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  1. I can't seem to level up at all, and I'm pretty sure it's a massive glitch. I don't have the game on proud mode, nor do I have the zero EXP ability turned on. My dream eater buddies can level up, but not Sora or Riku. Can anybody help me out please? I've got only 4 hours in the game, so I really don't mind if I have to do a data wipe or something like that. I'd just love to level up and not get screwed over on later worlds being stuck on level 1 forever.
  2. in ddd xigbar said they did. but yen sid in kh2 said they do. do they have hearts or not?
  3. Update: If you want to buy the special edition Nintendo 3DS, you can purchase it on Play-Asia.com. Square Enix have updated their official website for Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, and this update reveals details about the 10th Anniversary Box. To see for yourself, please click the link and visit the "SPEC" section. However, if you want the details in English, read on to see what we know about the box. You can also see its official logo on the right. - Officially called the "Kingdom Hearts 10th Anniversary 3D+Days+Re:coded Box" - Releases on March 29, 2012 - Available for ¥15,000 (approximately US$193.88) Contents of the box - Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance (Nintendo 3DS) - Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (Nintendo DS) - Kingdom Hearts Re:coded (Nintendo DS) - 12 piece card set showing the visual history of the series - Protective cover (original design) for Nintendo 3DS Square Enix have updated the page detailing each edition of the game, and have also added the 10th Anniversary 3D+Days+Re:coded Box to their e-STORE. The website update also revealed that the special edition Kingdom Hearts 3D-themed Nintendo 3DS will be available for ¥21,090 (approximately US$272.59). Thanks to aibo_ac7 for the tip.
  4. Here's King Mickey arriving in The World That Never Was in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. Here's the Replica for Roxas being sent to the Keyblade Graveyard by Ienzo, Even, Ansem the Wise, etc. in Kingdom Hearts III. (Which Roxas' heart comes out of Sora and then goes into the moment it arrives.) It's the exact same method of travel/arriving at a world. They have the same animation of a sparkle in the sky and then a beam of light coming down from where the sparkle was, transporting a person or object to a world.
  5. Alicornbrodie

    DDD - Komory Bat

    Here we have Vampir- Komory Bat. He's a shiny bat baby.
  6. Alicornbrodie

    DDD - Meow Wow

    Omg guys look it's Bumbleb- I mean, Meow Wow. It's Meow Wow guys. Figured I'd try drawing every Spirit from "Kingdom Hearts 3D/Dream Drop Distance" so here's the first. Meow doesn't have paw pads and that hurts on a personal level.
  7. It's been awhile since I was here but decided to post it here anyway to give a excuse to visit this site. Anyway... This is a showcase of every unused keyblade in Dream Drop Distance. If I'm aware, almost every unused keyblade except for one never had any footage online to view. So I decided to do that along posting the stuff as well onto TCRF. The only real problem is the keyblade I talk at the end of the video, which I'm having trouble to bring up. Otherwise, have fun knowing what keyblades that could have been in the game. The footage as well is from the 3DS version, which I recorded via Snickerstream via a CFW N3DS.
  8. Let me just preface this by saying that this is not me complaining about people not liking Kingdom Hearts 3D. Everyone is different, and everyone views things differently. Please don't take this topic as a trap or as me saying "the game is amazing! You guys are wrong!" I am not going to attack you or argue with you; I just want your opinion. This topic is purely for curiosity's sake. Kingdom Hearts 3D is one of my favourite Kingdom Hearts games. Like literally tied for first place with Birth by Sleep. No joke. Ever since I first played it it has been one of my two favourite entries in the series. I love the story, I LOVE the combat (particularly the flowmotion) and I love the flexibility of the Dream Eater party system. I always thought that this was a common opinion, that the majority of people loved the game as much as I did. It was only over the past couple of months that I noticed a lot of people citing 3D as one of the series' worst entries, some even calling it garbage. Needless to say, I was quite taken aback when I saw these responses, and it has since begged the question: Why do people hate this entry so much? If you don't like Kingdom Hearts 3D, please tell me why here. I'm interested to hear your thoughts on where this game went wrong. Again, this is not me criticizing or arguing. I just want to be able to see the big picture. Thanks guys, and may our hearts be our guiding keys.
