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Chronic Tumor

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Everything posted by Chronic Tumor

  1. It's like those circle signs where you have to read the inside then the outside
  2. Who rates threads? What loooooosers.
  3. Played with fonts and styles and backgrounds And my favorite of the bunch:
  4. Anime is like pregnancy. You have to slave over it and take care of it for 9 months before anything is finished.
  5. If you don't calm down I'll break your neck.
  6. http://iamalmostbear.tumblr.com/
  7. Does random photography count?
  8. I once yelled at a woman smoking twelve cigarettes at once. Well, it was only one, but still.
  9. Most of the avatars I use (on this site and others) are ridiculous
  10. ohh, havent been with a woman lately? poor you:( OMG YOU TOO?
  11. :heart::heart: You were a cute baby! I love the hat That was the best hat :cool:
  12. i doubt a c-cup is small. I'm an ignorant child and your letters mean nothing to me
  13. Knock twice, lift left leg, scream "I REQUEST PERMISSION TO ENTER THY LAIR" Once you hear a horn sounding from within, you must blindfold yourself and tango throughthe door (partner optional) (broken door = bonus points)
  14. I knew how to use it, I just don't like using it.
  15. This thread was totally staff only (aside from my first post) and then it was ruined. Is there a button for strikethrough? Then I'm not using it
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