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  1. Ganon as villain, or playable, or both. More than likely both...
  2. I have no idea why this game exist. But it is very real and happening.
  3. You can get your own copy on Amazon for a low, low, LOW price of $30,000!
  4. The three stages I hate the most. -75 m (Donkey Kong). There are hazards everywhere. If you get KO'd, it is most likely from a stage hazard. -Yoshi's Island (Super Mario World). The stage is too small, and the only real way to KO someone is by up smashing or using a meteor attack. -The Great Cave Offensive (Kirby Super Star). You probably know why if you have fought there.
  5. Let me preface this before someone tries to attack me: if you don't like long rants, then you might not want to read this. This will be quite long. Also I'm gonna be directing some hate, but all of it will be supported with reasons. Once again, if you love Dream Drop Distance and will probably kill someone over hating the game, probably not your cup of tea. Aside from that though, I'd love to see if anyone agrees or disagrees with me. I'll try and keep this pleasant and not too "anger-filled" ALso in case it wasn't obvious, yes there are spoilers for DDD. Now onto the thing that I want to address: Dream Drop Distance. Another Kingdom Hearts game that isn't KH3, but hey it's something, and it can't be worse than Re:Coded....right? Wrong. In case you haven't figured it out yet, DDD is by far my least favorite KH game. From my point of view, there are little to none going for it. Its story is crap, its combat is crap, and overall game was crap. Yes, I know I am going a bit overboard. I don't hate this game by itself, but I do hate it for being part of such an amazing series. Let's go on to story first shall we? Most would agree that DDD is the most confusing KH game by far in terms of story. What bothers me most is the single element they added into it; the thing that makes everything unnecessarily complicated, creates a ton of plotholes, and is just confusing and unpleasant in general. Most of you probably know what I'm talking about. Time travel. Really Square? Unnecessary complexity if you ask me, and definitely going to confuse first time players, even if they have a solid understanding of the KH story before this. First of all, let's address this ridiculous idea. Never before EVER mentioned in any other KH game, apparently you can time travel now. Square attempted to cover up plotholes by implementing these ridiculous rules of time travel (once again, never even hinted at before this game) of how you need to have a version of yourself at your destination, and how you can only go one direction in time, and how you can't keep your memories after returning to your original time...blahblahblah. All it is to me is a load of makeup BS that Square threw in randomly to prevent plotholes. Unfortunately, like all time travel stories, plotholes are aplenty. Not gonna go into details as that would take literally forever, but if you dont believe me, look some up. There are too many plotholes in DDD to claim otherwise. In addition to the time travel idea, they have this annoying thing of how suddenly, everyone is a keyblade wielder now. The idea of a legendary thing, a chosen one...and now everyone is suddenly the "chosen one". This is like Dragon Ball Z all over again. Remember when Goku first turned into the legendary "Super Saiyan" that was only said to be in myths? And then suddenly, within 10 or so years, 7 year old kids can turn into Super Saiyans by having a small sparring match with their mothers. It degrades this "legendary" status, and makes it seem like its worth nothing. To be fair though, BBS kind of did this too which bothered me, but it was really in DDD when Lea somehow manages to magically summon a Keyblade when I just stood up, and said "F*** this I'm done". Don't get me wrong; I like Axel/Lea as a character. In fact, he's debatably my favorite character in the series. But now, you're telling me that this legendary weapon that chooses its owner, this amazing thing that we got in the original KH1 that was supposed to make Sora, the protagonist, special, is nothing but a plaything that anyone can get? There NO reason Lea should be able to wield a keyblade. I don't care what BS explanation Square pulls on this one, like "oh he has a strong heart" or "he's somehow related to ____". It's all to cover up for the obvious mistakes they've made. This makes me realize: the main character is not special for being able to wield a Keyblade. I've been playing as literally an ordinary person. He's not even a master (despite being called one several times in the original KH); simply a wielder. And that's not special because anyone can wield a keyblade nowadays. You see what I'm getting at here? DDD took something amazing, this legendary "chosen one" status, and degraded it to just a normal person's toy. I LOVED playing as Sora as a kid in KH1 and KH2. He was a hero! He was the Chosen One that can wield a legendary weapon that will instantly vanquish darkness! ...but now, it's nothing at all. Anyone can have it. And that upsets me to no end. It's pathetic, and ruins my image of Sora forever. There is nothing intriguing about the protagonist anymore, so why should I even play as him? What makes it worse is that Sora isn't even considered a master after all the feats that he's done, because apparently he's been trained in the wrong way. Let's see...Sora defeated Ansem, a powerful heartless that threatened the destruction of all worlds, defeated 13 members of powerful Nobodies that each had their own unique set of skills, and part of this included Xemnas, the most powerful nobody of all, that had literally ABSORBED the power of an artificial Kingdom Hearts created from THOUSANDS of hearts. He rode a ship through space at light speeds, defeated a giant Dragon, defeated Xemnas like 5 times, took down 1000 heartless by himself, saved the world countless times, and you're telling me he's not a master because of some stupid exam you have to take? For godsake, Aqua literally became a