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  1. Prologue and Tagline: " ...My name...is Bruce Wayne...i am 26 years old, single...and i have no family...well, that's not entirely true, i do have family, in the form of my family's personal butler, Alfred Pennyworth, he's looked after me ever since i was just 10 years old...the age...when i lost both of my parents, my father and mother, Thomas and Martha Wayne...all due to petty crime itself...i swore to myself that ever since their deaths would i somehow, someway find a way to avenge their deaths, though so far, i...have had no luck, whatsoever at all...that is, until just recently, i saw it on the Gotham City channel news, by pure chance, it was the Green Arrow of Star City taking down the terrorist Damien Darhk in front of all of the entire world itself, it was then, that i realized...in order to seek my revenge on crime i had to become someone else, i had to be something else...so on the outside to the normal general public, i am a billionaire playboy bachelor, flaunting his late father's pharmaceutical company family inheritance money around, but, on the inside...with the help of my most trusted associates, i also use that money to become the something else i swore i would become to seek my vengeance on crime, so that no one, especially young children who are the age i was at the time would ever have to go through what i did, ever again...seeing your loved ones laying dead right in front of you whilst villainy gets away without justice being served...well now this city, all of Gotham, all of its thugs and lowlifes will know my justice, they will know...my despair, shrouded, in wings, as dark, as the night itself, for i am...The Bat. " Year One: Chapter I: Jet Black, Stark White and Pitch Black: (What does everyone think so far of my new Arrowverse connected Batman Fan-Fiction :]?). " Part I: The Past: The year is 2017, October the 3rd, the season where Halloween takes place, it was around this time that me...my mom and my dad went to see a favorite kids' film of mine, it was called The Grey Ghost, it was an age 12 and up but because i had my parents there with me, plus my dad thought i was only just two years younger to see it, he thought that it was okay since i was just almost barely enough legal to watch it, although my mom disagreed at first, she eventually relented, seeing, as how my dad was almost, as giddy, as i was to see the film, it was a Western based Genre and my dad, boy, he sure liked watching his old Westerns, John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, you name it...he was even a swashbuckling fan and, as luck would have it, The Grey Ghost had swashbuckling in it, this made my dad, as pleased, as punch, i was so embarrassed at the time...after the movie ended, my dad thought it was a good idea to take a shortcut back to our manor, although at the time he didn't what exactly that alley was specifically called...Crime Alley, it was here, that my mom, my dad...anyways, i'm sure you have heard of this tale so many times now that you can guess the rest what happens next...the mugger got away, along with the pearls he stole from my mom's necklace that he was after, the police found me at the scene of the crime and i was escorted back to police headquarters whilst my dad and mom...they were carried away on stretches with their faces covered by white sheets over their whole bodies, at the time, i was...scared, scared and lonely...i was so utterly filled with both despair and misery that i just didn't know what to do with it, i wanted to scream, i wanted to hit something, someone, just let out all my frustration, rage and anger for all that i had lost, all that i have known in my life...within mere seconds...it was then that he appeared, someone that i will truly never forget, even until the day that i die, that man was named police officer James "Jim" Gordon, he was a rookie cop working in Gotham after recently transferring here and out of all of the cops working at the precinct, he was the only one who seemed genuinely concerned for me, about what i lost, at first, i punched him straight in the abdomen but he didn't seem fazed by it all, instead, he called my punch weak but that was because in his words that my hand didn't feel like punching, instead it felt like clinging onto something, he told me that i was a man and that men shed no tears, however, he also told me that i was a child and that i was only a young man at that point and because i was only a young man, i was allowed to cry, grown men do not allow themselves to show their tears in front of others, nor do they go looking for someone to consult them, however...he told me that because i was still young and had yet to grow up and live to my full potential that i was allowed to cry and cling onto someone for comfort, letting all of my sorrows and woes out and with those words...i started crying fully, he held me like i was his very own precious child and he tightly clutched me, saying to me that things would no longer be easy from this point onward but that it was now my sworn and solemn duty to overcome despair and rise above it, that was my job, as both the