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Man... I had totally forgot about this place after almost 8-9 years since I last logged in. I remember it use to be booming with all kinds of posts years ago. I guess it died down a bunch since then. 1.) Introduction and Explanation Anywho, for those who don't know me. I'm the crazy guy that attempted, Raged hard, raged some more, almost lost my sanity, completed, and proved to everyone on gamefaqs over 8-9ish years ago that it's 100% possible, and legit to be able to complete BOTH (Well... Now 3 is added as well, so more than 2)(NAMELY 2.5, and reasons will be listed next) Kingdom Hearts games at Level 1 Proud Mode for KH1.5(which, if you DIDN'T know, because of the way the mechanics work, Proud mode is actually the harder difficulty for a Level 1 run in KH1.5 instead of Critical because you ALWAYS do chip damage in Proud. Critical is actually a little easier because Sora can do more damage in that difficulty) and Critical Mode(2.5 + 3), but not just complete them at Level 1; (that's been done by a handful of people. However, everybody that has completed the Lvl 1 run always labels their run "complete" Yet, they all stopped at SILVER Crown.) But, I decided, and wanted to take it all a step further, and be the standout of them all. As well as debunking the most ridiculous, yet shockingly widespread belief beyond the masses: the before thought "Impossible" Holy Grail of Kingdom Heart challenges: Completing Level 1 critical mode... AS WELL as obtaining 100% completion in the Jiminy Journal, including completion of EVERY Mushroom XIII challenges, and actually having the GOLD Crown! Which was considered literally impossible. (Yeah, I know. Insane, isn't it?) 2.) The False Rumor And The Mission To Prove The World Wrong To actually 100% the Jiminy Journal, and Obtain Gold Crown in 2.5 which involves the Mushroom XIII challenges. Everybody, and their momma back then swore, and pushed the notion of "You can't complete atleast 1 or 2 of the mushroom challenges (most notably, Agrabah mushroom, Twilight Town, and Port Royal mushroom, respectively) without leveling up, it's totally impossible" As well as the old fable of "It's impossible to get Ultima Weapon in 1.5 at Level 1 because you don't get lucky strike abilities to grind synthesis materials without leveling" etc. Nah, it's all do-able. A huge pain in the ass? Yes. Definitely. But, achievable. 3.) Hype Yourself Up/Believe In Your Ability Like myself before attempting, I'm sure most people would just shake their head, and say to themselves "nope. Never. Cant do it" I was that guy. Then one day, I told myself "Hey... they put the option to void any EXP gain.. I'm gonna try it.. Let's see what happens, and how it goes at level 1. I mean, it can't be IMPOSSIBLE; They obviously added it as a feature for a reason." 4.) The Beginning of Doubt Of course, I begin. I start treading along, beginning my journey into my first attempt into a Kingdom Hearts game without leveling up. Everything goes smoothly, up until you start getting demolished left, and right every second, and the bosses annihilate you in a single hit. Making you re-evaluate, and question your ability, and if you can do it. 5.) Opening Your Perception/Total Realization The KH series, AND the series' difficulty as a whole; drastically, and dramatically changed for me once my eyes opened, and I seen the blatant "slap you in the face" obvious, and stopped trying to play Kingdom Hearts like an Action/Adventure RPG like a normal/casual playthrough would basically literally be. Instead, gaining the Square Enix perspective, and knowing their past; made me realize that it's supposed to actually be played like, (and get ready for a mind blown moment) a friggin' Turn Based RPG... Honestly, I think once you guys get this realization, and mindset in your head like I did while you're playing through; every one of you, and I mean EVERYONE of you guys, no matter how "gud" you ARE or AREN'T at the Kingdom Hearts games in a casual, normal playthrough. You can be absolute dirt at the (falsely assumed random, seemingly "unpredictable", ever-constant flow of combat) but start trying to take a slightly different approach/('s) towards the way you actually play games like this, and even open up your mind, and perceive, and acknowledge the gameplay in a different way altogether than what you, and probably, most people normally would have absolutely no idea or even fathom that there's more to, and many more ways to go into a Kingdom Hearts game than the basic, "normal" DmC-esque style combat that we all experience/('d) and most of us, are even conditioned to. 6.) Breaking Old Habits/Adopting New Ones However, once you change the perception/habits you have of the game already, and change the rules ever so slightly, and subtly to merely change towards a playstyle that of the old-school, traditional turn based views, and start planning strategies, and changing your playstyle around a "turn-based rpg mindset" instead of our pre-conditioned, already accustomed, and comfortable free flow combat that most of us are already "comfortable" with or use to. 7.) Acknowledge Game Mechanics/Learn Everything Any of you guys without a doubt in my mind would be able to Level 1 the game as it then becomes almost trivially easy once you decide to perceive KH in just a slightly different way (Turn Based instead of Free Combat) and start to play in an entirely different way accordingly (Having a turn based view/play style really helps not only by helping you learn to better/more accurately time your attacks, guards, dodge rolls, reflects, and etc. But, also makes you a lot more aware, and attentive as you're going to be learning to take it slow, and not rush battles, but to stay on your toes, closely watch for any, even if very subtle visual clues: motions with an enemy's hands, AND their body language. As well as listening for any audio clues or catch phrases; these are everything you are looking for to expect, and anticipate the next move of your opponent. Get a hit in when you can, and defend all the counter attacks that will be delivered back afterwards. Learn the timing to perfect guard; it's going to be the key to your survival, and the timing of each attack you learn never changes. So you don't have to ever expect or assume that a certain attack is ever going to be slower/faster than when previously used. You finally learn the timing for perfect guarding an attack, and you'll always be able to perfect guard it, as it will never be change the rate of speed. 8.) Truth of Developer's 100% Intended Game Design And The Public's Blindness So yes. After stating this, and the way certain mechanics work. Know it or not, even believe it or not. Even though it does EVERYTHING to make you "think" it's an action RPG. Which is semi-true, and fully the case to the masses. It was fully meant, and intended as a Turn Based RPG, and I'm going to open your eyes, and convince you. 9.) How The Kingdom Hearts Series Hides It's True Intended Design, and Disguises Itself As An Action RPG Any casual player gets the action RPG style in a normal playthrough. Just as every first time, 2nd time, etc. player always does. Nothing about the gameplay comes off as "turn based". And is more than often considered the polar opposite of a Turn Based game. Which, was presented this way to appeal to a wider audience such as younger aged, Disney lovers who didn't grow up with RPGs, or just jumped into the game world. As leveling makes it where you literally never have to learn or even use guard, reflect or parry the counters you receive if you really never even wanted to. As taking damage is hardly worrisome, or trivial, and easily tended to with a Cure, and Potions. You can even just carelessly attack, and attack anytime you want. Even if it isn't the best time, and you take a hit. You can still beat the game, and everything in it regardless. - No Turn Based Elements seen/felt whatsoever 10.) Awakening Into Reality/Acknowledging The Hidden Truth: Turn-Based Gameplay In comparison, Level 1: Any hit you take can 1 shot you. If you get caught in a combo attack, you WILL die. There's no possible way to constantly spam attacks, and tank hits. You gotta learn how to properly utilize things that you probably hardly, if ever even used: Guard, Reflect, Dodge Roll, Aerial Recovery, etc. and to learn timing. All this coupled along with the Revenge Counter mechanic (Which, I will explain in more detail below) is how it becomes a Turn Based game; as there is only a certain amount of attacks you can deliver before the enemy counters. - Turn Based RPG 11.) Notice The Signs/Process Everything/Uncover The Veil The first mentioned; is the game probably 90% or more of the masses experience, and perceive. People just don't see the alternative, and it's funny because I just seen a thread on another forum where the OP literally posted "I absolutely love Kingdom Hearts, because it's not just another cliche Turn Based RPG. I despise them." That was almost laughable, and cringe to read, and goes to show just how many people can overlook major things that are hidden in plain sight. However, if one is to attempt a Level 1 run, and play Kingdom Hearts the true way the developers intended; fact is, it's nothing more than a regular Square-Enix FF style "TURN BASED RPG" with complete movement, and control of character at all times. 12.) The Main Mechanics And Physics: The Enemy's "Revenge Counter" Seriously, when you get down into the physics, mechanics, and all the equations that go into every single boss fight, you begin to see it. Just ONE example is this: You're in the middle of a fight, let's say with Data Roxas; just for an example. Soon as the battle begins, and you gain control of Sora, you need to cast a reflect to counter Roxas' Keyblade Spin. After the successful reflect you are granted a small window where you're allowed to attack, and land up to (and let's just say for instance in this example, maybe 3-4 hits) 3-4 hits on Roxas before he is scripted to automatically counter attack. These counter attacks are termed "Revenge Counter" or just simply "RC" abbreviated. if you ever see the term in guides or posts, or in future research, but didn't know what it meant. 