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Everything posted by LuciaBlu

  1. I dont know what their security like so I can't tell you
  2. Yeah and maybe Tumblr bots weren't good enough for the task
  3. Of course not, but you can limit it
  4. I mean, wouldn't a lack of security over illegal porn cause damage to their brand? Also wouldn't it scare away investors?
  5. Thank you If you ever give the game a try, lmk. I'll help you out, if you have trouble learning the ends and outs
  6. Yeah elon musk is taking over But besides that, it's a lot better than Tumblr handling with that type of content
  7. I think twitter has a better handle on security On Tumblr those illegal things went through the app filter Which is why they shut it down
  8. Tumblr had illegal nsfw content
  9. Plus, I can see why Tumblr did it
  10. It's not sad if that's the only reason you're visiting
  11. Scaramouche huh? I got nahida this time around, hopefully I can get him on pity I'm glad they didn't change his cocky attitude in the redesign. Me and homies are excited 😊
  12. Tbh, it made me realize I need to branch out to more music
  13. Make sense but also surprise Americans produce more alternative rock than hip hop
  14. I see, there's some good points. As long the game seems fun, has good reception, low bugs, then I'll eventually get to it. I don't think this game will be a masterpiece by any means, but I'm okay buying an okay Sonic experience.
  15. The game hasn't come out yet Like this is something you conclude when you actually play it
  16. I've looked at some gameplay... It actually looks pretty fun, I wasn't going to get it.. but an open world sonic game make sense to me. I'm not sure what you mean by lazy animations, this looks anything about lazy. Also, disconnected rails, floaty islands, weird zones, that's always been sonic design philosophy. The new gameplay they've shown certainly isn't just flat plains, there is vertically like you've been talking about. Also nothing about that screams reused assets, its how sonic always been. There's always going to a bounce pad and rails, it's in practically every sonic game.
  17. What's your issue with the game?
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