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Chronic Tumor

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Everything posted by Chronic Tumor

  1. Note: Not manga, so read left to right
  2. No one cares that I need/want a gay platonic relationship with a cute guy?
  3. I need a Wallace figure in my life. I need a Roxas to compliment me as Sora Well, maybe not need, but it'd be great.
  4. So you just woke up realizing you weren't pregnant or what? Can I realize that I'M pregnant?
  5. My account is unique in the fact that you guys think you're hurting me slash bringing me down by giving me positive rep to project your negative views of me. I can't believe you guys still think I care about forum reputation. Awesome. 8)
  6. Sounds like your friend just wants ****-buddies. I have no experience in this situation so I'm no help.
  7. I've been driving for 4 years.
  8. If you're not willing to pay for it then don't. [/problem]
  9. edit: nevermind, she's still jailbait. Unless she's vietnamese......
  10. I was about to post something. Then I didn't. Wait.... OH SHI-
  11. Just keep some high hopes. High hopes. High apple pie, in the sky hopes. A problem's just a toy balloon They'll be bursting soon They're just bound to go POP! Oops there goes another problem kerplop.
  12. I crap myself in disgust every time I think/listen to Nickelback.
  13. Doesn't matter. The players don't pay the bill.
  14. are you sure you're a guy? /: *pulls on waist of jeans* Mostly sure. Why?
  15. I assume everyone is male until I decide I care enough to see what you declared your gender to be.
  16. Well, there were 5 guys in my house (and my sister) Great night.
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