Uh, yeah. Wazzup, everybody. I'm Moonfall Prince and have finally joined KH13. I say "finally" because I have been looking at this site for like, nearly 7 years, but never joined the forum [or site, I guess]
Anyways, I pride myself on my extensive KH knowledge (as I'm sure many of you do).
I've completed KH1 and KH2 an immeasurable amount of times, completed KH CoM and Re:CoM more than I would've liked to lol, and have completed the rest of the series' entries as well.
I have 100%'d KH1.5 and need only one trophy (BbS Final Mix--Terra's Complete Report) to 100% KH2.5. Lately because of school [college student], I haven't really been playing a whole lot of stuff. My current Lv.1 run of KH:3D, for example, is on hiatus.
BUT N-E-WAYZ, I love anime (despite how it perpetually destroys my feel-box), RPGs, video games in general, and I consider myself to be a pretty chill bro.
I want to be a Graphic Designer someday, but I also want to pursue something in science (possibly biology, I love biology).
So yeah. That's me. Feel free to hit me up on here if anybody wants to, I'll just be coolin' it on the interwebs most days :cool: