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Everything posted by scoutness

  1. Sorta, but i was smart and called it off as a "test ticket"
  2. Most people think they can get away with being rude on the internet
  3. By requesting a ticket then saying nothing
  4. What i meant here, is that you can request a "ticket" for speaking to a moderator So you can like Troll a mod
  5. You're not the enemy of society If you walk the right path while a bunch of people oppose you You are the single right person in there No one can challenge that
  6. Funnily enough The KH Server has a tickets system
  7. These people are crazy I'm genuinely, really sorry
  8. Still in copium because they're not gonna be in KH4 Shibuya
  9. I wasn't banned because they didn't have the time to I absolutely would have been banned if i stuck around longer, though It's like jumping off a cliff while flipping a person off
  10. Well, we were all members in there and we did try to be nice, but the people there think arguing with people is healthy, so they actively try to prove you wrong for every sentence you speak Even when you're not trying to be right
  11. But did you tell a mod to firetruck themselves before absolutely getting the firetruck out a second later? I was absolutely feral, man
  12. We actively explained why that server was bad with facts and logic and we got insulted by the people in return lol
  13. Me and other 2 friends of mine from my Roxination left with style, lol
  14. Yeah And i'm also no longer in the KH server I mean I still like KH I just want to stay away from there
  15. I mean He's canonically seen as a pretty too
  16. I am too But i genuinely like Roxas He's relatable
  17. No way he'd let that person touch him The best part of that scene is Roxas's expression Like he just got catfished lmao
  18. Demyx is actually a pretty chill guy
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