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Found 29 results

  1. Which of the songs from last years Kingdom Hearts Orchestra should return?
  2. What was the best news from D23 2017?
  3. Check out the Recap video in the following link: We’d love to get some feedback!
  4. Okay as the title says, what do you guys think we will see at E3 2017? In my opinion I think we will see a good length trailer and probably a reveal of late 2018 by the end of said trailer. (Which will most likely be delayed to late 2019) How about you guys? What do you think we will see?...
  5. Ah, see, they can have some fun while still doing a darker reimagining of the source material. Also, insert Smash Mouth joke here.
  6. I'm a little late, but since I didn't find a thread already about this, figured I'd make one: I never saw much of the original cartoon, I was more of a Darkwing Duck fan (if I haven't made that clear in the past), but this version looks pretty fun, especially since the big Donald himself...
  7. I hope this is the right place to post this. So, it snowed today. I think around 3AM CT (My time). Did any of you in the US had a snow day today?
  8. Greethings you all keybladers Steeghs is here and i hope you are all ready for what i have to say . 2017 will be the year that i will talk alot about min favorite game series of all. (Its kingdom hearts of course) What you will see for this year is about the following things: topics about the...
  9. Geralt


    Here's to a hopefully better year. Hopefully....
  10. A while back, we found out that Zordon's trusty robot assistant Alpha 5 will be in the movie and will also be voiced by Bill Hader. Now, after getting confirmation of Alpha 5 will sound like, we have confirmation of what Alpha 5 will look like. This design is obviously a big contrast to how...
  11. So with the release of the new screenshots and renders from famitsu, I decided to compare the renders of Mickey and Aqua to their Ps2 era models, to see how they look overall and to see a side by side comparison. Upon comparing them I have to say that my appreciation for the kingdom shader has g...
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