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Everything posted by dairyprods#0

  1. hi yall whats a pc game thats good
  2. What does this mean for the lore
  3. Gang I’m watching konosuba and there’s a character called Axel and a character called Aqua
  4. Is that racist Guys I am going to play some king dumb hearts numero dos
  5. firetrucking emo ass bitch send this guy back to reality I hate this look
  6. Again it does not matter how good the competition is It only matters if competition is limited By something that’s not how good it is Standard Oil back in the day bought all the oil companies They were a monopoly because no competition was possible Because any competition was bought out It was not because their competitors were dogshit
  7. Exactly and therefore not a monopoly because there is competition
  8. No antitrust suit against Valve will hold But is windows the only option today No
  9. You were forced to use IE essentially And Microsoft deliberately limited competition
  10. It was because every home computer had IE
  11. It was not because the competition was dogdhit
  12. An actual example of a similar monopoly would be Internet Explorer back in the 90s where MS got served a suit
  13. You are claiming valve is a monopoly though My point stands Monopolization cannot be attributed to the competition simply being dogshit
  14. Again it is not a monopoly if the competition is simply dogshit
  15. PlayStation is not a monopoly either
  16. It’s not that there is no market competition, it’s just that market competition is dogshit
  17. Yall need a redefinition of what a monopoly is
  18. Why do they hate dull ordinary boys Are they dull ordinary boyphobic
  19. Holy shit guys the free plane WiFi works
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