13.1) Explaining "Revenge Counters" And "Revenge Values"/Looping Bosses And Minimizing Danger Ah, Revenge Counter. The key to winning, and main mechanic of a level 1 run tbh. Every enemy has always been scripted to counter attack after a few hits, and this was so everybody at level 100 with Sora couldn't just endlessly wail on an opponent non-stop, and make it even easier than what it already was to begin with. Now, once you actually learn about, and study the revenge counter mechanic, and how each enemy works; you actually can use it 100% in your favor in completing, hell, I'd even go so far as to say even almost cheesing a Lvl 1 crit run. As in, learn to read the small signals before attacks. Nothing is unpredictable. There's ALWAYS a signal/warning. Learn how many hits you can throw before they counter attack Sora. 13.2) Deeper Breakdown Of "Revenge" Mechanics/Examples Of "Baiting" Attacks These hits, the attacks, the number, whatever you're most comfortable calling it; for future reference or research of your own are termed "Revenge Values" or simply "RV" if abbreviated. After you learn how many hits you can land (the number of hits it takes to bait an RC is the opponent's RV) learn the timing to guard the counter attack/(s) after, and retaliating in the enemy's small, brief recovery window. All you do is, count your hits, after you land that 4th hit (or whatever number of hits the current boss' Revenge Counter activates) you need to automatically hit guard so you can negate his RC, and guard his other 2-3 hits he dishes out before leaving another open window to land another 3-4 hits on him. It's literally rinse, and repeat: Attack 3-4 times to force or "bait" the enemy to counter attack-> Guard incoming revenge counter attacks from the enemy -> Throw another 3-4 strikes to hit his Revenge Value again to force another auto-counter. And it's just repeat steps over again. Essentially, what you're trying to do is put an enemy into a neverending loop that you can fully predict. You will see evidence of this in every fight in every video I'm going to post below. You pay attention, and you'll notice that I'll always hit an X amount of times (factor of X is the actual RV. Determined differently with each enemy. Could be 6 hits, like Marluxia's RV. Could be only 4 hits like Roxas' RV) but I ALWAYS land no more, and (hopefully) no less than the exact number of attacks needed to bait them into a RC, and guard it. 14.) Always Land The Exact Revenge Values. No More Any attempt to, or if you accidentally deliver an extra attack that is higher than the actual RV, you might as well retry; because you're not going to be guarding that counter, get caught in a combo you can't escape, and face the 1 hit death. Just follow those simple steps, and it then repeats the pattern if you're doing it correctly, and won't be unpredictable. What you're really trying to do is just try to keep everything in a never-ending loop so any unpredictability, and danger is eliminated. 15.) Explanation of "I-Frames" and How To Use Them For An Advantage Also, another biggie is learning I-Frames. Or, "Invincibility Frames" meaning the tiny few frames where Sora is invincible for instance: when you use a Drive Form, there are a few brief seconds of frames where you will not take any damage in the middle of using a form. Or using a skill like Donald's Duck Flare, and using it to your advantage, as you will see me do a bunch against Lingering Will at Level 1 to avoid being skill/attack/item locked, whip locked, and to stay safe during his DM or "Desperation Move" (Every boss has a DM which is expressed by the screen going dark, and the boss does their "finisher" per se.) 16.) The Biggest Slept On/Underestimated Skills In The Game: Reflect/ra/ga And Guard To probably over 90% of the KH community that sleeps on, and probably have never once used the spell Reflect-Reflectga. You have no idea just how busted, how necessary it is, and how brokenly powerful that spell is. Especially in a Level 1 run. It's pretty much an absolute MUST in it to do any real damage at that level. Not only that, but if you're not a master or not use to timing your guard precisely yet, Reflect/ga is an alternative that is safe, and don't need to be facing any particular direction to guard anything. Only downside to spamming reflect constantly instead of mixing up guards, and reflects is that if you don't rely on using guard, and spam reflect instead; you're going to be struggling to keep, and have MP when you want/need it. 17.) Short Summary/Review Of Everything So Far/Convinced Yet? Convinced yet? Literally. Turn-Based RPG. Except think of each of your 3-4 chain attacks as a "turn" and you know that as soon as you land your 4th keyblade hit, your turn is over, and it's automatically going to be the opponent's "turn", and since you're expecting this, and know this, you block perfectly in time with his counter attacks, and learn their pattern. The key is to try to just keep it in a constant, simple, loop-ish kinda fight. Making sure to force the counter attack yourself so you know precisely when to guard; rather than having to randomly guess/pray when their next attack is going to be, and if you're going to be able to read it quick enough. 18.) Opening Up Your Mindset/Perception/Planning Strategies Toward The Hidden Turn-Based Gameplay Is Key This was the biggest, and most obvious "eye-opening" realization that helped me tremendously once I started looking at it as a Turn Based game. Respectfully like most of Square Enix's works prior. Which, I believe if most people started having that mindset of playing it like it's turn-based, just about everyone that truly wanted to would be able to complete the level 1 challenge a lot easier than ever initially thought. Literally every boss has their own respectful number of attacks they can receive before being scripted to auto-counter attack. Don't matter who you're facing. Don't care if it's a regular ol' Heartless, and Nobody, or if it's the friggin' One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth or the "Seemingly impossible, even at Level 100" Lingering Will himself... They all can be read, and baited into an auto-counter. All of them. 19.) Outro/Final Messages/My Video Proof If anyone is interested in watching a few of my Level 1 Crit 2.5 Organization fights for entertainment or maybe to study for your own future level 1 run, I'm going to be posting links to them below. I just wish like hell that I had a good camera back then... I'm so sorry, and apologize from the bottom of my soul about the quality, but... It's literally all I had. My crap phone camera, and setting it up to point directly at my TV while I'm actually playing live in the moment, as you can probably tell by the noise of all the button mashing but, at that time, all I was worried about was having proof so all the board back then stopped saying that I was a liar, and showing that I actually did it... Recorded most of the highlight battles anyway Level 1 Crit Run .vs Sephiroth - Level 1 Crit Run .vs Marluxia - Level 1 Crit Run .vs Larxene (THIS BITCH RIGHT HERE...) - Level 1 Crit Run .vs Axel (w/ Restrictions) - Level 1 Crit Run .vs Lexaeus (No Damage) - Level 1 Crit Run .vs Roxas (w/ Restrictions) - Level 1 Crit Run .vs Lingering Will + Silver Crown (Evidence of me using I-Frames to my advantage, and how you can utilize it) - Obtaining Crown From All Data Battles Lvl 1 - Obtaining The Elusive and "Impossible" Gold Crown Lvl 1 Proof - Then the creme de la creme. 100% Jiminy Journal At Level 1 Proof - Bonus: My proof of getting Ultima Weapon on Level 1 PROUD Mode (Ultra Difficult) in KH 1.5 (Was hilariously, also considered impossible at first) - 20.) Final Words Of Encouragement/Faith In You All Hope others may find help, and for others, even courage to attempt this challenge. If anyone is interested in trying it, and maybe have questions, I'd be more than happy to help out in any way that I possibly can, and any feedback, comments, questions, and anything is welcome, and wanted. Thanks guys! Like I said earlier, don't ever doubt yourself in anything. If myself, of all people can beat every KH game at Level 1; then I KNOW for a FACT anybody at all can. I promise you. As for the brave souls that will be attempting this seemingly impossible task anytime in the upcoming future, I leave you all with 1 final, and important message: "May Your Heart, Be Your Guiding Key"
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I started writing this story 10 years ago. Obviously, it isn't the same story it started out as. In fact, this is possibly the tenth revision to what I originally had in mind. I'll go further into what I had in mind once we reach the end of the story. I have already written the first few chapters of this version and hope to post them each within the next few days. I'll also draw art for the series as we go along. The first ones I'm fully working on that will be posted once all current chapters 1 through 3 are uploaded. When I started writing it, there were plenty of tropes and ideas that were frequently used by other writers that you might be familiar with. I decided to keep them just so I could do my own take on them, since the basic concept of this story is that it is the Final Fantasy side of the original. What that means isn't that they go to FF worlds, though. (Changed my mind! ) I'm open to any critiques or thoughts. I want to improve as a writer, because the two main characters of the fic are rather important to me and my own future. So no pressure there. I also will try keeping this as close in rating to what the actual games stick to, so there won't be hardcore blood and foul language. And some music tracks to keep in mind! Dearly Beloved, well it's not Kingdom Hearts without this song. The version used as the main theme for this story is the HD version of the original. Theme Song: Hikari/Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru (because it also isn't KH without Utada!) Well, hopefully this doesn't suck and that you enjoy