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In 2010 I created quite possibly my most cringe worthy webseries ever. Life in Organization XIII. A series about what the members of the organization do when their not attacking worlds or hunting down Sora. At the very beginning I didn't even have a real coat yet but I would get my mom to buy me a cosplay jacket that I still have today. It lasted almost a year and had about 4 seasons. This year I began to archive some of my older videos in a new series called "The JETRAY Archive" as an attempt to save the original uploads before time takes them down. This Archive is 1 Hour and 50 Minutes long. But I also have other Archives even longer and possibly cringier. Check it out if you can survive. I intend to make new original content this year once everything is completely archived so feel free to subscribe to the new Cackling Pumpkins ORIGINALS channel.
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Summary: Shulk was a normel girl until she went to nentendo world to save. My firts story ples revew. Barek Obema and teh libruls on delated thes so im putin it her. Notes: Hi my name is Shulk (not Palin unfortanetly) and im a 13 yearold girl who loves America and God and the Constantution so i librul soshalist who likes barrack obama than LEAVE NAO and go back too getting wefare for noting and trying to turn every1 into gay athists also I lik video games like supper smash bras and otters even thou im a gril (my mom sad id turn a les if I play video game but I put pics of jaykob from twilit and juston beber in my room so idont). Chapter 1: Misson Form God Chapter Text CHAP 1: MISSON FORM GOD I was in my seance class one dat when my librul teacher mr jonson was talkin about evilusion. "an tat is why humins came form monkees and their is no god" he said. I razed my han.d "yes luxord" he said. "if humin came from monkees why r their still monks" my teacher had no anser for that so he give me a ditention and an f on my test. "hahaha!" he sad "you Christens wil be defeet on day! athests alreedy rule dis cuntry becuz of obama car and son all Christens will goto deaf panells!" just then the door toteh science room opened and God walked in. he was waring a rob and had a bread like he allways does. "mr jonson ur gong too HELL!" "no cuz u arnt reel" mr jonson said. "lol ur a moran" God said and he stroked mr jonson with lighting and mr jonson ded. "yay!" said all the Christens in the class. "boo!" said the Heatrans so God stroked all them to. "ok now I nead too talk too Luxord God said. "so everbuddy else leave." "ok" my classmates left the room. "Luxord Neku ive bean watching u for sum time," he sad, "this world isnt the only on I mad." "for real" I ask. "yea do u no about video games." "yea I play them with my bro and Lauren" (my bro is my brother and Lauren is my BFF forever and shes a PCC (Pretty Consertative Christen) like me to) "well they are real because when u play the nother unevirse I made" "cool God" I hi fived God. "ok but theres treble. Satan found out about this and now hes in Nentendo World. Only u can stop him b4 he dose evil stuff their." "oh no." "right this is the hardest thing u ever done even harder than ur math test last month. God thing i'm God and I can give u cool powers and stuff." So God gave me some power and I fell to sleep. When I woke up I was outside of the Smosh Manshon! CHAP 2: LUXORD MEATS CHARECTERS the smash mantian was a really big hose with like a gatrillion romos an was alota stories tall I was inteminated by who big it was. Suddenly someon came. It was like a robot except a person was in it. "hai their pretty gurl" the robot person said. "u think im pretty" I saod. "yea ur the hotist gurl ive ever sean." I thought it was Mister Chef from Hallo but it wasnt but I didnt no that so I cloded my eyes an mad out with robot person but when I open them its not Mastre Cheef but SAMAS ERIN! "hahahhaha I triked u in too thikning I was a dud but im a girl" samas said. "why do u do these! I liek guys nit girls ima Christen!" I shooted. "BECAUSE IMA LESBAN!" Samas said "anf im a antithesis so I want u 2 goto hell for bein gay like me." than Samas tred too rap me she took of my shirt (I had my bra under so I wasnt tipless) adn my shirt which had pantees under it so I still wasnt nakid. "no help!" I screemed. Lucklily Link and shulk and Icke wear nearbye so they git hoarses and ran up and came b4 iy was to late. "stop been a gay librul Samas" Icke said. "yea wereman and your a women so lissen to us" Link said. "but im a lesban so im a femanast and im not gonna lissen to u" Samas said. She taked of my shoes next. They were fancy hi-hells from goosepy zanaty that cast my mom $2000. butthan Marth grabed Samas with his hercule arms and through her in teh moot off the manshan. "r u ok" he asked. He kissed my hand romanticly. "yea sorry I mad u do that" "its ok Samas is a librul so she hadit cumin" March said. I looked into his eyes. He was like if the looks of Jaykob and Juston Beeber were combined with