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  1. Hello, I hope you can take away my fear. I'm doing a perfect run at KH3 and I'm afraid that I did something wrong. Initially I took the Pro Codes, I want to do the EZ Code Merits after Yozora. I am currently in the post game and have maximized Sora's stats (especially magic power). Now I'm afraid that I won't be able to do the EZ Code Challanges because Sora is too strong. Especially in the Icebreaker Challange it is important to freeze the enemies without defeating them. Do you think it's still possible to do this? Many people fight the enemies in Battlegate 0, but I read a comment that you can also do the challenge in the Grape Flan minigame with shooting star (double arrowguns; magic form). Unfortunately, the exact procedure was not mentioned. But the flans don't die immediately after you freeze them with the thrown back ice attacks, do they? Is the time enough to freeze and defeat 30 of them? Or do you know a better way/place? As I said, Sora is overpowered. Even if I activate one of the pro code that effectively resets his level back to level 1, he still has over 100 magic power. It's not about trophies for me, I want to have a complete game and have completed all the challenges. Please help me! Can you guys maybe check it in your game? Thanks!!!
  2. Hello. I created this theme with the goal of sharing my favorite game. Name the 3 games you love the most. Me: 1.League of Legends 2.Fortnite 3.Pokemon Go
  3. The limited edition Kingdom Hearts III PlayStation 4 Pro console has slowly been getting announced for more and more regions and now Spain is getting added to the growing roster! GAME España have posted a tweet stating pre-orders will go live on Tuesday 8th January at 4PM. More information will be revealed at some point on the 8th according to the tweet. You can see the console below: Are you going to pre-order the console? Let us know in the comments! View full article
  4. The limited edition Kingdom Hearts III PlayStation 4 Pro console has slowly been getting announced for more and more regions and now Spain is getting added to the growing roster! GAME España have posted a tweet stating pre-orders will go live on Tuesday 8th January at 4PM. More information will be revealed at some point on the 8th according to the tweet. You can see the console below: Are you going to pre-order the console? Let us know in the comments!
  5. Episode Goofy: The trio splits up and Goofy starts a journey to find the rock that almost killed him.
  6. Any plush you can imagine! Tokyo ain't lettin' you go easily :cool:
  7. Wait until you get a taste of my FLAMING KEYHOLE LASERBEAM!
  8. Look, we're all in this together to save Queen Aqua
  9. Time to spend more money, Ollie-boy!
  10. All Kingdom Hearts titles (not including remakes and remasters) in chronological order: Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories Kingdom Hearts II Kingdom Hearts coded Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- Kingdom Hearts III All Kingdom Hearts titles (not including remakes and remasters) in release order: Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories Kingdom Hearts II Kingdom Hearts coded Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] Kingdom Hearts III Explanations: -Kingdom Hearts is a game for the PlayStation 2. -Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories is a game for the Game Boy Advance. -Kingdom Hearts II is a game for the PlayStation 2. -Kingdom Hearts coded is a Japanese-only game for the Docomo Prime Series-P-01A Panasonic mobile phone. -Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days is a game for the Nintendo DS. -Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep is a game for the PlayStation Portable. -Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance is a game for the Nintendo 3DS. -Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] was a Japanese-only game for the browser. -Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ was the name of an iOS and Android smartphone game before it got rebranded to "Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross]." -Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- is a game included in the Kingdom Hearts HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue HD collection for the PlayStation 4. -Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover is a movie included in the Kingdom Hearts HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue HD collection for the PlayStation 4. -Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] is the name of an iOS and Android smartphone game. It used to be called "Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ." Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] is also the name of the "season two" of this game. -Kingdom Hearts III is the name of an upcoming game for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It will be the end of the Dark Seeker Saga, which all other games listed here are a part of as well. All Kingdom Hearts titles (only including the most recent versions/remakes/remasters of each title) in chronological order: Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix Kingdom Hearts Re:coded Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- Kingdom Hearts III All Kingdom Hearts titles (only including the most recent versions/remakes/remasters of each title) in release order: Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Kingdom Hearts Re:coded Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] Kingdom Hearts III Explanations: -Kingdom Hearts Final Mix is a version of Kingdom Hearts with new added content. It's for the PlayStation 2. -Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories is a remake of Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories for the PlayStation 2. -Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix is a version of Kingdom Hearts II with with new added content. It's for the PlayStation 2. -Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days is a game for the Nintendo DS. -Kingdom Hearts Re:coded is a remake of Kingdom Hearts coded for the Nintendo DS. -Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix is a version of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep with new added content. It's for the PlayStation Portable. -Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] was a Japanese-only game for the browser. -Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ was the name of an iOS and Android smartphone game before it got rebranded to "Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross]." -Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD is an HD remaster of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance that's included in the Kingdom Hearts II.8 Final Chapter Prologue HD collection for the PlayStation 4. -Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- is a game included in the Kingdom Hearts HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue HD collection for the PlayStation 4. -Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover is a movie included in the Kingdom Hearts HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue HD collection for the PlayStation 4. -Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] is the name of an iOS and Android game. It used to be called "Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ." Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] is also the name of the "season two" of this game. -Kingdom Hearts III is the name of an upcoming game for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It will be the end of the Dark Seeker Saga, which all other games listed here are a part of as well. All collections of Kingdom Hearts titles: Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix + Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 ReMIX Kingdom Hearts HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue Explanations: -Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix + is a collection of Kingdom Hearts titles that includes Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix and Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories. It's for the PlayStation 2. -Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX is a collection of Kingdom Hearts titles that includes an HD remaster of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, a movie made out of HD remastered cutscenes from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, and an HD remaster of Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories. It's for the PlayStation 3. -Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX is a collection of Kingdom Hearts titles that includes an HD remaster of Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, an HD remaster of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix, and a movie made out of HD remastered cutscenes from Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. It's for the PlayStation 3. -Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 ReMIX is a collection of Kingdom Hearts titles that includes an HD remaster of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, a movie made out of HD remastered cutscenes from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, an HD remaster of Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, an HD remaster of Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, an HD remaster of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix, and a movie made out of HD remastered cutscenes from Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. It's for the PlayStation 4. -Kingdom Hearts HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue is a collection of Kingdom Hearts titles that includes Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD, Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-, and Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover. It's for the PlayStation 4. All collections of Kingdom Hearts title collections: Kingdom Hearts Starter Pack HD I.5 + II.5 ReMIX Kingdom Hearts Collector's Pack HD I.5 + II.5 ReMIX Explanations: -Kingdom Hearts Starter Pack HD I.5 + II.5 ReMIX is a collection of Kingdom Hearts title collections that includes Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX and Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX. It's for the PlayStation 3. -Kingdom Hearts Collector's Pack HD I.5 + II.5 ReMIX is a collection of Kingdom Hearts title collections that includes Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX and Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX. It's for the PlayStation 3. The only difference between the Kingdom Hearts Collector's Pack HD I.5 + II.5 ReMIX and the Kingdom Hearts Starter Pack HD I.5 + II.5 ReMIX, is that the Kingdom Hearts Collector's Pack HD I.5 + II.5 ReMIX comes with a blu-ray music disc of Kingdom Hearts tracks and an artwork booklet. How to experience the whole Kingdom Hearts series in its entirety and in the best possible way: -If you want to experience the whole Kingdom Hearts series in its entirety and in the best possible way, then you need to play all of the titles mentioned in the "All Kingdom Hearts titles (only including the most recent versions/remakes/remasters of each title)" sections. To get the best and most rewarding experience that doesn't spoil plot twists and revelations, then you need to play all of those titles in release order. Except play Kingdom Hearts Re:coded after Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix. If you've already played most of the games and want to go for a second round and want a new way of experiencing the series, then you would play all of those titles in chronological order. In order to get all of these titles in their best versions possible, then all you need to get are these titles: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 ReMIX Kingdom Hearts HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Kingdom Hearts Re:coded Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] Kingdom Hearts III Explanations: -Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 ReMIX is a collection of Kingdom Hearts titles that includes an HD remaster of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, a movie made out of HD remastered cutscenes from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, an HD remaster of Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, an HD remaster of Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, an HD remaster of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix, and a movie made out of HD remastered cutscenes from Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. It's for the PlayStation 4. -As it was just stated, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded are included in Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 ReMIX. But, they are only cutscene movies. To experience those titles in the best possible way, you need to play the original games