I'm in the middle of playing DDD, going to the world map, the game goes to black and that little spinning pink heart to indicate loading, and them bam, whole system freezes up. Home button doesn't work, power button doesn't work, nothing. The only option I think I have is to wait for the battery to run dry, charge it and start it up again.
So has this happened to anyone else, and if so, with this game or other? I'm not sure what caused this, as it's never happened before (and I swear I didn't touch the game card!) I'm worried my 3DS might be damaged, which would be almost literally heartbreaking.
EDIT: Okay, christ, fixed it, holding down the power button for like 10 seconds, making the screen go black but the power light still on, holding the power button for another 10 seconds to shut it down and the powering it on again seemed to fix it. Shit, that was scary. Still, I'd like to know what caused it; the game or just my system? If anyone knows, please, fill me in so I can be prepared next time.