  9. Hey there, everyone! It's me, Veemon, and I'm finally back, to kick, some, tail! with a brand new game! The objective of the game is for everyone to work together to name as many DIFFERENT characters from the Kingdom Hearts series as we can! From main characters, to heartless, nobodies, unversed, dream eaters, Disney characters, everyone that has appeared in Kingdom Hearts in some way. (This is excluding certain characters that only appeared on things such as the Chocobo on the Metal Chocobo keyblade, etc.) To keep it fair for everyone, and to make the game last the longest, let's limit it to one character per post. Also, if possible, try to avoid repeating characters, since the goal is to name as many different characters as we can. Let me start it off with our main character... Sora! Rock on!
  10. You might remember that back in the Ultimania for Dream Drop Distance, Masashi Nakamichi the Sub-Lead Programmer for the game, revealed a fun secret about how one of the cutscenes was made. This is what he said back in 2012: Thanks to long time Kingdom Hearts fan and dataminer, 13th Vessel, we can now see what Nakamichi was talking about! Check it out the video below. (Make sure you watch till the very end!) In order to have the first person angle for Xehanort within the cutscene, the developers had to edit his body proportions and move the camera around, resulting in him having a tiny head! Similar tricks were previously found in Kingdom Hearts II by Boundary Break, revealing scenes where models were messed around with to achieve certain angles in cutscenes. 13th Vessel has contribute to a number of discoveries within the code in the Kingdom Hearts games, including the deleted world of Monsters, Inc. in Kingdom Hearts II and assets from Kingdom Hearts 2.8. Check out his YouTube channel for more interesting discoveries (and clips of him playing around the worlds on Kingdom Hearts games!) What hidden camera tricks have you seen in Kingdom Hearts? Let us know in the comments below!
  11. You might remember that back in the Ultimania for Dream Drop Distance, Masashi Nakamichi the Sub-Lead Programmer for the game, revealed a fun secret about how one of the cutscenes was made. This is what he said back in 2012: Thanks to long time Kingdom Hearts fan and dataminer, 13th Vessel, we can now see what Nakamichi was talking about! Check it out the video below. (Make sure you watch till the very end!) In order to have the first person angle for Xehanort within the cutscene, the developers had to edit his body proportions and move the camera around, resulting in him having a tiny head! Similar tricks were previously found in Kingdom Hearts II by Boundary Break, revealing scenes where models were messed around with to achieve certain angles in cutscenes. 13th Vessel has contribute to a number of discoveries within the code in the Kingdom Hearts games, including the deleted world of Monsters, Inc. in Kingdom Hearts II and assets from Kingdom Hearts 2.8. Check out his YouTube channel for more interesting discoveries (and clips of him playing around the worlds on Kingdom Hearts games!) What hidden camera tricks have you seen in Kingdom Hearts? Let us know in the comments below! View full article
  12. I would name Lea's Keyblade Flashfire...
  13. Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance is a sequel to Kingdom Hearts Re:coded and originally released on the Nintendo 3DS in Japan (March 29, 2012), Europe (July 20, 2012), Australia (July 26, 2012) and North America (July 31, 2012).
  14. So I finished KH3D HD and I realized something: At the end of KH3D, every seeker of darkness that has been brought to the present (Young Xehanort included) returns to his own time and forgets everything that happened during his time travel. So YX went back to Destiny Islands. But how is he supposed to gather the 13 darknesses in KH3? He gathered them once at the end of 3D. I guess he kept his power to travel through time but he can’t remember anything regarding the future and the whole time travel and therefore don’t know about his power and his task to gather them once again. So how will the 13 darknesses be present in KH3? Am I missing something or don’t we have an answer for this question yet?
  15. For those interested in getting the new Dream Eaters available in the newly Remastered version of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, here's a guide on how to get the 3 new spirits for your party. Catanuki: Available in a chest as you head to the court of miracles in La Cité des Cloches. Tubguin Ace: Available as an item in the shop as soon as you complete Traverse Town the first time. Beatalike: Available as an item in the shop as soon as you reach The World That Never Was as Riku. Catanuki requires 4 rampant fancy & 4 vibrant fantasy Tubguin Ace requires 3 Lofty Fancy & 3 Vibrant Fancy Beatalike requires 3 Intreprid Fantasy & 6 Noble Figment Let us know if you obtained any of these spirits!
  16. What world are you excited to visit/revisit in Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD? I'm excited to revisit The Grid. I personally love The Grid from the original game and I can't wait to see it in it's HD goodness!
