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  1. I’ve always loved Birth by Sleep, but command melding can be a hassle. Constantly checking guides and testing different combinations can take a lot of time. So I built a fusion simulator to simplify the process. What it does: Fusion Simulator – Pick two commands and a crystal to see the result before trying it in the game. Find Recipes – If you are looking for a specific ability or command, this mode shows you exactly how to meld it. I designed the site to match the in-game menu as closely as possible, and it's mobile friendly, so super easy to use on your phones. Try it out here: https://khbbsmelding.com/
  2. Out of the three protagonists, she’s the least involved in the story, and she doesn’t have connection with Xehanort like the other two does. her visits to some worlds, like Dwarf woodlands & Neverland. It felt like filler, she doesn’t have her own exclusive rival like the other two, she doesn’t develop much as a character, her bosses are mostly Rehashed bosses that we already fought using Ven and Terra (fighting Terranort wouldn’t have changed the outcome, cause all it accomplished is her getting trapped in the Realm of Darkness while Terranort is back to Radiant Garden like nothing happens, since he landed there the first time even if Aqua didn’t fight him). Edit: on the bright side, her story in the Realm of Darkness is much better than all of her BBS story.
  3. We know ultimately that it’s all Three Terra, Aqua & Ventus. but Imo It’s Ventus. 1. the Game starts with Ventus as He Dives to the Heart (just like Sora and Roxas), and he’s mainly the Main controllable character in the Prologue. 2. Most artworks of BBS has Ventus sitting in the center 3. The story of Birth by Sleep is mostly about Xehanort wanting to forge The X-blade (Ventus) in order to take control of kingdom hearts. the only reason he even needs a younger body (Terra) is just to make sure he can see his plans come to fruition before his old body gives out. 4. Vanitas and the Unversed came from Ventus, Xehanort tasks Vanitas to spread his Unversed everywhere just to lure Ventus to the outside world, and it also forced Eraqus to send Terra and Aqua to the outside world as well. 5. Ventus has a big connection with Sora and Master Xehanort. 6. He’s at the center of every conflict, everyone is either after him or worried about him. Terra and Aqua trying to protect him, Eraqus is trying to dispose of him for the sake of the world, Xehanort wants him for his big plan, Vanitas wants to fuse with him to obtain the legendary χ-blade. 7. He saves worlds and many people on his journey, and he doesn’t leave any mess behind (similar to Aqua). 8. He Has the most epic flashy cinematic final boss battle among the Wayfinder trio. 9. His heroic sacrifice stopped the X-blade for good. 10. Ventus goes through character development and even faces his obstacles and conquers them, he faces Vanitas and succeeds in destroying the X-blade and ruins Xehanort’s plan (Terra meanwhile does also have some character development in his story, but he fails in conquering his obstacles and gets possessed by the villain and becomes the main antagonist of the Series. and Aqua is like the hero of the trio, but she doesn’t go through a clear character development until the sequel game 0.2, and also in her debuted game she like Terra, failed in conquering her obstacles cause she couldn’t save Ventus from the X-blade, and she let Xehanort roam free with Terra’s body)
  4. Hey, everyone, how's it going!? Happy New Year! It's been more than a hot minute since I was last on here, so I decided to log in to see how things have been! Of course, keeping updated with the Kingdom Hearts news, though things have been quiet as of late! But with the Anniversary steadily approaching, we're sure to be in for a flood of news soon! Anyways, I was listening to some tracks from the series, and then Fate Of The Unknown came up, which is one of my favorite compositions of the franchise! (Seriously, Yoko did something special with this one!) And with that, I felt nostalgic and pulled up the secret ending for Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejYttnAXfEY&ab_channel=TheRoxasXIIIK It's crazy that this is from so long ago yet it still holds up so amazingly well! Remember when we all thought that this was Kingdom Hearts III? When we were all confused as to why Roxas was with two other strangers? So many thoughts and questions rolled in my mind back in the day, and honestly, this still gives me goosebumps every time I watch it! I love how dark it is and that this was basically the endgame for Birth By Sleep years before it released! Birth By Sleep is one of my favorite entries in the franchise, so every time I look at this secret ending, I smile at all the foreshadowing and just the awesome buildup and mystery this brought us during our wait for Kingdom Hearts III! Ah, memories! What did you all think when you saw this secret ending for the very first time?
  5. The next of the side games is the prequel to KH1, Birth By Sleep! I hope you all like it! Instagram: chris.arts5 Twitter: Arcanekeyblade5
  6. So I've tried over and over again to do this but I just can't! And I need to to get the ultimate weapon! So can anybody that has beaten this give me some suggestions on how I can? I can't play multiplayer so that's out! But if there are any go commands, keyblades, techniques, or ect, on how I can beat this then please let me know. I really want to do this before the Kingdom Hearts 2.5 hd remix comes out!
