg, sending her flying straight at a stand, Rouge's fall is broken by Omega who manages to catch her in time, Omega proceeds to designate Stark, as a target but Stark, seeing Omega has another agenda in mind, summoning his Dark Emerald, Stark displays one of its powers and uses it to create a version of Metal Sonic! this Metal Sonic coloured green and having lightning bolt patterned shoes called "Emerald Metal Sonic" or just "Emerald Metal" for short, Omega and everyone else are shocked by this sudden appearance of a new Metal Sonic, as he wastes no time attacking Omega and sending him flying literally up into the sky after he had made the mistake of leaving his guard open to process everything going on in front of him, just before Omega was sent flying, he analysed that the Dark Emerald was the source of Emerald Metal Sonic's origin and that the Metal Sonic in front of everyone isn't actually a new version of Metal Sonic created by Doctor Eggman to threaten everyone, signifying his return but rather a copy from everyone's memories of Metal Sonic that the Dark Emerald had plucked from whilst making a few alterations to the copy itself, thanks to the power of the Dark Emerald, making the copy different but more importantly especially, far more stronger then the original version of everyone's memory of Metal Sonic ever was, still, Amy was shaken, terrified even, she wasn't terrified by the Metal Sonic that was right in front of her but rather of the new Blue Hedgehog that was also seen right in front of her, this Blue Hedgehog looked exactly like Sonic, even speaking with his voice albeit a deeper tone, Tails and Cream arrived at the scene and the former was especially shocked by this Sonic lookalike's sudden appearance, suddenly, Stark had grabbed Amy by her neck, asking her a question: "...Are you the Rose?" said Stark, Amy didn't know what Stark meant by that, suddenly, Stark's grip was broken by a metal wire breaking it and Amy was suddenly grabbed by a sudden new arrival to the scene, using the metal wire he brought Amy up to the top of a roof and revealed himself to be a red coloured Wolf that Amy recognizes, as the Rookie from the days of the Resistance of when Eggman nearly 100% percent had taken over the world, the Rookie was silent but was known by others now through a different name, his name was "Sonar" and Sonar was a agent of the G.U.N, after helping both Sonic and his parallel universe past self defeat Eggman, Sonar went off on his own into the world to help others just like Sonic did and had then found himself joining the G.U.N at a later date, his recommendation for joining was appointed by Shadow who saw Sonar's potential, Sonar reveals through eye contact alone that Amy and everyone else can somehow understand that he was sent by the G.U.N to track down and hunt Stark after G.U.N headquarters came under attack and that somehow, this Stark foe has the ability to use his Dark Emerald to conjure up new version copies of foes that Sonic and everyone had fought in the past, just, as Amy begins to understand this, Stark suddenly summons another new version copy of a previous foe, it was Black Doom, Shadow The Hedgehog's Archenemy and biological father in terms of source of origin, this version of Black Doom was called "White Doom", as instead of being black coloured he had the opposite colour scheme, White Doom was prepared to blow everyone into oblivion using his powerful abilities but before he could attack, suddenly, the Babylon Rogues appeared! using their Extreme Gear, they attacked White Doom one after another and with Jet delivering the finishing blow upon White Doom's head, this had caused White Doom's body to implode and evaporate into a black coloured mist that floated its way back into the Dark Emerald, seeing this, as a bad moment for him, Stark decided to retreat for now but not before promising that he would be back for the Rose, as Stark left, the entire Mobius Festival was left in shambles and Amy fell to the floor on the roof, suddenly blanking out, the whole event of seeing this Sonic lookalike was too much for her, speaking of Sonic, Emerald Metal Sonic evaporated also into a black coloured mist and the black mist was seen heading east, the Babylon Rogues and Sonar were not going to let this chance slip by, seeing this and planning to use it to their advantage, Sonar left Amy back with Tails and the others on ground level before grabbing onto Storm's back and riding with him on his Extreme Gear, Sonar and the Babylon Rogues proceeded to go after the black mist heading east whilst everyone else were left behind, causing them to wonder just what was going on!? Amy fell into a deep sleep after that, as though, she would never awaken...