Keyblade master from hitting balls. I think I've ranted on enough about the story for now, since I have so much more to talk about for gameplay. Ahhh good old gameplay. Let's get the good stuff out of the way first shall we? Well, the music is nice. Not the best in the series, but still not bad. The graphics are pretty good for a 3DS game. The controls are decent enough with the circle pad pro. And Flowmotion, in my opinion, even though it kind of breaks platforming, is a pretty cool mechanic that makes movement fun, and I'm excited for it to return in KH3. I liked the big worlds, although a lot of it is a bunch of empty space...I still appreciated the feeling of exploration. Unfortunately, that's pretty much everything redeeming I have to say for gameplay. First issue: Balancing This one you've probably heard a lot. It's an issue in BBS as well, but it's way more obvious in DDD. By balancing, I mean there's one single command in this game that will be automatically the best for any situation ever, no exceptions. Whether if its a mob enemy fight or a tough giant Dream Eater boss, or a powerful "human" boss...the Balloon family will completely destroy them. There is NO boss in this game that resists Balloon, its damage output is absolutely INSANE, and its reload time+cost+how early you can get it (literally before the first boss) completely breaks the command and makes it the best in the entire game. For every single "no damage" or "speedrun" you can find of DDD, you'll see Balloon...and Balloon...and Ballooon.... What happened to the beautiful combat options from, say, KH2? What happened to your fancy combos that you can change up, your Magic, your Drives, your summons, your limits? All these combat options, all with uses for different situations, and all gone. Now, you're just spamming one command to win. It makes the game boring and un-fun. The game doesn't take skill anymore; it just takes patience and having a strong thumb to spam Balloon. Also, saying "just don't use Balloon" is a really crappy argument to make because: 1. The game literally gives it to you as an available option to attack, so there's no reason to exclude it if its the game's intention. 2. Playing the game without Balloon makes it even worse believe it or not; bosses on Level 1 Crit literally become impossible. Good game design Square. It's like they purposely made the game around spamming Balloon just to troll us. "Hey lets put in a really difficult mode, Level 1 Critical. Let's also make the game insanely hard/impossible to beat on that mode, and put in a super overpowered command so they can just spam it over and over again to win. WHOO SOUNDS FUN" Wouldn't surprise me if that was an actual thing. Second Issue: AI Complexity The bosses' AI in this game sucks. That's it. Now I know what some of you are thinking: "Oh no, he's gonna go KH2 nerd on us and bring in Revenge Value and Flinch Count and all that random computery crap." But the thing is, those were very good game design choices in KH2 that I applaud. It made fights interesting; it gave bosses openings, forced you to learn them and time to so you can attack and not get hit. You get better from experience and attempts, and gives you a feeling of satisfaction when you finally win, because you LEARNED something from that fight. Meanwhile in DDD, we have absolutely no system of Revenge, bosses just randomly retaliate. For the most part, the game goes like Balloon>run away>hope you don't get hit by a random retaliation>Balloon. And maybe a cure when necessary. There is zero skill involved, and just doesn't give you the same feeling of satisfaction like KH2 does. When you win, its more like "wow I can't believe I spent 20 minutes spamming Balloon" instead of "AWESOME I BEAT THAT FIGHT BECAUSE I LEARNED SO MUCH ABOUT THE BOSSES' PATTERNS THROUGH EXPERIENCE!" For me, this was a huge downgrade, and ABSOLUTELY inexcusable because the game before it literally had a better system in every way possible. Also, enemies don't stagger. I understand this for giant bosses, but normal enemies literally don't get staggered by your moves in DDD. It's like they're a wall, and you just attack them to inflict damage. This not only makes things super annoying, because enemies can randomly retaliate in the middle of your combos which should TECHNICALLY stun them and render them defenseless, BUT it just makes you want to use overpowered commands like Balloon even more, instead of normal attacks/other commands, since Balloon is one of the few commands that can force enemies to stagger. As if it wasn't powerful enough. I can't emphasize how annoying all these issues add up to be. The story is subpar at best with stupid concepts that feel rushed and made up at the last minute, and it's confusing and full of plot holes. The main character is nothing anymore, he's not special or the "Chosen One", just another one of those hundreds of people who can wield this weapon. The gameplay is once again below expectations, because of the unbalancing and horrid AI. The game is not fun to play at all. If I play on Beginner mode, I destroy everything too easily. If I want a challenge, I can't even get one since I'll just spam Balloon to win. If I restrict myself from spamming Balloon, I'll make the game boring and tedious. Bosses would literally take up to hours for me to beat, because my attacks deal chip damage AND doesn't stagger them. Which means the fights go like "One hit>run away and hope you don't get hit". So yeah this is probably the most I've ever typed in my life and my fingers are absolutely dead. Soooo for those of you who didn't read, I'll try and make a brief tl;dr: tl;dr: -confusing story, full of plotholes, main character has been downgraded to nothing special -gameplay is unbalanced, boring, tedious, AI is awful -a game made literally 6 years before this game is better in almost every single way (KH2), which is unacceptable. Welp I think i'm finally done, and if you do read the whole thing, I will be very impressed. Aside from that, I'll see you guys later. Let's see if we can get some interesting discussions on here.
