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Cellar Door

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Everything posted by Cellar Door

  1. no1likz tom

    1. Tom


      Nah Apprentice hates me :(

    2. TheApprenticeofKingMickey


      I think you're a dickwad but I still like you. So shush. :U

    3. Tom
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  2. we would sit on our computers and uh that's pretty much it
  3. maybe this wasn't a prank on you guys but on kaiso alone because now she can't go to the homepage without crying maybe it is a successful prank after all hhMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM or maybe thats just the unintended side effect WHO KNOWS anyways i enjoyed it it made me laugh tbh
  4. I think this would be a fantastic idea, but the only way to get it implemented into kingdom hearts is we need to steal the declaration of independence @shana I don't mean to be a grammar freak but I think that you ought to know " =.= " is not in the dictionary.
  5. lol im not angry im pointing out how silly it is.
  6. just having like 5986456345 threads on one page in random? is that cool now? im genuinely curious since last time i checked it was just obnoxious but if it's cool now i guess i'd better get cracking
  7. we don't remove them ourselves for anyone unless they were wrongly warned, you're mistaked about that. and points accumulating doesn't mean we band you. if you double posted four times and have four warnings from that we dont say "oh they have four warnings ban them". we look at what they're for. now, if there are like 8 or so warnings for something minor like double posting, then yes, you will probably have a one day or so ban, because at that point you're just ignoring us. no reason to get so worked up. and yeah, we don't automatically give warnings, especially not for first offenses. i personally with smaller things send reminders and only up warnings after the first (or depending on what it is, second) offense.
  8. im not american and i know the americans joining wwii was in fact a major turning point/the us had a lot of involvement and anyone that disagrees needs to go back to history class. and how could it be not MAJOR involvement if it was really only the americans that secured pacific? europe wasn't the only part of the WORLD WAR. you can't say any country had the MOST involvement sure, but the states did not have less than MAJOR involvement.
  9. yeah no americans died for europe at omaha clearly america did nothing and its not like the american troops secured the pacific islands and japan
  10. every one of these reasons are absolutely 100% true and are all definitely reasons why america is great YEAH AMERICA!
  11. i spend so much time training for the day i assume the batman mantle but i still find time
  13. ACIII in america. we're going to write the declaration of independence. then we're going to steal it

  14. the invisible children organization is a fraud organization. whether or not kony is still alive, the war and the lra are real, but the invisible children do nothing to stop it. there are real organizations in africa that do their best to take action and the invisible children organization doesn't donate to them, they are donating to an army that can't cross over borders and therefore can't go and stop the lra since the lra is NOT IN UGANDA and has not been FOR YEARS. there were only three people from uganda interviewed; two politicians and one civilian. they have not been attacked recently by him. uganda is one of the few countries in that area of africa with a stable central government, so the lra is focusing on the surrounding countries instead. these children ARE NOT INVISIBLE and by claiming that they are you are erasing their voices. if you are not willing to listen to them, do not speak for them. i have no doubt you all have the sincerest intentions, but please understand that the organization you are supporting is not the greatest organization.
  15. "there's no racism in america." said the white man
  16. you guys wanna tinychat?

  17. it could also mean they're continuing a storyline by making a sequel like lots of game creators do, but hey.
  18. "LOL THATS FUNNY GOOD ONE" said the white kids
  19. i keep a tab of my profile open at all times for le jamz

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