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Chronic Tumor

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Everything posted by Chronic Tumor

  1. Which is strange because last week it was 40 degrees I'm brightening this section up. Because I was naked today and I'm a pasty white boy and you could see the reflection
  2. D: Why did I change the background colors? Now it looks like barf ):
  3. You really don't know anything, do you. He/Hillary Clinton would publicly be shocked and horrified and would say that they would be striking back, but all they would do would amount to slapping the write of SK.
  4. Now let's smother your nekkid body in cream and let me lick it off.
  5. But wouldn't the freedom be amazing!
  6. I don't remember people by throwing away money on things to be left on the ground. I remember them by remembering them.
  7. Little do you know I happen to be riddled with it People? I thought you cared for me ):
  8. But I've never experienced Naked before and I don't know how much I'll like it.
  9. Justice to me is katana-raping his ass and papercutting him with my caught cards D:
  10. What will the dead do with all these non-biodegradable object you keep giving them
  11. If you didn't create it this thread belongs in Random.
  12. way to go! you blended 27 images on top of each other and it looks great!
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