new head of the Wayne family but most importantly especially, not just, as a man but, as an individual overall... Part II: The Mask: After i finished recalling my memories from that time, i returned my consciousness back to the present, where i was performing a stakeout on one of a local Mafia crime boss' storage warehouse facilities, the crime boss in question was called the Black Mask and he dealt in everything, drugs, booze, women...you name it, he both did everything and does everything that is off the book, strictly illegal and solely in the black market, for the last few months i have been hightailing his goons, picking them off one by one until eventually, i would reach a base where private operations of his took place, i had hoped on finding the Black Mask here and take him out personally but little did i know that he was waiting for me in secret, since i was taking his men both down and out like a stealthy ninja, he decided to bring in one of his own, a mercenary, goes by the name of Kyodai Ken, said he used to work for some master assassin named Deathstroke or whoever that is, at any rate, i was severely outgunned and outmaneuvered, this guy was completely unlike all of the other thugs that worked under the Black Mask up to now, he was like a master at doing everything that i did, only better, just when it seemed that this Kyodai Ken was about to finish me off, suddenly...shockingly and surprisingly, i was saved...by an arrowhead, it belonged to none other then the Green Arrow of Star City himself, the one who brought down the terrorist live and in public, he shot Kyodai Ken right in the arm and had managed to ward him off for the time being, i on the other hand...wasn't going to get the lucky treatment... The Green Arrow told me in his menacing and cold tone of voice that i had no right to stick my nose into the business of both the underworld and vigilantes like the Green Arrow himself, he told me that he was tracking down Kyodai Ken who worked for Deathstroke who i had now discovered was an enemy of the Green Arrow's and that by finding Kyodai Ken, would the Green Arrow find and learn more about Kyodai Ken's new employer, the Black Mask, the Green Arrow came to Gotham City in lead of that pursuit, only...to find me at the crossfire, he warned me not to interfere ever again otherwise he would take me down just like the rest of the criminals he's fought up to now, however, i told him very clearly that i was inspired by his victory over Damien Darhk and of how i wanted to be just like him, it was then that he shot an arrowhead right through my right leg, saying to me that he doesn't want me to become like him, saying that it leads down a very dark, treacherous and lonely path with no one, absolutely no one and all alone...either dead or in a coma, he told me that i had failed Gotham city but that i could still make it right by turning back off the path i am currently on now, he gave him a few days' head-start to think about my decision and if i hadn't made the right one by then, well...you know the consequences of exploring that building plan, as he left whilst i pulled out the arrowhead, it got me to thinking about the Green Arrow's words, as i suddenly started thinking about my past again... Part III: Home is where the Heart is: Officer Gordon was driving me home back to my manor, on the way, he made me listen to some very old cassette music, saying that it was very popular during when he was my age back then, although i appreciated him trying to cheer me up with the music, it only slightly worked and it couldn't take away all of the grief that i had felt in that one single night, although officer Gordon acknowledged that i could be allowed to feel like this, he was slightly despondent, hoping that it would at least cheer me up more slightly then i currently was, it was then that we arrived at Wayne Manor at the highest hilltop on the outskirts of Gotham overlooking the entire city, at the front entrance was Alfred, he suddenly hugged me by surprise which caused me to be shocked a little, as i saw him hugging me i also noticed something else, something running down his left cheek, it was a clear tear and, as i looked at Alfred's face, i saw that he was crying, fully and deeply...he told me master Wayne i am so very glad that your safe and sound...i am sorry...i am sorry that i wasn't there for you...for any of you! Alfred kept crying, as he held me tightly, not wanting to let me go, i felt Alfred's sadness, as his tear dropped on me and from feeling that tear, i then placed my hand on-top of Alfred's, saying to him that its alright, i am home...i am safe, thanks to both officer Gordon and you Alfred...you, are my home, Alfred shuffled away his tears and had acknowledged my words, he told me a saying that was passed down in his family from one generation to the next, that home is where the heart is and that home doesn't necessarily mean a huge house but rather, the people you live alongside by, that you love with all your heart, hence, home is where the heart is, the heart is the kindness, care, warmth, tender and especially love that you preside within yourself and have the ability to