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Everything posted by craft616

  1. Life is worth living again🙏
  2. HOLY SHIT I firetruckING DID IT FINALLY AFTER 6 HOURS firetruck MF AND firetruck TERRA
  3. i tried the surge strat it doesnt work
  4. bro how the firetruck am i supposed to beat MF
  5. im losing hope theres no way to beat MF as terra his dodge is so firetrucking bad i cant man]
  6. firetrucking all of them i hope whoever made the mf boss got fired
  7. whos the villian that made the secret bosses for bbs
  8. thank god theres no lvl 99 trophy for the characters in bbs that wouldve drove me insane
  9. I got raging storm for aqua is it any good?
  10. thanks im gonna replay thru kh2 then do bbs
  11. Finally I have 100%ed all of the numbered titles of kingdom hearts
  12. for me yea i had to turn off zero defense for saix i was NOT about to fight him with ass defense
  13. the data fights are way harder on beginner with pro codes than standard i was not expecting them to be that hard
  14. thats it i have 100% completed kh1 first tried every phase of ansem except his 3rd phase
  15. im about to fight ansem on proud but first im gonna lvl up to lvl 60 if you guys got any tips please give them
  16. i just did not enjoy it shouldve said that instead of hot garbage
  17. just beat the final boss in ventus story that boss was some hot GARBAGE
  18. Ngl I fought both on standard max lvl with the best items So I can’t say anything about critical
  19. I just beat the lingering will legit My god was he ten times easier than yozora
  20. goofy is my goat i was one shot fighting repliku and he clutched the fight man melted his last hp bar
  21. firetruck the trickster boss fight on recom
  22. I really hope for kh4 sora gets a crazy amount of magic spells
  23. Maybe for sora to come back you have to fight a data version of him as riku Honestly I just want to fight against sora
  24. yea even saw a tweet of him cosplaying sora Here
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