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Found 18 results

  1. THIS TRAILER IS SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL, BUT IT PLAYS WITH MY FEELINGS... UGHHH ?? I'm so excited to get my hands on this game, and I'm sure soooo many of you are as well!! Let me know what you think about this trailer and some of the things I discussed, did you see something I didn't?
  2. A New Kingdom Hearts 3 Trailer is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER!!! Big Hero 6 may FINALLY makes its grand appearance! Stay tuned for the Playstation Line-Up Tour on September 10, 2018. What do you think will be shown?
  3. As a friend & I were discussing a few years ago (ya I know, its a bit weird to be saying that eh? , Baymax better constantly say "How would you rate your pain?" (and also "Have a lollypop!") while fighting enemies. Its just such an iconicly natural thing that he would say, and would also be too much of a wasted and missed opportunity. Even if some would find it annoying after a while, its just too enjoyable to NOT be included
  4. Which power of the Big Hero 6 members would you like to have?
  5. I still cannot wait for BH6 in KH3 like omg imagine if Hiro treats Sora like his older brother?? oH GOD I CAN'T //sobs//

    © Sora (c) Tetsuya Nomura, Hiro and Baymax (c) Disney

  6. aizy-boy

    Sora and Kairi

    having a date on disneyland?? ^^ i ship it!
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi2uKZ7pXxs As a loyal fan of BlueNctrn, I was devastated that his Big Hero 6 Field Theme was taken away due to sampling laws :sad: "he sampled Nerd School from the official Big Hero 6 soundtrack", fortunately, I re-uploaded his amazing track! PS: You people are going to be satisfied with your care after watching this - I guarantee you!
  8. Whilst looking at the Big Hero 6 reveal trailer by Roy Conli: something caught my eye: Hiro's character model. I decided to do a little bit of research as to whether it has been used before for Big Hero 6 promotion... turns out, it hasn't. This means that Hiro Hamada is the first Disney Animation character publicly shown to be rendered with the Kingdom Shader.
  9. Not only did we get confirmation of Big Hero 6 in Kingdom Hearts 3, but, we've also got confirmation that the events are going to occur after the original narration of Big Hero 6! This makes me ponder... will this guy return to be battled against in Kingdom Hearts 3?
  10. Now that Big Hero 6 has been confirmed, I always thought to myself, what if there was an opportunity in San Fransokyo to be able to battle each of the members individually as a means of training (like the Organisation XIII data battles)?
  11. He was trapped in an alternate dimension inside the portal, with broken armor and only one arm....along with the combat chip inside him. Since that same Baymax is coming back in Kingdom Hearts 3 as a Xehanort/Darkness controlled being with a combat chip.........we got ourselves a war machine with a giant claw ready to beat some poor sucker up. Not only that, but how will Hiro react?! How will Hiro react to seeing the old Baymax, now a death monger, standing in front of him with Red Eyes Take Warning?!
  12. There's always been the argument as to whether the animated Big Hero 6 is Marvel. To most people, the animated version of Big Hero 6 may seem like Marvel because it's adapting a Marvel comic and Disney now owns Marvel, however, here are the key reason as to why Disney's version of Big Hero 6 is not a Marvel property. 1) There's no direct involvement by Marvel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Hero_6_(film) If you click on this link then you will be directed to the official Big Hero 6 Wikipedia page. Look on the right of the Baymax poster and see where you can see the words "Marvel"? That's right, there is no "Marvel" present there. That's because Marvel was never directly involved with the movie in the first place. It was solely produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and is canon to the Disney Cinematic Universe. 2) It's not based in the Marvel Cinematic/Comic Universe This is another prominent aspect that you should be aware of. The directors of the movie (Don Hall/Chris Williams) purposely made it so that it does not connect to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This was done in order to further emphasise that it is not a "Marvel" movie, but rather, a Marvel adaptation. Just like how Disney's The Little Mermaid is based off Hans Christians Andersen's Tale. 3) Hiro and Baymax's Disney Infinity Figures were part of the Disney collection and not the Marvel collection This is the most subtle means of identifying the fact that Disney's Big Hero 6 is not a Marvel property, because, if Disney's Big Hero 6 was Marvel then it would been placed in the Marvel collection instead. It may not seem like much but it is a huge means of distinguishing. Did you know that Marvel decline creating a Marvel series for Disney's Big Hero 6 as there were disputes of the comics direction which resulted the company releasing the Baymax manga instead! Now that I have cleared the fact Disney's Big Hero 6 is solely Disney's and not Marvel, do you want the world in Kingdom Hearts 3?
  13. Random fanarts of mine First one is 5 nights at freddies 2nd one is tyrel from diablo 3 all the bright yellow and blue actually glow under blacklight due to the highlighter 3rd is hiro and baymax from big hero 6 4th is vriska from homestuck, i call it crazy 8s and if you know that character and homestuck its probably going to make more since to make a long story short shes the spider one, and shes obsessed with the number 8 so she has 8 8 balls 8 dice that all add up to 8 8 spiders with 8 legs and 8 eyes, and its blue because thats the color her blood is, all the stuff in it has to do with the character too 5th is another homestuck, its a halloween town gamzee 6th is the queen of hearts from alice in wonderland with a dress made of skulls and roses and thorny vines. the 7th is actually to a german song which you can find https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQKEqvw1d0k <---here. and the last one is a corpse bride so...yep..
  14. I don't see a Big Hero 6 world make it in time for Kingdom Hearts 3 although I can see a Baymax summon work pretty well. Just like chicken little who came to be a summon in KH2 back in 2005 the chicken made it in to the game as a summon. Baymax would probably wear his Big Hero 6 armor and maybe Sora could jump on his back who knows. What do you guys think
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