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  1. I dont know what their security like so I can't tell you
  2. Yeah and maybe Tumblr bots weren't good enough for the task
  3. Of course not, but you can limit it
  4. I mean, wouldn't a lack of security over illegal porn cause damage to their brand? Also wouldn't it scare away investors?
  5. Thank you If you ever give the game a try, lmk. I'll help you out, if you have trouble learning the ends and outs
  6. Yeah elon musk is taking over But besides that, it's a lot better than Tumblr handling with that type of content
  7. I think twitter has a better handle on security On Tumblr those illegal things went through the app filter Which is why they shut it down
  8. Tumblr had illegal nsfw content
  9. Plus, I can see why Tumblr did it
  10. It's not sad if that's the only reason you're visiting
  11. Scaramouche huh? I got nahida this time around, hopefully I can get him on pity I'm glad they didn't change his cocky attitude in the redesign. Me and homies are excited 😊
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