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Everything posted by .sora_editz

  1. Yea, which is what I hope KH4 is, a more mature themed story, we can get good character development I was just about to say that
  2. I picture a slightly lower and mature voice, but that's just me
  3. Imagine in KH4 they give Sora a more mature sounding voice
  4. Finished this yesterday, working on more rn
  5. What channel do I post my link to my Sora AI cover?
  6. I finished Sora's Mr. Brightside cover and uploading it I can rest finally :TeriRip:
  7. When it comes to using audios though, they need to be a wav file Not mp3 If you can't find it I can send you the link if you want
  8. Colab, it's a google drive kinda thing with steps telling you what to do
  9. Yea I use a site that converts the vocals to sound like the AI voice I'm using
  10. Not really, just need the vocals only of a song that the AI you're using can handle and going from there Its timing the vocals with the music and fixing errors that's annoying
  11. Listening to it closely on repeat It's mainly the chorus, some parts of the second versw and the ending
  12. Also I noticed out of all the AIs I used to sing In The End, Sora was the most realistic sounding one, he even has the aggressive growl when singing
  13. If I could fit the whole covers that'd be great But discord says no
  14. When I can I'll send part of it like I did for In The End :TeriCube:
  15. I made him sing Robot Boy from Linkin Park as well Ofc it is
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