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Chronic Tumor

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Everything posted by Chronic Tumor

  1. I recently described my hatred of your thread title
  2. So what's he's done is worse than saying "I drugged you and raped you while you were unconscious and now you're carrying my child"?
  3. ...I'm tempted to downloadtry it out
  4. 51: Your trolling is useless for we have a Tumor already, and he is a gentleman.
  5. *snort* Yes, I know what you are saying.
  6. I thought you were transferring schools.
  7. High school ended forever ago, maaaaan Like two years ago.
  8. Thanks. I'll never be able to look at it the same way again
  9. This thread is just that much more amazing because the person responsible for the creation of this thread doesn't get it.
  10. I don't want to be a futa ;A;
  11. It climbed up it's web (from that mirror to the top of my door) and was somewhere on the top of my car, so I drove down the road going 40.
  12. It's as big a surprise to me as it is to you. I thought I was male, but you internet gurus say I'm female.
  13. http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/kyohax/IMG_0205.jpg I didn't realize it was on my mirror until I was sitting in the driver's seat.
  14. Despite what my profile says, I'm totally female.
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