it. -------- Kingdom Hearts The Other Story Chapter 1: The Starting Point The small world of Traverse Town was a world of sanctuary. A town for those who had lost their home. It's old fashioned buildings and eternal night sky was strange, but the timeless feel of the world made it a good safe house for its lost inhabitants. It was very quiet tonight and was that way most nights, there was one problem with it. And that was the Heartless. Beings seemingly without hearts, creatures of the darkness and pure evil as were clear by their very existence and intentions. The citizens of Traverse Town did their best to avoid them, and usually stayed in their homes unless they had to go out. Thankfully, they only came out during certain periods of time and when that happened, everyone in the town knew and took the appropriate steps to avoid trouble. Only a few of the townsfolk were brave enough to fight any of them whenever an attack took place. In the Third District of Traverse Town, several individuals were doing just that. Breaking the quiet of the night with their fighting, but doing so only for the protection of the citizens who dwelled there. A small black creature with yellow eyes, designated as a Shadow, tried to scurry away as a blast of fire struck it and it disintegrated. A young woman, probably no older than 15, with black hair and a dark blue school uniform of some kind, approached the spot where it had been only seconds ago. “Got another Shadow over here!” she said to her companions. Clutched to her chest a white doll with a big red nose and a pom-pom coming out of its head. She had been using it to channel her magic through. “Good,” said a brown haired teenager with dark blue eyes. He too wore a dark blue school uniform and was wielding a weapon known as a gunblade, which came in two varieties. One was a gun attached to the blade that, when the trigger was pulled, sent vibrations through the blade that could increase the deadliness of the attack. The kind he had a mechanism that switches between a gun and a sword mode. He swung the weapon in its sword mode at two Heartless that jumped at him. These were only slightly bigger than the shadows, were of a dark brown color and had armored helmeted heads that still exposed their blank black faces and yellow eyes. There was a large insignia on its chest and it had dark claws on its hands. “Got two Soldiers for me.” He said as he sliced one in half, followed quickly by the other. “Ha! I got three Large Bodies!” their other friend said; as he quickly kicked one into an exposed electrical plug. He had blond hair that he had spiked up in the front, with mostly blue and red clothing on. He didn’t have a weapon like his friends, he fought entirely with his fists and feet. “They should really fix this place up, don’t ya think?” “I agree, Zell.” The gunblade wielding teenager said, slicing through a down more Heartless. As another came at him however, the gunblade quickly changed into a gun that he shot the Heartless with. “What’s our count, Lulu?” The young woman shot off more blasts of fire. “I’d say about forty each.” She said. “Which would be about one hundred and twelve in total? Looks like we’re all cleared, Omega.” “Good, then we should wrap up soon.” Omega said, blocking a Heartless’ claws from striking him. “Just a few more to go, I think.” He said as he stabbed through it. It took them a few more moments to clear up the rest of the Heartless, but by the time they were done, the whole of the District, as well as the second had been cleared. “Whew, that was a long one.” Omega said, wiping his arm across his forehead and placing his gunblade in its holster. “I think we did pretty well, though.” Zell said as he punched the air above his head. “The citizens of this town don’t have to worry while I’m here!” “What about when you sleep?” Lulu asked with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. “SO, let’s go report back and grab something to eat!” Zell said, completely ignoring his friends comment. “What are you guys up for? I’m paying this time.” “That Ratatouille place looked good.” Omega commented. “Something within my price range, please!” Zell replied, though he was laughing a little. Indeed, as they left they were laughing, acting as though everything was normal. And this was their idea of normal, so it didn’t seem out of place for them at all. It was an hour after they had finished their report, and now they were sitting in the small diner in First District. “Did you guys see the look on Rusty’s face in the debriefing?” Zell asked, chuckling lightly. “It was priceless!” “Yeah, being told that three punks did better fighting Heartless in one night than you have in nine years tends to do that.” Lulu said, trying to remain stoic. She started laughing as well after a few seconds. “And yes, it really was.” “And it came from Instructor Trepe, too.” Omega commented. “So it had to sting.” All three of them had been sitting there, laughing away and driving several of the other people who came by insane. But they didn’t care, they hadn’t been able to go out at all for a while, and so it felt good to just hang out and not worry about Heartless or anything related to them. “This was a pretty good place.” Omega noted. “We’ll have to come again at some point?” “I completely agree with that.” Zell said, raising his glass as if to toast his friend before taking another swig from it. “I agree.” Lulu said as well. “As long as Zell pays again.” She quickly added, causing Zell to spit out his drink at the suggestion. A waiter walked up to them. “Is that all for this evening?” Zell nodded and the waiter handed him a bill. “Yikes, that really was expensive.” Zell said, grimacing a little. “Sure you have enough munny, Zell? I can pay for half, if you want.” “Nah, I’m good, bud.” Zell said, pulling out some munny and handing it to the waiter. “You guys ready to turn in?” “No, not really.” Omega said, getting up. “But we probably should.” “Good to know.” Zell said, getting up as well. Lulu simply nodded as she got up. “HEY! STOP THAT THING!” someone called out. The three of them looked just in time to see something rush past them. It looked blue, but they couldn’t make out what it was. “What is that, a dog?” Omega asked. “Don’t know.” Zell said. The man who yelled out ran up to them, looking very angry. “Why didn’t you stop that that monster?!” “Why would we? Didn’t look like it was doing anything wrong.” Omega said. “Wasn’t doing anything wrong, it was stealing food from my store!” the man said. “What was it?” Lulu interjected. “I don’t know, but what about my food?!” The man said, obviously seething with anger. He began to move to where whatever it was had run to, only to be stopped when Omega grabbed him by the arm. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Omega said. “The Heartless might not be completely gone. A few stragglers could be lurking around that corner, for instance.” The man’s face automatically filled with fear, and he retreated back in the direction that he had come from “Your people skills are as impressive as usual.” Lulu said as she walked past Omega. “Well, I’m not going to let some idiot go and get themselves killed.” Omega replied, as he followed after her. “It’s already hard enough keeping the Heartless at bay as it is without people like him giving them more to add to their numbers.” Zell chuckled as he walked past. “Admit it.” Zell said, now walking alongside Omega. “You just didn’t want whatever that thing was to starve.” “Not really.” Omega said in a neutral kind of tone, but gave Zell a friendly offhand punch to the arm. He suddenly stopped though. He wasn’t sure, but it felt like someone was watching him, perhaps that creature that had run off. He turned around to look, but there was no one there. Thinking that it was probably just his imagination, he quickly hurried off after his friends. It was always night in Traverse Town, so it was often difficult for many to get used to it, especially when it comes to the time. Omega was used to it though, having lived here for so long. It was actually very early in the morning, and Omega and the others were walking around the First District. They were supposed to be meeting their Instructor, who had said to meet her at the entrance to the Second District. Omega, Lulu and Zell were part of the SeeD Program, a type of mercenary group, although it was originally a program more akin to Special Forces. After the Heartless started attacking nine years ago, the world that SeeD was originally set in was lost, and it was retooled into an Anti-Heartless mercenary group by an important world, although what world that was, it was a Level 9 secret, and since Cadets like Omega and his friends were only Level 1 holders, they were not in on it. Today, SeeD consisted of over two hundred members, with almost twenty worlds that they were stationed at. Quistis Trepe was a woman who looked to be in her early twenties, but carried herself as though she was older than that. She was not the strictest Instructor, and because of this, she was also among the most popular. She was wearing her regular clothes today, instead of her uniform. Her blond hair was still done up in the style she usually had it in, with it tied up in back, while two long fringes at her sides that framed her face. “Alright, you three.” She said as they approached. “Today will be a major Field Exam. One that has been carefully decided ever since the previous night” Omega, Lulu and Zell stood at attention and did not state anything. It would be disrespectful to interrupt with something that did not have relevance to the subject. “Your performance yesterday was incredible, and we decided that you were ready for the Exam.” Instructor Trepe continued. “We have just received word that one of our training worlds, Codenamed “Specter” to be precise, has come under attack by a large force of Heartless.” This information came as no real surprise. After all, “Specter” was a world that was filled with Darkness, which made it a perfect place to start off SeeD training. Omega and his friends had once gone there and had found it to be a slightly unpleasant place. “Since most of