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Everything posted by raiden94

  1. Because you have secret uncertain unconfirmed feelings for DaZ clearly 😔
  2. Man screw you guys i have the bravery to try things 😔
  3. it sounded funnier in my head lol
  4. Is Jesus the Heartless and Muhammad the Nobody?
  5. .... i shouldnt ask this but
  6. so like... I'm confused is the Muslim religion about Allah it Muhammad the guy more? I can't tell- cause it seems 90% of it is upholding the philosophies and practices of the guy, and then sometimes Allah?
  7. Who they themsleves sourced it from here https://www.cbc.ca/radio/tapestry/ramadan-tradition-tv-1.6811096 Here https://gulfnews.com/entertainment/tv/ramadan-tv-your-ultimate-guide-to-the-best-of-the-months-television-programmes-1.1050028 And here https://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/23/weekinreview/ideas-trends-ramadan-nights-traditions-old-fasting-and-new-soap-operas.html
  8. I don't want a lot for Ramadan (except some food).
  9. "Advertisers in the region have considered Ramadan to be comparable to the Super Bowl on U.S. television in terms of impact and importance; the cost of a 30-second commercial in peak time during Ramadan is usually more than double than normal."
  10. This is from the wikipedia:
  11. It also says you're supposed to absolve from bad deeds and stay humble sooooo Muki breaks it every year gotcha
  12. So remind me what do you do for ramadan?
  13. Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Remix
  14. So ignorant of the great happenings of yesteryear...
  15. you like Monster Hunter 🤨
  16. Bro Dragon Ball is cringe lmao
  17. You should see real artists
  18. Why the hell would i buy you tickets to see that jabroni lmao
  19. I know you saw it yesterday but here's the heartless I caught on camera in my neighborhood
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