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  1. https://tenor.com/view/the-wolf-of-wall-street-clap-clapping-clapping-hands-leonardo-dicaprio-gif-22829304
  2. no you're not my real dad
  3. they're both disgusting
  4. rt though don't let anyone tell you black pudding is bad
  5. well i think it was pig ankle specifically i had, not feet
  6. pig feet aren't bad, just tasted like normal pork to me. ditto for ox ass
  7. natasha lyonne voice cacaroach
  8. cow stomach though? that can firetruck off, disgusting. sheep stomach (haggis) though, that's some good shit
  9. shit's like super tender roast beef
  10. don't diss on the cow tongue
  11. yo cow tongue is firetrucking delicious
  12. i've had chocolate covered crickets before and ngl they weren't bad
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