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Everything posted by Vani_

  1. Vani_

    Fan Art Chat

    How do you dare crushing my heart like this
  2. I've been listening on loop Nightmare by Azari since yesterday so I'm no one to judge you. 24 years old (Is the new Higurashi series good? I only saw the old one) But I'd listen to your counselor if watching horror troubles your sleep, rest is important ❤️
  3. You wish. But you'll have to add one more to the count of obnoxious Vanitas people
  4. Oh, now I get it. Just got to remember my password I'll join tomorrow! I'll go to sleep now, see you very soon
  5. ...? Am I missing something?
  6. OH YEAH FIST BUMP! I knew I wasn't the only one!
  7. Aye! Am I in good company?
  8. For the first one, I don't think I can lie but I'm also not a true hardcore fan: I just liked the movie but I'm not into the animated series nor videogame As for the latter, it won't be a problem, as everybody should know Rikus are great! (*coughs in dark road ending prophecies*)
  9. Hi there to everybody! I'm new around here, and I'd like to make some friends. What's up? Have any suggestion to have a good experience on the forum?
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