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It was just a normal day in Nibelheim when the incident occurred. It all started when Cloud decided to show his pet marmoset, which he had won in a duel with Gilgamesh, to his roommate, Sephiroth. Gilgamesh had never explained why he offered a marmoset as a prize, but Cloud didn’t care, as he had always wanted a pet marmoset. Cloud ran through the town, yelling, “Hey Sephy! Come check out my new pet!” Sephiroth, however, was busy experimenting with soup recipes. His mother had given him the task of recreating the recipe for Black Materia Soup, a recipe which had been lost to time. When Sephiroth heard Cloud, he replied, “Cloud, you numbskull! I’m busy with my soup experiments for Mother! I need to have them finished before she returns from Mt. Nibel! Can’t it wait?” “Wait? Of course it can’t wait! I need to show you this!” shouted Cloud from outside their house, feeling slightly angry at Sephiroth. “I mean seriously, what is it with this guy and his mother? It’s like a weird obsession.” he thought to himself. “I said, I’m busy!” shouted Sephiroth from the kitchen. “Right! That’s it! I’m coming in!” Cloud exclaimed. Sephiroth muttered to himself, “Doesn’t he know that when I’m busy, I shouldn’t be interrupted? I know he looks up to me, and wants to impress me, but still.” His mumblings were promptly interrupted by a cry from outside of, “Sephy, help!” Upon hearing that, Sephiroth ran outside, knocking over one of his previous soup experiments, Fire Materia Chilli, without noticing. Once outside, he saw Cloud lying on the ground, not far from the door. He also saw a skateboard, upside down, with the wheels spinning. “Can you tell me what happened?” he asked. “Of course.” Cloud groaned, clutching his knee in pain, “You see, it seems that someone left a skateboard outside our door. As I was running up to the house, I didn’t notice it. I suspect Zack left it there, but I may be wrong. Anyway, I tripped over the skateboard, and injured my knee. I think it’s broken. Would you mind taking me to the hospital?” “Your stupidity astounds me at times, Cloud.” Sephiroth exclaimed, after hearing the story, “It’s clear all you did was graze your knee. It can’t be broken. I mean come on, you landed on grass.” “What a friend you are! You could at the very least show some sympathy for me!” Cloud shouted, feeling hurt by Sephiroths’ words. As the two of them continued to bicker, the Fire Materia Chilli oozed across the table, leaving a burning wake behind. The intense heat of the chilli caused the table to alight. The flames from the table jumped over to the rest of the kitchen, and then spread throughout the house. Once the flames had engulfed the house, they jumped to the neighboring houses. Somehow, both Sephiorth and Cloud didn’t notice the giant fire behind them as they were so engrossed in their argument. Finally, Sephiroth stopped for a few moments and heard several sounds, “Do you hear that? What could it be?” he asked. “A sound?” Cloud pondered, as he stopped to listen, “Oh, that sound. I just thought it was some form of flying cat.” “A flying-? You know what, never mind. Knowing you, I don’t want to know.” Sephiroth grumbled. He then turned around and saw what was left of Nibelheim. After that, he turned back around to Cloud, and yelled, “You idiot! Do you see what you’ve caused me to do?! All of Nibelheim is on fire, just because you couldn’t wait to show me, what ever it is!” He stormed off, towards Mt. Nibel, to find his mother. Cloud, feeling a bit shocked by Sephiroths’ words, decided to chase him. He had taken it upon himself to go on an epic quest to show Sephiroth his pet marmoset, which he had named, “Aerith.”What happened next has yet to be recorded.