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Everything posted by dairyprods#0

  1. wait im out of the loop they are actually introducing character bloodlines and ancestry and shit? like for the actual not mobile kh cast? also lemme know if u encounter emphy also lemme know if u encounter ephy i love my boy no homo
  2. your majesty this your majesty that king mickey irl?
  3. is it true in britain yall play kh irl
  4. Guys Knockoff Australia guy has called it
  5. yeehaw yall better git off my property if yall know whats good for yah (loads pistol)
  6. i just can never take it seriously
  7. dutch people are the cool type of rude british rudeness radiates small dick energy
  8. wait no british people are rude and sora isnt that rude
  9. you better show me some gameplay or unless ur not allowed to then i guess dont
  10. i hate to say it but he may be british
  11. ooh yes give me butt hurt cream
  12. mf this is like that sushi place near my house like i order and they go ok and the food like never frickin arrives it arrived after about 1 hour in case you were wondering
  13. Nomura pls give us kh news people are going insane
  14. Haley and David are gonna fight to the death fr fr 🔥🔥🔥
  16. who is excited to play kingdom hearts 4 totally releasing 2025
  17. he tells xehanort that “A real leader knows that destiny is beyond his control and accepts that” basically, authoritarianism bad, civil liberties good and that the world's fate isnt xehanort's to decide just like how whether or not the colonists paid taxes or quartered soldiers isnt the british empire's to decide
  18. sora supports liberal democracy what can i say
  19. find new zealand if u want a small former british colony
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