the more experienced members are off world, they need back up. A team from each of our training worlds will be sent to Specter to help stop the Heartless.” She said. “You three are to depart Traverse Town and head to Specter to help with the defense. This is an important mission; we cannot allow Specter to fall to the Heartless. Do you all understand?” “Yes ma’am!” “Good. You have three hours to departure.” Instructor Trepe said. She looked all three of them in the face, and gave them a kind smile. “Good luck. Dismissed!” Omega, Lulu and Zell saluted, which the Instructor did as well before leaving. The three of them waited until she was out of sight before they started talking. “Great, we finally get a real mission!” Zell said, grinning broadly. “Told you guys that they would!” “Yeah, it would appear you were right.” Lulu said. “But I’m not sure going back to Specter is a good thing.” “Of course it isn’t.” Zell said. “It’s a horrible place yeah, but soon, we’ll be real SeeD members, and get real missions, that don’t involve Specter at all!” “Yeah, all we need to do is finish this mission.” Omega said. “We can’t afford to screw up. Who knows when we’ll be eligible for the next Exam?” Lulu looked thoughtful for a moment before looking up at the other two. “You’re right. I say we go and prepare for the mission before we leave.” She said. She took a quick glance at the two of them. “I’ll handle the preparations; I’ll meet you two at Cid’s later.” And with that, she walked off. Omega and Zell. Zell turned to him. “I’m going to go over to Cid’s right now, and get the ship ready. What are you going to do?” “Well, I’m sure Lulu will be doing the supplying, I’m not sure. I guess I can always go info surfing.” Omega commented casually, but at the same time he started looking around. “Think she’ll have any idea of what’s happening in Specter?” Zell asked, doing the same. “Hard to say, but since she’s Level 4, she could.” Omega replied. “Though, some information is better than nothing. Walking into a battlefield without knowing anything will just get us killed.” “Okay, but you be careful.” Zell said having made sure no one was listening to them. “She’ll get in really big trouble if the higher ups find out she’s been giving us top secret info that we aren’t allowed.” “I know.” Omega replied. “I’ll see you later.” “See ya.” Omega stood outside the door, hoping that he wouldn’t be here long. The place always gave him the creeps. The door opened after a few minutes. “Okay, come back next week just in case.” A young woman’s voice said, as another SeeD cadet walked out the door. A young woman in a white suit, with shoulder length black hair, appeared as well. “Remember, no strenuous activities until you recover.” “Hello Aki” Omega said, stepping forward. The doctor looked at him. “Oh, hey Omega, come on in.” Omega did so. “How’s life as a doctor going?” “Oh fine, just fine.” Aki said. She had a worried expression on her face, which slightly worried Omega. “ “I see.” “So, how can I help you today, my friend?” Aki said, sitting down. “I’m just here to tell you that we’re going to be heading off in a few hours.” Omega replied. “To Specter.” “Oh, so you guys are the ones going?” Aki said, sitting up in her seat. Omega nodded. “Yeah. I wasn’t given much info on it, though.” “I know, we haven’t either.” Aki said. “Dr. Kadowaki was sent off earlier without much of a briefing as to why.” “Why weren’t you called in too?” Omega asked. “Don’t know, but I’m worried. Dr. Kadowaki always keeps me filled on what is going on when she can. So this must be something very serious.” “Yeah, I know.” Omega agreed. “But you’ve got to know something, like what happened?” “All I know is that there was some kind of incident.” Aki said. “Apparently, a couple of cadets stumbled upon something. Something that put them both in serious intensive care, and had something to do with the first wave of the Heartless attack! And whatever it was has been classified a Level 10 secret.” Omega looked at Aki in shock. Level 10 was the highest level of security that SeeD had. Only a select few were even at Level 10 clearance, and if that was the case, Omega knew he wasn’t going to be getting anything more from this. He just stood there silently, folding his arms in thought. “I’m sorry, but that’s all I know.” Aki said. “It’s okay. Thanks anyway.” Omega replied, heading for the door. “No problem.” Aki said. “Hey!” Omega turned to look at her. “Good luck.” “Thanks.” Omega said, and he left afterwards. He wasn’t sure what to think about what he had just heard. Whatever happened in Specter was definitely worse than Instructor Trepe had let on, but he still had no idea what had caused it. And it looked like he wasn’t going to, if it was a Level 10 secret. It was right as he was at the door to the First District that he heard it. They need your help…. Omega stopped when he heard that and looked around. “Hello? Anyone there?!” Nothing. Omega was confused, but shrugged a little. It had probably been his imagination. He went through the door and headed towards Cid’s shop when he heard it again. But you are not ready… “What?” Omega said, coming to a stop again. He didn’t know why he had said that, or why he was hearing these voices. All he knew was that it wasn’t making him feel comfortable. Trying to shake off his unease, he didn’t realize that he wasn’t alone anymore. “Are you alright?” Omega turned to look at who had spoken and saw a girl wearing a blue jacket and black jeans staring at him in concern. He knew her, her name was Iris and she was a SeeD cadet, just like he was. She had put red highlights in her brown hair since the last time he had seen her, however, which he thought made her look very pretty. “Oh, yeah. I’m fine.” Omega lied. “No need to worry about me. I’m just peachy over here.” He continued, trying to sound as cheerful as possible, though Iris just chuckled. Though he never really got a chance to hang out with her because they were on separate teams, every time he did, a kind of fluttering feeling appeared in his stomach that he wasn’t sure he like. Or disliked, for that matter. “Alright then.” Iris replied, smiling slightly. “It’s been awhile, Omega.” The feeling intensified, but he ignored it. “It really has, Iris.” Omega said, giving her a small smile as well. “How has it been?” “Oh, you know the usual stuff.” Iris replied. “Just the patrolling of the town and all its districts, killing any Heartless that pops up. You?” “Pretty much the same.” Omega said. “Though, on some nice occasions I get to meet up with old friends that I haven’t talked to in awhile.” His blue eyes met her green eyes for a moment before they both started laughing. “Yeah, I miss it too.” Iris said and for a moment Omega thought he saw a brief blush appear on her face. “Hey, how about after this mission we hang out more?” That fluttering feeling started to grow again and his heart started pounding with it. “Sounds cool, though I’m guessing it might still be a while.” Omega replied, trying to pretend like nothing was wrong with him. “Probably, but I’m sure we can make it work.” Iris said as she started walking past him. “See you soon, alright?” “You definitely will!” Omega said, smiling again. She returned it and walked away, that fluttering feeling becoming almost unbearable now until see left. He felt happy though, and he hoped that nothing would get him down. But then he heard it again…. You must be ready………Or darkness will conquer everything. Before Omega could say or do anything, the world went pitch black, and it felt like he was falling. To be continued....
Hello everyone, This thread is a condensed version of the various posts as I've decided it's better to update you all under one thread as opposed to various. If you all haven't heard before, I'm sharing a fanfiction story of what happens to Kairi after the events of KH3. It's pretty interesting I believe and would love to hear your thoughts about it. The Story will Start in this thread from chapter 1. Chapter 4 has just been released and any updates will be posted in this thread! My twitter: @FruitPaopu Thank you for your patience and understanding~ May your heart be your guiding key~ Chapter 1: Rest I can only remember closing my eyes, barely conscious and faintly hearing my name from a distance. My body felt suspended, I couldn't feel the ground beneath my feet. I couldn't move....only listen. "Kairi!!" "You require motivation." Immediately I felt a sharp pain then soon after the pain stopped and my body filled with light. What happened between then and now I can't quite recall. I could just remember feeling my heart drift into a realm of emptiness. It was a scary yet familiar experience. This wouldn't be the first time my heart has drifted away, leaving my body in such a comatose state. This time is no different. Here I am again, in this beautiful yet desolate place full of hearts from those who have also fallen. The vast and expansive blue waves touch my feet. The clouds above me are still. Time is weird here. My form still retains, but I feel empty inside. Maybe Sora still believes we'll be together again. Is that why I haven't faded away? Just as I saved him, he's doing the same for me. Nearby I could hear quiet weeping. Who could be here crying, is it another person? Following the voice, it led me to one of the hearts floating around. It doesn't even notice me, continuing to cry and moving aimlessly. "Um...hello?" The crying stops. And the hearts movement slows as it floats toward me. I should say something. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt but I heard you crying...." A gentle voice emanated from the heart as it spoke to me. "No, don't be sorry. I apologise, I really shouldn't be here, I just....I don't know how I ended up here anyway. I was separated from my friends and loved ones and the last memory I have is seeing the face of the one I care for the most." She needs someone to talk to right now. We're both in the same boat. "If you need someone to talk to right now, I understand. I'm Kairi, what's your name?" I could hear her sniffling starting to stop as she spoke. "Hello Kairi, my name is Aerith."