welcome that heart full of all those wonderful feelings to other people and vice versa, even though Alfred wasn't related by blood to me, i still felt like he was an irreplaceable part of my whole existence and that now, officer Gordon had become part of that cherished bond, as well, these people were my home...they are, my heart...i then returned my mind back towards the present once more. Part IV: Duty and Obligation: ...It was daytime and i was sleeping on the couch, in front of the TV with nothing but my dressing gown on, Alfred appeared, waking me up and sarcastically reprimanding me for having another one of my "late night strolls", i said Alfred's name and told him to piss off, however, he stated that it was his sworn duty, as the Wayne family personal butler and assistant that he watch over and take care of me at all times, until i was ready to take action for myself and fly like a bird, leaving the coop or the nest or whatever it is you want to call it, look, i don't care, at any rate, Alfred was then telling me to turn on the TV and listen to the Gotham City channel news, although i didn't feel like it, i did it anyways, i yawned, as i turned it on, it said on the news that Wayne pharmaceutical's stock market was falling right through the roof and that GothCorp's was rising, if not done something about and very soon too quickly, GothCorp could take control of Wayne pharmaceutical and force a merger of the two companies into one, the reporter was Vicki Vale, who for a longtime, a very, VERY longtime i have had a sort of crush on, i like to hit on her in public at charity gatherings and/or parties, however, she throws nothing but scorn and fine wine on me, saying that i am not her type and that she thinks i am a lousy company owner and i deserve all what comes to me, although Alfred slightly disagrees with the harsh words i receive from Vale, he nevertheless agrees with her about the forced merger, what i am supposed to do about this current situation both me and my father's company are in? normally at times i let my father's old university friend and 2nd in command Lucius Fox handle the situation at the company for me since i am not very good with speaking with its board of directors, however, Alfred forces me to take action this time, as this time around i hear that the famed Oliver Queen is currently visiting Gotham and he doesn't know whether to contribute money to either Wayne pharmaceutical or GothCorp, as part of his scheme to being elected mayor, honestly, i couldn't care less at all about that pretty boy Queen but seeing, as how we are kind of similar more or less, i wasn't about to let him upstage me so i decided to make an appearance in public to appeal to the mass general society, in order to get voters to kindly lend money to my father's company, Alfred said he had prepared a wardrobe full of my best suits fully ready and to wear and with that, i headed off to make a scene... At the central plaza in front of Gotham City's first national bank, Oliver Queen was making his speech, he said that with funding and contributions made from Central City's Star Labs, he was planning on handing out money to whichever company deserved it most, as an appeal to other cities of him being the new mayor of Star City, attending the speech was John Roland Daggett, the CEO of GothCorp and my father's former arch-nemesis in politics, when my parents died, Daggett said that he wanted to mend the old wounds with the Wayne family through me, as a token and, as a memorial to honor my father, he would have GothCorp do business with Wayne pharmaceutical, however, i didn't buy it for even a single second, not one bit, i knew Daggett's scheme, he was a snake in sheep's wool, he thought that by doing business with me who was young at the time and didn't even know how to run a company, he could squander off money from Wayne pharmaceutical and cash it right into GothCorp's greedy little fingers, knowing Daggett's scheme, Lucius at the company invoked its emergency company control leadership transfer powers or whatever way you want to put it into his hands and by doing so, he became the head of Wayne pharmaceutical before the board could finalize a deal with Daggett, trying to usurp the company behind my back back then just because i was only a young boy and they believed that my future was predestined to end in failure and so, they sought Daggett, thanks to Lucius' quick thinking and my keen observant mind, we were able to save my father's company from corrupt control and keep it away from GothCorp but now GothCorp is back and now has come the time for me to prove my worth and step up to the plate, i have to prove that i am, as every bit worthy to inherit Wayne pharmaceutical, just, as my father was before me, the man who founded the company. Daggett stood up to the podium and said to Queen that by giving money to GothCorp could they continue industrializing Gotham City and make it, as futuristic looking, as Gotham's next door neighbor, Metropolis, where supposedly, a man in tights is off flying around, saving the city with heat vision, superhuman strength and not to mention a bulletproof body, anyways, digressing, back