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Hey there everyone, how's it going? Well then, being the big Kingdom Hearts fan that I am, one of the things I love most about the series besides the amazing story, exciting combat and colorful worlds and characters, is the amount of enemies that appear in the game. There are many types of Heartless, Nobodies, Unversed and Dream Eaters, and I find their designs eye pleasing. With that being said, I got inspired to make some Heartless of my own! Granted, obviously I'm no Nomura, but heck, I think these Heartless designs are worth your time to look at! Anyways though, I shall be posting regularly as often as I can on this thread, but first and foremost, tell me what you all think of these Heartless! I'll even provide descriptions for them! Darkling: Cowardly Pureblood Heartless that mostly spend their time hiding, Darklings are relatively weak enemies, but defeating them rewards you with rare items. But be warned, if you let a Darkling get too far, it'll heal it's Heartless allies, providing an annoying battle should you be facing many Heartless at one time. Brute: Strong, generally aggressive Emblem Heartless, the Brute can be found wandering in different places with Soldiers or Neoshadows. The Brutes specialize in dealing heavy damage, and should be approached cautiously. Soul Seeker: This Pureblood Heartless drifts here and there, searching for souls to feast on. It generally also takes a person's heart, but becomes more powerful by devouring a person's soul. The very fiery flames that surround it's head and hands are souls of deceased people. Soul Seekers can drain your life force if your not careful. So yeah, that's the drawings along with the descriptions of each Heartless I drew! I want to keep doing this frequently, and I'll be posting more as often as I can! I would really appreciate it if you all could give me feedback on how these Heartless look, and I would love it if you all gave me suggestions of what kind of Heartless to draw. But remember, being Heartless, I want to draw them within the Kingdom Hearts Universe, so that means that I'll draw Heartless that relate to Disney films and Final Fantasy Summons and whatnot. Anyways, tell me all what you thought of the drawings, and please give me suggestions! Thank you for taking the time to see this!