Should be straight forward lol this thread is fo us to talk about and tell people about our favorite characters we created it should also be mentioned that if your story is a fan fic you cant choose you own version of that original stories character for example your version of sora may be cool but give us something that is 100% your creation
I guess I'll get us started it should come as no surprise that my characters are in fact from the book I'm featuring on here, Gilgamesh Thanatos though I dove way more in him as a developing character in the second book and covered much of his back story as well, this was such a fun person to create what he can do how he acts, crazy awesome
Gilgamesh Thanatos got his name from both of his parents Gilgamesh from his father as a surname but used as his first and Thanatos is from his mother and if noticed my tip of the har to mythology every so often you might be able to guess just who his mother is! Gilgamesh is also the only Character who might get his own spinoff series to go deeper into his insane life
Another character I'm crazy about is Sophira see this is where i get less explained theres not much in her background considering her age group with the rest of her cast but the life and challenges i built for her the things she goes through and overcomes impossible odds shes so powerful there were many moments in my head i could compare to Gilgamesh. Definitely wouldn't reveal any spoilers about this badass