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Ventus the Killer 😈

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Everything posted by Ventus the Killer 😈

  1. Was thinking about this too yesterdat, but i am pretty sure subject x is Skuld. The hypothetical conclusion i came up with yesterday is that skuld had siblings that is probably going to have seggs with ephemer.
  2. Props to the community for doing it!! But damn, really hope they do it officially.. It really be hard to get into UX. I think people should complain more about UX’s treatment (the whole X saga really), so at least they would fix this.. I hated the fact that they dare put up a KH guide for beginners and the audacity to put “watch KHUX story from the app” like bruh, which one to watch.. personally, when it’s still airing i use KHInsider playlist which includes X(Chi), and continuation of Unchained X. KHx Playlist by KHInsider
  3. I think KHUx needs to update their theatre mode.. The theatre is so sheeet (pardon me langiage), people that downloaded the app won’t even know where to start.. I wanted to recommend my friend who plays KH games to watch UX but in the state it’s in i couldn’t bring myself to. they should add chronological order option to it or something really, after all what’s the point of offline mode if you don’t even know what to watch.
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