the genus of Sean Hanety and Ross Limbog. Expect he had blue hare. My hare was long and bland and really petty. "u hat libruls to" I asked. "yea me and Link and Icke r all borne-agen Christens" Marth said. "cool can I meat everyone els" I sad. "ok" so I climed on Marth's hoarse and rod too the manshan and went in side. In the manshan I met other Christens like Peach and Zelda and Ton Link and Pit and Nas and Luckas and Kerby and King Deedee and the Maryo bros (Mary and Lugia) and Sonec and Sold Snape, who was Marth's father (I dont think he was Marths father ibn the gam but wouldnt it be cool if he was) and Clod Strafe and the real Master Chef (those 2 werent in smash bros for some resin but there in this). But their were also libruls like Bowser and Ganandorf and Waro and Donky Khan and Diddy and Metal Nite and Picachoo and Pacman Tranner and the other Pacmans and Wolf and Fux Mcledo and Falcon and Captan Falco (who was Samas boyfrend b4 they both turd gay from a govermint vaksine). I new I had my work cut out for me. CHAP 3: HE FINALLE SMASH the next day I was in my first mach of my carer. It was Me and Zelda fitting Bowzer and Falcor. We were the rad tem becuase were consercativs and they wear the blu tem becuas they wer libruls. I was waerinmg a pretty red dress that everone expect the libruls complamented me on. Boozer keeped breathing firs at us an Falco shat lazors form his gum. Zelda turne dinto Shrek and throw needs at Boozer and hit hem wiht a chan. Son bowsar was defet. Ten Falcor git a smash bell and sumoed a gina tank call a lendmaster and shat Zelda so she flyed of and loosed. I thout I was domed butthen I herd Gods vois. "Shulk! Remamber the powerz I give u at scool." I used on of the powers that God gav me and I insanely had my finale smash. I actived it and it cussed me to turn into an angle. I used my holly powers to stroke down the lendmaster and defete Falco. "this gams winer: rad tema" the narater said. When I laft the fit Mart hwas waiting for me. "OMG! that was amazon! I nerver seen someone us a finale smash withotu a smash ball b4!" he said. "Its because of the powers God gave me." "Cool. Now me and my dad are fitting Samas and Wario." Greet! Ill wach" I said. So tghe next fit began and Marth and Snake are the red team and Samas and Warop were ther blue team. Samas saw I was washing so she tred to deduce me with her lucius lips and huge beasts but I was strate so it didnt work and Mark hit her with his sord while she was distrected and his dad threw gonads at her. She got blowed up and lots a stack. "Samas! Get ur had in the game! Present brock obana wode want us to kill all Christens," Waryo said. "Rite" Samas said. She ataked Marth and Snake. Son everybuddy only had on stack left. Wart rain tords Snack and het him with a motosicle. He flowed off and explode. "Father! NO!" Matt said. He ran at Waryo with is sore. "Ate hem!" Samasa sad. "I cant im a librul vogon now so ican only eat vegetas." Waryo said. So Waryo was lose. It was a on-and-on fit betwine Samas and Marth. "give it up Samas u no libruls cant won." "never! BY THE POWAR OF LORD SANTA I SHALL BANESH U TOO SUBSPAS WORLD!" then a porthole openend an sucked. Math into subspas. The fite was over. The libruls had won. "wat did u do 2 my sun!" Snake said wen the match was over and marth didnt come back. "Ill never tell!" Samas said. She blowed me a kiss (witch I dogged) and waked away. I was worred when Marth didnt come back. He still wasnt back for the tee party relay so I went with Clod Strafe insted. When I went to sleeped at nite I preyed for marth. Then I lacked the widows and doors so Samas couldnt rap me wile I sleeped. That nite I had horble nitmars that Math was farced too have gay sax with Satin and Bark Obameh. It was the scurrest thin ever! CHAP 4: THE SERCH 4 MATRH the next day all off the Christens in the Manshon were locking for maerth. He was still not back from were Samas put him. I preyed and preyed that we woud found him but he was nowere near the manshon. I new I had to confont Samas about were Marth was but I new she woud try 2 rap me agen if I came along so I bringed Clod and Sonec and Maryo with me. Samas wasin bad with 4 womens and they were kissing and dong it to each otter. "discussing!" Maryo vomated. "stop it Samas!" Sonec said. "girls sholdnt do that 2 otter girls!" Clod said. "Shukk! U must jonus and be gay!" Samas and the otter lesbamns said. "No! Im ten trillian percant strait!" I shatted. "ok then well gagrap u into been gay!" Samas and the other lesbans got outta bad. Clod pulled out his gina sore and smucked a lesban with it. She flyed out the widow. Then Maryo shat furballs at anotter lesban and she burst into fame. They Sonce rolled into a bill to defete another one and I used my unbettable marital arts on the other one. Samas was bye herself. "tellus were Marth is!" I smacked her. "No!" Samas said. I started stroking her with lighting from my fingers like in Stair Was becuz one of the powers God gave me was tobe a yeti with the forc. "Tell us