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Everything posted by CelestiallySinfulxx

  1. I think he looks great tbh I like the translation in style
  2. Toy Box and the Caribbean were masterpieces for sure
  3. Like Nonura has always done a lot for Square, with FFXIV being a hit, now they're turning to Yoshi-P and Soken for stuff They really do need to hire more people
  4. I can't imagine how exhausted Nomura must be Also my friend said Sora really traded his shoes for some air forces 😭
  5. there's valid reasons for the delays - Yoshi-P is also working on 14, and Soken, the musician for both 14 and 16, was battling cancer A lot of people are having multiple things to balance on their plate- 😭😭🤌🏽 I'm dead
  6. Square has quite a bit on their plate tbf
  7. Lingering Will and it looks like darkness, probably has a different effect now that it's an entirely different world?
  8. I would ADORE seeing them have Sora using more of LW's abilities, we were teased with it so much!
  9. Same, I just watched the cutscenes 😭 couldn't afford it at the time
  10. That was confirmed in Melody of Memories that Kairi is training under her
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