So funny story. My first game was 358/2 days and the whole time I was playing I though that Roxas was Sora but he had been kidnapped and they erased his memories and dyed his hair so he wouldn't know. Imagine my confusion when Re:coded came out because then I thought that it turned out that Sora was actually from a digital dimension. I only had a ds at the time either way so it was really confusing.
As we all know the game we have all wanted is here but before we play I think it is important to remember the friends or family who are not able to be with us to enjoy it who had wanted to. When you play do not just play it for you play it for them. It is sad that we have lost so many people who had wanted to come this far but were unable to due to unfortunate happenings. Always remember they will always be with you wherever you go. Have fun playing the game.
Don't have much time... but wish to ask the question to the fans. How do you think this piece of music will be utilized, if at all, in KH3 and what themes do you think it relates to?
- 5 replies
- kingdom-hearts
- hearts
- (and 16 more)
I created a post on the KH Reddit and thought I'd repost it here if anyone was still confused about all the options they have to purchase the game. I think it's at a stage where I've covered everything we know, but feel free to reply on any mistakes or new details I haven't caught on yet, and I'll change this first post. NORTH AMERICA & EUROPE | releasing 2019.01.29 Physical Versions: Standard Game | available at most game retailers | Gamestop (US Only) (Preorder bonus: Exclusive Fabric Poster) Deluxe Edition (Image) | available at most game retailers | Gamestop (US Only) (Preorder bonus: Exclusive Fabric Poster) Deluxe Edition + Bring Arts figures bundle | SE Store Exclusive North America + Europe Limited Edition PS4 Pro (contents are TBD; unconfirmed to include either 1.5+2.5+2.8+3 or just KH3) | Stores TBD Digital Versions: Standard Game | PSN with preorder bonus (KH3 Impossible Odds Dynamic Theme) + Star Seeker Variant Keyblade) Standard Game | Xbox Games Store with preorder bonus ("Download Content": unconfirmed what is included) All-In-One Package | PSN with preorder bonus (KH3 Impossible Odds Dynamic Theme + PS4 Custom Keyblade for KH3) NOTE for PSN: Unclear whether the "PS4 Custom Keyblade for KH3" is the same as the "Star Seeker Variant Keyblade"; also unclear whether the "Star Seeker Variant Keyblade" is the same as the Japanese PS4 Weapon DLC for Keyblade. NOTE for Xbox Games Store: "Download Content" is most likely to include a Keyblade DLC exclusive to Xbox but has yet to be officially confirmed. JAPAN | releasing 2019.01.25 (See JP KH3 Official Site Product Page for a more visual breakdown) Physical Versions: (NOTE: In Japan, there are no physical versions for Xbox One) Seven Net Shopping | LINK Preorder bonus comes with the 3 editions below: Exclusive Keyblade (Digital Code) + Kingdom Hearts III Rubber Strap Sora Standard Game Standard Game + Figures Set Limited Edition PS4 Pro (includes KH3 on disc + Original PS4 theme (PS4 Pro version) + Weapon DLC for Keyblade) Amazon Japan | LINK Preorder bonus: Original PS4 theme (Amazon version) Standard Game: can choose to purchase with or without preorder bonus Limited Edition PS4 Pro (includes KH3 on disc + Original PS4 theme (PS4 Pro version) + Weapon DLC for Keyblade): can choose to purchase with or without preorder bonus JP Square Enix e-STORE | LINK Preorder bonus comes with all editions EXCEPT All-In-One Package: Original Steelbook Case Standard Game Standard Game + Figures Set All-In-One Package (e-STORE Exclusive): DOES NOT have preorder bonus Limited Edition PS4 Pro (includes KH3 on disc + Original PS4 theme (PS4 Pro version) + Weapon DLC for Keyblade) Other Japan stores will carry the Standard Game, most likely with no preorder bonus. Digital Versions: PSN Standard Game | preorder bonus: Weapon DLC for Keyblade (PS4 version) All-In-One Package | preorder bonus: Weapon DLC for Keyblade (PS4 version) + Original PS4 Theme (KH3 Impossible Odds Dynamic Theme) Xbox Games Store Standard Game | preorder bonus: Weapon DLC for Keyblade (Xbox One version)
Helloooooooo, friends. :lol: I'm back again with another interest check and I promise that this premise will actually be interesting this time. I've been kicking around this idea for a bit and I think it's finally ready to show off and see if I can garner an audience. Either that or it's shit, but hey, that's why we're here to test it out. :tongue: Without further ado, cue the synopsis that I totally didn't think up off the top of my head in less than five minutes!!~ The world is a wondrous place, isn't it? This, our world filled with imagination and excitement... connected by the force of Light and the strength our Hearts. Where humans and animals, knights and magicians, fairies and spirits, and all other beings of all shapes and sizes live in harmony. Truly, this is paradise. But there is still such a thing as "trouble in paradise" after all. Where there is Light, there is Darkness. Where there is Darkness, there lies those who have no Heart... those who are Heartless. Those who will do anything to destroy the Light and take the Hearts away, who thrive in conflict. In treachery. In war. So you might ask yourself: how can I, a follower of the Light, do what I can to protect what I hold dear? Am I really that capable of becoming the beacon of hope in which the Light will shine through upon those who wish to bathe our world in complete and utter Darkness? And the answer is... yes. You can. -- PLEASE OPEN -- And there we go. Seems simple enough right? ... okay, maybe not. Let me shed some more light on the situation then, heh heh-okay fine, I said "light" too many times... As the premise should have hinted at, this is an alternate universe take on Kingdom Hearts that has a Keyblade academy in it... I didn't say it was original, alright? :lol: There's more to it though: every world that we know in the Kingdom Hearts plane of existence is not separated into various worlds that require a spaceship made out of Lego blocks to enter through (barring the ones I don't like or make up for the purposes of fanservice) They're all connected into one single world, kinda what we imagine the universe was like before the events of the games in the "Age of Fairy Tales". And in this realm, the place we know as Daybreak Town is the central hub where all the original characters live... well, most of them. There's some secrets here and there that I don't want to spoil just yet. But to make things easy, here's all you need to know: AU, Academy, make your own student, make your own Keyblade with your abilities and junk, and embark on an adventure where all the worlds are connected from the start and feature characters that were introduced after we knew the worlds were disconnected i.e. Mickey Mouse. So don't be surprised if you see a certain protagonist crop up and be one of your classmates as well as a few other students that you might know from different time periods... Sooooo, that's it. Please let me know what you think below. Stay frosty-oh wait, I'm a fire guy... uh... flaming? Wait, that doesn't work either... just comment, dammit!
Hi there! Your friend Balo is back with yet another drawing. It's been quite a time without posting anything and just wanted to share this quick Nomura style drawing I made for the new unveiled character on the KHUX realm: The fifth Union Leader Strelitzia. While the drawing may lack some details due to the character mobile version being too little to see them, I think it turned out pretty good. All credit for Mr. Nomura on the actual character design. I will leave a colored and non-colored version if anyone wants to make their own coloring. NOTE: Please if you are going to use this sketch for your own purposes just make sure to give credit. See ya everyone! Zaz!
