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Everything posted by dairyprods#0

  1. Idk where are they from 💀 Sowwy
  2. Kh1 Sora is firetrucking precious and I’ll shit on anyone’s porch who says otherwise
  3. Emo ahh kh fans are not that forward thinking
  4. Some guy was complaining about the end game world not being “dark and foreboding” like kh1 and kh2 like bruh that’s what you’re going with KH fandom cannot dodge the emo basement dwelling edgelord stereotype Out of all the things to complain about That’s the one you pick
  5. Gang where get cheap kh plush I wanna enslave Ven
  6. guys i am deeply distressed by the fact in kh3 sora spends more time with rapunzel than with kairi and out of kairi and rapunzel sora dances with exactly one of them and its not kairi
  7. gangsters is organization basically like the IRA they had an original one and then a "real organization" whats next "official organization"
  8. this is embarassing ive gotten more achievements for kh3 than i have for a game i have nearly 300 hours in
  9. 🎶 Uraaaaaanium fever has done and got me down Uraaaaaanium fever is spreadin' all around With a Geiger counter in my hand I'm a-goin' out to stake me some government land Uranium fever has done and got me downnnn 🎵
  10. he mines uranium ore for the us government idk
  11. yeah this tomorrow knight guy clearly grouchy opp!
  12. JULY 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥
  13. 💀💀💀 I love Satan 🗣️🗣️🗣️
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