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  1. And the next in the series I have going is the final battle for Chain of Memories! This time with a twist! Hope you all like it!
  2. The Kingdom Hearts Series Character Files has received more story translations. These translations are courtesy of goldpanner and provided by Kingdom Hearts Insider. For those unaware, the Kingdom Hearts Series Character Files features over 200 characters from the entirety of the series thus far, with several short stories from Tomoco Kanemaki (the writer of the Kingdom Hearts light novels). You can purchase the book for ¥3,080 (approx. $28.03) from the Square Enix e-Store directly or from AitaiKuji, who deliver official and exclusive Japanese pop culture items! We have covered translations for: Xion's Story Saix's Story Naminé's Story Riku Story Riku-Replica's Story Roxas' Story' Larxene's Story Marluxia's Story The story of Daybreak Town Sora's Story Kairi's Story Xigbar's Story Luxord's Story Demyx's Story Axel's Story Aeleus' Story Dilan's Story Ansem the Wise's Story Ienzo's Story Vexen's Story Aqua's Story Terra's Story Ventus' Story Terra-Xehanort's Story Vanitas' Story The translations for Ansem's story "Dark Anthem", Young Xehanort's story "Transcends Time", and Xemnas' story "Nobody Knows" can be viewed below! [Note: All three stories appear to be written by Sora] View full article
  3. The Kingdom Hearts Series Character Files has received more story translations. These translations are courtesy of goldpanner and provided by Kingdom Hearts Insider. For those unaware, the Kingdom Hearts Series Character Files features over 200 characters from the entirety of the series thus far, with several short stories from Tomoco Kanemaki (the writer of the Kingdom Hearts light novels). You can purchase the book for ¥3,080 (approx. $28.03) from the Square Enix e-Store directly or from AitaiKuji, who deliver official and exclusive Japanese pop culture items! We have covered translations for: Xion's Story Saix's Story Naminé's Story Riku Story Riku-Replica's Story Roxas' Story' Larxene's Story Marluxia's Story The story of Daybreak Town Sora's Story Kairi's Story Xigbar's Story Luxord's Story Demyx's Story Axel's Story Aeleus' Story Dilan's Story Ansem the Wise's Story Ienzo's Story Vexen's Story Aqua's Story Terra's Story Ventus' Story Terra-Xehanort's Story Vanitas' Story The translations for Ansem's story "Dark Anthem", Young Xehanort's story "Transcends Time", and Xemnas' story "Nobody Knows" can be viewed below! [Note: All three stories appear to be written by Sora]
  4. Xehanort's Heartless is the brown Robed Figure. The Robed Figure then possessed Riku and sort of molded/shaped Riku's body into one that's more to his likeness, and became the Ansem, Seeker of Darkness we all know and love. Bodies are just as malleable as hearts. Heartless typically cannot wield Keyblades. When a Keyblade wielder becomes a Heartless, the darkness steals their heart, and the Keyblade with it, as explained by Riku when he was talking to Ansem, Seeker of Darkness in Dream Drop Distance. So, the Robed Figure possessed Riku's body in order to use his body to wield a Keyblade. Riku's heart was banished to the Realm of Darkness. Keyblade wielder's bodies can wield Keyblades, even without the heart present within it. This is also why the Nobodies of Keyblade wielders can wield Keyblades. So, anyways, the Robed Figure possessed Riku's body in order to wield the Keyblade of Heart made from the Princesses of Heart's hearts. And he changed the appearance of Riku's body into the one that comes up in your head when you hear the name "Ansem, Seeker of Darkness". This is still technically Riku's body. It looks different, but it's still Riku's body. The body of a Keyblade wielder. So, if Ansem, Seeker of Darkness had a Keyblade, he would be able to wield it. He doesn't have a Keyblade of his own, because it was taken from him from being a Heartless, but if he found a Keyblade or was given one, he'd be able to wield it. Just a neat little bit of information I thought I should share. Seeing this image inspired this train of thought.