to the main topic at hand, however, it was then my time to shine and take Daggett's spotlight away from him, i told my proposal to Queen that Gotham needed to focus more on helping its citizens who are suffering from crime everyday daily, from dawn till dusk, at night, real monsters come out and hurt people most precious to us, it doesn't matter if they are strangers or not, the fact is Gotham is basically like one big family and like a real family itself, one should stand up and protect that family, that is when i proposed of Queen lending the money to Wayne pharmaceutical to build a children's hospital, the Thomas and Martha Wayne children's hospital, as i call it, name in honor of both his parents who fell to the very same crime of which he speaks of and of those who had fallen just like my parents, children are the heart of Gotham City, they are its home, the one true Gotham and to ignore them and their cries for help would be to prove that Gotham's citizens are inhumane and are incapable of feeling love, even if they seek to better their city like Daggett suggests, everyone goes silent...before suddenly, Queen starts clapping, followed by an encore of a cheering public, praising my proposal whilst Daggett remains silent although it is very certain that he is unhappy with my victory over him today, just when things finally start to seem looking up for both me and my father's company, suddenly, a gunshot was heard and everyone went silent, as they saw where the gunshot landed...it was me, i was hit by a bullet, right in the upper part of my body, i started spewing out blood before falling unconscious on the ground, as everyone started running around in panic, i could hear Alfred shout out my name before losing consciousness completely, it was then that a terrorist group revealed themselves, led by Kyodai Ken, they called themselves the Fearsome Hand of Four and they also revealed that their mission was to purge Gotham of its corrupt, filthy leaders' dirty hands, starting with me, Bruce Wayne, believing me to be one of them... As Kyodai Ken and the Fearsome Hand of Four started rampaging, causing terror across everywhere in the central plaza, Queen disappeared into nowhere and then the police showed up, led by a detective Harvey Bullock and his partner Renee Montoya, they ordered Kyodai Ken and the Fearsome Hand of Four to stand down but, as obvious, they would not comply, instead, Kyodai Ken tried to slice off Bullock's face with a Katana but the Katana's trajectory and impact was knocked off course by none other then the Green Arrow again, of whom Bullock seriously disapproves of whilst Montoya fancies him slightly, digging the dark brooding man in a robin hood leotard kind of look, Bullock just shakes his head at this slight joke Montoya was making and told the Green Arrow to butt out, this was their city, their department and that they don't need some freaks in masks doing their jobs for them, the Green Arrow disapproves, saying that if they were doing their job properly, the Fearsome Hand of Four wouldn't have shown up like they did, as Bullock gets itchy with his trigger finger upon hearing that comment, it is then that comes whooshing by is another masked superhero, unlike the Green Arrow though, he is beloved by the people of his respective city more then less and that masked hero in question was The Flash of Central City, he disarmed all of the Fearsome Hand of Four's weaponry and other lethal tools they could use by using The Flash's super fast inhuman speed and then both he and the Green Arrow question both Kyodai Ken and the Fearsome Hand of Four, are they working for the Black Mask? why are they suddenly coming out into the open? what's their purpose? ...was it me? was it Bruce Wayne that they were after? Kyodai Ken refuses to answer and instead both he and his group manage to pull a fast one to escape, even for The Flash, no pun intended, as everyone is left to ponder for themselves just what the hell is going on, the Green Arrow notices Alfred taking me back to the limo and driving off, the Green Arrow places a tracker on the back of the limo and uses it to detect both me and Alfred of where we are going, The Flash wonders if everything is alright but the Green Arrow states that no, nothing is alright. Part V: What Haunts me in the Night: As Alfred was trying to bandage me up, i could feel myself drifting back into the past, it was there that i recalled something, i was trying to both eat and catch up on my studies at the very same time and Alfred told me that the Grey Ghost TV series was on and that i was missing it, i told him i didn't want to watch it but he insisted that it was my favorite and that when my parents were alive, i would never miss watching even a single episode with them, it was then that i grew angry, i tore through my studies, i threw my food on the floor and shouted out against Alfred that again i didn't want to watch it, i never wanted to watch it again, not...without mom and dad around...it was then that Alfred could understand my pain and told me that they are always watching over me, i said to him that no they weren't, they were dead, as dead, as dead can