  6. After the release of Fire Emblem Fates a few days ago in North America, I thought it might be fun and helpful to get a discussion thread going for those of us playing through the game. If anyone wants advice for something in the game (Either path), has a question about a game mechanic, wants to battle someone else in-game, or just wants to share what's going on in their game, we can use this thread to do so! I just ask that people try not to spoil anything since the game is recent and not everyone has been able to get both paths yet (I've just got Birthright at the moment and I'll probably pick up Conquest some time around April, sooner if I'm lucky). To get things started, I did have a question that I'd like to ask: Does anyone know of any easier options to get minerals and food ingredients not native to the player's My Castle? I have access to pearls and rice, but it seems like if I want anything else, I'll either have to get lucky in the lottery, talk to a unit and hope to get something new, or visit another castle. I'd like to get some other minerals soon, so I wanted to know if anyone has found any other methods to get these.
  7. Fire Emblem Fates is going to be released in America stores in 3 hours, midnight. And since I preordered Birthright, I was wondering if anyone else is doing the same thing. Anyone?
  8. Note: Don't ask me how to do this. Emulators are illegal unless you own physical copy of that game. In other words, Someone is working on a pretty cool mod to make FFIX playable for the 3DS. It's not even homebrew anymore. Proof: FFIX home menu theme: FFIX gameplay footage on 3DS: https://youtube.com/watch?v=w6oWboo9T8Q
  9. Nintendo has shipped 12.6 million Wii U's. Nintendo has sold 57.94 million Nintendo 3DS'. Sold under 4 million last year. Nintendo has sold 101.63 million Wii's. Appears to be discontinued worldwide now.
  10. A fan has recreated SMM on 3DS using the app Petit Computer (SmileBASIC) for 3DS. Sure the physics aren't there, but this is still pretty cool.
  11. So I came across these pictures: It looks like this unit might be our Avatar. That means we get to customize them like we did in Awakening. Also for those wondering how he/she might look like, here's a still from the trailer from the same exact unit! Look at who is talking to the green unit, same exact outfit with different hair. They can't be genderbending, so it shows its customizable. Plus I have a feeling white hair is what they go for default avatars, so it just makes it even more likely. So what do you think?
  12. A cover design I created as to what I think would be included in the game, if they remastered KH3D. I personally think KHchi is the most likely to be included in some form, along side KH3D
  13. Hey guys! Since I am already getting bored with Super Smash Bros since I want to play with people I know, I decided to actually push for the idea of a tournament. It'll be similar to my old Pokémon tournaments if I make it. Remember, I don't need to make it, if someone else wants to make it I will support you to make it! So whaddya say, would you like to see a SSB4 tournament on this site or not? Please answer the polls above! Any recommendations will be great! I want the community to enjoy it, so please if you have any great ideas please let me know. Also know I can be able to make the tournament anytime (as long as I am not busy which is rare or in school which is obviously mandatory). My Thursday is a half day in school and Friday I get out really early so I can definitely make the thread before the weekend so don't feel like you want to give me time since it takes like an hour to make these tournaments and its not difficult at all.
  14. SO! Smash for 3DS is less than a week away from releasing in America, and daily I'll be posting (IMO) the best remade soundtracks of the game!5 Days left: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCZr_eecw4A This song, the remade menu theme from Melee, if you played Melee you probably loved the original version, it never gets old. And then they come with this, this gives me nostalgia when I used to kick my friend's butts with Roy (I was only 6, it was 2007) and also this raises my hype a little too much... But, does it also raises yours?
  15. So I joined long ago something in the Pokemon website and I just recieved an email saying that I have a code to get the Mega-Stone either for Heracross or Pinsir on X & Y (Depends of the game). But I'm not really going to use it cause my Pokemon X's data is corrupt... So should I give it away here? It's not something big but I can't use it, so I thought any of you would want to get it...
  16. I found this on tumblr, be careful, this can happen: So yeah... I know it's not kind of a big deal, but I wanted to tell you this.
  17. The special editon 3DS XL is coming to North America on November 25th the day the game comes out and it will go for $199.99 and I have to say I really wish I could get this because it looks pretty firetrucking sweet but I already pre-order the Wild Card bundle which is nice becuase that comes with the Tarot Cards and other goodies that I don't think comes with this. It will only be exclusive at Gamestop and you can pre-order it now and here is the link of the artical if you want to read about it http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2014/09/10-1/limited-persona-q-3ds-xl-coming-to-north-america
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