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Chronic Tumor

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Everything posted by Chronic Tumor

  1. Was that supposed to be clever?
  2. oh my gosh you added a watermark
  3. I want to be nice and just ignore this thread, but that wouldn't be like me at all. THe renders are bad. THe effects are poor. The blending is awful. I don't know what you're trying to accomplish.
  4. nothing has changed I updated my twitter backgroudn this year I think I don't actually know :
  5. The trick is not to let the tip hit the back of your throat. Tilt your head for a better angle
  6. Does your girlfriend let you talk to strangers?
  7. I lift the hem of my wizard robe and expose the shaft of my long, thick wizard staff and quiver as the powerful sensations rise to my breaking point, white shards of light coming out of every orifice. I grip my staff firmly and pound it on the ground with the force of an elephant.
  8. Stop being a sock full of genetic fluids I can vouch for this. Sometimes I type out long texts to a friend who has told me that I can always talk to him about anything, but sometimes I don't send it because all I need is to get the mind waste out in the open
  9. Ask questions. Like "How much do I have to put out to get a raise?" "Can I tease some customers for tips?"
  10. gurl don't you even front. Witcha brows and lashes you're the girl, gurl!
  11. red red red red, blue blue blue blue, RoxSoxKH, contained all that I blew

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