  17. Following recent discoveries of hidden areas in the code of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, KH13 forum member Ligero_miguel joined the search and found some more interesting information within the game's code. His findings include beta mini-maps, concept art from the Prankster's Paradise world, unused items, unused HUD, a prototype menu, and beta screenshots. He has found messages by the developers within the code in the game, including references to the anime Puella Magi Madoka Magica and name of songs by Aerosmith, Bon Jovi and Joe Williams. He also shows a picture of the roman numeral "III", which he believes was due to appear after the end credits of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, following the secret message of "THIS LEADS TO KINGDOM HEARTS" which can be spelled out from the sequence of letters appearing during the credits. Ligero_miguel mentions that his most interesting find is a file called "jb_621.bcd", a collision from a deleted map. He explains that maps with the numbers 60, 61, and 62 are "Dive Mode" maps, and speculates that the game initially included the Dive Map of a world inspired by The Jungle Book, which could have had an area code denoted by "jb". This is especially intriguing as there was . Also, an episode from the cancelled Kingdom Hearts TV series took place in the world of The Jungle Book, and Jungle Book medals were added to the Japanese version of Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ to celebrate the release of the recent live action movie. The video below shows Ligero_miguel's discoveries in the code of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. What do you make of these findings? Would you like to see The Jungle Book in future Kingdom Hearts games? Let us know in the comments!
  18. Following recent discoveries of hidden areas in the code of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, KH13 forum member Ligero_miguel joined the search and found some more interesting information within the game's code. His findings include beta mini-maps, concept art from the Prankster's Paradise world, unused items, unused HUD, a prototype menu, and beta screenshots. He has found messages by the developers within the code in the game, including references to the anime Puella Magi Madoka Magica and name of songs by Aerosmith, Bon Jovi and Joe Williams. He also shows a picture of the roman numeral "III", which he believes was due to appear after the end credits of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, following the secret message of "THIS LEADS TO KINGDOM HEARTS" which can be spelled out from the sequence of letters appearing during the credits. Ligero_miguel mentions that his most interesting find is a file called "jb_621.bcd", a collision from a deleted map. He explains that maps with the numbers 60, 61, and 62 are "Dive Mode" maps, and speculates that the game initially included the Dive Map of a world inspired by The Jungle Book, which could have had an area code denoted by "jb". This is especially intriguing as there was . Also, an episode from the cancelled Kingdom Hearts TV series took place in the world of The Jungle Book, and Jungle Book medals were added to the Japanese version of Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ to celebrate the release of the recent live action movie. The video below shows Ligero_miguel's discoveries in the code of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. What do you make of these findings? Would you like to see The Jungle Book in future Kingdom Hearts games? Let us know in the comments! Click here to view the article
  19. Square Enix NA Store is now accepting pre-orders for Keychains on four classic Keyblades - Kingdom Key, Kingdom Key Dark Side, Oathkeeper and Oblivion. Additionally, Lea's Keyblade, which was recently announced for release in Japan is also up for pre-order. The Keychains will be releasing on December 2016, each at a retail price of $19.99 USD. Description and picture of the Keychains are as follows: Will you be purchasing any of these Keyblade keychains along with Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue this December? Let us know in the comments!
  20. Square Enix NA Store is now accepting pre-orders for Keychains on four classic Keyblades - Kingdom Key, Kingdom Key Dark Side, Oathkeeper and Oblivion. Additionally, Lea's Keyblade, which was recently announced for release in Japan is also up for pre-order. The Keychains will be releasing on December 2016, each at a retail price of $19.99 USD. Description and picture of the Keychains are as follows: Will you be purchasing any of these Keyblade keychains along with Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue this December? Let us know in the comments! Click here to view the article
  21. Recently, Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance's code was discovered containing a new hidden world/area. The new area found in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance's code appears to be some sort of ship. While it is uncertain what this area actually is, there is some info on the hidden code regarding the area. The hidden area & code was discovered by YouTube user OmegaErkz. According to Erkz, each code for the worlds contained in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance go by a certain area code. Worlds such as Hollow Bastion (hb), Destiny Islands (di), Twilight Town (tt), all go by this certain area code. The hidden area that was discovered has the area code "tp", which, if followed by the area code rule, could be an area based off of Disney's Treasure Planet. The hidden area appears to have been scratched after an attempt to include it in the world selection for Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. You can check out the hidden area below thanks to YouTube User OmegaErkz (Starting at 2:53:29) While it is uncertain what the area is, we'd like to know: What do you think it is? Do you think it's an entire world dedicated to Treasure Planet? Would you like to see it in Kingdom Hearts III? Let us know in the comments below!
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