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  1. " We see only that which is bathed in the light...but what about, the darkness? surely, we must all have both light and dark in us do we not? if not...then, what are we? with one without the other? a man searches for these answers...his name: "Lamnt Lmnt". . " Prologue: The man who is hated by all and even hell itself. "Leonard Lionel" A-K-A "Lenny the S***" is researching the dark arts of magic to find a way to bring back his dead sister from the afterlife using any and all means necessary, even sacrificing human life to do so, in exchange, he gives up pieces of his soul to the demon known as "Zerzes", self proclaimed guardian and guider of people's souls that get sent to hell after committing atrocities during their time whilst amongst the living. Helping Lenny or as he is called "Levil" by his associate is a man named "Carl Daemons", a highly profitable businessman on the outside in public face who owns his own manufacturing corporation called "D Enterprises" that deals with everything that can be manufactured by human hands. Daemons is helping Levil so that they can revive Levil's twin sister and Daemons' former lover back to the world of the living named "Kara Lionel" who was murdered by an unknown assailant, believed to be a hater of both Daemons and his business and would go so far as to commit murder just to get back as revenge. Nothing is known about the murderer, other then before leaving the crime scene, he was caught by an eyewitness fleeing the scene with his hand covered entirely in black dust, the eyewitness was a friend of Kara's and former girlfriend of Levil's who came up with his nickname named "Zovia Sharles". "Zovi" as she is called by Levil worked alongside Kara as a showman magician's apprentice in the arts of white magic, contrast to the darkness of all magic, so that she could protect herself should there ever come a time when she would be threatened by someone with magical talent and expertise, however, during the situation that occurred with Kara, neither she or Zovi could have predicted someone coming to kill the former and thus, they were taken by surprise and Kara was killed, Zovi lost her left eye in the process but by losing it, she developed magical foresight, the ghost of Kara before disappearing right in front of Zovi straight after being murdered was able to allow Zovi to see with her left eye spiritually for just a moment that the cloaked murderer had black dust all over his right hand and that it was of magical substance. Knowing the police would not believe her and she would be accounted for as a suspect, Zovi fled and went to Levil and Daemons for help, wanting to do right by his sister and bring her back whilst also wanting the murderer to stand for justice, Levil, Daemons and Zovi together made a secret pact and started calling themselves "Lamnt Lmnt" which could reference any single one of the three members that made up the pact and could be interpreted and translate as "Lament Lmnt", meaning lament was their way of saying for the murderer to lament his crime and that until they found out who he truly was, they would call him "Lmnt". They took the E out of Lmnt according to the dark arts book that Levil was using to try and resurrect his sister with called the "eLeMeNT of 666" which was in black humour Zerzes' telephone number and of how Levil came into contact with the dark spiritual self proclaimed guardian and guide of souls in the first place. Zerzes would help the pact, namely Levil on the condition he would bring Zerzes the souls of the damned to hell so that Zerzes could vainly improve his self image amongst the lords of evil and darkness down in hell and especially look good in front of his lord and master of all of hell everywhere, the demon and devil king named "Rucifer". Levil would accept dirtying his hands with the stench of blood and death whilst Daemons would use his public image to cover up the deaths as merely pure coincidental accidents, Zovi would use her new powers of the "Eye of Murderers" as she called it to find self said murdering people by the black dust that is covered entirely on parts of their bodies, as a result of using dark magic to kill people with. To help Levil kill the murderers themselves, Zerzes gives Levil an alternate persona that can transform into a beast during battle whilst enraged by the thought of an act of evil being witnessed right before Levil's eyes called the "Rikudo", the Rikudo would allow Levil to transform into one of six demons that Zerzes personally commands in hell and would send to earth to possess Levil's body, embodying and representing one of six earthly principles and desires of mankind each. Levil would become known by Zerzes as a man who is hated by all and even hell itself should he agree to take on the Rikudo's powers, without hesitation, Levil swallowed the Rikudo which appeared in the form of a gum ball straight down his mouth and with it, gained the ability to see all of the supernatural and all kinds of magic besides both light and dark, the goals now set in foot, Levil hunts down the murderer of Kara and kills evil people whilst embodying and representing evil itself, Levil, Daemons and Zovi known as Lamnt Lmnt...began the hunt of evil...using evil. " Mix evil and evil together and what do you get? a "good" outcome. " That's the prologue done, so, what does everyone think :]? each chapter will have music to it, this is the only music for the prologue: https://youtu.be/mz5FIkzu1Gg
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