be...nothing, nothing in the whole wide world itself, could bring them back...it was then that i stormed out in anger out from the manor, running into the nearby forest, as Alfred's voice called out to me, i just wanted to keep running and running away until finally, i fell into a deep, dark, bottomless pit that seemed like it had no way out whatsoever, it turned out to be a huge and dank cave and inside the cave's catacombs were tall, huge bats, upon seeing me, i was frighten by them and they then flew off in unison, into the night sky, leaving me absolutely horrified and terrified, however, one small bat remained and it just looked calmly towards me, as i to it, we looked deep into each other's eyes and just when the small bat was about to fly off, i could see something, or rather...someone...it was a man, a tall man...wearing a bat costume, i didn't know what it meant at the time but i knew at least one thing back then, that it was the start of something i never expected would take form, my despair...full in and of revenge itself. A day had gone by, i had fallen asleep within the cave by accident and it was then that both Alfred and officer Gordon found me, Alfred called officer Gordon to help look for me, as Alfred was worried something terrible had happened to me, when they found me, Alfred had slapped me across the cheek, the sting of which i still feel today but it was then that he embraced me once more, crying, tearfully worrying that he had lost me, just like he had lost both my dad and my mom, realizing Alfred's pain, i apologized more times then i ever did in my entire lifetime back then and it was at that time that officer Gordon told me that i should remember what Alfred told me the day i came home on the night my parents died, i realized without warning and told Alfred that he was my home and without him, i have nothing left, i have...no one, left...Alfred was happy that i remembered his words and with that we both proceeded to hug one another, i then awoke from my gunshot wound in the present to find that Alfred had put a blanket over me, only to very shockingly also find whilst he was asleep, laying at the edge of the operating table i was previously sleeping on with his arms crossed whilst he snored gently that there were two people standing in front of me, as i got up in reaction in surprise at their appearance...it was none other then the Green Arrow and The Flash both unmasked, the former revealed to be Oliver Queen of all people, saying to me, had enough sleep Mr Wayne, or should i say...mister rookie vigilante? i was so gobsmacked you wouldn't believe it. Part VI: On Leather Wings: It took me a few minutes to connect the dots but i realized that it was him, Oliver Queen, who i detest, as a fellow playboy and the Green Arrow, the vigilante who was my role-model were one in the same and that The Flash was some unknown guy i have never heard of and/or met before but seemed to be Queen's acquaintance, The Flash introduces himself, as Barry Allen of Central City CSI but before he could go more into his backstory, Queen stopped Allen, saying not to divulge too much of their secret identities, as i ask both Queen and Allen how did they find him here of all places and Queen reveals he placed a tracker on the back of Alfred's limo and that the limo itself went into a secret entrance built into the side of Wayne Manor below the Manor itself and using Allen's ability to phase through walls, it was pretty easy to find this hellhole that i, as Queen puts it calls a secret hideout, i tell Queen to take that back but he refuses, saying that he knows that i am the rookie vigilante from last night and that he has come to give me an offer, i ask him what is the offer and he replies that if i stop vigilante work here and now, Queen will offer to set up a personal bodyguard to protect me at all times and when he says at all times he means at all times, he says that Alfred can't protect me now that i have gotten myself mixed up in the world that i have and that if i want out of it, now is the only chance that i have, i refuse, however...Queen reveals that he knows about my backstory and that he knows what its like to lose family, its slightly different in his case but all the whilst the same, Queen is offering me the only and final chance to get out of this kind of world whilst i still can, since if i don't take it, then there's no going back and Queen will have to expose me for the fraud i am covering up to be, i say to him that he can't do that but he says that he can and that he most definitely will if i push him too far, Allen suggests that its for the best since getting into this kind of work, there's no coming back from it, he says to me that like Queen, he too has felt the pain of losing someone most precious to him and that he would do whatever it would take to get them back, however, the way that i am currently going is not the way and that not all superhero endings end happy, the Green Arrow gives me one final day to make my final choice otherwise he will report me and with that the two leave, forced into a corner i don't know what i feel like i should be doing, its then that Alfred wakes up