  6. Welcome, Naruto fans, to the official discussion thread regarding "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations", the upcoming manga series detailing the adventure's of Naruto's son Boruto Uzumaki, as well any other Boruto related topics. Here we can talk about our thoughts/theories on the upcoming manga, the additional one-shot, what we thought of Boruto: Naruto The Movie, and so on. As a reminder, here is the article that confirmed the upcoming one-shot and full manga series. Also here is some other additional material that you might not know about: "Boruto: Road to B" (promotional Boruto movie one-shot featuring the artist for the Naruto SD series) "The Day Naruto Became Hokage" (a bonus omake also related to Boruto found in the latest guidebook Zai No Sho. There is also going to be an anime adaption released with the Blu Ray/DVD version of Boruto: Naruto The Movie this July.)
  7. Rules are simple. Pick the month you were born. Me; September- Nagato, magnet.
  8. Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker is the newest Naruto game from Namco Bandai! Not much is known yet, but judging from the trailer, it looks to be a fighting (Or adventure?) game very focused on free movement through the game's environments. The trailer highlights 4 vs 4 team matches, a first for the Naruto series. The trailer shows a focus on Part 2/Shippuden, and the title suggests that Boruto's storyline will feature as well. It looks very promising! Confirmed characters:
  9. I'd put my trust in him if I had a girlfriend.
  10. After several months of rumors, speculation, and other similar postings, we have confirmation from the Naruto/Boruto stage event at Jump Festa that Masashi Kishimoto, the original author of the Naruto manga, will be involved in the production of the upcoming live action Naruto movie. As a reminder: the film will be directed by Michael Gracey, director for the upcoming film The Greatest Showman, with production by Avi and Ari Arad of Arad Productions and is being overseen by Erik Feig, Geoff Shaveitz and Kelly O'Malley. Now, in general, American films based on anime have a bit of a, let's say, difficult reputation in the eyes of Western anime fans. As a fan of DragonBall, I know first hand what it's like to see one of your favorite properties be turned into a movie only for it to become something like DragonBall: Evolution, a movie that, to put it nicely, was... not good. But, the fact that it's official that the original author has signed on to help with the film is at the very least a good sign. This at least promises that he'll have some input towards making the film and that his presence guarantees that at least someone behind-the-scenes will be working to keep the original source material in mind when making the film. Of course, what it doesn't guarantee is that his involvement will have any lasting results as, unfortunately, a source creator can easily have their say denied in favor of Hollywood's own personal agenda. For those who don't know, that actually happened with Akira Toriyama and DragonBall: Evolution. He wasn't directly involved in the production, but he still sent in a script to FOX to use for the movie, and they outright rejected in favor of the script that you see being played out in the actual film. But I would also like to stress that anime films don't necessarily have to be bad by design. Yes, we've gotten some stinkers in the past, but we shouldn't cast judgement right away. Edge of Tomorrow, a film based off All You Need Is Kill and starring Tom Cruise was well received, and we still the Ghost In The Shell film starring Scarlett Johansson set to premiere next year and despite some controversy about casting, that doesn't necessarily mean it won't be a good film. So basically what I'm saying is not to be too optimistic nor too pessimistic either. We should just wait and see what the final result is.
  11. || SYNOPSIS || A world of martial arts, a world of pirates, and a world of shinobi. Based on those descriptions alone, one would automatically think that these worlds were far from ordinary. And you would be right. The lives of Son Goku, Monkey D. Luffy, and Naruto Uzumaki are full of action, adventure, legends, wars, comedy, tragedy, and romance (and not the kissy-kissy type). As they constantly push theirselves to the absolute limit while battling humans, beasts, mortals, and gods alike, it would take an entire saga (or sagas) just to detail the many feats and events that these three titans have to their respective names. But, even with all that, something has happened that goes beyond that level of understanding… an incident where those same titans, accompanied by their friends, found themselves on a strange, new world. A new world entirely populated and controlled by the most dastardly enemies and obstacles that they have encountered in the past, all looking to settle their scores and take them all out. In a time like this, there’s only one thing our heroes can do: stick together, survive the odds, and kick all sorts of ass. || RULES / GUIDELINES || This RP works with a set roster of characters. You may pick at least two characters to play as, but no more. For availability: first come, first serve. Feel free to join even if you’re not familiar with any one or more of the three series. I’m open to anyone as long as they want to have fun. Explicit content allowed in posts include: minor swearing, minor explicit references to sex, and minimal description of blood and violence are allowed. Please do not be more explicit than this. I’m balancing everyone’s battle power (mostly DragonBall) so that no one main character, regardless of series, is massively stronger than the other. Anybody caught overstepping this rule will be considered “god-modding” and get kicked from the RP. I’ll go further into detail later. Post as often as possible. There are a lot of characters that are constantly doing things so I need as much participation as possible. Personal emergencies or busy-ness is understandable, but at the very least, do your best to work around it if possible. All other miscellaneous KH13 roleplaying rules apply. || PLAYABLE ROSTER || If you'd like more information, feel free to ask and also take a look at this RP's interest check.