So I have a crazy theory... but it is a really really really long one. I hope you guys will enjoy this, because I put a lot of effort in this one. My English is not that super, but I did the best I can to translate it from Dutch (I'm from the Netherlands) to English. So if there is something you don't understand, please ask and I will do my best to help you. Anyways, grap a cup of coffee or tea or something else to drink, because you'll have some reading to do, haha. But I think you're gonna like this one. Enjoy! So, I've played KH 2.8 and after that I had some KH3 vibes. So I re-watched the KH3 E3 2015 trailer and I've noticed something. In the trailer we see a young version of Xehanort. In one of the shots we can see his face and there is something odd with his eyes. The eyes of Xehanort are more brownlike then yellow, but there is also a yellow glow in his eyes. Some people think this means that Xehanort is turning more and more to the darkness. But I think that’s not the case. I think there is more than meets the eye (see what I did there, haha). I think that Luxu has something to do with the eyes of Xehanort. Let me explain why… Let’s start with the Xehanort footage of the KH3 E3 2015 trailer. This is the way how young Xehanort looks in this footage: His eyes are not full yellow like we know from the other versions of Xehanort. But if we look closer, we can see a yellow glow around the brown color. Most of you guys knows that when Xehanort place his heart into a new vessel, the vessel’s eyes will turn yellow (and in some cases they even get pointy ears). We can see this happen with people like Terra and Braig, who become a version or part of Xehanort. The yellow eyes means that Xehanort is 1.) a part of somebodies heart (like Braig) or 2.) has taken control of the whole body of his new vessel (like Terra). So if KHfans sees yellow eyes with someone, they think that this person is maybe a vessel of Xehanort. But what if the whole yellow eye thing is not originally a Xehanort thing. My thought is that Luxu is the one with natural yellow eyes and his heart is a part of Xehanort’s body. Which means that Xehanort is a vessel of Luxu. Just look at the image of the E3 2015 young Xehanort again. It seems that Xehanort’s eyes were originally brownlike. If Luxu’s eyes are indeed yellow and his heart (or a piece of it) resides with Xehanort’s body, then it could explain the yellow glow in his eyes. Little by little is Luxu’s heart infiltrating Xehanort’s body/heart until Xehanort is a full vessel. But what about the time we see young Xehanort in dream drop distance? This young Xehanort has already yellow eyes, so what’s up with that? I think this has something to do with the time travel aspect we’ve been introduced by in the KH 3ds game. The young version of Xehanort (the version before he disappeared from Destiny Islands to see the outside worlds) had an encounter with Ansem the Seeker of Darkness. Ansem told this version of Xehanort his future and his role during the dream drop distance period. This version of Xehanort has not yet wield the Keyblade of used some (dark)powers (I assume). So I think, in order to fulfill his role in dream drop distance, Ansem gave a piece of his heart to this version of Xehanort. I think it is because of this that young Xehanort could use the power that he uses during the dream drop distance events. Remember, Ansem is in his robeform during his conversation with the young Xehanort, which means that he was nothing else but a heart. And we saw in KH1 that he can give his heart to another person, like when he did this with Riku. The young Xehanort truly accept the piece of hart in his body and thus the yellow eyes appear (because Ansem’s heart is has a bit of Luxu’s heart in it if this theory is right). But after the events of dream drop distance young Xehanort goes back to his own time at Destiny Islands and loses his yellow eyes. Why? Because of the rules of time travel. In a conversation with Sora in the 3ds game, young Xehanort reveals that time travel has his own rules. If your time of time traveling is up, you return to your own time and you will not remember what happened during your travelling. A second rule is that things that are destined to happen will happen. So when young Xehanort returns to his timeline, he went back to Destiny Islands and did forget about his adventure of the 3ds game. He also loses his yellow eyes because his powers he used in the 3ds game are gone (not entirely gone because it will be connected with him deep down in his heart). This is because Xehanort’s destiny. His destiny is to travel to outside worlds, to become a Keyblademaster and…. to be used as a vessel for Luxu. That’s the moment he is destined to get the yellow eyes. When young Xehanort leaves Destiny Islands and is going to train with a young Eraqus, their training will be given by their Keyblademaster. And that Keyblademaster will be Luxu. Not the Luxu we know of the KHX game though. No, I think that the master of Xehanort and Eraqus is a vessel for Luxu’s heart. I think that Luxu has trained many Keybladewielders and used some of his pupils to transfer his heart to. That way he can never die of old age. Finally he chose Xehanort to transfer his heart (or a part of it) to. That would explain the way the eyes of Xehanort look in the E3 trailer. We have never seen Luxu face, so it is possible that his eyes are yellow. Why would Luxu wants to keep transferring his heart into a new and younger vessel you say? I think the reason for that is because of what the Master of Masters told Luxu in KHX Backcover. The Master of Masters told Luxu that Luxu’s assignment includes passing the Keyblade “No Name” to a pupil that Luxu is going to train. So then the pupil will later on pass on “No Name” to his future pupil, and this pupil to his and then the next etc. etc.. That way the Master of Masters can look into the future while he is in the time of the past (age of Fairytales). Another assignment of Luxu from the Master of Masters is that Luxu must hide a mysterious box. Luxu himself may never open the box. So Luxu got curious and ask the Master of Masters what’s in the box. We fans don’t know what’s in the box, but Luxu does. After the master whispers in Luxu’s ear what’s in the box, Luxu freaks out and ask “Why?” The Master of Masters simply answers with, “You’ll see” or in Japanese “Surprise”. I think that Luxu was very unsatisfied with the answer he was given. He really wanted to know “Why”. But even so, Luxu follows his masters orders as we can see in KHX, or does he… What if Luxu was so curious about the box that he needed to know what will happen with the box when the new Keybladewar (the one that probably will happen in KH3) breaks out. The Master of Masters told him “You’ll see” but he knew that he probably would die before the box will be used. To cheat death Luxu uses his pupils to transfer his heart into a younger body, so he can live on. This action would also be fitting with his name. Luxu’s name is a short version from the word “Luxuria” which is a Latin word. Luxuria refers to one of the 7 deadly sins (like with the names of the Foretellers). Luxuria means “lust” in English. As you guys may already know, “lust” means a passionate need to fulfill certain needs. In Luxu’s case, the need to know what the box will do during the new Keybladewar. This need is so big that he would cheat death to find the answer. But after a while of transferring his heart in other bodies Luxu noticed that there is no Keybladewar in the making. So when he transfers his heart into Xehanort’s body, he is done with waiting and will take actions. The needs to know are too big for Luxu and is planning to begin the new Keybladewar himself in the name of Xehanort. And here starts the plan of Xehanort (but actually Luxu) to create 13 Seekers of Darkness. It could explain why Xehanort wants to start a Keybladewar in the previous games. His motives were mostly about curiosity of what will happen when the Keybladewar takes place. And he also has a urgent need to discover this. So if this theory is true both Luxu and Xehanort have big needs that they want to fulfill. Probably because Xehanort’s needs are actually Luxu’s needs and Luxu’s heart is in Xehanort’s body. If you don’t believe this theory, maybe some proof will help… Proof 1: We have never seen the face (at least the eyes) of the young Xehanort in his normal clothing on Destiny Islands. We only see his back. If he turns to the screen he change into other versions of Xehanort of even in versions of Riku. Why are we not aloud to see his face? Is it because his eyes are brown and not yellow? Proof 2: Luxu and Xehanort share a connection. They both wield the same Keyblade (“No Name”). If you rewatch the KH3 E3 trailer of 2015 with this theory in mind, you will (I hope, haha) notice that the things Xehanort said have a deeper meaning then we all think. For example: at the end of the trailer, when Xehanort looks up to the “No Name” Keyblade he is saying “The future has already been written”. Normally at lot of people think Xehanort is looking at the Keyblade at this moment because he knows that the “No Name” Keyblade is an ancient Keyblade from the age of Fairytales. But if Xehanort is actually Luxu, then it gets a different meaning. While saying “The future has already been written” and looking at the same time at the Keyblade, it could also be because Luxu knows that the gazing eye of this Keyblade is the reason that the future has already been written. And then the last sentence of the young Xehanort…. this honestly freaks me out while watching this with this theory’s glasses. When the young Eraqus response to the young Xehanort with “You’ll might be surprised”, then the last sentence of young Xehanort gets a whole other feeling for us. Xehanort reacts to it with “Oh, I hope so”. And while saying that, we see his full face with the strange brownlike with yellow glowing eyes. With this theory, the “Oh, I hope so” and the shot of his eyes could be referring to the whole “wanting to know what the box will do during the new Keybladewar”. Xehanort who is actually Luxu hopes to be surprised and his reaction is not only a reaction to Eraqus but also to what the Master of Masters told Luxu (You know… the “You’ll see” or even in Japanese “Surprise”). If this theory is going to be right then it could also answers another unanswered question we have had during the KHseries. With this I mean the unanswered question of who the traitor is in KHX. With this theory the answer is an easy one to give. The traitor would be Luxu. Luxu gets his assignment from the Master of Masters to never open the mysterious box. After waiting for a long time in hopes to see what will happen if the box will be opened during the Keybladewar but it isn’t happening, Luxu is making his own plans as Xehanort to get his needs fulfill. With these actions he is betraying the Master of Masters assignment and thus the Master of Masters will. After seeing a Nightmare Chirithy during the events of KHX, the Foretellers think that the traitor is someone in their group in their timelime. But it was never really clear when the traitor would do a treasonous act. It was never been stated that the traitor would do a treasonous act in the age of Fairytales. It could also take place in a future time… like the current timeline of the KHseries. If Luxu is the real traitor, then the description of the traitor would make more sense too. “The one who bears the sigil” is the line that describes the traitor. “The Sigil” could be referring to the “Recusant’s Sigil” as was explained in dream drop distance. The “Recusant’s Sigil” has the looks of a “X”. And which of the KHX characters has a “X” in their name? Luxu of course. But can a “X” in a name be counted as a “Recusant’s Sigil”? I think we may assume it. Xemnas uses “X” sigils all the time as a kind of trademark of Organization 13 names. The Master of Masters never wrote down in the Book of Prophecy when the traitor would do his treasonous acts, so I think it is possible that the whole traitor thing is referring to the time when Luxu is doing his plan as Xehanort. The Master of Masters could have seen these treasonous acts through the gazing eye on the “No Name” Keyblade, because Luxu still has that Keyblade. The reason why the Master of Masters is vague about the whole traitor thing is because he need the things to happen the way they are happing in the games to fulfill his own plans (whatever that may be…). So guy, what do you think? Do you think Luxu is the actually great bad instead of Xehanort? Is Xehanort a vessel of Luxu? Is Luxu the real traitor? And do you think (if this theory would be right) that the Master of Masters did know this all along and this is all part of his great plan? I see a big possibility for this theory to be an actually thing in the games. But please, tell me what you think of this. Let the discussion start.
