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Chronic Tumor

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Everything posted by Chronic Tumor

  1. Can you look for new Kingdom Hearts news for us:P:P? you guys need a writer or just more news?
  2. There really isn't a section for this so I guess I'll post it here. Here's some of my latest creations. Before you critisize it, I had to make it using mainly text, a phone, and only a texture as a background. I stretched the rules a bit but the background on each phone is the same, just different hue Made in the same style. Made this for my roommate
  3. aaaaaawww There goes my excitement for tonight
  4. I'm not very happy with it, so it's a FIRST DRAFT http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png Just trying to show you what I'm trying to do. If you want me to focus on one member, or one character let me know.
  5. I'll make one........ ...... ............eventually EDIT: Working on it now. It's friggin hard to make a collage with all 13 members May or may not have something by wednesday
  6. Coincidentally, I'm behind on updating that site by about four days But they know I'm too bogged down with school work. I can't wait for the semester to be over. I get my acoustic guitar, FINALLY
  7. Sounds like something I'd like to experience. But I'm too dumb to learn all the Members' names
  8. Ok so I have some duties on another site But when I saw the need to do those duties I was busy with programming work. So I decided I would do it when I was done. Three hours later I still was not done. Now, I could have done it in about 10, 15 minutes tops, but I didn't feel like it. So...ever have one of those moments where you just don't want to do something?
  9. What's up folks? I'm a tumor and I'm here to pollute your minds and souls provided you have blueberry muffins.
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