and says to me after having listened to everything in secret whilst pretending to be asleep that if i truly want a normal life, its entirely my own choice and my very own choice to begin with, the two heroes from before just wanted me to realize that, as i ponder on what to do, its then that i receive a house call on my front doorstep by Vicki Vale, the girl of my supposed dreams... As Alfred quickly does the final finishing touches on patching up my gunshot wound, i get dressed, looking like a slouch, hoping that Vicki won't notice the truth about me in anyway whatsoever and that i address her at the front door, Vicki reveals that she was worried for me and stopped by the Manor to check if everything was all right, i said nothing could be better despite feeling some slight pain from my gun wound, i welcome Vicki in and she agrees, inside we gather around a hot fire and whilst Vicki drinks ice cold cola, i drink a simple cold beverage of lemonade, hoping that it would help me...Vicki reports to me that she saw both the Green Arrow of Star City and The Flash of Central City today in Gotham whilst she was taking notes at Oliver Queen's press conference, something that doesn't really bother me, considering i just met the two moments ago, Vicki asks me how i am? am i alright? and what can she do for me? i ask that maybe a kiss or two might work like it did for prince charming of the toads and make all my wounds better, however, Vicki suddenly slaps me, saying that that's not funny and that i should care more about my body, its the only body that i have left, as a memento from both of my parents, she tells me to go die for all she and i care if i really don't care about my well-being, health and safety, however, she immediately takes it back saying that no, i shouldn't die, there has been enough deaths within the Wayne family and to lose another Wayne would only break the hearts of those closest to me, Vicki included, i say to Vicki why shouldn't i die? i get to be with my parents and it will be like never has ever happened up there in heaven, however, Vicki disagrees, saying that heaven may forget about pain but the living don't, the living have to go through everyday feeling and experiencing pain and wondering about it what it makes the human in particular question stronger about? is it the mind? the soul? the heart? the body? just what, just what makes facing death in real life more powerful for a human being? it is then that i recall the small bat i met within the cave so very long ago, looking into its eyes, it gave me a glimpse of the future and i tell Vicki...its despair, its the despair of the fear of dying that keeps a person going, even though a person eventually dies, they see to it that they lived their life to the fullest and that by facing the despair of the fear of death, a person could and most definitely can overcome all obstacles that lay bare within their path, its because of this that the will of mankind does not fade whatsoever, what happens is that they channel their fear into feeling the fear itself so that they can build immunity to that said fear of whatever it may very well be and in large numbers to boot, without fear, a person cannot press on, with fear, they cannot press on anyways, its always about finding the middle ground and i had believed that at that very moment i had figured what it was i want to do with my life, Vicki wonders what i meant but i told her i could not explain at the time and so without warning, i immediately shoved her out of the Manor but not before giving her a goodbye peck on the cheek, as a sign of hopefully meeting again on good times, although Vicki doesn't understand whatsoever the hell that just happened, she seems glad that i finally came up with an answer. Alfred wonders what decision i had made, as i left secretly and had entered the cave without Vicki following or even able to trace my steps and i revealed that i had made my decision, as Alfred seemed a bit bothered by this, he notices that the Green Arrow and The Flash are locked in combat with both Kyodai Ken and his Fearsome Hand of Four at another warehouse of the Black Mask's, i answered how could Alfred tell and he said that Lucius set up a supercomputer within the cave, just for me and Alfred to use alone and that Lucius had always known about my other side and yet was still willing to help, with Lucius and Alfred both backing me up, i felt strength dwelling up inside me and i just knew...that i had to help both Queen and that Allen guy, even if i were exposed to the public by them and with that, i wore my vigilante costume and proceeded to head out. Whilst climbing from building to building in Gotham City, Alfred spoke through the transmitter in my ear in my vigilante costume that Lucius added and Alfred told me that Lucius made new modifications to my vigilante suit and that was i could spread wings from underneath my arms to fly over to buildings that i can't normally reach by just jumping alone using parkour moves and such, i needed to be flexible and to do that, i needed wings that would fly me through the night itself, as i was reaching one such gap, i felt afraid but i remember telling