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  1. (KHFM) I have no idea whats next
  2. Hey all, so im still stuck with 4 worlds after completing traverse town
  3. Ah thank you, im really enjoying the game and now i can continue to do so lol
  4. Okay so out of the 3 worlds i have, two are completed
  5. All of the worlds i have available are done Let me check just in case tho gime a sec
  6. Nope all of them have a keyhole symbol which i assume to mean the main story on them is done
  7. And how do i go about that Because like i said it says come back later
  8. So ye, im stuck idk where to go
  9. Nope did that I did all currently available worlds except this one It tells me to come back later
  10. Hey all, im playing khfm, and im stuck, i have no idea how to finish the coliseum world
  11. He actually walks away, doesnt disappear, i just didnt realise
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