One of my favorite YouTubers made a video about playing the Kingdom Hearts games for the first time so I couldn't resist. It's just refreshing to see that even now, people can pick up the games, play through them and enjoy them the way that the rest of us that got into the series proper did years ago. AlsoGummiBearsworldconfirmedforKHIII
So, a crack theory occured to me the other day. It's very very crack-y and doesn't make a lot of sense, but I thought it was an interesting thought nonetheless. We know from Birth by Sleep that the X-blade can be forged through a high intensity clash of two opposite poles of pure light and pure darkness. Note that when we saw Ventus-Vanitas fused in BBS, it was heavily implied (and I believe even outright stated by Xehanort), that they literally WERE the X-Blade. When Ventus defeats Vanitas and rips apart both of their hearts, the X-blade is destroyed. This hints towards the X-blade being a sentient entity, or at least having the potential to be one. a combination of two hearts of equal and opposite light and darkness. With this in mind, what if we assume that the same could be said for the original X-blade? That the original X-blade from the Age of Fairytales was also a sentient entity, potentially formed from a high intensity clash of two hearts of pure light and pure darkness? And that the sentient entity succeeded in it's completion? If this is the case, then is there a faint possibility that this entity could be a certain sassy Master of Masters? The master of masters acts bizarrely neutral in the face of something incredibly dreadful like the Keyblade war - could this be due to his heart being a perfect balance of pure light and darkness? And he has unexplained, supernatural powers of precognition involving the "blue eye" engraved into No Name's blade (and possibly the blue eyes found on the keychains and in the blade of other Keyblades + soul eater). Keyblades were originally created in the image of the original X-blade - what if the keyblades were created from the Master of Master in his own image? The box the MoM gives Luxu at the end of back cover has a symbol with seven spikes on it's inner walls and 13 spikes upon it's outer walls, and has the words "XSuper" on it. There are many theories on what this could mean: The MoM's nobody is in there,the X-blade is in there, ya boy Ventus is sleeping in there, etc. etc., and I do think that the X-blade is indeed inside, but I also think that there could be a bit more meaning to the name on the box than meets the eye. "'χ'... A most ancient letter. Some say 'kye,' but the meaning is the same. Death... A letter that spells endings. —Master Xehanort It is heavily implied from the names of the 6 other foretellers, along with the word enscribed upon the box, that the MoM's name derives from the seventh deadly sin superbia (pride). If X is taken for it's original meaning - death, or endings - then "XSuper" might mean "The death of pride". The Master of Masters has destroyed himself, shattering his heart into 20 pieces and then locking them away inside of the box. As for the rendition of him who speak with the foretellers.... a ghostly projection? I mean, it's happened before in Kingdom Hearts. Especially when a character harbours the heart of another inside them. After talking about avoiding the conflict for the entirety of the storyline of X up to the keyblade war, Master Ava enters into the conflict and, if the player is a member of another union, fights them. When the player asks her why she has changed tune about the war, she simply says "There are some secrets no-one should ever know". Maybe she found out something about the nature of the Master or the X-blade, or (crack theory overdrive), the splintered pieces of the X-blade that must return to their father the master of masters fullmetal alchemist style to all get inside the box or somethi I don't know I'm just gonna stop this insanity train here. Also slightly related mini crack theory: A key-shaped weapon forged by man during the age of fairy tales. Any other origins have yet to be revealed. - DDD glossary on Keyblades. Of all the keyblades in existence, Master Xehanort's is the most ancient. - Young Xehanort. What if Master Xehanort's keyblade was not man-made? What if it existed before the hypothetical forging of the original X-Blade? If the original X-blade, potentially the Master of Masters, was created through some high impact light-darkness collision, what if this Keyblade was wielded by some ancient force of evil, who then clashed with another ancient force of light? So yeah tl;dr, Vanitas + Ventus = X blade, therefore maybe original X blade = someone + someone = the Master of Masters. That's it that's the theory you can go home now.
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- MoM
- Master of Masters
- (and 18 more)
Hello My Lovlies ! So i tried talking about this topic on facebook but no one actually was able to keep up a good conversation so i decided to come here so i read this article that said : "Terra is actually the desendant of Riku, Aqua is the descendant of Kairi and Ventus is the descendant of Sora or Roxas. Why? Well, some time in the far future, Master Xehanort tries to start another Keyblade war that was from possibly hundreds of years ago. Master Xehanort then finds out that Ventus, Terra and Aqua will one day defeat him but tries to kill them while undergoing training from their teacher, Eraques. Also after these gliders (a time machine hover board) are invented, MX finds out they go from world to world, time to time and comes up with a plan to bring the keyblade war to the past to kill the ancestors before the birth of the now three heroes. Eraques tells the three to go to the past and save people from the unversed (a futuristic being) especially the seven princesses of heart. They learn of their ancestors through Master Yen Sid. Terra then goes to find Riku, hencing why he sees his ancestors future self through vision slowing forming into Ansem. Kairi goes to save Kairi from the unversed and puts a protective spell on her, while Ventus seeks Sora to stay with his heart, so he actually can stay by to protect him." Can anyone tell me if this is true or not !? My heart cant handle these theories ! -Maria
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- Kingdom Hearts
- Kingdom
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I've been going through some rather hard times right now. I've been quite depressed. I feel alone in the darkness without a light to guide me. As if my life is going nowhere and I have no purpose. I wish I had a purpose like Sora... I wrote this piece called "The Key to Return Hearts". It has a double meaning. It represents my suffering, along with those who have suffered in the KH series. Such as, Xion, Aqua, Roxas, Ventas, Terra. It also represents Sora's destiny to save them. Can he also save me? Can my heart be returned? Please enjoy. Music Composed by Mark Messer (me)
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- sad
- depressing
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Is anyone else concerned by just exactly WHAT Master Eraquas might be teaching Ventus?
