Now a lot of people seem to think that the only important thing in Coded/Re:Coded was the last scene, the one with Mickey and Data Sora taking to Data Namine. But can we be sure of that? What if Nomura decides to make the Datascape imperative to the plot of KH III? What if he decides the Data beings can somehow find a way into the physical worlds? It already seems that Malificent thinks she can get to Kingdom Hearts through the Datascape, what if Nomura has Xehanort get a similar idea?
All I'm saying is, with the limited info we have on KH III right now, we don't really know how important Re:Coded will or will not end up being.
Also, I haven't watch the cut scenes yet, no spoilers unless they're in tags okay? I want to be surprised. I'm not mini-modding, just making a personal request.