myself what i told Vicki, to master fear is to feel fear, the fear of death itself first and then conquer it to move on living and move on living forwards...with those words repeated in my mind over and over, jumped from the ledge of the building, spread my winds and...they worked! they actually worked! never tell myself to doubt Lucius again in mind bending awesome breakdowns but anyways, back to business, i've got to head over to where the Green Arrow and The Flash currently are, no time to waste! Part VII: The Bat. The Green Arrow and The Flash's teamwork was absolutely superb, the dynamic duo surely knew how to put a show on! as they faced the terrorists that were both Kyodai Ken and his Fearsome Hand of Four, it was then that they brought out their secret ultimate weapon, it revealed itself, as the Phantasm and using its advanced abilities far beyond that of both Kyodai Ken and the Fearsome Hand of Four, it easily wiped the floor with both the Green Arrow and The Flash despite just appearing to be a normal human being behind a mask, as both Queen and Allen were cornered by all their enemies, suddenly, the lights went out and taking out the Fearsome Hand of Four members one by one was me, using night vision googles also apart of the upgrades that Lucius made to my costume, it was hard for everyone to tell just what the hell was going on but the Phantasm also had vision implants to see through the dark and it could spot me, the Phantasm and i engaged in a one on one fight which at first i was starting to lose and, as the Phantasm cornered me and started asking me why i am here and why do i fight, its because...i am vengeance, i am the night, i am...THE BAT! it is then that i used the outside windows to my advantage, the police helicopters were right on the other side and seeing, as how i was standing right in front of the outside windows, i used this to my advantage by pulling up my wings to cover the bright light to shield myself from going blind whilst the Phantasm was temporarily blinded the light, giving me the chance to slug him one, an upper right hook that connected deeply into his chin that gave a sort of pow feeling to it, in the light, i could see both everything...and nothing, for i...was blind, as a bat, after knocking the Phantasm back, he decided to retreat for now but vowed that this was not over between both him and "The Bat", as he started calling me that i firstly started calling myself, just, as Kyodai Ken and the Fearsome Hand of Four tried to make a retreat, the police appeared from outside and The Flash grabbed all their handcuffs to cuff the Fearsome Hand of Four whilst the Green Arrow threatened Kyodai Ken, as he tried, as so much, as make a single move, when he twitched a finger, the Green Arrow shoots him through the left leg, saying that he warned Kyodai Ken and with that, the police did their job and arrested all of the assailants, leaving The Bat to hide in secrecy and vanish without a trace but not before both he and the Green Arrow give one final glance at one another. Bullock wants answers from the Green Arrow and The Flash but the police commissioner arrives and tells Bullock to stand down, despite informal protesting, it is then that the police commissioner is revealed to be none other then James Gordon himself and that he approves of the work that the superheroes provide, he says to both the Green Arrow and The Flash congratulations and a job well done, however...they both agree that they don't deserve all the credit and that they should also thank Gotham's newest vigilante, The Bat, Bullock mocks the name and also mocks where is the so called bat, as commissioner Gordon tells him to stand down and that if The Bat does not want to show himself, that's fine but Gordon hopes that they can one day meet face to face and hopefully see eye to eye with one another, the Green Arrow agrees and that knowing The Bat, they will be seeing plenty more full of him from this point onward, its then that Queen goes silent, thinking to himself... Meanwhile... The Phantasm reports back to his master, saying that Kyodai Ken and the Fearsome Hand of Four are in police custody and that this was not part of the plan, the plan was to eliminate both the Green Arrow and The Flash on the spot, however, the master of the Phantasm, lurking in shadow says that his fellow clients, Prometheus and Savitar will deal with those two heroes respectively, in the meantime, they have a new superhero to "play" with, one that calls himself The Bat, the master steps out of the shadows and reveals that his neck is bent, he tells the Phantasm to inform the Black Mask that they are moving up schedule, as things have taken a rather peculiar, unexpected and especially "fun" turn for them, the Phantasm complies, as he says to his master yes...master Ragdoll, it is then that this Ragdoll uses his neck alone to bend his neck back into place, a rather impossible feat made possible, as he should already be dead from having his neck bent in the first place, he says to himself lastly that having his body parts click back into parts is a rather exhilarating feeling and that he hopes to bend this bat's body parts, hoping