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Found 23 results

  1. Morning everyone! I hope you're excited for the release of Kingdom Hearts 3! Well of course I'am and I know y'all are too! Well we're ONE DAY LEFT till the worldwide release of Kingdom Hearts 3, and today's countdown is none other our boy Sora! The boy who is connected to all the main characters in the Countdown Series! I honestly can't wait to play as Sora again and see what new journey has in store for him. I can't to find out tomorrow when I get my after 9pm! And one last thing, tomorrow I will post one more fan art drawing as a celebration of the release of Kingdom Hearts 3. The drawing will feature all the main characters symbols. It's not really special but I want to at least celebrate on launch day! Have an awesome day!
  2. Morning everyone! I hope y'all doing excellent especially we're getting very close to the release day! I'm here for another Countdown and this time one my favorite Keyblade master makes her appearance! Yep that's right Aqua takes the third day spot! Aqua is one of my most favorite characters in the series due to her character design, her personality, and her character arcs in Birth by Sleep and 0.2 Birth by Sleep. Saving is one of my most highlights in Kingdom Hearts 3 and I can't to play it and see how it turns out. Just three more days left!
  3. Morning everyone! I'm back with another Countdown to Kingdom Hearts 3 and we're getting closer to the worldwide release day! This countdown features our favorite dawn wielder and best bro Riku! It's amazing how Riku come along way since the first Kingdom Hearts game. The first time I met Riku I never really care too much about him. Even after revealing he was the true Keyblade owner and almost killing Sora I still didn't care about. But my opinions about Riku later change in Chain of Memories where he was struggling the darkness and Ansem in his heart. Plus, his character arc allows Mickey to have a bigger role than in Kingdom Hearts 1. Then I later grow to like Riku after he protected Sora from Xemnas in Kingdom Hearts 2 by taking a blow from his Ethereal Blade. To me that was his final step to fully redeem himself. Can't wait to see what he does in Kingdom Hearts 3 in four days!
  4. Morning everyone! Hope y'all have a great morning? Today I'm back with another Countdown to Kingdom Hearts 3, and the fifth day spot will be taking by Disney's best dad Goofy! To me Goofy is one of my favorite Disney party members and he's help in many occasions in both Kingdom Hearts 1 and Kingdom Hearts 2. I hope he does it again when I play Kingdom Hearts 3 in five days!
  5. Morning everyone! Hope y'all great! Well we have only six days to go for Kingdom Hearts 3 and this today's countdown will be the wizard himself Donald! Will the duck finally heal me? Well I'll find out in six days! And I like to say Donald being upside down was definitely intentional lol. The reason I did that was to punish him for either heal me right after I heal myself or never heal me at the right moment. Lmao! XD
  6. Morning everyone! I hope everyone is excited because we now have one more week until Kingdom Hearts 3 is release worldwide! So since we only have seven days left I decided to draw Kairi for this Countdown! Kairi makes the most sense to take the seventh spot in the countdown. The reasons why is because she's one of the Seven Princess of Heart appearing Kingdom Hearts 3. To me this is actually one of my favorite drawings I made so far and I'm very proud of it! I'm so glad that Kairi is finally gonna to have a more active role instead of being on the sidelines. The girl needs some character development after all! Lol! I can't wait to see her to become an official Keyblade Wielder like Sora and Riku, and see her fighting style. Only seven days to go until Kingdom Hearts 3 is release!
  7. Morning everyone! I hope y'all having a great morning! Today is another Countdown to Kingdom Hearts and this time it's Lea! Like his Nobody Axel Lea will be taking the eighth day of my countdown. I can't wait to finally see him wield his Keyblade and see his interactions with Kairi. Plus, I wonder what kind of role he'll play. Only eight more days to find out!
  8. Morning everyone! Hope y'all doing great! It's time for another Countdown picture and this time it will feature the king himself, King Mickey! As you can you see Mickey Mouse turn ninety years old last year. So since he's ninety I think King Mickey taking the ninth spot makes sense. I hope King Mickey becomes a party member again in Kingdom Hearts just like in 0.2 Birth by Sleep. But we'll see in nine days!
  9. Hey everyone! Well another Countdown is here! This time Terra will be taking the eleventh day spot. It's gonna to be very interesting Terra again after the mess Master Xehanort put him through. Will his heart be strong enough to take back his body for good this time? Well we got eleven days to find out!