  12. So, I have an idea in my head. Not exactly a fully-fleshed out RP (yet, but let's see how this goes first), but an idea. Anyways: I'm a huge fan of DragonBall and Naruto, and I just got done catching up to the One Piece manga, and so I thought: "well hey, I now have enough knowledge and insight all on three series to make a crossover RP. All I need is a story and some people who want to join!" And because I know jackshit about Bleach, I can't make this a Big 4 crossover RP, so... my bad. Also, this idea was inspired by an old Japan-exclusive Smash Bros type game called Battle Stadium D.O.N. in the first place. As I made clear, I don't really have much of a story at this moment (although, I mean, you don't really need that much story, it's a crossover after all), but I wanted to make this interest check before I start going any further because there's a couple things you should know beforehand. For starters: there's going to be a lot of playable characters. 30 to be exact. Not counting villains or any other side characters either. Blame One Piece for this considering its default cast (plus 1) is 10 in total, but hey, OP fans, would you be okay with me cutting down the size of the main crew and leaving out any one or more of your favorite Straw Hats? I didn't think so. Also: I'm not exactly looking for someone to join and pick any random character from any of the three series to play as. I plan to let people control more than one character to compensate for size, but I also have a set playable roster of characters that I chose from each of the three series. Each character was chosen from each of the three respective series based on a specific archetype they embody, and each set of 3 (one for each series) share similarities in role, personality, motivation, etc. Obviously, this applies to the main characters in that Goku, Luffy, and Naruto are involved. I even made a chart to illustrate this: That's pretty much all the hurdles you'll have to jump over if you want to join this hypothetical RP. But hey, if you're okay with all that, then it's a solid idea, right? ... Right? Hey, at least I tried asking people about it first. Quick note: I encourage fans of either three, all three, or whatever fan of either to join. There won't be any big plot spoilers, I'll do my best to explain all the relevant elements of each world, and I'll make sure to "nerf" everyone so most of the DragonBall cast everybody won't be overpowered compared to the villains or to each other.
  13. Source: http://www.naruto-videogames.com/en/the-road-to-boruto-expansion-is-coming-to-naruto-shippuden-ultimate-ninja-storm-4/ Looks like Namco and CC2 are finally giving those of us that couldn't pre-order the game a way to get Boruto and Sarada, as well as adding in a ton of additional content! This sounds like it's going to be very similar to Ultimate Ninja Storm 3: Full Burst, but judging from the description on the official website, it sounds like it's going to add more content than Full Burst did (It mentions additional new characters outside of Boruto, Sarada, and Kinshiki). I haven't gotten to pick up Storm 4 yet since I don't have a PS4, but I'm still very excited for this! I'm hoping they give it another retail release with all the DLC available like Full Burst had. EDIT: It looks like the game will get another retail release including all previous DLC and the Road to Boruto expansion! Source: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2016-09-14/naruto-shippuden-ultimate-ninja-storm-4-road-to-boruto-to-have-english-and-japanese-dubs/.106456 New characters (Will be updated as more are announced):
  14. These are guys are awesome! I cracked up at everything
  15. Hello friends, Firaga Sensei here with another important message. First, I should explain what exactly the issue is about: "Naruto SD" is a fan term for the subsection of the Naruto franchise referring to the spin-off "super deformed" comedy gag series "Rock Lee's Springtime of Youth" or as its known otherwise "Naruto Spin-Off: Rock Lee & His Ninja Pals". "Super deformed" itself refers to an art style where characters are drawn small and chubby, similar to the more recognized "chibi" style, and in shonen manga is mostly associated with gag spin-offs for shonen series like "Ninja Pals" is for Naruto. Here are some highlights taken directly from the manga: Truly, it is sheer brilliance. A beauty to behold. "Ninja Pals" has done rather well for itself. Despite repeated hiatuses, the manga has been translated in its entirety by fans and can be read online, and Viz Media has licensed the full anime series to watch on their website and through other streaming services. But alas, even with all this attention, a problem remains. And that is simply: the next iteration of Ninja Pals, "Sasuke Uchiha's Sharingan Legacy" isn't getting enough attention from fans. "Sharingan Legacy" is focused on the exploits of Sasuke and his team of ninja called Taka, and is just as brillant in its execution as Ninja Pals was before it. Don't believe me? Allow me to share some excerpts from the first chapter, the only one officially translated to read in full as of right now: Isn't it simply a crime to know that masterful jokes and images like these are being restricted simply because the fans who supposedly love the series and Naruto as a whole just aren't showing their support? Well, I believe that this must come to a end, and together, we as the fans can bring Sharingan Legacy to the forefront of the entire fanbase's collective awareness so that the Sharingan Legacy may truly live on in the hearts and minds of those who are eager to click on and read the next fantastic entry as they did before with the Ninja Pals manga and anime. Remember: only we can continue the legacy.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkUrvDbJtrM The ninja battles continue! Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 has been officially announced, and it looks like it's going to cover the last section of the Naruto story, as referenced by the images of Naruto and Sasuke in their Six Paths modes. Not only that, but Naruto's look from "The Last" is on the scan too, saying that he'll be in the game, which is pretty much confirmation that "The Last" will probably be a crucial part of the story mode as well. There is also confirmation that a demo will be playable by the time that Jump Festa 2015 comes around. This is all the information present. So yeah: Ninja Storm on current-generation consoles... I'dbelyingifIsaidIwasn'tthetiniestbithyped.