  7. Found this deleted video on YouTube. This kind of feels like KH crossed over with Assassin's Creed. Kingdom Hearts and Assassin’s Creed.mp4
  8. Hey Guys! I was wondering where you guys thought the best places to level up were in BBS. I'm a huge Ventus fan, so I usually level him up by running the length of Neverland over and over! What about you?
  9. What is your favorite handheld installment of Kingdom Hearts?
  10. The darkness comes in many shapes and forms, which antagonistic creature in the Kingdom Hearts series is your favorite?
  11. Hey there, everyone! It's me, Veemon, and I'm finally back, to kick, some, tail! with a brand new game! The objective of the game is for everyone to work together to name as many DIFFERENT characters from the Kingdom Hearts series as we can! From main characters, to heartless, nobodies, unversed, dream eaters, Disney characters, everyone that has appeared in Kingdom Hearts in some way. (This is excluding certain characters that only appeared on things such as the Chocobo on the Metal Chocobo keyblade, etc.) To keep it fair for everyone, and to make the game last the longest, let's limit it to one character per post. Also, if possible, try to avoid repeating characters, since the goal is to name as many different characters as we can. Let me start it off with our main character... Sora! Rock on!
  12. in this terra(or xehanort) says "get out of my heart" and stabs his heart with the keyblade. out of that ansems pet heartless was born. maybe the heartless was terra after all?
  13. Don't think Ventus can count either...
  14. Morning everyone! I hope y'all doing excellent especially we're getting very close to the release day! I'm here for another Countdown and this time one my favorite Keyblade master makes her appearance! Yep that's right Aqua takes the third day spot! Aqua is one of my most favorite characters in the series due to her character design, her personality, and her character arcs in Birth by Sleep and 0.2 Birth by Sleep. Saving is one of my most highlights in Kingdom Hearts 3 and I can't to play it and see how it turns out. Just three more days left!
  15. Hey everyone! Well another Countdown is here! This time Terra will be taking the eleventh day spot. It's gonna to be very interesting Terra again after the mess Master Xehanort put him through. Will his heart be strong enough to take back his body for good this time? Well we got eleven days to find out!
  16. Morning everyone! I hope you're doing great! Well here's another Countdown to Kingdom Hearts 3 picture, and this time it's our favorite sleeping beauty Ventus! I can't wait to see Ven again because ths dude needs to stretch his legs! Lol! But seriously I can't wait to see how Ventus is gonna to wake up in this game. Only ten more days left to find out!
  17. So, I used the Easy Modding Station for Birth By Sleep and installed the Jecht mod for Terra, but the cutscene model didn't work, but now when I try to change it it doesn't change and his face glitches out. Can anyone help?
  18. Okay, So I modded Birth By Sleep Final Mix using the BBS Easy Modding Station 2.3.1 The texture modding works great but for some reason all audio has been cut out. Does anyone know why this happened and how to fix/prevent this?
  19. Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix is an upgraded re-release of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, originally released on the PlayStation Portable exclusively in Japan on January 20, 2011.
  20. Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep is a prequel to Kingdom Hearts originally released on the PlayStation Portable in Japan (January 9, 2010), North America (September 7, 2010), Australia (September 9, 2010) and Europe (September 10, 2010).
  21. "...13 years have passed since the ending of the 2nd Keyblade War...the 7 Guardians of Light, led by Sora had at last vanquished the 13 Seekers of Darkness, led by Xehanort and had restored true equilibrium by locking away the true Kingdom Hearts upon destroying the true Chi-Blade, thus ensuring that neither both Light nor Darkness can reign supreme over one of the other side... However...there will always be those seeking to obtain Kingdom Hearts for themselves and thus, in order to prevent the reconstruction of the Chi-Blade once more, Sora and those that had survived the events of the Keyblade War, himself, Riku, Kairi, King Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Roxas, Lea, Xion, Namine, Ventus, Terra and Aqua had all agreed to create a new "Keyblade Academy" to train future wielders of the Keyblade, should forces of either the Dark or even Light itself attempt to recreate the Chi-Blade for whatever reasons they have in mind...the Keyblade Academy is built in the capital of Light, Radiant Garden, where here, everyone who is allied with Sora, the hero of the last great Keyblade War can keep watch over who is worthy to wield the Keyblade and fight in its name to protect the balance of all things, living and/or otherwise...that which is known...as Kingdom Hearts...the Heart, of all Worlds and people... 13 years have passed...a new generation has taken up the Keyblade and are now prepared to embark on a new adventure the likes of which no one has ever seen before, battling against evildoers that would threaten peace loving citizens, join us, as we see these all brand new Keyblade heroes in action!" Rules: No Godmodding. No Romance above age 12. No Swearing above age 15. The story is set after the events of Kingdom Hearts III, please stay true to the Kingdom Hearts mythology, as much, as possible. Please use proper grammar. To show that you have read the Rules, please type down at the end of your Character Sheets, "Kingdom Hearts Forever.". You can have up to 3 Characters per person each. Have Fun! :]. Character Sheets: Name: Age: Gender: Personality: Appearance: Bio: Weapon: Sub Weapon: Alignment:
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