  10. Morning everyone! I hope you're doing great! Well here's another Countdown to Kingdom Hearts 3 picture, and this time it's our favorite sleeping beauty Ventus! I can't wait to see Ven again because ths dude needs to stretch his legs! Lol! But seriously I can't wait to see how Ventus is gonna to wake up in this game. Only ten more days left to find out!
  11. Morning everyone! I hope y'all doing great and well. Well in the next twelve days Kingdom Hearts 3 will finally be release in the US! So this today the countdown will feature another special Nobody Namine! I'm still amaze that Namine has not appear in any of the Kingdom Hearts 3 trailers. The only time we see Namine in Kingdom Hearts 3 marketing was the official Kingdom Hearst 3 Box art. I'm very excited to see Namine in Kingdom Hearts 3 and what kind of role she's gonna to play.
  12. Morning everyone! How's it going? Well there's only thirteen days left until Kingdom Hearts 3 is release! So today's countdown will be number XIII himself Roxas. Will Roxas get back his summer vacation again in Kingdom Hearts 3? Well we'll find out in thirteen days! And remember no spoilers here!
  13. Hey everyone! How's it going? Well as ya know today is January 15th 2019 here in United States, and you know what that means? Yep! It means starting today Kingdom Hearts 3 is officially two weeks away! So to celebrate for the upcoming anticipated third number title and final game of the Xehanort Saga (Dark Seeker Saga), I decided to do a countdown with each drawings of the main characters from the Kingdom Hearts 3 box art. So starting today I will begin the countdown with my most favorite character of the series! Number fourteen herself Xion! Man just two more weeks ya! Well good night everyone and I hope I can post another drawing tomorrow on the thirteenth day. Peace!
  14. In the 13th day countdown tweet posted by Kingdom Hearts III directory Tetusya Nomura, a quote can be seen on the picture attached, saying: Who and what could this possibly be referring to? We'd like to hear your theories; comment and discuss below!
  15. In the 13th day countdown tweet posted by Kingdom Hearts III directory Tetusya Nomura, a quote can be seen on the picture attached, saying: Who and what could this possibly be referring to? We'd like to hear your theories; comment and discuss below! View full article
  16. Kingdom Hearts III director Tetsuya Nomura has revealed that there will be an announcement every day accompanying the official countdown to the Japanese release of the game on Twitter. You can read a translation of his statement below.
  17. Kingdom Hearts III director Tetsuya Nomura has revealed that there will be an announcement every day accompanying the official countdown to the Japanese release of the game on Twitter. You can read a translation of his statement below. View full article
  18. 10 years ago, before the events of Kingdom Hearts 1, we follow three young warriors: Terra, Ventus, and Aqua. All follow their teachings of their mentor, Eraqus (pronounced AIR-UH-KISS) to become Keyblade Masters. Terra and Aqua take on the Mark of Mastery judged by Eraqus, as well as Master Xehanort (ZAY-UH-NORT). Suddenly, Eraqus learns that Master Xehanort disappears and was informed [by Master Yen Sid] of the rising manifestations of negativity called Unversed. Terra and Aqua were sent on a mission to investigate the mysteries of the Unversed and Master Xehanort's disappearance. Meanwhile, Ven is informed by a mysterious masked boy about Terra's upcoming fate and Ven goes after him before it's too late. All lead to a fate that effects the future events of this series. -- We now have Aqua: she is one of my all time favorite KH characters. This young lady here is quite a character. This is somewhat special because she so far my all time favorite female character. Funny enough, I normally do not have favorite female characters and I'm female myself. I have a reason for it but it is personal and I want to to just talk about this game. Point being, she is so far, genuinely, the only favorite fictional female that is a favorite. If you truly love good women who are polite, authoritative, modest, strong, brave, kind, beautiful, and is somewhat a knight, you got what's close to the perfect gal right here. Because, this is pretty much who she is. One of my favorite moments, without being too spoiled, relates to those attributes. There is a scene when Aqua comes up and holds her hand to a character like, dare I say, a gentleman (and no, I don't consider her lesbian...you can act like a gentleman and not be lesbian). There is her immediate reaction when she made a mistake for not realizing she was in front of authoritative presence -bows and apologizes for her lack of manners. She is a true warrior if I ever saw one. Her story is not the most plot twisted of the trio nor did it effect the future events (aside from the choice she made near end game). But she is special in her own way that many of us fans care for her enough in hopes she succeeds. As for gameplay, she is heavily full magic. I am normally not a solely magic-based player. However, I did find myself enjoying her gameplay because a lot of it in general is pretty satisfying. That and it feels almost as comfortable as Ventus. It is a bit difficult at first simply because it's mostly magic and not as balanced as