  5. What do you think of this idea? I think it would definitely be very interesting and would be a major plot twist. From what we've seen and heard about Xehanort when he was younger with Eraqus, he wasn't exactly an evil person or a villain, he was just simply very interested in the darkness and having perfect balance between light and darkness. This seems to have spiraled over the years into complete obsession with that idea, so maybe it's possible that Young Xehanort realizes how insane he becomes in the future and decides to turn on his future self? If this *does* happen, do you think he would join the same team as the Guardians of Light, or would be on sort of his own separate side? I saw someone mention this whole concept on the KH13 forums and it immediately intrigued me. Ever since we first ran into Young Xehanort in Dream Drop Distance and eventually learned who he was, I instantly thought he was an interesting character. Having something like this happen would make him be an even more interesting character. Another thing that's worth noting is that Young Xehanort used to have friends, such as Eraqus. We don't quite know all the details and facts yet, but from what the little we've seen and heard, it sort of appears as if Young Xehanort used to care for Eraqus and have compassion for him, like any friend would. Maybe this care and compassion slowly left him over the years as he spiraled into complete insanity, which of course ended up with him killing Eraqus. It very much reminds me of Riku and Sora's relationship and how Riku turned on Sora. Except with Xehanort, he never turns good again, but maybe just maybe, Young Xehanort seeing his future self go insane and maybe he realizes how much destruction his future self could really cause if he got his hands on Kingdom Hearts, he changes his mind and turns against him. This is a far fetched idea and most likely won't happen, but I definitely think it's an interesting idea that I think would work very well if it was done right. What are your thoughts on this?
  6. There could be many ways for us to defeat Xehanort in Kingdom Hearts 3, so how do you think that we'll defeat him? Do you think we will destroy him for good? Or not? How do you think he'll be defeated specifically?
  7. I was just in a discussion about how FF bosses have multiple forms, and this just sprang to mind. Villains having Final Forms seem to work best when it is clearly set up. Neither World of Chaos nor Xemnas's Dragoon seem to be. Same with Marluxia.
  8. Er.....um, well.....I have to admit I'm a bit nervous. It's my first time posting something in the Creative Forum and I'm not sure how it will be received... (Nervous chuckle ) Oh well! If this gets snatched down, then I'll just descend back into the Abyss whence I came.
  9. Okay, so I've been over-analyzing things AGAIN, and it seems that the Light and Darkness plot of Kingdom Hearts is starting to rattle me a bit. Some have of the characters in this game believe that Light is good and Darkness is completely bad. ( Master Eraqus) Some folks believe that neither Light nor Darkness are sufficient. (Xemnas) And then there's the people who believe that Light and Darkness are a balance, and that neither is more important than the other. (The Fairy from Cinderella) Okay, so whose right? Here's the things I don't get: 1. Kairi's grandmother tells of a time when all the worlds were connected and everyone lived in the light, and they all loved it.... This statement alone implies that Light is more preferable. If Light and Darkness are both a balance, then why did everyone only prefer living in the Light? 2. But people began to fight over the Light.....if it was available to everybody, what was the need for fighting over it? Isn't that like starting a war over oxygen? 3.The Light was then swallowed up by Darkness, and now rests deeply inside it...You would think that this means Darkness is bad because it hid the precious Light, but Darkness isn't always evil is it? 4.In BBS, the Fairy Godmother told Aqua she can't fight Darkness with Light, which is exactly what Sora has been doing since the beginning 5.If Darkness isn't evil, then why does it have so many hostile beings living inside it? 6.Everyone has a good and dark side. If Darkness isn't bad, why are the dark sides automatically evil? (Vanitus for example) 7. Why are some people unable to control their dark sides? (Terra) 8. What exactly are the dark sides of us made of? Is it mean thoughts, attitudes, etc.? Ventus was stripped of his dark side, and he was still a little mean towards Aqua. 9. How is it possible for someone to be made of complete Light? Wouldn't that make the Princess unable to do any wrong? (Mary sues?) 10.If you're not supposed to fight the Darkness with Light, then what do you fight it with? Are you not supposed to fight it at all? Well you can' t do that, because most of the creatures of Darkness want to KILL YOU! 11. Some characters like Riku can't fully belong to Darkness or Light, but still identify with the Light. Does this make them biased, or just hypocritical? 12. Is it possible for a person to be bad without the Darkness's help? (I would assume so, because Pete was a naughty dude even before he joined Maleficent.) 13. People lose their Keyblades when they give into the Darkness, but can keep them if they return to/ or stay in the Light? What? If that's the case, then Xehanort should have lost his Keyblade too? (I have a speculation about that, but it's a whole new can of worms, so don't worry about it.) Can't have it both ways. You wanna say that Light and Darkness are equal, but the Darkness and all it's beings are constantly swallowing up worlds, destroying people's lives, etc. No wonder people prefer the Light. Maybe there's two kinds of Darkness, good and bad? I don't know.
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