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Found 24 results

  1. I have a feeling someone is going to die in kingdom hearts 3 cause sora crying like he did in the trailer shows that someone died
  2. Who Is Your Favorite Sonic the Hedgehog Character? I've only ever played one game and it was on the Sega system in my childhood dentist office but I think Knuckles is cool appearance wise. I remember when I was a kid, a friend in my dad's apartment complex (whom I have no memory of anymore hehe) and I found a magazine in someone's open mailbox with Sonic and Knuckles on the cover. We cut each character out for each of us to take one. We both wanted Sonic and competed for him. I lost and ended up with Knuckles but ended up glad because I grew to love his cool appearance.
  3. Syndrome and E for me. Syndrome is a pretty unique villain and I love E's sass.
  4. In honor of the passing of Robert Guillaume, the original voice of Rafiki last night. He was 89. He would have turned 90 in a little more than a month. The Lion King is my all time favorite Disney film and Scar as always been my favorite character. When I was little, one of my uncles loved Scar so much that he had me start calling him uncle Scar and I was his Shenzi.
  5. I really want Sora, Donald, Goof, and any other party member we have in KH3 to talk to each other during gameplay like the characters do in Final Fantasy XV. It would be hilarious to hear Sora and Donald constantly bickering with each other. Imagine if Sora even got upset with Donald if he doesn't heal him or something like that. It would flesh out the characters a whole lot more and make them feel like actual people who you can get to know and relate to along your massive journey.
  6. Thought I would share this drawing I did of some of my OC's just for the heck of it. It's not the finished version, but this is what I have so far.
  7. With Final Fantasy X/X-2 Remastered just being released on Steam yesterday, I want to know, who is your favorite player character from it? (player character is someone that you can play as, of course) Mine is Auron.
  8. Would you like to see other Square Enix characters in future Kingdom Hearts games? If so, who? Edit: For anyone who DARES to say they wouldn't put characters who use guns in Kingdom Hearts, LOOK AT CLAYTON. He had a shotgun and it shot bullets. Edit #2: The pirates of Port Royal had guns!
  9. Disclaimer: There was no possible way I was going to be able to fit every single Kingdom Hearts character on this poll, so I strongly apologize for leaving out the Organization XIII, but please feel free to give me suggestions by messaging me personally on either KH13 or Twitter @KaitoAozora - Answer: I relate with Sora the most. I started playing Kingdom Hearts at the age of 6, in 2002, when it was released. I was inspired by Sora and gradually acquired his persona.
  10. Here's another submission. I am going to try to actually draw this as well, but I wanted to get the concept out there in case I don't finish in time. When I draw it, I'm going to make the characters on the same level in style, lighting, and background.
  11. Hey guys ! I just walked on the beautifull internet planet when i found this. I was 'damn i have to share it with KH13 community!'. Then enjoy (i love so much this drawing style o_o) I particularly like Donald and Chip'n Dale(Sorry for long post)
  12. CharlieMemorial


    I made some touch ups and corrections. I went over it in pen to make it dark enough to see and I cleaned some lines. I am also going to try to color it, but I may not be done in time for that.
  13. CharlieMemorial

    Drawn Negative

    I really like the look of it in the negative, the white is not as harsh on the eyes.
  14. CharlieMemorial


    Here is is, finally hand drawn my scanner didn't pick up the pencil strokes that well, so it looks a bit funny compared to the real life version... I'm gonna get some sleep. Good luck to everyone!
  15. I added a bit of "code" to try to help feature Re:Coded
  16. Doesn't matter how much we shit on them. In a fight, we'd all lose.
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