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Chronic Tumor

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Everything posted by Chronic Tumor

  1. I'm suddenly quite proud of my penis
  2. The authorities are hiding on your driveway. You can't see them because you're on the internet
  3. That sounds like a website that compiles names and ip addresses. No thanks
  4. I didn't ask to share your personal life, I'm just complaining on the interblag
  5. You misunderstand. I don't care about your personal lives.
  6. Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up In the morning when the day is new?
  7. Liraxus, May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of you, and may your arms be to short to scratch!
  8. 1: Do you like to read? ye 2:What type of books (Genres)? Fiction, fantasy, mystery, science fiction 3: Do you like most of them? Usually 4:Whats your fav book/series? Ender's Game, Ender's Shadow, The Dark Tower, Airman 5:Are you a fast reader? I s'pose
  9. put on my robe and wizard hat :cool:
  10. I dunno what it it, but lately I don't have much desire to do much. I just get on my laptop to troll a few sites and chat with some friends. I need a cuddly playmate (gender not an issue) to help keep me up to date with manga, anime, tv, movies, and to get me out of the house for some playtime. But alas, you're all miles and countries away from me ):
  11. I'm going to make a video and answer all these questions so keep asking!
  12. I let the staff have their way with me
  13. I'm totally turned on right now. I'll have to start reading it
  14. I need to answer 100 questions for a project of mine. No questions are off limits so ask away. Just post a question.
  15. I've ruined your body's automated functions
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