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Scriptum in lapide

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  1. Hm. Well, her role was to ensure that future keyblade welders would keep existing, so that must have made her a high value target You might be onto something there Well, to ensure there even was a future, for that matter
  2. I've gotta brush up on union cross. The events are a little foggy in my head.
  3. Although I'm sure she's very important to the Mom's plan. Oh? Care to explain? I mightve missed that.
  4. She was given some task that's very vague. It's unclear what's she's doing.
  5. I'm still curious about what she's been up to though.
  6. Mhmm. With the ending of KH3 I believe all the old union leaders will return.
  7. I'm about 95% sure she's the girl that Lea and Isa are obsessed with due to the first secret report from KH3, along with the fact that she's the only union leader that wasn't accounted for in Union Cross' ending.
  8. But now that it seems she's been in Quadratum this whole time, it's looking like it's someone else. Possibly Skuld? I almost wanna say it's someone from Quadratum but crossing into another reality doesn't look simple so it'd bear the question of how they got there... Oh, however I'm completely convinced that the girl Lea and Isa are obsessed with is Skuld. That theory still holds strong. Maybe she's in Quadratum too, and that's why they can't find her. Or she's dead, and is the spirit. Not alot if evidence to go off of there but it's plausable.
  9. I was almost sure that the unnamed spirit Sora talks to in the final world in KH3 was Strelitzia.
  10. So about Strelitzia being in the new trailer...a theory if mine has been for the most part debunked.
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