Greethings every body Steeghs is here with a new topic and that is a relly wierd one if you say to me
Its about mine elgato game capture hd that you see below.
Yay i know its a relly old one but still it gets the job done for my channel ( no promote or something)
My ask is : can you rocord it still 60 fps in that ?
For example~
I im recording Kh1,5+Kh2,5 Hd on the ps4
And the recording is going good and i want to rendert it in my edit program like Sony vegas.
(also side note if i rendert it in 60 Fps why does it take so long before its ready i mean like 3 hours for a video of 15 min.)
Then i uploud it then if im ready does it still works on 60 fps.
That is all i wanted to know because i cant findt it is that works and think you guys knows more about it then i do ?
Ty you for reading it and if you can anser it that would be great .
But looks like i have to go now.
Ty you for reading this topic and till next time Bye Bye