on the Nintendo DS, as well as watch the cutscene movies. -Kingdom Hearts HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue is a collection of Kingdom Hearts titles that includes Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD, Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-, and Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover. It's for the PlayStation 4. -Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] was a Japanese-only browser game that is now discontinued. So, in order to experience this title, you can watch all of the story-related cutscenes translated to English in the YouTube playlist here. You can also watch a full English translated playthrough in the YouTube playlist here. -Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] is essentially a rebranding of Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ. You don't have to get Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ, because by getting Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross], you are getting Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ, since it's a part of the title. They renamed the app to "Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross]" to help promote the "season two" of the game, which is titled "Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross]." -Kingdom Hearts III is the name of an upcoming game for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It will be the end of the Dark Seeker Saga, which all other games listed here are a part of as well. Notes: -For those who might be confused, yes, Kingdom Hearts χ[chi], Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ, Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover, and Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] are all different titles. They are not remakes or remasters of each other. Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ is a sequel to Kingdom Hearts χ[chi]. Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] is a rebranding of Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ, as well as the name of the "season two" of the game. Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover is a movie that tells some of the story of Kingdom Hearts χ[chi], but through the perspective of different characters. These things makes all of these separate Kingdom Hearts titles. -I only explained how you experience the Kingdom Hearts series in the it's fullest and the best possible way, which assumes that the person interested in doing so has a PlayStation 4, a Nintendo DS, an iOS or Android smartphone, and a way to watch YouTube videos. I did this because you simply can't experience the Kingdom Hearts series in it's fullest and the best possible way without these things. But, if you don't have a few of these things, then I made sure to provide enough information for the reader to be able to figure out what they're able to get in order to experience the Kingdom Hearts series in the best way that they're personally able to do. -For those wondering, I put Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- after Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distancechronologically because the majority of the game is technically a flashback. The parts that aren't a flashback take place after Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. -If any of this confuses you, I'll be happy to help and explain anything further in the comments. -Kingdom Hearts III might not be the 13th Kingdom Hearts game, but it's the 13th Kingdom Hearts title. Nice job Nomura. This makes me think that one of the sole reasons for rebranding Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ to Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] was to make this happen lol Non-canon spin-off Kingdom Hearts titles in release order: Kingdom Hearts V CAST Kingdom Hearts Mobile Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Magical Puzzle Clash Kingdom Hearts Re:coded Gummiship Studio Explanations: -Kingdom Hearts V CAST is a game for V Cast (Verizon Wireless's broadband service). -Kingdom Hearts Mobile is a game for Docomo Prime Series-P-01A cell phones. It was also available for browser. -Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Magical Puzzle Clash was a browser flash game. -Kingdom Hearts Re:coded Gummiship Studio was a browser flash game.
  11. I found this on Twitter and I just love this so much
  12. COM for me, both versions. The card system and I have never fully seen eye to eye.
  13. Here is my Picture entry for the KH 2.8 giveaway.
  14. According to this game I joined the Darkness with Axel, because I lost a bet Though I would do that either way XDD
  15. So, I've created this topic on a few forums, and a lot of the time it's been successful, and a lot of people have enjoyed this game; Basically, all you have to do is mix your username with the person above's username, like this; Spongebob Patrick Spatrick or Pongebob Pretty simple game, but we can make it more creative by mixing the names in certain places.So for example, if your name is Nancy and mines is The Kingdom Panel, you could put "The Nancy Panel", "The Kingdom Nancy", or "The Kingnan Cypanel", there's a variety of different ways you could mix them up!Rules: Only merge your username with the person above, not the person above you and also the person above them etc! Person below me begins
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NFyqL7sipo Well..I never thought I would see this..even this existed for a long time ago.<_< How should I start...err..Its Overwatch...but its not ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Funny thing is, this game is actually booming in Steam rapidly but Youtube...heh well, you know Youtube nowadays,eh? Its being worshiped like a National Treasure over there. (I lied, its worse ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) Now its in Beta and it really plays like Overwatch. I have no hate against it cause its looking like the Original Version of it, even though they took "some" Aspects of it put it their game. For an Example: You have a exam in school. Your Body is ready but your neighbor in class comes in unprepared for it and doens´t know crap. So he looks on your paper writes like 90% of the same answers but changing some stuff up to let it look different. To be honest,the game is acutally fun and the Character designs looks pretty solid. Even have some faves. But,I wanna know what you guys think of it?
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