Ven. But, like any character you play, you eventually level up to where it feels comfortable enough to have the confidence to fight through some difficult bosses. This also makes me appreciate magic more in these games. While I find her ark in terms of big surprises to be lacking (until the final and secret episode), the inner struggles seemed to speak louder. Her personality and overall reputation shines bright to many fans. As much as I love Ven, Aqua is my second favorite in the entire series. [ARTIST NOTE] Alright, big reveal. Have you noticed what the three posters had in common? All have the 3 elements of the characters: earth, air, and water. As such, for example, Aqua is water but there is still earth and air (clouds) in the same environment. The night sky plays a symbolically major part of the story, so of course I give each of them the night sky with some sunsets. I also realized when drawing these, I drew their right hands in a unique way. Terra hand his hand closed, Ven was loosely open, and Aqua openly spreads her fingers to the sky. I'll leave that to you for interpretation. Also, the land in the background was totally made up. However, let's just make this Neverland because it reminds me of it LOL Doing these are so much fun. I may or may not mentioned this, but normally backgrounds aren't my forte. However, doing these relating to the elements for each character, that's what make it really fun to draw. Kinda felt like a new experience. I am not done yet. I have one more poster of this particular title to show. It will contain my overall thoughts on the title itself. So stay tuned y'all! (As of this post, will post it on Sunday).
  19. Kingdom Hearts 3 is one of the most anticipated games coming to the PS4. With that being said there's a lot that Square Enix have already revealed to us regarding the game. Like story info, new gameplay elements, ect. In this video I take all the things Square has given us and made a list of the Top 10 things I feel are worth being excited about. I put LOADS of effort into this video and sharing this would be much appreciated Let me know what you think first though and let me know some of the things you are excited about regarding Kingdom Hearts 3! Anyways I hope you all enjoy
  20. The official DragonBall video game Facebook page has posted a link to a website officially created by Bandai Namco. The front page has a countdown set to end tomorrow and teasing the possibility of a brand new DragonBall video game. The only hints we have been given as to what this game is going to be are the websites URL ("flythroughtime") and the various images that can viewed and interchanged on the front page. All of these images seem to come from various sources of official DragonBall promotional art, including posters for the DragonBall and DragonBall Z movies and art used for past DragonBall video games. Now, the greatest conclusion that most people are drawing to is obviously a potential sequel to DragonBall: Xenoverse. I mean, "flying through time"? The visuals of DragonBall properties past? The subtext is very easy to pick up on, as the original Xenoverse game fully revolved around the very history of DragonBall, and judging by the visuals, a sequel would expand on that idea greatly. Still, I have my personal doubts. Seeing the visuals and looking at art from games like Burst Limit, the Budokai series, and even Attack Of The Saiyans make me think that something else entirely might be in store. But, what do you think it is?
  21. http://www.shonenjump.com/next_generation/ Out of seemingly nowhere, Shuiesha and Weekly Shonen Jump magazine has launched a countdown website obviously related to the Naruto series featuring silhouettes of Naruto's son Boruto alongside Sasuke and Sakura's daughter Sarada and the new Ino-Shika-Cho. The website teases a new project relating to the Boruto story and is counting down to the reveal set on December 19th, also the first day of the upcoming Jump Festa convention where there will be a Naruto stage event the very same day as well. Keep in mind, this is being orchestrated by the owners/publishers of the Naruto manga, not by Studio Pierrot i.e. the animators for Naruto Shippuden. Many have speculated in the past that after Shippuden finishes the remaining content from the original Naruto manga, they will start a Boruto story arc, but this cannot be the case here as the countdown to the project will happen while Shippuden will still be running their current filler arc and still not finished adapting the end of the Naruto story. During the run of Boruto: Naruto The Movie, the creator of Naruto Mashashi Kishimoto has directly stated that he wants to move on from the Naruto franchise and start a new project sometime in the near future, so it's more than likely that this project is solely being headed by Shuiesha and Weekly Shonen Jump, while of course still bearing approval from the author himself as it is the standard. So what exactly is this new project? A new manga series akin to Naruto Gaiden? Possibly taking place after the events of the recent film? Or maybe it might be something else entirely? Whatever it is, the recent Boruto film's success has proven that expanding more on this newly established portion of the franchise has high possibilities for more success in the future.
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