he will feel the same kind of ecstasy that Ragdoll does... Back at Wayne Manor, inside the cave, Alfred patches my wounds up, lamenting that i took a big risk tonight but also that he is proud of me for taking such a bold action to step up to the plate, he just hopes that master Wayne won't come back, as entirely bruised, as he did this time, i said that i got lucky and that i need to train my body, otherwise i won't be able to save this city, tonight, i bloated my mouth off to that grim reaper and now i've got to live up to the words that i said, otherwise i can't call myself a man of the Wayne family, Alfred remains silent until suddenly, barging in from out of nowhere is both Queen and Allen, Queen was far less then pleased by my performance, telling me to hang up my costume now whilst i still had the chance, however, i refused, even if he was my role model, even if he is the hero of Star City and even The Flash is the hero of Central City, i wouldn't back down to either of them and so...after hearing my words, Queen sighed before threatening me with another arrowhead, as he shot it, i dodged, like on instinct and using blindness, as my weapon, i could see through all of the arrow's movements heading straight towards me and i knew that i could both dodge and grab the arrow both at the very same time, everyone was shocked and surprised, especially Queen, after this...Queen acknowledged me, he decided to let me go about my business and do whatever it is the hell i wanted but that he didn't wanted me coming back, all the way to Star City just to say to the Green Arrow that he quits and gives up, if he does, Queen will absolutely at that point reveal my true identity to the world, The Flash being compliant with that and agreeing that it's fair, i agreed to those terms and i promised that i will absolutely not let the Green Arrow and The Flash down, no matter what, this was my decision, i had to stick to it, with that, Allen takes Queen and leaves the cave, Alfred wonders if master Wayne has made any new friends or not and i answered...we will see... Part VIII: Dawn of Dusk: I slept the night the whole way in, i found myself on the couch again with nothing but my dressing gown on and it was then that Alfred quickly appeared, woke me up and told me to turn on the news, as i did, i saw Vicki reporting, it turns out she was reporting the news that Wayne pharmaceutical had won the election in gaining money from Oliver Queen and that the Thomas and Martha Wayne children's hospital could now begin construction at any time, given Bruce Wayne's order, Queen reveals his reason for selecting Wayne, he says that he believes that Bruce Wayne has the peoples' best interests at heart and only fools would be blind enough to not see that, its true GothCorp could advance Gotham to rid the city of crime in one way but by not taking into account the people themselves' feelings do we forget what it truly means to be a city...what it means to be a family, Queen gives his regards to Wayne, as he makes his departure home to Star City, wishing Wayne the best of luck and with that, the stock market of Wayne pharmaceutical has risen slowly up again and GothCorp is now at a neutral point, Alfred congratulates master Wayne for pulling it off but he says no, he owes it...to his friends and family and that the real hard part, the real journey starts now...just then, we received a guest at the front door, it turned out to be none other then Vicki, she asks me if she wants to hit the city and go out for a early day's drink, as celebration for the victory, i merely smile right at the very end and i recall one last flashback. I look at the picture of my parents but whilst i look, Alfred places a hand on me and, as i look towards him, i smile before smiling towards the picture of my parents, knowing that they will always be in my heart for that is where home is, home...is where the heart is. (The Ending Credits Roll.). (Following is the Post Credits Scene.). Meanwhile... "Are you kidding me? ...ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!? first Robin Hood, then Speedy Gonzales and now a bat freak shows up!? seriously, ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!? DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING MYSELF!? gah! whatever! you better get tonight's shipment in okay? OKAY!? GODDAMMIT! ...sigh, its tough being the boss..." said the Black Mask after getting off the phone whilst talking to himself. Again meanwhile... I went down to the cave to check if everything was in working order and then i found a heavily designed piece of fabric laying next to Lucius' supercomputer, as i turned to open it, it turned out to be a new mask, its designed resembled that of the small bat i saw years ago when i was just a child, next to the mask there was a note, it was from Allen, saying, a blind bat still needs eyes, courtesy of Barry Allen and Cisco Ramon, as it says on the note, i merely laughed slightly at the note's message before deciding to try out the new mask, with it, i felt complete, with it...i finally, truly became...The Bat. (To be Continued :].). "
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