An awesome person on D.A. introduced me to this website, so I thought I'd contribute a little something right off the back. :biggrin:
I think Aqua would look pretty cool with longer hair, even though she's still awesome with short hair. Besides, I think it would make sense if she had longer hair since she's been stuck in the Dark Realm for who knows how long, and Riku's hair even grew over time. So why not?I drew this a while ago, so its a little different from my usual stuff.
This sketch was drawn by me via Colors! 3D on the 3DS. You can find a larger version of this sketch on my deviantart ( and/or my Colors! 3D account along with my other KH fanart. Aqua belongs to Square Enix and her rightful creators and designers. {forgive me if i posted this wrong, i literally just joined and trying to get used to how stuff works >v>"}