Hello, denizens of KH13, welcome to the return of the stupidest idea I’ve ever come up with. Yes, even more stupid than 5 Questions. For those of you not in the know, because you gotta be in the know to know you know, I used to have an interactive story called “Kingdom Hearts: The Bullshit Chronicles” where I would basically make shit up and allow the audience to help contribute to said shit as well. And now I’m bringin’ it back! That’s right, it’s time now for the rebirth of BSC, now dubbed “BullSHIT HD ReMIX” to fit in line with the re-mastered and re-released collections of Kingdom Hearts games that we’ve all come to know and love. Mostly. Which is a perfect allegory for this series. Now then, without further ado: Onward! To Bullshittery!! == Episode 1: The Bullshit Awakens == Destiny Islands… uh… it’s a place. Yeah, honestly, I probably should be describing this setting with a lot of detail that sets the mood but… the people who’ve talked about it are right, this place is not only small, but it. Is. Boring. I mean, there’s sand… and wood… and trees… it's inhabited by hippies… oh yeah, that’s where we are by the way. I should probably stop screwing around and narrate this properly. I’ll do that, starting now, here we go, ahem… Sitting blissfully on top of a thick yellow tree that bore fruit shaped like the stars above were three young kids, two boys and a girl. Sora, Riku, and Kairi. They were watching the sun set over the horizon, taking in the simple nature of their small little world as they had always done, knowing that though their space was limited, the outstretch of the entire universe they inhabited was limitless. That is because the countless other worlds and places they’ve visited in the past would always live on in spirit within their hearts, the comfort of— “Uh, hey, you know we can hear you right?” said Sora, directing his attention away from the sunset and towards my direction where I stood hidden behind one of the stray coconut trees. “We can see you, too” Kairi then said. Unfortunately, I did not realize that my body was very noticeable. These coconut trees aren’t that wide. “Well, that didn’t work,” I said, stepping out from my hiding spot. “Uh, how you doing guys, its me. Sensei!” I greeted. “Oh great. What’s your insidious plan to torture us this time?” Riku asked. Like a prick. “What, are you guys still sore about all those other misadventures we had? Come on, we had some good times during all that.” “Maybe for you, but all we remember is heartache,” Riku said, Sora and Kairi nodding in agreement like the sheep they are. “Yeah, no offense but uh, it just wasn’t all that fun,” Sora said. Dumbass. “Plus you always seem to pick on us for no reason. It’s not very nice,” Kairi said. Twat. “Oh please, you three aren’t even doing anything remotely important anyway, the third game is taking forever to come out. And has been for years!” “How is that our problem?” Riku scoffed. “Blegh, look, let me just tell you the deal, alright?” I began. “I’m doing a reboot of my Bullshit Chronicles thing—“ “Not surprised that it’s another reboot—“ “Let me fiiiiiniiiiish…” Once again, prick. “Ahem. As I was saying: I’m making a reboot of BSC and I need you three to help out and do your usual thing again. Trust me, it’s gonna be great. It’ll have more wacky shenanigans, more twists, more turns, more user interaction—“ “Wait, what does that last part mean? Are there more people involved with this?” Sora asked. “Well, of course. Didn’t you hear me talking to the audience about what choices they had to decide the next event and all that? I’d do it at the end of every episode.” “We just thought you were talking to yourself because you were lonely and didn’t have any friends,” Kairi said. “… I’m going to ignore that. Anyways, I already know you guys are going to be down for this entire ordeal, so let’s just—“ “Wait wait wait, hold on a second,” Riku said, interrupting me. Again. “Nobody is agreeing to this. Right, Sora? Kairi?” The two stayed silent for a moment, looking away from their stick-up-the-ass best friend, as if saying, “well… we kinda do actually.” “Well… we kinda do actually.” See? “Are you kidding me? You’re seriously just going to go along with this like you did last time without putting in even a fraction of rational thought into your decision?” “Pretty much,” Kairi said. “And you’re gonna say yes anyway, so why not?” Sora said. “At the very least, we’ll all be together, right?” Riku buried his face in his hands and took a deep sigh. “… Fine. F-Fine, let’s just get it over with.” “Yay!” Sora and Kairi cheered. “Now that we’ve finished our afterschool special, let’s get crackin’!” I exclaimed, immediately snapping my fingers and making a giant pirate ship appear in the nearby ocean. “Whoa, a pirate ship! That’s so cool!” Sora said. He may be dumb but as least he’s enthusiastic. “It also kinda looks like the Black Pearl that Captain Sparrow has…” “That, my spikey haired friend, is because it is Black Pearl. I borrowed it.” “And by borrow, do you mean steal?” My mom, or I’m sorry, Riku asked. “Already trying to be the party pooper, are we? Look, don’t worry about it, he won’t even notice it’s gone.” == Meanwhile, In Port Royal == “Ah, nothin’ like a good bottle of rum to finish off a nice meal,” hummed Jack Sparrow, belly full of both food and booze as he walked down the docks. “Now, I’d find a short voyage on the Pearl to be sav—“ the captain stopped his sentence as well as his tracks when he realized that the ship that had been anchored near the shore had completely disappeared. “… SON OF A BI—“ == Aaaaand Back To The Story == The three islanders now found themselves sailing across the ocean in their newly acquired ship. Riku of course was manning the steer while Sora and Kairi… just kinda stood there and looked at the water. “Hey, we’re doing stuff!” Sora lied. “Where are you anyway, Sensei? You’re not hiding again are you?” said Kairi. Nope, Kairi, I am simply with you in spirit now. I am the narrator of this fantastical voyage after all, which means I get to stay omnipotent. “If that’s true, mind giving us some actual direction? I have no idea where we’re even going,” Riku groaned before being attacked by a seagull. “Nice try, but that’s not going to work.” Alright, alright, you got me. “That’s what I th-“ It’s gonna be a flock of seagulls. “Wait, wh-ah! Ah, ah! Knock it off, get lost, ow ow ow ow!” Heh heh heh. But to answer your question: the sun finally set down on the horizon, the sky now turning dark with the stars fully on display. Also, the currents below began to grow more furious as a storm was brewing. “This looks bad,” Captain Obvious aka Sora said. “Yeah, and I have the weirdest feeling that things are going to get even more bad…” Kairi said, showing her lack of grammar skills. But they weren’t wrong. Something “more bad” was going to happen… a perilous challenge that would put all three islanders safety on the line… what is it? Weeeeell, we’ll have to find out next time because we’ve reached the end of the first episode of BullSHIT HD ReMIX, yaaaaaay!! … What, I didn’t say there wouldn’t be cliffhangers, geez… Anyways, it’s time for you, the lovely users of KH13, to decide what happens next. Following tradition, you’ll be given a set of three different scenarios, all laced with their own special kind of absurdity. They are: A) Ursula, in giant form, shows her ugly face one more time B) An angry Jack Sparrow comes to take back the Black Pearl C) More seagulls D) Insert your own scenario here That’s right, I’ve decided to include a fourth option to allow you to make up your own ideas instead of just choosing from the first three, and if your idea is creative and/or hilarious enough, I just might use it! SO START VOTIN’, YA PILLOCKS! I’M OUT! *straps into a jetpack and flies off into the sun*
- 31 replies
- it returns
- remix
- (and 4 more)
Hiya! I've been drawing, drawing...AND DRAWING! I am on a rampage for some reason so... I decided to share some of my favorites with you! Be sure to tell which one you like the most! Hope you like them!
Hi guys (^_^) i watched a video to Dearly beloved and I read this quote: Distant hearts, when rejoined as one... may find the light within. I can't find from where this quote comes, so does somebody know it or maybe even have a link to it? I really like this quote but I don't remember seeing it in the game Thanks:)
Who are the strongest Kingdom Hearts Characters? My view of it so far? Leaving out certain characters like Yen Sid. 0- Kingdom hearts (this is for fun but im sure someone gets what Im pointing at. One shots Ansem) 1- Master of Masters. Guy in black coat of back cover trailer. Self explanatory in his name. Prediction. 2- Fortellers- Taught by the master and have large amounts of students. 3- Xehanort. Again self explanatory as to why he's most likely the final boss of KH3 4- Aqua. Okay, from what we've seen, amd especially in 0.2 with her broken ass magic, we can assume aqua has keyblade master status for a reason. And she would've got it even facing a probably harder target than the light balls. She is quite skilled. 5- Riku. People aren't gonna like this but he does have control of both the light and darkness inside him, and this is based from DDD events. Can do things number 6 cant, only reason hes ranked one higher. 6- Mickey - Keyblade master for yeaaars. Not sure if his heart is that strong though. He often saves our heroes. 7- Sora. We know his heart is probably the strongest in the series, but as shown in DDD, hes basically a glass cannon in the story. He needs a bit more toning but he will rise up the ranks during KH3. Predicted he will be #4 or 5 by the time he gets his new outfit, or maybe halfway through KH3. 8- Xemnas- bit self explanatory. But he cant really acess Kingdom Hearts anymore. 9- Roxas (whatever, yeah he's almost as strong as sora, but sora has better control of the keyblade) 10- Ansem - again, self explanatory. But as why hes under Roxas is due to the idea that post Days Roxas can defeat him. It was Riku using Ansems form that defeating him. 11- Terra. Terra hasn't really been himself lately. (you dont say?) but due to his darkness, hes more like a KH1 Riku if he came back right now. Strong but confused. Most of this is prediction 12- Xigbar and Saix/ Braig and Isa 13- Tie between Ventus, post training Lea and post training Kairi.
Seeing as KH3 is going to be overflowing with characters that can be acquired into your party, I've been thinking about those two slots where Donald and Goofy reside. Notice the big space on the right side of them? What if that space is meant to be for 2 more characters that can also join your party? That would mean the max amount in your party would be 4, making a total party of 5, a first in the Kingdom Hearts series! Donald and Goofy will always be in your party, just like the previous games. However, in KH3, since there are more characters to be alongside Sora throughout his adventure (Riku, Kairi, Lea, etc) you can now add not one but two more into your group. The visitable worlds will have 2 characters instead of 1 that can join your team, like in Tangled with Flynn and Rapunzel, and Big Hero 6 with Hiro and Baymax. What do you guys think?