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Chronic Tumor

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Everything posted by Chronic Tumor

  1. ...I think I quit. jkjk I still have today to work on something
  2. why do you stretch images? It makes me cry for hours
  3. http://www.afforums.com/forums/image.php?u=5164&type=sigpic&dateline=1189100498
  4. How does food coloring work on ice?
  5. I'm afraid that if I get a twitter people will stalk me and rape me
  6. Sperm is frozen at the sperm bank (i think)
  7. So anyway I saw a really old Pepsi dispenser machine and I wanted to take it home but there wasn't any room in the truck and it wasn't my truck and I really don't want to drive 2 hours to go get it in my truck
  8. You're such moderators Howassuage
  9. I wonder if there are outtakes.....
  10. When kids shows have men in spandex or tight pants and he gets an erection, do they have to wait for it to go down before they can resume filming?
  11. Am I making good stuff again?
  12. How does the Axel Roxas relationship become akuroku?
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