  17. I'm a bit late with this, but to be fair, it only came to light really late last night. So, according to this article, Bandai Namco has trademarked three new game titles. These titles are "Narutimate Braves", "Narutimate Blazing", and "Narutimate Wars". For those of who you don't know, the "Narutimate" series in Japan is essentially the "Ultimate Ninja" series here in America. It also make sense for CC2 to produce more games in this series since they have cited Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 as the last Storm game. Based on most people's speculations, the consensus is that these will be on mobile platforms such as the PSVita or even Nintendo 3DS. Personally, I think it's possible that these titles could be on home consoles like the Playstation 4 or Xbox One. After all, with the Storm series coming to an end, CC2 would benefit greatly from not only going back to the mobile market but still keeping their home console run afloat, and also leave an opportunity for a cross-platform project to get underway, similar to how the upcoming game "One Piece: Burning Blood" will seemingly handle.
  18. ... Well... if you just close your eyes and listen to the voice acting, that is. Although, the ending sequence might be a bit awkward.
  19. http://www.shonenjump.com/next_generation/ Out of seemingly nowhere, Shuiesha and Weekly Shonen Jump magazine has launched a countdown website obviously related to the Naruto series featuring silhouettes of Naruto's son Boruto alongside Sasuke and Sakura's daughter Sarada and the new Ino-Shika-Cho. The website teases a new project relating to the Boruto story and is counting down to the reveal set on December 19th, also the first day of the upcoming Jump Festa convention where there will be a Naruto stage event the very same day as well. Keep in mind, this is being orchestrated by the owners/publishers of the Naruto manga, not by Studio Pierrot i.e. the animators for Naruto Shippuden. Many have speculated in the past that after Shippuden finishes the remaining content from the original Naruto manga, they will start a Boruto story arc, but this cannot be the case here as the countdown to the project will happen while Shippuden will still be running their current filler arc and still not finished adapting the end of the Naruto story. During the run of Boruto: Naruto The Movie, the creator of Naruto Mashashi Kishimoto has directly stated that he wants to move on from the Naruto franchise and start a new project sometime in the near future, so it's more than likely that this project is solely being headed by Shuiesha and Weekly Shonen Jump, while of course still bearing approval from the author himself as it is the standard. So what exactly is this new project? A new manga series akin to Naruto Gaiden? Possibly taking place after the events of the recent film? Or maybe it might be something else entirely? Whatever it is, the recent Boruto film's success has proven that expanding more on this newly established portion of the franchise has high possibilities for more success in the future.
  20. Jiraiya has taken a new job after leaving Naruto! I Narrating! His message can be read below. "Once I left Naruto, I decided to pursue another career. I thought of several things, but nothing seemed to be working out... Then it hit me! Narration! I became an instant hit!" View the fruit of his labor below!
  21. Of all the Shonen Jump Manga/Anime heroes, who is your favorite? Mine? Gon. His age would blow your mind, considering his true strength.
  22. This is just amazing and I don't know why I love it so much (Naruto The Last spoilers)
  23. So I am in love with Rin... because I was dared to apparently What's yours? Peace!
  24. Here is Sasuke in Kingdom Hearts style, for Naruto fans I didn't made the image so credits go to the guy who signed it Well I DO have some credits, this guy stole my Winged Characters style D:
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