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  1. ur partners right tho. vanitas peak gender
  2. kh3 is the best of all 3, but i still dont enjoy it
  3. like in kh1 you couldnt dodge iirc and i hated it
  4. its been in each numbered title, so when we're talking about things in kh4, i would not mind leaving it out lmao i just dont like swimming mechanics in general. also the swimming part of xehanorts fight on the procodes kept kicking my ass
  5. i could see it both ways. no bc we just had toy story in kh3, yes because we just had toy story kh3
  6. i also hate the swimming so if we can leave out atlantica for once i would be fine
  7. I like the design but i hated the mechanics
  9. i just dont wanna be an animal again. no more lion king
  10. one world i would like to see again is BH6 but thats bc BH6 is like. my favorite disney movie of all time now so im biased
  11. oh that wolf was an ass. especially on my procode run
  12. corona was great, which shows me that they CAN do cool things for the newer disney worlds. but they just made frozen the worst and then redid the entire let it go sequence
  13. also if the disney stuff can be integrated into the plot more i just wanted to see elsa's castle and explore arendale, and i spent most of the time on an undisclosed snow mountain and in an ice maze
  14. I wanna see summons from some of the newer disney movies, like coco or raya maybe. but NOT frozen.
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