now!" "NECAR!" Samas said. "Stop Sara ur 2 powerful if u keep atecking Samas shell die and than well never fond math!" Sonec said. I new he had a pint so I stapped using lighting on Samas. We had 2 find someone eels who could find Marth. I preyed that God wood show me were Mart was. "Shulk! Mark is in Subspas!" I herd God say. "Thanks God!" I sad back. "Were is Marth" Maryo said. "Hes in Subspas!" I said. "Oh no how did u no!" Samas sad. Clod hit her with his sord to knack her unconshus. "Not Subspas that place is terryfine!" Clod said. "But we havto Marth is in treble!" I said. "Well ned more people Snoop will want 2 cum too save his son and Lonk and Ick are Marth's beast pals. Zolta an Pech shuld came to and also Kerby and my bro Luweegee and Pete cuz hes an angle" Maro said. So we get everbuddy adn goto Subspas to fine Marth. In Subspas were insanely atecked by Subspas stuff but we beet them. Then we find Master Han and Crazy Hanes. "Whatter u dong her" Mister Hans said. "Weve cum 2 find Marth" I said. "No Shulk u will dye!" Crazy Ham said. He tred to pinch me but I puled out my dads shitgun (its one of my specal movs no that im a smasher) and shat him until he ded. Than I did the sam to Master Hemp. "Well dun but Marth is still mine" Tatu leder of Subspas came. "ILL KILL U!" I said. I tred too shat him but he took my gum away b4 I cold. "Ha! U shuld no im a librul so I allways take teh gins away!" He said. I was rite I shuld have nown that. I tred my lighting buthe bloked it. Tehn I tred all my otter atecks. "who r u dong this" I aked "my powers cum form GOD!" "yes wile mine come from Satin." "Bit Santana is weeker then God!" "Yes but im alos the antichris!" "how r u relly" I said. So Taboo roped of his musk and reveled that he was a bleck guy. But he was wering a soot not gane close so I new he culd only be presadent brock obama! CHAO 5: SARA VERSAILLES OBABA I stud infrant of Ibama, reddy too fite. He keeped taking about how he was the greetest evul 2 evar live and how he wood give my sole to Satin. I new I coldnt bet him in my curant stat, so I activated my finale smash. "impassible! Noone can use there finale smash without a smash bell!" Brak Osama said. Now iwas moor powarfel then him and I quackly wan. "Ha! Your alredy to late!" he laffed evully and flyed away "i hided Marth somewere in the Grate Mase tho." "im to late what dos that men" I said. "idont no lets fine math" Kink said. So we all went in2 the Miz to find Marth. We seerch all over and fote bats aganst bad people their. But Mark was nowere to be fond. We war about to give up wen we herd the sowd of a musial cumin form one of the dores we werent in yet. We open the door and saw that Marth was insid with Captan Futon and a buncha otter gay guys. He was dress lik a dreg quin. He saw us and skiped over. "ew, dad. Those are last moths shos" he sed to Snack. Snak was wering last months shoos but Marth shuldnt no that. He also taked with a hi-patched vois witha lasp insted of his normel depp manely vois. Captan Fakkon skiped up to. "thisis me bofrend captan facon" Mark sad. then I relized wat happen. Marth was turn gay! "NO NOT MY SUN!" Snarf said. "now wer gonna rap u an make yall gay to silly" Captan Vulcan said. Tehnb Mark an Captan Favan and all the otter gays in The Room skiped at us. I new they culdnt make me gay becuz only getting repad by lesbans turns gurls gay but it was still scury. Snale got ot his rockette luncher an shat rockettes at the gays and blowed a buncha them up but their wer to maney. Clod used a lamer brake to get rad of more gays. Zelda shat furballs and used the dimand sheld thin b4 turning into Shaq and using kun fu and ninja stuff. Link throwed his bonerang and Ikr used his sord to held back the gays. Maryo and Loogey jamped on the gays heds to kill them. Peech throwed turdaps and Kerby hit them with his hummer. Sonec used supper sped ball on them and sence Pete is an angle he sant gays diretlay to hell usin the powar of God. Despit all these their war to many gays in The Room so we had too retret. Everbuddy ran out the dor expect Soldi Snak "cum on Snaek!" I shatted. "no yall leve ill hild tem of they alredy got my sun I hav noting to liv 4" Snack fired rockettes into the gays like a maidman wile ever1 elese ran out of the grate max. Soon more gays and lesbans and otter libruls started poring out of the other doors. We wer trap. "ono" I said. I thout I wold be rapped into a lesban and then id hav too kiss girls and stop wering makeup and start wering flanel and id only shop at homs deepo insted of gud storks. Butthan mister han and crazie hen flyed out of the sky. "hirry! Well crary u2 safe!" Masterham said. I new that God sent them to save us from the gay librusl. They take us back 2 teh Manshan. I was gong to find Samas and beet her up 4 sending Marth to Subspas were he turd gay but she wasnt in the manshan she was shoping at helms deep becuz shes a lesban. Since Math was gay no I went on a dat with Link insted. We eat at chickfila (Ha! Take that gays!) and then saw a movie. t;dr